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REMINDER SIGN UP NOW West Coast Weekend course Aug 23-Aug 24th in Silicon Valley ,Calif also relationship seminar

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West Coast Weekend course Aug 23-Aug 24th in Silicon Valley ,Calif


Jaya Jagannatha!

Dear Jyotisha,

Please find info on West Coast seminar that follows The annual SJC-USA west coast conference being held in Sunnyvale,at Sheha Banquet room, near San Jose airport.Aug 17th - Aug21th. You can sign up for day rate if you cant attend the whole conference.Please write if you need more info please write laksmi_k

or call me:(707)485-7637 (please call back if you dont hear from me)

If you want or need a room mate to share motel costs let me know.

For main conference schedule of classes please go to http://srath.com/conf/2003w_sch.htm

This is a learning experience, regardless of skill level even beginners will advance in big leaps by attending these conferences.Everyday the gurus will have time to help each student with questions.

You will receive valuable handouts for each class.

I sure hope you can try and make at least a few days,last year was wonderful,I met many wonderful people from all over the globe, and I learned more in that short period than in many years of individual study.

Dont be shy,be with us for an extrodinary experience in Vedic Astrology.

With Best Wishes,

Lakshmi devi


DONATION:Main conference $200., or $45. day rate.

Relationship seminar $100, .or if you are enrolled in the main conference or attending other east coast events its only $50.

There are only 20 seats available for the 'Relationship' seminar with Sanjay,Shiv Pujan and Robert Koch, so please book your seat if you plan to attend.

SPEAKERS: PT.Sanjay Rath,with Shiv Pujan,Sarabani Sarkar(India),Visti Larsen(denmark),Phyl Chubb(canada),Narasimha Rao,Narayan Iyer,Robert Koch,Dr. Brendan Feeley,Freedom Cole(yoga)

TOPICS: See below and/or visit www.srath.com for more details also sjc web site www.srijaganntha.org

This location is in the heart of Silicon Valley,about 5 miles from the San Jose airport- there are many many motels in the area, if you need help with that let me know, I have a list of motels and some prices of close by motels.We will have one group accomadations accross the street at Marriots - it will run about $35. a night.Has seperate rooms,stove, frig etc.

There are also many veg Indian restaurants along with stores etc in the vicinity.If you wont have a car we will see what we can do for you.

You can pay by pay pal(credit card),western Union,or postal money order or

check(make it out to "vedic arts publications-sjc account")and mail it to me:

Lakshmi Kary

P.O.Box 144,

Redwood Valley,

Calif 95470


I have B.V.Raman books left as well as Sanjay and Narasimhas etc. here so if you need any books let me know.









Session I

Session II

Session III

Session IV

Session V







0900 - 1030













Invocation & Prayers


Âtmakâraka definition


Âtmakâraka in Râúi/amúa


Karaka Kendrâdi daúâ


Class work




Narasimha Rao


Sanjay Rath


Sanjay Rath


Visti Larsen


SJC Gurus







Karma & Self realization



Drig daúâ


Case studies


Class work




Freedom Cole


Robert Koch


Robert Koch


Robert Koch


Robert Koch


SJC Gurus







Shadripu, Trimúamúa and obstacles to spirituality






Class work




Freedom Cole


P.V.R.Narasimha Rao


Sanjay Rath


Narayan Iyer


SJC Gurus







Tatva, Doúa- Ayur

Jyotiúa foundation


Disease: Cause &



Sapta Loka & Tala


The Kundalinî


Class work




Freedom Cole


Brendan Feeley


Brendan Feeley


Sanjay Rath


Robert Koch


SJC Gurus







Counseling & Spiritual



Past Birth: Úaútyâmúa






Future Agenda




Robert Koch


Phyllis Chubb


Narasimha Rao


Robert Koch


Shiv Pujan


Sanjay Rath



Subject : WEST COAST LINK----West Coast Weekend course Aug 23-Aug 24th in Silicon Valley ,Calif

West Coast Seminar-(Seating to this seminar is limited to 20 students.)

In Sunnnyvale,Calif 23-24 August, 2003 ..contact Lakshmi Kary at laksmi_k

23 Aug 2003: Relationships

Forenoon: Visti Larsen (8.00 – 10.00 AM) and Sanjay Rath (10.30 AM - 1.00 PM) speak on the meaning and definition of relationship(s) in personal life including opposite sex, spouse, parents & elders, children, servants & pets, In-laws, co-born and the entire social structure.

Afternoon: Sanjay Rath speaks on Understanding relationships with subordinates and seniors, teachers etc. Change in relationships due to time and events, and timing heartbreaks etc.

24 Aug 2004: Extra-marital relationship

Forenoon:Visti Larsen and Robert Koch (8.00 – 10.00 AM) explains the paradigm for judging extramarital relationships using the Darapada & Upapada in Rasi and Navamsa. Sanjay Rath (10.30 AM - 1.00 PM) explains principles involving relationships outside ‘marriage’, Bigamy and adultery – social norms, various options.

Afternoon: Shiv Pujan and Robert Koch (2.00 – 4.00 PM) explains the intricacies involved and the subtle differences in various case studies to bring out the above principles. Trimsamsa effects and diseases caused by libidinous behavior. Sanjay Rath (4.00 – 5.00 PM) offers some challenging tests.


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