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RE: Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)

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Dear Visti,

The shloka from you have quoted from Sarvartha Chintamani does not have any anamoly in line 1 and 2 as implied in the commentary.

Line one says that Lagna with a malefic in it and aspected by more than one malefic or with Rahu/ketu conjunct with the malefic. Line two says that alternately such Lagna should contain more than one malefics (presumably with Rahu/ketu conjunct. There being no contradiction, why should Vighati Lagna should be presumed.

Chapter 9 shloka 2 of Saravali says,


zI;aeRdye ivl¶e mU×aR àsvae=Nywaedye cr[E>,

çérñodaye vilagne mürdhnä prasavo'nyathodaye caraëaiù |

%Éyaedye c hStE> zuɆòe zaeÉnae=Nywa kò>.2.

ubhayodaye ca hastaiù çubhadåñöe çobhano'nyathä kañöaù ||2||

This translates to "If the janmalagna is shirshodaya then the child comes out head first, if Prushtodaya then with feet first and if Ubhayodaya then it is born hand first. The birth is with ease if lagna is aspected by Shubha Grahas and with difficult if Papa Grahas aspect it."

This translation is by Dr.Muralidhar Chaturvedi,both a Jyotishaachaarya and Ph.D. in Sanskrit who teaches at Sanskrita University VaraaNasi. So ther should be no reason to presume ignorance of jyotish or Sanskrit here. He has taken Vilagne to mean Lagna only and not Vighati lagna. Perhaps narasimha Raoji or Sanjayji would like to comment.




Visti Larsen [vishnu]Monday, July 14, 2003 12:11 AMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


|Vyam Vyaasadevaaya Namah|Dear Chandrashekhar,The assumption about Vi-lagna meaning a malefic sign, can't be right, when we look indepth at some slokas by the various seers. The problem is the aphorisms, or 'sms' language which is used. Vi-Lagna is best understood as the Vighati Lagna. Infact there are many other names given for the various lagnas. Take 'Nadi Lagna'. Unless you read the calculations given for the same in Chandra Kala Nadi, you will mistake this for the Nadiamsa Lagna, however its really the Ghati Lagna.

Infact many authors due to their lack of knowledge about the various Lagna's, have openly admitted to translating vi-lagna, as 'the lagna'.

Heres a reproduction from Sarvath Chintamani which should remove our doubts. You need the Sanskrit 99 font to read it.


l¶ spape b÷pap†òe ra÷Xvja_ya< sihtew vaÇ,

pap¢ha[a< tu ivl¶Ée jatae nrae nalinveiòta<g>.47.

lagna sapäpe bahupäpadåñöe rähudhvajäbhyäà sahitetha vätra|

päpagrahäëäà tu vilagnabhe jäto naro nälaniveñöitäìgaù||47||


"If malefics occupy the lagna, and many malefics aspect the lagna or if Rahu or Ketu is there, or if the Vilagna contains too many malefic planet, the native is enveloped in the cord."


Now, if we interpretate Vilagna as 'malefic lagna' the great Jyotishi - Vyankatesh Sharma is merely repeating himself, by first stating that the lagna must be occupied by malefics, and then saying; "or the lagna of a malefic sign must be occupied by many malefics".

To average Jyotishi's he would sound out of his mind, surely he isn't talking about the normal lagna. This is just one example i found where both lagna and vilagna are mentioned simeultaneously. There are many more.

I hope this satisfies your doubt.


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Tuesday, July 08, 2003 8:25 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Drekkana and Body Parts

Dear Visti,Could it also not mean that the Lagna has t be of Malefic Rasi?Regards,Chandrashekhar.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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|Vyam Vyasadevaaaya Namah|Dear Chandrashekhar,

My reasoning for the anomaly, is because the logic appeals to a 5 year old, and not Jyotishi's of the day. Why should Vyankatesh Sharma repeat the criteria of malefics occupying the lagna? The 2 parts of the sloka are different no doubt, but the meaning becomes the same, if we translate this as Lagna instead of Vighati Lagna.


Taking the logic of Dr. Chaturvedi, approximately half of the people born during a day would be suffer the difficult birth of being born with the feet first. Infact it also goes to assume that within 2 hrs time the children are born exactly the same way. Again this makes me tick, as this can't be right... Unless the reference is to Adhana/Nisheka Lagna, however i've seen such slokas repeated before in reference to Jataka Lagna.


Take this sloka from Varahamihira:


%dyaefupyaeVyRyiSwte guÞya< papinrIi]te yme,

AilkikRyute ivl¶ge saEre zItkrei]te=vqe.10.

udayoòupayorvyayasthite guptyäà päpanirékñite yame|

alikarkiyute vilagnage saure çétakarekñite'vaöe||10||


Prof PS Sastri translates:

"Saturn occupying the 12th house from lagna or moon, if aspected by a malefic planet denotes birth in a prison. Saturn occupying either cancer (karka) or scorpio (ali) in lagna denotes birth in a pit etc (underground)."



The 2nd part of the sloka is most interesting, and i'm sure a big number of people will prove the 2nd part wrong - i.e. saturn in cancer or scorpio and in lagna. Whilst if we translate this to Vighati Lagna, the translation is more sensitive towards time, and hence also much more rare.



To add, here are my notes from Prithuyasa's Shatpanchasika (literally 56), specifically the chapter on lost objects:




lost (nasta), discovery (praapti), chapter (adhyaaya).

â€Chapter on the Discovery of lost objectsâ€.


iSwraedye iSwraMze va vgaeRÄmgte=ip v,

iSwt< tÇEv tdœÔVy< SvkIyenEv caeirtm!.1.

sthirodaye sthirämçe vä vargottamagate'pi va|

sthitaà tatraiva taddravyaà svakéyenaiva coritam||1||

fixed rising sign (sthirodaye), fixed navamsa (sthiraamse), either (vaa), or any best division/same rasi and navamsa (vargottama’api).

Resides (sthitam), either in that place (tatrai-va) , the object (taddravyam), own ??? (svakiyenaiva), stolen (chorita).

If the lagna is in a fixed rasi or navamsa, or the lagna is in vargottama, the object resides within the boundries of the house and has been stolen by a relative.


It the lagna is neither vargottam, nor in a fixed rasi nor navamsa, the object has been stolen by others. This is in agreement with Bhattotpala’s commentary.


AaidmXyavsane;u Ôe:kanae;u ivl¶t>,

Ördeze twa mXye g & haNte c vdeÃenm!.2.,

ädimadhyävasäneñu dreñkänoñu vilagnataù|

dvaradeçe tathä madhye gåhänte ca vadeddhenam||2|||

begining, middle and end (ädimadhyävasäneñu) drekkana (dreñkänoñu) vighati lagna (vilagnataù).

Doorway/threshold (dvaradese), thus/in this mannor (tathaa), middle (madhye), sub/last part of home (grhaante), and (ca), should be predicted/spoken (vadeddhenam).

If the Vighati Lagna is in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd part, the object is hidden in the beginning, middle or last parts ot the home respectively.


This is a reference to the previously mentioned sloka – i.e. should be applied when Lagna or Lagnaamsa is fixed or vargottama lagna rises. If we are to infer that the reference is to Lagna, instead of Vighati Lagna, then all Vargottama Lagna's in Movable, Fixed and Dual signs, would occupy the 1st, 2nd and 3rd parts of the propperty respectively


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Sunday, July 13, 2003 10:13 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

The shloka from you have quoted from Sarvartha Chintamani does not have any anamoly in line 1 and 2 as implied in the commentary.

Line one says that Lagna with a malefic in it and aspected by more than one malefic or with Rahu/ketu conjunct with the malefic. Line two says that alternately such Lagna should contain more than one malefics (presumably with Rahu/ketu conjunct. There being no contradiction, why should Vighati Lagna should be presumed.

Chapter 9 shloka 2 of Saravali says,


zI;aeRdye ivl¶e mU×aR àsvae=Nywaedye cr[E>,

çérñodaye vilagne mürdhnä prasavo'nyathodaye caraëaiù |

%Éyaedye c hStE> zuɆòe zaeÉnae=Nywa kò>.2.

ubhayodaye ca hastaiù çubhadåñöe çobhano'nyathä kañöaù ||2||

This translates to "If the janmalagna is shirshodaya then the child comes out head first, if Prushtodaya then with feet first and if Ubhayodaya then it is born hand first. The birth is with ease if lagna is aspected by Shubha Grahas and with difficult if Papa Grahas aspect it."

This translation is by Dr.Muralidhar Chaturvedi,both a Jyotishaachaarya and Ph.D. in Sanskrit who teaches at Sanskrita University VaraaNasi. So ther should be no reason to presume ignorance of jyotish or Sanskrit here. He has taken Vilagne to mean Lagna only and not Vighati lagna. Perhaps narasimha Raoji or Sanjayji would like to comment.



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Dear Visti,

As you are convinced that Vilagne means Vighati Lagna I would not try to convince you otherwise.Neither am I capable of language used by you. However let me point out that about the Shloka in Brihatjatakam, using your analogy, even a five year old can make out that the second line of shloka means that the Sarturn has to be aspected by moon simultaneously and not merely present in Lagna as indicated by you.




Visti Larsen [vishnu]Monday, July 14, 2003 2:58 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)



|Vyam Vyasadevaaaya Namah|Dear Chandrashekhar,

My reasoning for the anomaly, is because the logic appeals to a 5 year old, and not Jyotishi's of the day. Why should Vyankatesh Sharma repeat the criteria of malefics occupying the lagna? The 2 parts of the sloka are different no doubt, but the meaning becomes the same, if we translate this as Lagna instead of Vighati Lagna.


Taking the logic of Dr. Chaturvedi, approximately half of the people born during a day would be suffer the difficult birth of being born with the feet first. Infact it also goes to assume that within 2 hrs time the children are born exactly the same way. Again this makes me tick, as this can't be right... Unless the reference is to Adhana/Nisheka Lagna, however i've seen such slokas repeated before in reference to Jataka Lagna.


Take this sloka from Varahamihira:


%dyaefupyaeVyRyiSwte guÞya< papinrIi]te yme,

AilkikRyute ivl¶ge saEre zItkrei]te=vqe.10.

udayoòupayorvyayasthite guptyäà päpanirékñite yame|

alikarkiyute vilagnage saure çétakarekñite'vaöe||10||


Prof PS Sastri translates:

"Saturn occupying the 12th house from lagna or moon, if aspected by a malefic planet denotes birth in a prison. Saturn occupying either cancer (karka) or scorpio (ali) in lagna denotes birth in a pit etc (underground)."



The 2nd part of the sloka is most interesting, and i'm sure a big number of people will prove the 2nd part wrong - i.e. saturn in cancer or scorpio and in lagna. Whilst if we translate this to Vighati Lagna, the translation is more sensitive towards time, and hence also much more rare.



To add, here are my notes from Prithuyasa's Shatpanchasika (literally 56), specifically the chapter on lost objects:




lost (nasta), discovery (praapti), chapter (adhyaaya).

â€Chapter on the Discovery of lost objectsâ€.


iSwraedye iSwraMze va vgaeRÄmgte=ip v,

iSwt< tÇEv tdœÔVy< SvkIyenEv caeirtm!.1.

sthirodaye sthirämçe vä vargottamagate'pi va|

sthitaà tatraiva taddravyaà svakéyenaiva coritam||1||

fixed rising sign (sthirodaye), fixed navamsa (sthiraamse), either (vaa), or any best division/same rasi and navamsa (vargottama’api).

Resides (sthitam), either in that place (tatrai-va) , the object (taddravyam), own ??? (svakiyenaiva), stolen (chorita).

If the lagna is in a fixed rasi or navamsa, or the lagna is in vargottama, the object resides within the boundries of the house and has been stolen by a relative.


It the lagna is neither vargottam, nor in a fixed rasi nor navamsa, the object has been stolen by others. This is in agreement with Bhattotpala’s commentary.


AaidmXyavsane;u Ôe:kanae;u ivl¶t>,

Ördeze twa mXye g & haNte c vdeÃenm!.2.,

ädimadhyävasäneñu dreñkänoñu vilagnataù|

dvaradeçe tathä madhye gåhänte ca vadeddhenam||2|||

begining, middle and end (ädimadhyävasäneñu) drekkana (dreñkänoñu) vighati lagna (vilagnataù).

Doorway/threshold (dvaradese), thus/in this mannor (tathaa), middle (madhye), sub/last part of home (grhaante), and (ca), should be predicted/spoken (vadeddhenam).

If the Vighati Lagna is in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd part, the object is hidden in the beginning, middle or last parts ot the home respectively.


This is a reference to the previously mentioned sloka – i.e. should be applied when Lagna or Lagnaamsa is fixed or vargottama lagna rises. If we are to infer that the reference is to Lagna, instead of Vighati Lagna, then all Vargottama Lagna's in Movable, Fixed and Dual signs, would occupy the 1st, 2nd and 3rd parts of the propperty respectively


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Sunday, July 13, 2003 10:13 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

The shloka from you have quoted from Sarvartha Chintamani does not have any anamoly in line 1 and 2 as implied in the commentary.

Line one says that Lagna with a malefic in it and aspected by more than one malefic or with Rahu/ketu conjunct with the malefic. Line two says that alternately such Lagna should contain more than one malefics (presumably with Rahu/ketu conjunct. There being no contradiction, why should Vighati Lagna should be presumed.

Chapter 9 shloka 2 of Saravali says,


zI;aeRdye ivl¶e mU×aR àsvae=Nywaedye cr[E>,

çérñodaye vilagne mürdhnä prasavo'nyathodaye caraëaiù |

%Éyaedye c hStE> zuɆòe zaeÉnae=Nywa kò>.2.

ubhayodaye ca hastaiù çubhadåñöe çobhano'nyathä kañöaù ||2||

This translates to "If the janmalagna is shirshodaya then the child comes out head first, if Prushtodaya then with feet first and if Ubhayodaya then it is born hand first. The birth is with ease if lagna is aspected by Shubha Grahas and with difficult if Papa Grahas aspect it."

This translation is by Dr.Muralidhar Chaturvedi,both a Jyotishaachaarya and Ph.D. in Sanskrit who teaches at Sanskrita University VaraaNasi. So ther should be no reason to presume ignorance of jyotish or Sanskrit here. He has taken Vilagne to mean Lagna only and not Vighati lagna. Perhaps narasimha Raoji or Sanjayji would like to comment.


Chandrashekhar|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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|Vyam Vyasadevaaya Namah|Dear Chandrashekhar,

I talk with fire, please excuse if you felt burnt. Was never my intention.

Thanx for the clarification on the sloka from Varahamihira. The translation was by Prof. S. Sastri. I only commented on it

I am convinced by the authenticity of my understanding as our Gurudeva taught me, that it was so. I only attempted to convince you of the same, using the understanding i have gained. I see that either i have failed, or you needed the propper authority.Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Monday, July 14, 2003 10:10 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

As you are convinced that Vilagne means Vighati Lagna I would not try to convince you otherwise.Neither am I capable of language used by you. However let me point out that about the Shloka in Brihatjatakam, using your analogy, even a five year old can make out that the second line of shloka means that the Sarturn has to be aspected by moon simultaneously and not merely present in Lagna as indicated by you.




Visti Larsen [vishnu]Monday, July 14, 2003 2:58 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)



|Vyam Vyasadevaaaya Namah|Dear Chandrashekhar,

My reasoning for the anomaly, is because the logic appeals to a 5 year old, and not Jyotishi's of the day. Why should Vyankatesh Sharma repeat the criteria of malefics occupying the lagna? The 2 parts of the sloka are different no doubt, but the meaning becomes the same, if we translate this as Lagna instead of Vighati Lagna.


Taking the logic of Dr. Chaturvedi, approximately half of the people born during a day would be suffer the difficult birth of being born with the feet first. Infact it also goes to assume that within 2 hrs time the children are born exactly the same way. Again this makes me tick, as this can't be right... Unless the reference is to Adhana/Nisheka Lagna, however i've seen such slokas repeated before in reference to Jataka Lagna.


Take this sloka from Varahamihira:


%dyaefupyaeVyRyiSwte guÞya< papinrIi]te yme,

AilkikRyute ivl¶ge saEre zItkrei]te=vqe.10.

udayoòupayorvyayasthite guptyäà päpanirékñite yame|

alikarkiyute vilagnage saure çétakarekñite'vaöe||10||


Prof PS Sastri translates:

"Saturn occupying the 12th house from lagna or moon, if aspected by a malefic planet denotes birth in a prison. Saturn occupying either cancer (karka) or scorpio (ali) in lagna denotes birth in a pit etc (underground)."



The 2nd part of the sloka is most interesting, and i'm sure a big number of people will prove the 2nd part wrong - i.e. saturn in cancer or scorpio and in lagna. Whilst if we translate this to Vighati Lagna, the translation is more sensitive towards time, and hence also much more rare.



To add, here are my notes from Prithuyasa's Shatpanchasika (literally 56), specifically the chapter on lost objects:




lost (nasta), discovery (praapti), chapter (adhyaaya).

â€Chapter on the Discovery of lost objectsâ€.


iSwraedye iSwraMze va vgaeRÄmgte=ip v,

iSwt< tÇEv tdœÔVy< SvkIyenEv caeirtm!.1.

sthirodaye sthirämçe vä vargottamagate'pi va|

sthitaà tatraiva taddravyaà svakéyenaiva coritam||1||

fixed rising sign (sthirodaye), fixed navamsa (sthiraamse), either (vaa), or any best division/same rasi and navamsa (vargottama’api).

Resides (sthitam), either in that place (tatrai-va) , the object (taddravyam), own ??? (svakiyenaiva), stolen (chorita).

If the lagna is in a fixed rasi or navamsa, or the lagna is in vargottama, the object resides within the boundries of the house and has been stolen by a relative.


It the lagna is neither vargottam, nor in a fixed rasi nor navamsa, the object has been stolen by others. This is in agreement with Bhattotpala’s commentary.


AaidmXyavsane;u Ôe:kanae;u ivl¶t>,

Ördeze twa mXye g & haNte c vdeÃenm!.2.,

ädimadhyävasäneñu dreñkänoñu vilagnataù|

dvaradeçe tathä madhye gåhänte ca vadeddhenam||2|||

begining, middle and end (ädimadhyävasäneñu) drekkana (dreñkänoñu) vighati lagna (vilagnataù).

Doorway/threshold (dvaradese), thus/in this mannor (tathaa), middle (madhye), sub/last part of home (grhaante), and (ca), should be predicted/spoken (vadeddhenam).

If the Vighati Lagna is in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd part, the object is hidden in the beginning, middle or last parts ot the home respectively.


This is a reference to the previously mentioned sloka – i.e. should be applied when Lagna or Lagnaamsa is fixed or vargottama lagna rises. If we are to infer that the reference is to Lagna, instead of Vighati Lagna, then all Vargottama Lagna's in Movable, Fixed and Dual signs, would occupy the 1st, 2nd and 3rd parts of the propperty respectively


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Sunday, July 13, 2003 10:13 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

The shloka from you have quoted from Sarvartha Chintamani does not have any anamoly in line 1 and 2 as implied in the commentary.

Line one says that Lagna with a malefic in it and aspected by more than one malefic or with Rahu/ketu conjunct with the malefic. Line two says that alternately such Lagna should contain more than one malefics (presumably with Rahu/ketu conjunct. There being no contradiction, why should Vighati Lagna should be presumed.

Chapter 9 shloka 2 of Saravali says,


zI;aeRdye ivl¶e mU×aR àsvae=Nywaedye cr[E>,

çérñodaye vilagne mürdhnä prasavo'nyathodaye caraëaiù |

%Éyaedye c hStE> zuɆòe zaeÉnae=Nywa kò>.2.

ubhayodaye ca hastaiù çubhadåñöe çobhano'nyathä kañöaù ||2||

This translates to "If the janmalagna is shirshodaya then the child comes out head first, if Prushtodaya then with feet first and if Ubhayodaya then it is born hand first. The birth is with ease if lagna is aspected by Shubha Grahas and with difficult if Papa Grahas aspect it."

This translation is by Dr.Muralidhar Chaturvedi,both a Jyotishaachaarya and Ph.D. in Sanskrit who teaches at Sanskrita University VaraaNasi. So ther should be no reason to presume ignorance of jyotish or Sanskrit here. He has taken Vilagne to mean Lagna only and not Vighati lagna. Perhaps narasimha Raoji or Sanjayji would like to comment.


Chandrashekhar|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Visti,

I do never feel burnt, only saddened, when under the guise of being Modern those who should understand the Meaning of "Vidya Vinayen Shobhate' think that being modern entitles one to belittle others. More so when even simple meanings are sought to be distorted to suit one's theories, claiming mastery of sanskrita language. Earlier too I had seen on this list somebody asking another person's age and claiming that those of young age cannot understand Jyotisha. Again somebody questioned one schlolar's competence in Sanskrita, and when the reply came giving out his various qualifications in that subject the original poster did not even have the courtsey to acknowledge the post.

I am of a generation that does need authority of sufficient standing, to be convinced that a different meaning needs to be given to a shloka. This is because we have seen too many wrong theories being propogated, without realising that it took thousands of years for the science to develop.It would be better if Modern Jyotishis understand that, even today the reason why one Ayanamsha is to be preffered over other, or how precisely ayanamsha is to be calculated and even basics like the Ayanamsha undergoes change every year is not fully understood by most.We are yet not able to understand correct meaning of the wording used in declaring when a Planet wins a Graha Yuddha, let alone understand what is meant by to the North of a planet of identical Amsha and minutes. Yet We tend to think that others are incapable of understanding the science as they are not modern.

Surely not something to be pleased about me thinks.




Visti Larsen [vishnu]Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:51 AMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Re: Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)



|Vyam Vyasadevaaya Namah|Dear Chandrashekhar,

I talk with fire, please excuse if you felt burnt. Was never my intention.

Thanx for the clarification on the sloka from Varahamihira. The translation was by Prof. S. Sastri. I only commented on it

I am convinced by the authenticity of my understanding as our Gurudeva taught me, that it was so. I only attempted to convince you of the same, using the understanding i have gained. I see that either i have failed, or you needed the propper authority.Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Monday, July 14, 2003 10:10 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

As you are convinced that Vilagne means Vighati Lagna I would not try to convince you otherwise.Neither am I capable of language used by you. However let me point out that about the Shloka in Brihatjatakam, using your analogy, even a five year old can make out that the second line of shloka means that the Sarturn has to be aspected by moon simultaneously and not merely present in Lagna as indicated by you.




Visti Larsen [vishnu]Monday, July 14, 2003 2:58 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)



|Vyam Vyasadevaaaya Namah|Dear Chandrashekhar,

My reasoning for the anomaly, is because the logic appeals to a 5 year old, and not Jyotishi's of the day. Why should Vyankatesh Sharma repeat the criteria of malefics occupying the lagna? The 2 parts of the sloka are different no doubt, but the meaning becomes the same, if we translate this as Lagna instead of Vighati Lagna.


Taking the logic of Dr. Chaturvedi, approximately half of the people born during a day would be suffer the difficult birth of being born with the feet first. Infact it also goes to assume that within 2 hrs time the children are born exactly the same way. Again this makes me tick, as this can't be right... Unless the reference is to Adhana/Nisheka Lagna, however i've seen such slokas repeated before in reference to Jataka Lagna.


Take this sloka from Varahamihira:


%dyaefupyaeVyRyiSwte guÞya< papinrIi]te yme,

AilkikRyute ivl¶ge saEre zItkrei]te=vqe.10.

udayoòupayorvyayasthite guptyäà päpanirékñite yame|

alikarkiyute vilagnage saure çétakarekñite'vaöe||10||


Prof PS Sastri translates:

"Saturn occupying the 12th house from lagna or moon, if aspected by a malefic planet denotes birth in a prison. Saturn occupying either cancer (karka) or scorpio (ali) in lagna denotes birth in a pit etc (underground)."



The 2nd part of the sloka is most interesting, and i'm sure a big number of people will prove the 2nd part wrong - i.e. saturn in cancer or scorpio and in lagna. Whilst if we translate this to Vighati Lagna, the translation is more sensitive towards time, and hence also much more rare.



To add, here are my notes from Prithuyasa's Shatpanchasika (literally 56), specifically the chapter on lost objects:




lost (nasta), discovery (praapti), chapter (adhyaaya).

â€Chapter on the Discovery of lost objectsâ€.


iSwraedye iSwraMze va vgaeRÄmgte=ip v,

iSwt< tÇEv tdœÔVy< SvkIyenEv caeirtm!.1.

sthirodaye sthirämçe vä vargottamagate'pi va|

sthitaà tatraiva taddravyaà svakéyenaiva coritam||1||

fixed rising sign (sthirodaye), fixed navamsa (sthiraamse), either (vaa), or any best division/same rasi and navamsa (vargottama’api).

Resides (sthitam), either in that place (tatrai-va) , the object (taddravyam), own ??? (svakiyenaiva), stolen (chorita).

If the lagna is in a fixed rasi or navamsa, or the lagna is in vargottama, the object resides within the boundries of the house and has been stolen by a relative.


It the lagna is neither vargottam, nor in a fixed rasi nor navamsa, the object has been stolen by others. This is in agreement with Bhattotpala’s commentary.


AaidmXyavsane;u Ôe:kanae;u ivl¶t>,

Ördeze twa mXye g & haNte c vdeÃenm!.2.,

ädimadhyävasäneñu dreñkänoñu vilagnataù|

dvaradeçe tathä madhye gåhänte ca vadeddhenam||2|||

begining, middle and end (ädimadhyävasäneñu) drekkana (dreñkänoñu) vighati lagna (vilagnataù).

Doorway/threshold (dvaradese), thus/in this mannor (tathaa), middle (madhye), sub/last part of home (grhaante), and (ca), should be predicted/spoken (vadeddhenam).

If the Vighati Lagna is in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd part, the object is hidden in the beginning, middle or last parts ot the home respectively.


This is a reference to the previously mentioned sloka – i.e. should be applied when Lagna or Lagnaamsa is fixed or vargottama lagna rises. If we are to infer that the reference is to Lagna, instead of Vighati Lagna, then all Vargottama Lagna's in Movable, Fixed and Dual signs, would occupy the 1st, 2nd and 3rd parts of the propperty respectively


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Sunday, July 13, 2003 10:13 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

The shloka from you have quoted from Sarvartha Chintamani does not have any anamoly in line 1 and 2 as implied in the commentary.

Line one says that Lagna with a malefic in it and aspected by more than one malefic or with Rahu/ketu conjunct with the malefic. Line two says that alternately such Lagna should contain more than one malefics (presumably with Rahu/ketu conjunct. There being no contradiction, why should Vighati Lagna should be presumed.

Chapter 9 shloka 2 of Saravali says,


zI;aeRdye ivl¶e mU×aR àsvae=Nywaedye cr[E>,

çérñodaye vilagne mürdhnä prasavo'nyathodaye caraëaiù |

%Éyaedye c hStE> zuɆòe zaeÉnae=Nywa kò>.2.

ubhayodaye ca hastaiù çubhadåñöe çobhano'nyathä kañöaù ||2||

This translates to "If the janmalagna is shirshodaya then the child comes out head first, if Prushtodaya then with feet first and if Ubhayodaya then it is born hand first. The birth is with ease if lagna is aspected by Shubha Grahas and with difficult if Papa Grahas aspect it."

This translation is by Dr.Muralidhar Chaturvedi,both a Jyotishaachaarya and Ph.D. in Sanskrit who teaches at Sanskrita University VaraaNasi. So ther should be no reason to presume ignorance of jyotish or Sanskrit here. He has taken Vilagne to mean Lagna only and not Vighati lagna. Perhaps narasimha Raoji or Sanjayji would like to comment.


Chandrashekhar|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Chandrashekhar,

Thankyou for your well worded reply.

I will do my best to ensure that the sadness turns into a smile.Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Monday, July 14, 2003 10:59 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

I do never feel burnt, only saddened, when under the guise of being Modern those who should understand the Meaning of "Vidya Vinayen Shobhate' think that being modern entitles one to belittle others. More so when even simple meanings are sought to be distorted to suit one's theories, claiming mastery of sanskrita language. Earlier too I had seen on this list somebody asking another person's age and claiming that those of young age cannot understand Jyotisha. Again somebody questioned one schlolar's competence in Sanskrita, and when the reply came giving out his various qualifications in that subject the original poster did not even have the courtsey to acknowledge the post.

I am of a generation that does need authority of sufficient standing, to be convinced that a different meaning needs to be given to a shloka. This is because we have seen too many wrong theories being propogated, without realising that it took thousands of years for the science to develop.It would be better if Modern Jyotishis understand that, even today the reason why one Ayanamsha is to be preffered over other, or how precisely ayanamsha is to be calculated and even basics like the Ayanamsha undergoes change every year is not fully understood by most.We are yet not able to understand correct meaning of the wording used in declaring when a Planet wins a Graha Yuddha, let alone understand what is meant by to the North of a planet of identical Amsha and minutes. Yet We tend to think that others are incapable of understanding the science as they are not modern.

Surely not something to be pleased about me thinks.




Visti Larsen [vishnu]Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:51 AMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varah a| Re: Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)



|Vyam Vyasadevaaya Namah|Dear Chandrashekhar,

I talk with fire, please excuse if you felt burnt. Was never my intention.

Thanx for the clarification on the sloka from Varahamihira. The translation was by Prof. S. Sastri. I only commented on it

I am convinced by the authenticity of my understanding as our Gurudeva taught me, that it was so. I only attempted to convince you of the same, using the understanding i have gained. I see that either i have failed, or you needed the propper authority.Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Monday, July 14, 2003 10:10 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

As you are convinced that Vilagne means Vighati Lagna I would not try to convince you otherwise.Neither am I capable of language used by you. However let me point out that about the Shloka in Brihatjatakam, using your analogy, even a five year old can make out that the second line of shloka means that the Sarturn has to be aspected by moon simultaneously and not merely present in Lagna as indicated by you.




Visti Larsen [vishnu]Monday, July 14, 2003 2:58 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)



|Vyam Vyasadevaaaya Namah|Dear Chandrashekhar,

My reasoning for the anomaly, is because the logic appeals to a 5 year old, and not Jyotishi's of the day. Why should Vyankatesh Sharma repeat the criteria of malefics occupying the lagna? The 2 parts of the sloka are different no doubt, but the meaning becomes the same, if we translate this as Lagna instead of Vighati Lagna.


Taking the logic of Dr. Chaturvedi, approximately half of the people born during a day would be suffer the difficult birth of being born with the feet first. Infact it also goes to assume that within 2 hrs time the children are born exactly the same way. Again this makes me tick, as this can't be right... Unless the reference is to Adhana/Nisheka Lagna, however i've seen such slokas repeated before in reference to Jataka Lagna.


Take this sloka from Varahamihira:


%dyaefupyaeVyRyiSwte guÞya< papinrIi]te yme,

AilkikRyute ivl¶ge saEre zItkrei]te=vqe.10.

udayoòupayorvyayasthite guptyäà päpanirékñite yame|

alikarkiyute vilagnage saure çétakarekñite'vaöe||10||


Prof PS Sastri translates:

"Saturn occupying the 12th house from lagna or moon, if aspected by a malefic planet denotes birth in a prison. Saturn occupying either cancer (karka) or scorpio (ali) in lagna denotes birth in a pit etc (underground)."



The 2nd part of the sloka is most interesting, and i'm sure a big number of people will prove the 2nd part wrong - i.e. saturn in cancer or scorpio and in lagna. Whilst if we translate this to Vighati Lagna, the translation is more sensitive towards time, and hence also much more rare.



To add, here are my notes from Prithuyasa's Shatpanchasika (literally 56), specifically the chapter on lost objects:




lost (nasta), discovery (praapti), chapter (adhyaaya).

â€Chapter on the Discovery of lost objectsâ€.


iSwraedye iSwraMze va vgaeRÄmgte=ip v,

iSwt< tÇEv tdœÔVy< SvkIyenEv caeirtm!.1.

sthirodaye sthirämçe vä vargottamagate'pi va|

sthitaà tatraiva taddravyaà svakéyenaiva coritam||1||

fixed rising sign (sthirodaye), fixed navamsa (sthiraamse), either (vaa), or any best division/same rasi and navamsa (vargottama’api).

Resides (sthitam), either in that place (tatrai-va) , the object (taddravyam), own ??? (svakiyenaiva), stolen (chorita).

If the lagna is in a fixed rasi or navamsa, or the lagna is in vargottama, the object resides within the boundries of the house and has been stolen by a relative.


It the lagna is neither vargottam, nor in a fixed rasi nor navamsa, the object has been stolen by others. This is in agreement with Bhattotpala’s commentary.


AaidmXyavsane;u Ôe:kanae;u ivl¶t>,

Ördeze twa mXye g & haNte c vdeÃenm!.2.,

ädimadhyävasäneñu dreñkänoñu vilagnataù|

dvaradeçe tathä madhye gåhänte ca vadeddhenam||2|||

begining, middle and end (ädimadhyävasäneñu) drekkana (dreñkänoñu) vighati lagna (vilagnataù).

Doorway/threshold (dvaradese), thus/in this mannor (tathaa), middle (madhye), sub/last part of home (grhaante), and (ca), should be predicted/spoken (vadeddhenam).

If the Vighati Lagna is in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd part, the object is hidden in the beginning, middle or last parts ot the home respectively.


This is a reference to the previously mentioned sloka – i.e. should be applied when Lagna or Lagnaamsa is fixed or vargottama lagna rises. If we are to infer that the reference is to Lagna, instead of Vighati Lagna, then all Vargottama Lagna's in Movable, Fixed and Dual signs, would occupy the 1st, 2nd and 3rd parts of the propperty respectively


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Sunday, July 13, 2003 10:13 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

The shloka from you have quoted from Sarvartha Chintamani does not have any anamoly in line 1 and 2 as implied in the commentary.

Line one says that Lagna with a malefic in it and aspected by more than one malefic or with Rahu/ketu conjunct with the malefic. Line two says that alternately such Lagna should contain more than one malefics (presumably with Rahu/ketu conjunct. There being no contradiction, why should Vighati Lagna should be presumed.

Chapter 9 shloka 2 of Saravali says,


zI;aeRdye ivl¶e mU×aR àsvae=Nywaedye cr[E>,

çérñodaye vilagne mürdhnä prasavo'nyathodaye caraëaiù |

%Éyaedye c hStE> zuɆòe zaeÉnae=Nywa kò>.2.

ubhayodaye ca hastaiù çubhadåñöe çobhano'nyathä kañöaù ||2||

This translates to "If the janmalagna is shirshodaya then the child comes out head first, if Prushtodaya then with feet first and if Ubhayodaya then it is born hand first. The birth is with ease if lagna is aspected by Shubha Grahas and with difficult if Papa Grahas aspect it."

This translation is by Dr.Muralidhar Chaturvedi,both a Jyotishaachaarya and Ph.D. in Sanskrit who teaches at Sanskrita University VaraaNasi. So ther should be no reason to presume ignorance of jyotish or Sanskrit here. He has taken Vilagne to mean Lagna only and not Vighati lagna. Perhaps narasimha Raoji or Sanjayji would like to comment.


Chandrashekhar|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Visti,

I trust you will not misunderstand my bluntness.I have Ketu in Sagitarius Lagna aspected by Rahu Saturn Mars who are in turn aspected by Jupiter from 11th.




Visti Larsen [vishnu]Tuesday, July 15, 2003 3:04 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)

Dear Chandrashekhar,

Thankyou for your well worded reply.

I will do my best to ensure that the sadness turns into a smile.Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Monday, July 14, 2003 10:59 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

I do never feel burnt, only saddened, when under the guise of being Modern those who should understand the Meaning of "Vidya Vinayen Shobhate' think that being modern entitles one to belittle others. More so when even simple meanings are sought to be distorted to suit one's theories, claiming mastery of sanskrita language. Earlier too I had seen on this list somebody asking another person's age and claiming that those of young age cannot understand Jyotisha. Again somebody questioned one schlolar's competence in Sanskrita, and when the reply came giving out his various qualifications in that subject the original poster did not even have the courtsey to acknowledge the post.

I am of a generation that does need authority of sufficient standing, to be convinced that a different meaning needs to be given to a shloka. This is because we have seen too many wrong theories being propogated, without realising that it took thousands of years for the science to develop.It would be better if Modern Jyotishis understand that, even today the reason why one Ayanamsha is to be preffered over other, or how precisely ayanamsha is to be calculated and even basics like the Ayanamsha undergoes change every year is not fully understood by most.We are yet not able to understand correct meaning of the wording used in declaring when a Planet wins a Graha Yuddha, let alone understand what is meant by to the North of a planet of identical Amsha and minutes. Yet We tend to think that others are incapable of understanding the science as they are not modern.

Surely not something to be pleased about me thinks.




Visti Larsen [vishnu]Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:51 AMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varah a| Re: Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)



|Vyam Vyasadevaaya Namah|Dear Chandrashekhar,

I talk with fire, please excuse if you felt burnt. Was never my intention.

Thanx for the clarification on the sloka from Varahamihira. The translation was by Prof. S. Sastri. I only commented on it

I am convinced by the authenticity of my understanding as our Gurudeva taught me, that it was so. I only attempted to convince you of the same, using the understanding i have gained. I see that either i have failed, or you needed the propper authority.Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Monday, July 14, 2003 10:10 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

As you are convinced that Vilagne means Vighati Lagna I would not try to convince you otherwise.Neither am I capable of language used by you. However let me point out that about the Shloka in Brihatjatakam, using your analogy, even a five year old can make out that the second line of shloka means that the Sarturn has to be aspected by moon simultaneously and not merely present in Lagna as indicated by you.




Visti Larsen [vishnu]Monday, July 14, 2003 2:58 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)



|Vyam Vyasadevaaaya Namah|Dear Chandrashekhar,

My reasoning for the anomaly, is because the logic appeals to a 5 year old, and not Jyotishi's of the day. Why should Vyankatesh Sharma repeat the criteria of malefics occupying the lagna? The 2 parts of the sloka are different no doubt, but the meaning becomes the same, if we translate this as Lagna instead of Vighati Lagna.


Taking the logic of Dr. Chaturvedi, approximately half of the people born during a day would be suffer the difficult birth of being born with the feet first. Infact it also goes to assume that within 2 hrs time the children are born exactly the same way. Again this makes me tick, as this can't be right... Unless the reference is to Adhana/Nisheka Lagna, however i've seen such slokas repeated before in reference to Jataka Lagna.


Take this sloka from Varahamihira:


%dyaefupyaeVyRyiSwte guÞya< papinrIi]te yme,

AilkikRyute ivl¶ge saEre zItkrei]te=vqe.10.

udayoòupayorvyayasthite guptyäà päpanirékñite yame|

alikarkiyute vilagnage saure çétakarekñite'vaöe||10||


Prof PS Sastri translates:

"Saturn occupying the 12th house from lagna or moon, if aspected by a malefic planet denotes birth in a prison. Saturn occupying either cancer (karka) or scorpio (ali) in lagna denotes birth in a pit etc (underground)."



The 2nd part of the sloka is most interesting, and i'm sure a big number of people will prove the 2nd part wrong - i.e. saturn in cancer or scorpio and in lagna. Whilst if we translate this to Vighati Lagna, the translation is more sensitive towards time, and hence also much more rare.



To add, here are my notes from Prithuyasa's Shatpanchasika (literally 56), specifically the chapter on lost objects:




lost (nasta), discovery (praapti), chapter (adhyaaya).

â€Chapter on the Discovery of lost objectsâ€.


iSwraedye iSwraMze va vgaeRÄmgte=ip v,

iSwt< tÇEv tdœÔVy< SvkIyenEv caeirtm!.1.

sthirodaye sthirämçe vä vargottamagate'pi va|

sthitaà tatraiva taddravyaà svakéyenaiva coritam||1||

fixed rising sign (sthirodaye), fixed navamsa (sthiraamse), either (vaa), or any best division/same rasi and navamsa (vargottama’api).

Resides (sthitam), either in that place (tatrai-va) , the object (taddravyam), own ??? (svakiyenaiva), stolen (chorita).

If the lagna is in a fixed rasi or navamsa, or the lagna is in vargottama, the object resides within the boundries of the house and has been stolen by a relative.


It the lagna is neither vargottam, nor in a fixed rasi nor navamsa, the object has been stolen by others. This is in agreement with Bhattotpala’s commentary.


AaidmXyavsane;u Ôe:kanae;u ivl¶t>,

Ördeze twa mXye g & haNte c vdeÃenm!.2.,

ädimadhyävasäneñu dreñkänoñu vilagnataù|

dvaradeçe tathä madhye gåhänte ca vadeddhenam||2|||

begining, middle and end (ädimadhyävasäneñu) drekkana (dreñkänoñu) vighati lagna (vilagnataù).

Doorway/threshold (dvaradese), thus/in this mannor (tathaa), middle (madhye), sub/last part of home (grhaante), and (ca), should be predicted/spoken (vadeddhenam).

If the Vighati Lagna is in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd part, the object is hidden in the beginning, middle or last parts ot the home respectively.


This is a reference to the previously mentioned sloka – i.e. should be applied when Lagna or Lagnaamsa is fixed or vargottama lagna rises. If we are to infer that the reference is to Lagna, instead of Vighati Lagna, then all Vargottama Lagna's in Movable, Fixed and Dual signs, would occupy the 1st, 2nd and 3rd parts of the propperty respectively


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Chandrashekhar Sharma


Sunday, July 13, 2003 10:13 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Vi-lagna (Drekkana and Body Parts)


Dear Visti,

The shloka from you have quoted from Sarvartha Chintamani does not have any anamoly in line 1 and 2 as implied in the commentary.

Line one says that Lagna with a malefic in it and aspected by more than one malefic or with Rahu/ketu conjunct with the malefic. Line two says that alternately such Lagna should contain more than one malefics (presumably with Rahu/ketu conjunct. There being no contradiction, why should Vighati Lagna should be presumed.

Chapter 9 shloka 2 of Saravali says,


zI;aeRdye ivl¶e mU×aR àsvae=Nywaedye cr[E>,

çérñodaye vilagne mürdhnä prasavo'nyathodaye caraëaiù |

%Éyaedye c hStE> zuɆòe zaeÉnae=Nywa kò>.2.

ubhayodaye ca hastaiù çubhadåñöe çobhano'nyathä kañöaù ||2||

This translates to "If the janmalagna is shirshodaya then the child comes out head first, if Prushtodaya then with feet first and if Ubhayodaya then it is born hand first. The birth is with ease if lagna is aspected by Shubha Grahas and with difficult if Papa Grahas aspect it."

This translation is by Dr.Muralidhar Chaturvedi,both a Jyotishaachaarya and Ph.D. in Sanskrit who teaches at Sanskrita University VaraaNasi. So ther should be no reason to presume ignorance of jyotish or Sanskrit here. He has taken Vilagne to mean Lagna only and not Vighati lagna. Perhaps narasimha Raoji or Sanjayji would like to comment.


Chandrashekhar|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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