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Jaya Jagannatha


Sarajit Poddar wrote:

Dear Swee,


Do post the muhurtha chart or the chart for SJC- Zambia.


Best Wishes



Dear Sarajit,


Initially, I had told Sanjayji that I would make the announcement after

my fast, but I decided to send it earlier, having to go through some passages in Bhargavata Purana and busy the following day. The initial announcement did not get through to mail. When I realised this, I sent another one later. So this is the chart I will use as sent below.

Sorry for the rather slow response. I attended Bhajan this morning at the

RamaKrishnaVedanta Centre (unfortunately no translators for my Vishnu Purana,

but determined to get this done, I met someone at the supermarket whom I

think maybe able to help me. So I will try and begin work on this next week.

Also no potential students.)

The first lessons started today from ground zero and it ended up being a

raaa---ther extended session as they all so enjoyed the novel details. We

ended the session 2 hours later, and questions veered towards spirituality,

meditation, karma etc. into dinner time.......

Analysis of the muhurata chart below. Please help along if you would. Thank




SJC-Zambia Announcement

Time: 23:03

Lusaka 28E17, 15S25 1E46



Lagna is Pisces with exalted lord in the 5th of higher learning and its dispositor

is in Jupiter's nakshatra with spritual Ketu in the Dharmic house, indicating

grasp of knowledge will be quickly absorbed and interest will veer more towards

dharmic responsibilities and spiritual awareness. This is confirmed with

Drig Dasa in Scorpio beginning with Moon in its debilitation sign. Jupiter

in a movable sign aspects all the fixed signs and the grahas in them.

The Hora lord is also Jupiter, and mahadasa is also Jupiter in pratyantardasa

of debilitated Moon. Mercury is in its own sign in the 4th of knowledge and

is in the 9th in Navamsa, indicating that students will have pre-knowledge

and awareness about karma and a healthy approach in the socio-righteous redressals.

Being the badhak planet in the 4th will indicate their interest to redress

their karma in the present.

The lord of Arudha lagna is 4th from it and is 12th from lagna suggests that

there may be not much interest in calculations in the initial stages, but

Saturn is its dispositor in the 4th from lagna indicates that this will happen

at a later stage, as we can see with Mars and Jupiter conjoining in the 5th

in Navamsa.

In Rasi, the 5th from Arudha indicates the type of students is in the sattvic

sign Pisces with A5 and A4! 9th from AL is exalted Jupiter in a nakshatra

owned by Mercury (learning).

The Pisces siddhamsa rising with Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Moon in their

own signs may show that initiative in learning is good, but the house of

speech and the 9th is debilitated and Aries dasa is running until 2005.(Does this also mean that there will be no admin "interference"

from SJC, Delhi. with Sun in 12th from lagna and its lord is in debilitation?)


The AK is Mercury and Sun in 12th from Karakamsa, indicating the Holy Father

(God), Sadashiva, Rama etc.

In Vimsamsa, Pisces rises, (yet again) and Jupiter and Mercury are in parivatana,

hence debilitation of Mercury is cancelled and it is seemed to be in exaltation.

Sun in a kona in Sitaa amsa indicates the belief in existence of God.


The "students" are keen to have another go next Sunday 20th July.

In attendance: 2 lawyers, 2 MD's of their own companies. 1 teacher in South

American "Kung Fu"???, 1 College French and Art Teacher. 4 - 6 others would

like join us next Sunday. (I hope this is not going to be the case every

time a session is in place). This time I hope they don't stay for dinner

again <grin>.

Notes they have taken during the discussions will be circulated amongst themselves

for a recap by Tuesday.


Do you see:

1) SJC, Zambia growing

2) long lasting

3) Produce at least one shining star (protégé) :-)


Sorry for the brief analysis, but it's way past my bed time.

Best regards,




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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Swee,


It seems the definition for the time of formation for SJC- Zambia is little hazy.... Should it depend on the time when you started composing the mail or when toy pressed the sent button or when the mail reaches the server! Its difficult to define ... isn't it.. If you say it is moment of start composing the mail or pressing the send icon, the announce would have been made in the first go itself, even if it didnot make it to the list. Otheriwise when you said that you take the time of reaching the mail to the server... so that everyone receives it thereafter, then its difficult to determine, what time it reaches there...Hmm... anyway... lets proceed.






Monday, July 14, 2003 6:48:40 AM

SJC; Varahamihira; Vedic-Astrology

|Sri Varaha| [Fwd: Muhurata SJC Zambia]

Jaya JagannathaSarajit Poddar wrote:

Dear Swee,


Do post the muhurtha chart or the chart for SJC- Zambia.


Best Wishes


Dear Sarajit,Initially, I had told Sanjayji that I would make the announcement after my fast, but I decided to send it earlier, having to go through some passages in Bhargavata Purana and busy the following day. The initial announcement did not get through to mail. When I realised this, I sent another one later. So this is the chart I will use as sent below.Sorry for the rather slow response. I attended Bhajan this morning at the RamaKrishnaVedanta Centre (unfortunately no translators for my Vishnu Purana, but determined to get this done, I met someone at the supermarket whom I think maybe able to help me. So I will try and begin work on this next week. Also no potential students.)The first lessons started today from ground zero and it ended up being a raaa---ther extended session as they all so enjoyed the novel details. We ended the session 2 hours later, and questions veered towards spirituality, meditation, karma etc. into dinner time....... Analysis of the muhurata chart below. Please help along if you would. Thank you. SJC-Zambia AnnouncementTime: 23:03 Lusaka 28E17, 15S25 1E46Lagna is Pisces with exalted lord in the 5th of higher learning and its dispositor is in Jupiter's nakshatra with spritual Ketu in the Dharmic house, indicating grasp of knowledge will be quickly absorbed and interest will veer more towards dharmic responsibilities and spiritual awareness. This is confirmed with Drig Dasa in Scorpio beginning with Moon in its debilitation sign. Jupiter in a movable sign aspects all the fixed signs and the grahas in them.

[sP] This is a good condition. As the lagna lord is exalted and the lagna is aspected by the lagna lord and Jupiter, the lagna is rendered very strong. So we can see a stable future for the group. Jupiter is not only aspecting the Moon in with Rasi drsti but also grahadrsti.... However, the things I didn't like is that, Moon should be strong in any muhurtha chart and for spiritual organisations like SJC, Sun and Jupiter should be very strong during that time.... So day is better suitable for such events. Did you see the pravrajya yoga in the 4th house although broken by the presence of the Sun... Lets seen what it stores for the grp...:-)

The Hora lord is also Jupiter, and mahadasa is also Jupiter in pratyantardasa of debilitated Moon. Mercury is in its own sign in the 4th of knowledge and is in the 9th in Navamsa, indicating that students will have pre-knowledge and awareness about karma and a healthy approach in the socio-righteous redressals. Being the badhak planet in the 4th will indicate their interest to redress their karma in the present.

[sP] Hmm... with Jupiter being the Hora lord, at least the Kala bala of Jup is fairly high... so even if it is after Sunset.... Jup is rendered stong at that moment to bless that occasion. Badhakesh in the 4th can create some unhappiness in the grp... however Mercury's presence is good for educational pursuit... The presence of Sun and Saturn in the 4th would not leave the situation so cool, more so when the karaka is debilitated... Just Keep Jupiter stronger, the subhargala at least have some good effect on the 4th.

The lord of Arudha lagna is 4th from it and is 12th from lagna suggests that there may be not much interest in calculations in the initial stages, but Saturn is its dispositor in the 4th from lagna indicates that this will happen at a later stage, as we can see with Mars and Jupiter conjoining in the 5th in Navamsa. In Rasi, the 5th from Arudha indicates the type of students is in the sattvic sign Pisces with A5 and A4! 9th from AL is exalted Jupiter in a nakshatra owned by Mercury (learning).

[sP] Please explain the arudha lagna and the placement of the Mars in 4th bit more... Navamsa shows that presence of Guru Mangala in the 5th from the Lagna, would make the group very logical in approaching any problem... and grant a very sharp intellectual abilities...So there would not be dirth of calculations / mathematics ... more so when Mercury is placed in 9th from the Lagnamsa.

The Pisces siddhamsa rising with Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Moon in their own signs may show that initiative in learning is good, but the house of speech and the 9th is debilitated and Aries dasa is running until 2005.(Does this also mean that there will be no admin "interference" from SJC, Delhi. with Sun in 12th from lagna and its lord is in debilitation?)

[sP] The hamsa yoga in the Siddhamsa shows that the group would be broad minded and shall be willing to learn diverse things...Placement of planets in own house is indeed good as they show with the strength of the karaka, the objective of learning would be acheived. The authority to control the grp is seen from the 9th house.... From the ND sign, the 5th house is Leo, with the lord placed in 11th house from the ND sign and 12th from the Lagna.... with the ND sign containing the 11th and 12th lord Saturn... 5th lord in the 11th (4th from 8th) is a good placement for Jyotish studies and placement of the 11th lord in the ND sign is also good. The structured learning would be shown by the 4th from the ND sign with chandra-mangala yoga, showing lots of initiative.... the debilitation of the ND sign lord is brocken by Saturn placed in 10th from Moon and in the ND sign, showing that the group with their own effort shall rise over the difficult situations of structured learning.

The AK is Mercury and Sun in 12th from Karakamsa, indicating the Holy Father (God), Sadashiva, Rama etc.In Vimsamsa, Pisces rises, (yet again) and Jupiter and Mercury are in parivatana, hence debilitation of Mercury is cancelled and it is seemed to be in exaltation. Sun in a kona in Sitaa amsa indicates the belief in existence of God.

[sP] Holy father or Sadashiva is the rupas shown by Jupiter. Hmm.. not much knowledgeable about the amsa rulers of Vimsamsa... Can you take some pain to expain more on Sitaa Amsa.The "students" are keen to have another go next Sunday 20th July. In attendance: 2 lawyers, 2 MD's of their own companies. 1 teacher in South American "Kung Fu"???, 1 College French and Art Teacher. 4 - 6 others would like join us next Sunday. (I hope this is not going to be the case every time a session is in place). This time I hope they don't stay for dinner again <grin>. Notes they have taken during the discussions will be circulated amongst themselves for a recap by Tuesday.

[sP] Quite impressive. Why <grins> for dinner. You should be happy to have someone who can appreciate the dinner cooked by you. ;-)Do you see:1) SJC, Zambia growing2) long lasting3) Produce at least one shining star (protégé) :-)

[sP] When lord Jagannath is there to take care.... we need not think much... :-) what you say?Sorry for the brief analysis, but it's way past my bed time.

[sP] No problem. I guess you had a nice sleep by now.

Warm Ragards


P.S. Is the time zone correct. Why 1:46 E? In JH it shows 2 E and in LMT it is 1:53 E! Something am I missing?

Best regards,Sweesweewww.brihaspati.net














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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Sarajit and Swee,


Excuse me for butting in but it seems to me that the muhurta time

chosen by Swee is 11.03 pm, if I read it correctly.


It does not seem practical to me as this muhurta was chosen for

group activities. At 11 pm in the night, what sort of group

activities can be going on? There must be an attempt to relate the

group activities to the muhurta.


Was this muhurta accompanied by the lighting of a lamp, which

signifies spreading the light of knowledge and dispelling the

darkness of maya around us? Was it accompanied by an invocation to

Lord Ganesha and to the Guru parampara? In my opinion, it does not

seem right to relate it to the time of announcement when it is meant

to form a group for some common activity.


Sarajit, I have been pondering on the meaning of the actions

immediately following the lighting of the diya (with 8 points or

wicks). My intuitive interpretation is that the group activity will

flounder in your absence (for a short period of time) and become

stronger once you return. The strength of the other points indicate

that the students will be strong and give much support. A maximum of

7 (illustrious?) students could be indicated. Of course here, I walk

the thin line between blabbering and divine knowledge!


I checked up my watch with the US Atomic clock. It seems that it is

fast by 1m 10 s and thus the time of lighting of the first point of

the diya should be corrected to 16:56:00~10, Singapore with the time

of coming back to the first point roughly 2 mins later.


I feel very blessed to have participated in the Satyanarayana Vrata.

May Lord Jagannath guide us all.





varahamihira , " Sarajit Poddar "

<sarajitp@h...> wrote:

> || Jaya Jagannath ||

> Dear Swee,


> It seems the definition for the time of formation for SJC- Zambia

is little

> hazy.... Should it depend on the time when you started composing

the mail or

> when toy pressed the sent button or when the mail reaches the


> server! Its difficult to define ... isn't it.. If you say it is

moment of

> start composing the mail or pressing the send icon, the announce

would have

> been made in the first go itself, even if it didnot make it to the


> Otheriwise when you said that you take the time of reaching the

mail to the

> server... so that everyone receives it thereafter,

then its

> difficult to determine, what time it reaches there...Hmm...

anyway... lets

> proceed.


> ----


> varahamihira

> Monday, July 14, 2003 6:48:40 AM

> SJC; Varahamihira; Vedic-Astrology

> |Sri Varaha| [Fwd: Muhurata SJC Zambia]



> Jaya Jagannatha


> Sarajit Poddar wrote:


> Dear Swee,


> Do post the muhurtha chart or the chart for SJC- Zambia.


> Best Wishes

> Sarajit


> Dear Sarajit,


> Initially, I had told Sanjayji that I would make the announcement

after my

> fast, but I decided to send it earlier, having to go through some


> in Bhargavata Purana and busy the following day. The initial


> did not get through to mail. When I realised this, I sent

another one

> later. So this is the chart I will use as sent below.

> Sorry for the rather slow response. I attended Bhajan this morning

at the

> RamaKrishnaVedanta Centre (unfortunately no translators for my

Vishnu Purana

> but determined to get this done, I met someone at the supermarket

whom I

> think maybe able to help me. So I will try and begin work on this

next week.

> Also no potential students.)

> The first lessons started today from ground zero and it ended up

being a

> raaa---ther extended session as they all so enjoyed the novel

details. We

> ended the session 2 hours later, and questions veered towards


> meditation, karma etc. into dinner time.......

> Analysis of the muhurata chart below. Please help along if you

would. Thank

> you.





> SJC-Zambia Announcement

> Time: 23:03

> Lusaka 28E17, 15S25 1E46



> Lagna is Pisces with exalted lord in the 5th of higher learning

and its

> dispositor is in Jupiter's nakshatra with spritual Ketu in the

Dharmic house

> indicating grasp of knowledge will be quickly absorbed and

interest will

> veer more towards dharmic responsibilities and spiritual

awareness. This is

> confirmed with Drig Dasa in Scorpio beginning with Moon in its


> sign. Jupiter in a movable sign aspects all the fixed signs and

the grahas

> in them.

> [sP] This is a good condition. As the lagna lord is exalted and

the lagna is

> aspected by the lagna lord and Jupiter, the lagna is rendered very


> So we can see a stable future for the group. Jupiter is not only


> the Moon in with Rasi drsti but also grahadrsti.... However, the

things I

> didn't like is that, Moon should be strong in any muhurtha chart

and for

> spiritual organisations like SJC, Sun and Jupiter should be very


> during that time.... So day is better suitable for such events.

Did you see

> the pravrajya yoga in the 4th house although broken by the

presence of the

> Sun... Lets seen what it stores for the grp...:-)


> The Hora lord is also Jupiter, and mahadasa is also Jupiter in

> pratyantardasa of debilitated Moon. Mercury is in its own sign in

the 4th of

> knowledge and is in the 9th in Navamsa, indicating that students

will have

> pre-knowledge and awareness about karma and a healthy approach in


> socio-righteous redressals. Being the badhak planet in the 4th

will indicate

> their interest to redress their karma in the present.

> [sP] Hmm... with Jupiter being the Hora lord, at least the Kala

bala of Jup

> is fairly high... so even if it is after Sunset.... Jup is

rendered stong at

> that moment to bless that occasion. Badhakesh in the 4th can

create some

> unhappiness in the grp... however Mercury's presence is good for


> pursuit... The presence of Sun and Saturn in the 4th would not

leave the

> situation so cool, more so when the karaka is debilitated... Just


> Jupiter stronger, the subhargala at least have some good effect on

the 4th.


> The lord of Arudha lagna is 4th from it and is 12th from lagna

suggests that

> there may be not much interest in calculations in the initial

stages, but

> Saturn is its dispositor in the 4th from lagna indicates that this


> happen at a later stage, as we can see with Mars and Jupiter

conjoining in

> the 5th in Navamsa.

> In Rasi, the 5th from Arudha indicates the type of students is in


> sattvic sign Pisces with A5 and A4! 9th from AL is exalted Jupiter

in a

> nakshatra owned by Mercury (learning).

> [sP] Please explain the arudha lagna and the placement of the Mars

in 4th

> bit more... Navamsa shows that presence of Guru Mangala in the 5th

from the

> Lagna, would make the group very logical in approaching any

problem... and

> grant a very sharp intellectual abilities...So there would not be

dirth of

> calculations / mathematics ... more so when Mercury is placed in

9th from

> the Lagnamsa.


> The Pisces siddhamsa rising with Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Moon

in their

> own signs may show that initiative in learning is good, but the

house of

> speech and the 9th is debilitated and Aries dasa is running until


> this also mean that there will be no admin " interference " from

SJC, Delhi.

> with Sun in 12th from lagna and its lord is in debilitation?)

> [sP] The hamsa yoga in the Siddhamsa shows that the group would be


> minded and shall be willing to learn diverse things...Placement of


> in own house is indeed good as they show with the strength of the


> the objective of learning would be acheived. The authority to

control the

> grp is seen from the 9th house.... From the ND sign, the 5th house

is Leo,

> with the lord placed in 11th house from the ND sign and 12th from

the Lagna.

> .. with the ND sign containing the 11th and 12th lord Saturn...

5th lord in

> the 11th (4th from 8th) is a good placement for Jyotish studies and

> placement of the 11th lord in the ND sign is also good. The


> learning would be shown by the 4th from the ND sign with chandra-


> yoga, showing lots of initiative.... the debilitation of the ND

sign lord is

> brocken by Saturn placed in 10th from Moon and in the ND sign,

showing that

> the group with their own effort shall rise over the difficult

situations of

> structured learning.

> The AK is Mercury and Sun in 12th from Karakamsa, indicating the

Holy Father

> (God), Sadashiva, Rama etc.

> In Vimsamsa, Pisces rises, (yet again) and Jupiter and Mercury are


> parivatana, hence debilitation of Mercury is cancelled and it is

seemed to

> be in exaltation. Sun in a kona in Sitaa amsa indicates the

belief in

> existence of God.

> [sP] Holy father or Sadashiva is the rupas shown by Jupiter. Hmm..

not much

> knowledgeable about the amsa rulers of Vimsamsa... Can you take

some pain to

> expain more on Sitaa Amsa.


> The " students " are keen to have another go next Sunday 20th July.

> In attendance: 2 lawyers, 2 MD's of their own companies. 1 teacher

in South

> American " Kung Fu " ???, 1 College French and Art Teacher. 4 - 6

others would

> like join us next Sunday. (I hope this is not going to be the case


> time a session is in place). This time I hope they don't stay for


> again <grin>.

> Notes they have taken during the discussions will be circulated


> themselves for a recap by Tuesday.

> [sP] Quite impressive. Why <grins> for dinner. You should be happy

to have

> someone who can appreciate the dinner cooked by you. ;-)


> Do you see:

> 1) SJC, Zambia growing

> 2) long lasting

> 3) Produce at least one shining star (protégé) :-)

> [sP] When lord Jagannath is there to take care.... we need not

think much...

> :-) what you say?


> Sorry for the brief analysis, but it's way past my bed time.

> [sP] No problem. I guess you had a nice sleep by now.

> Warm Ragards

> Sarajit

> P.S. Is the time zone correct. Why 1:46 E? In JH it shows 2 E and

in LMT it

> is 1:53 E! Something am I missing?


> Best regards,

> Swee

> swee@b...

> www.brihaspati.net

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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Hari,


So ultimately it came to the time which I noticed, it was 16:56 Singapore time in my watch. I didn't see the seconds.


Best Wishes

Sarajit Poddar

SJC- Asia





Monday, July 14, 2003 7:00:38 PM


Re: |Sri Varaha| [Fwd: Muhurata SJC Zambia]

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Sarajit and Swee,Excuse me for butting in but it seems to me that the muhurta time chosen by Swee is 11.03 pm, if I read it correctly.It does not seem practical to me as this muhurta was chosen for group activities. At 11 pm in the night, what sort of group activities can be going on? There must be an attempt to relate the group activities to the muhurta. Was this muhurta accompanied by the lighting of a lamp, which signifies spreading the light of knowledge and dispelling the darkness of maya around us? Was it accompanied by an invocation to Lord Ganesha and to the Guru parampara? In my opinion, it does not seem right to relate it to the time of announcement when it is meant to form a group for some common activity.Sarajit, I have been pondering on the meaning of the actions immediately following the lighting of the diya (with 8 points or wicks). My intuitive interpretation is that the group activity will flounder in your absence (for a short period of time) and become stronger once you return. The strength of the other points indicate that the students will be strong and give much support. A maximum of 7 (illustrious?) students could be indicated. Of course here, I walk the thin line between blabbering and divine knowledge!I checked up my watch with the US Atomic clock. It seems that it is fast by 1m 10 s and thus the time of lighting of the first point of the diya should be corrected to 16:56:00~10, Singapore with the time of coming back to the first point roughly 2 mins later.I feel very blessed to have participated in the Satyanarayana Vrata. May Lord Jagannath guide us all.regardsHarivarahamihira , "Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp@h...> wrote:> || Jaya Jagannath ||> Dear Swee,> > It seems the definition for the time of formation for SJC- Zambia is little> hazy.... Should it depend on the time when you started composing the mail or> when toy pressed the sent button or when the mail reaches the > server! Its difficult to define ... isn't it.. If you say it is moment of> start composing the mail or pressing the send icon, the announce would have> been made in the first go itself, even if it didnot make it to the list.> Otheriwise when you said that you take the time of reaching the mail to the> server... so that everyone receives it thereafter, then its> difficult to determine, what time it reaches there...Hmm... anyway... lets> proceed.> > ----> > varahamihira > Monday, July 14, 2003 6:48:40 AM> SJC; Varahamihira; Vedic-Astrology> |Sri Varaha| [Fwd: Muhurata SJC Zambia]> > > Jaya Jagannatha> > Sarajit Poddar wrote:> > Dear Swee,> > Do post the muhurtha chart or the chart for SJC- Zambia.> > Best Wishes> Sarajit> > Dear Sarajit,> > Initially, I had told Sanjayji that I would make the announcement after my> fast, but I decided to send it earlier, having to go through some passages> in Bhargavata Purana and busy the following day. The initial announcement> did not get through to mail. When I realised this, I sent another one> later. So this is the chart I will use as sent below.> Sorry for the rather slow response. I attended Bhajan this morning at the> RamaKrishnaVedanta Centre (unfortunately no translators for my Vishnu Purana> but determined to get this done, I met someone at the supermarket whom I> think maybe able to help me. So I will try and begin work on this next week.> Also no potential students.)> The first lessons started today from ground zero and it ended up being a> raaa---ther extended session as they all so enjoyed the novel details. We> ended the session 2 hours later, and questions veered towards spirituality,> meditation, karma etc. into dinner time....... > Analysis of the muhurata chart below. Please help along if you would. Thank> you.> > > > > SJC-Zambia Announcement> Time: 23:03 > Lusaka 28E17, 15S25 1E46> > > Lagna is Pisces with exalted lord in the 5th of higher learning and its> dispositor is in Jupiter's nakshatra with spritual Ketu in the Dharmic house> indicating grasp of knowledge will be quickly absorbed and interest will> veer more towards dharmic responsibilities and spiritual awareness. This is> confirmed with Drig Dasa in Scorpio beginning with Moon in its debilitation> sign. Jupiter in a movable sign aspects all the fixed signs and the grahas> in them.> [sP] This is a good condition. As the lagna lord is exalted and the lagna is> aspected by the lagna lord and Jupiter, the lagna is rendered very strong.> So we can see a stable future for the group. Jupiter is not only aspecting> the Moon in with Rasi drsti but also grahadrsti.... However, the things I> didn't like is that, Moon should be strong in any muhurtha chart and for> spiritual organisations like SJC, Sun and Jupiter should be very strong> during that time.... So day is better suitable for such events. Did you see> the pravrajya yoga in the 4th house although broken by the presence of the> Sun... Lets seen what it stores for the grp...:-)> > The Hora lord is also Jupiter, and mahadasa is also Jupiter in> pratyantardasa of debilitated Moon. Mercury is in its own sign in the 4th of> knowledge and is in the 9th in Navamsa, indicating that students will have> pre-knowledge and awareness about karma and a healthy approach in the> socio-righteous redressals. Being the badhak planet in the 4th will indicate> their interest to redress their karma in the present.> [sP] Hmm... with Jupiter being the Hora lord, at least the Kala bala of Jup> is fairly high... so even if it is after Sunset.... Jup is rendered stong at> that moment to bless that occasion. Badhakesh in the 4th can create some> unhappiness in the grp... however Mercury's presence is good for educational> pursuit... The presence of Sun and Saturn in the 4th would not leave the> situation so cool, more so when the karaka is debilitated... Just Keep> Jupiter stronger, the subhargala at least have some good effect on the 4th.> > The lord of Arudha lagna is 4th from it and is 12th from lagna suggests that> there may be not much interest in calculations in the initial stages, but> Saturn is its dispositor in the 4th from lagna indicates that this will> happen at a later stage, as we can see with Mars and Jupiter conjoining in> the 5th in Navamsa. > In Rasi, the 5th from Arudha indicates the type of students is in the> sattvic sign Pisces with A5 and A4! 9th from AL is exalted Jupiter in a> nakshatra owned by Mercury (learning). > [sP] Please explain the arudha lagna and the placement of the Mars in 4th> bit more... Navamsa shows that presence of Guru Mangala in the 5th from the> Lagna, would make the group very logical in approaching any problem... and> grant a very sharp intellectual abilities...So there would not be dirth of> calculations / mathematics ... more so when Mercury is placed in 9th from> the Lagnamsa.> > The Pisces siddhamsa rising with Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Moon in their> own signs may show that initiative in learning is good, but the house of> speech and the 9th is debilitated and Aries dasa is running until 2005.(Does> this also mean that there will be no admin "interference" from SJC, Delhi.> with Sun in 12th from lagna and its lord is in debilitation?) > [sP] The hamsa yoga in the Siddhamsa shows that the group would be broad> minded and shall be willing to learn diverse things...Placement of planets> in own house is indeed good as they show with the strength of the karaka,> the objective of learning would be acheived. The authority to control the> grp is seen from the 9th house.... From the ND sign, the 5th house is Leo,> with the lord placed in 11th house from the ND sign and 12th from the Lagna.> .. with the ND sign containing the 11th and 12th lord Saturn... 5th lord in> the 11th (4th from 8th) is a good placement for Jyotish studies and> placement of the 11th lord in the ND sign is also good. The structured> learning would be shown by the 4th from the ND sign with chandra-mangala> yoga, showing lots of initiative.... the debilitation of the ND sign lord is> brocken by Saturn placed in 10th from Moon and in the ND sign, showing that> the group with their own effort shall rise over the difficult situations of> structured learning.> The AK is Mercury and Sun in 12th from Karakamsa, indicating the Holy Father> (God), Sadashiva, Rama etc.> In Vimsamsa, Pisces rises, (yet again) and Jupiter and Mercury are in> parivatana, hence debilitation of Mercury is cancelled and it is seemed to> be in exaltation. Sun in a kona in Sitaa amsa indicates the belief in> existence of God.> [sP] Holy father or Sadashiva is the rupas shown by Jupiter. Hmm.. not much> knowledgeable about the amsa rulers of Vimsamsa... Can you take some pain to> expain more on Sitaa Amsa.> > The "students" are keen to have another go next Sunday 20th July. > In attendance: 2 lawyers, 2 MD's of their own companies. 1 teacher in South> American "Kung Fu"???, 1 College French and Art Teacher. 4 - 6 others would> like join us next Sunday. (I hope this is not going to be the case every> time a session is in place). This time I hope they don't stay for dinner> again <grin>. > Notes they have taken during the discussions will be circulated amongst> themselves for a recap by Tuesday.> [sP] Quite impressive. Why <grins> for dinner. You should be happy to have> someone who can appreciate the dinner cooked by you. ;-)> > Do you see:> 1) SJC, Zambia growing> 2) long lasting> 3) Produce at least one shining star (protégé) :-) > [sP] When lord Jagannath is there to take care.... we need not think much...> :-) what you say?> > Sorry for the brief analysis, but it's way past my bed time.> [sP] No problem. I guess you had a nice sleep by now.> Warm Ragards> Sarajit> P.S. Is the time zone correct. Why 1:46 E? In JH it shows 2 E and in LMT it> is 1:53 E! Something am I missing?> > Best regards,> Swee> swee@b...> www.brihaspati.net










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