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|Sri Varaha| Inaugrating SJC- Singapore

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Dear Sarajit,


Hare Rama Krishna!


Congratulations! and it is quite heartening to see the

organisation go to quite some places and grow

spreading the light of divine knowledge. I have just

come back from Chennai after a long vacation (away

from the hectic schedule in the Ministry). Will

write/chat later. May Lord Jagannath shower His







--- Sarajit Poddar <sarajit wrote:

> || Jaya Jagannath ||

> Dear Jyotisha,


> 13th of this month is a very auspicious day and

> known as Guru Purnima. I was thinking that, its time

> to inaugrate SJC- Singapore. After I have landed in

> Singapore, I have been meeting some of you on a one

> to one basis. Only last Sunday, we had a group

> meeting. I wish we can meet frequently and make our

> discussion group grow.


> I have chosen a muhurtha, please let me know what

> you think about it. You all can give your choice of

> Muhurthas too... I am giving my comments on the

> muhurtha chart...


> +--------------+

> | |HL |Ra |Su Ve |

> | | | |Sa |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Ma AL | |Me Ju |

> | | |GL |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Rasi |-----------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Mo |As Ke | | |

> | |Md Gk | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> +--------------+

> |Ve | | |Su |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |As Ma | |Ke GL |

> |Ju Md | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

> |Sa Ra | |Me |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |AL |Gk |Mo |HL |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> Muhurtha- SJC- Singapore



> July 13, 2003

> Time: 16:48:00

> Time Zone: 8:00:00 (East of GMT)

> Longitude: 103 E 51' 00 "

> Latitude: 1 N 17' 00 "

> Altitude: 0.00 meters


> Lunar Year: Subhanu

> Lunar Month: Ashadha

> Tithi: Pournimasya (48.94% left)

> Weekday: Sunday

> Nakshatra: PSha (44.00% left)

> Yoga: Vaidhriti

> Karana: Bava

> Hora Lord: Mercury


> Sunrise: 7:07:04

> Sunset: 19:13:30

> Janma Ghatis: 24.2059



> Analysis of the Muhurtha Chart



> The Lagna is placed with Spiritual Ketu with the

> another lagna lord Mars, placed in the 4th house of

> Learning, showing the focus of the group shall be on

> learning. There is a mutual aspect of Mars and

> Jupiter causing strong Guru- Mangala yoga, which

> shows that the learning shall be aided by strong

> logic and reasoning and finally lead to wisdom.


> Mercury, the karaka of learning is placed with the

> karaka of wisdom Jupiter, showing that the learning

> shall take us to the objective of attaining wisdom

> indicated by Jupiter. Mercury and Jupiter, two

> strongest benefics are placed in the 9th house of

> dharma, fortifying the dharma bhava very highly,

> which is required for institution like ours.


> There is a exchange between Jupiter and Moon,

> causing a very strong Gajakeshari yoga, which shows

> that the mind would be fertile and can imbibe the

> learning much easily. This is also giver of fame as

> Jupiter aspects AL. The best thing is that the 5th

> lord Jupiter and Karaka for 5th too, is well placed

> in the 9th house, showing that the students the

> institution would be getting would be very wise.


> The things which I didn't like is placement of 3

> malefics in the 4th and 8th houses. It is said that

> in the muhurtha horoscope, there should not be any

> malefics in the 4-8-12 houses, the sukha trikona,

> otherwise there would be lot of misery in the path

> of fulfiling the onjective of the muhurtha. However

> the evil is countered to some extent as Jupiter

> aspects the 4th, however 8th is still afflicted and

> threaten longevity. All depends on the power of

> Mercury to save the house and Mercury is well placed

> with Jupiter and strongly placed in the Navamsa

> (Exchange between Sun and Merc). More to this, Ketu

> in the Lagna is known to cause health problems...

> But Mars would save from this...



> Rahu is the AK, and is placed in the 7th house

> (house of Shiva Lingam- knowledge) and in 12th (in

> Capricorn- moksha) in Navamsa. The Ista devata is

> shown by Jupiter who indicate lord Jagannath

> (Mahavishnu) to be the ista devata of the group. I

> chose the aquarius Navamsa Lagna because of presence

> of Guru Mangala Yoga in the Lagna, with the Ista

> devata supporting it. This is a big boost to the

> knowledge gain in Jyotish and other shastras, for

> which we are formalising the group as an

> istitution.This is also aided by Sun in the 5th

> house and Moon in the 9th house, which shall aid in

> learning Vedanta and Samkhya.


> However, trouble with the Navamsa Lagna is that, the

> focus might shift to the 2nd house affairs (from

> Karakamsa, Lagnamsa is placed in the 2nd house),

> i.e., money. as the dhanakaraka too strongly placed

> in the horoscope. However, given the positive things

> of this Lagnamsa, I would not like to lose out

> because of one thing...



> Analysis of the Panchanga:

> ------------

> 1. Weekday (Fire- Longevity) - Sunday - Sun: Sun is

> placed in the 8th house, however, vargottama and the

> dispositor is well placed in the rasi and navamsa.

> There could be some intial threats to the longevity

> of the group, however, this can be overcome later

> due to blessings of Jup and Mercury.


> 2. Tithi (Jala- Prosperity) - Purnima - Saturn -

> Saturn is well placed in the 8th, but with enemy

> Sun, however well placed in the Navamsa. We can have

> decent prosperity.


> 3. Nakshatra (Vayu- Experiences) - Purva-Ashadha -

> If I take myelf as the initiator of this group, then

> my Navatara Chakra can be used. My Janma Tara is

> Anuradha and this nakshatra falls in Kshema or

> well-being. If I take the Lagna nakshatra as my

> Janma Tara (for more planets in Kendra to Moon),

> then this nakshatra falls in Sampat or wealth. In

> both count, this is a good nakshatra. The nakshatra

> lord Venus is placed in the 8th house of Occult,

> which is good. However, there could be some bitter

> experiences because of the enemity of Sun and

> Saturn.


> 4. Yoga (Akasha- bonding) - Vaidhriti- (Meaning: A

> class of Gods) - Jupiter: Jupiter is exalted in the

> 9th house, showing excellent bonding among fellow

> students.


> 5. Karana (Earth- Accomplishment)- Bava- Sun: This

> is a chara-Karana and shall be good for

> accomplishing the objectives of the formation of

> this group. Sun although not very well placed in

> the Rasi chart, but well placed in the Navamsa and

> is vargottama, indicating that there shall be

> accomplishments regarding the objectives of the

> group, i.e., wrt occult studies.


> Astakavarga

> ----------------------------

> Sixth house is strongly placed showing that the

> motive

=== message truncated ===



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