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RE: Wedding time (Marriage compatibility)

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|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Chandrashekhar,


The planets which gain strength in the morning are Sun, Jupiter and Venus whereas those who get strength at night are Moon, Saturn and Mars and Mercury is strong durin both day and night. Now you see that Marriage should happen when the three things are strong.... Sun- the dharma (or the committment to each other), Jupiter- blessings in the marriage (Progeny and spiritual development) and Venus- Companionship or relationship and mutual feelings to stay together among the partners should be strong.


Why we see hora or day for any event. This is because they are the elements of the time and shall show which areas one should focus on during what time. Thus Kala bala is important in finding out the right time in undertaking any activity.


Moon no doubt be strong in any muhurtha chart as this material world is nothing but for experiencing.... If Moon is badly placed, the experiences could be very bad... However need not be in natonnata or other kala bala, but sthana bala and good placement from the janma nakshatra as per the navatara scheme and also from the Janma Rasi. However, if we are undertaking any activities related to Moon such as visiting Mother or worshipping mother or writing poetry, composing songs etc etc. the Kala bala should be strong and hence doing them at night is more justified.


I hope I could make myself clear...


Best Wishes






vedic astrology

Monday, July 14, 2003 3:12:28 AM

vedic astrology

RE: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)


Dear Sarajit,

While I do not dispute your scholarly input about Natonnata bala, why you say that Kala bala of Sun is more important that other factors is something that I fail to grasp.

The mantras at the time of marriage say"Tara Balam Chandra Balam Tadev", indicating bala of Venus and Moon. So I would think that if we apply Matonnata bala principles alone as is your contention then both Venus and Moon would be bereft of bala at noon. This surely cannot be the case, or am I wrong?



Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp]Sunday, July 13, 2003 9:35 AMvedic astrology Subject: Re: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)





|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Chandrashekhar, Narasimha and Gurudev,


For the marriage timing, the Kala bala is more important than the dik bala, which shows that the direction of travel/ life, when a planet is strong in Dikbala would show, would be beneficial. The kala bala, shows which activities should be done at any particular time. The strength of Sun finds its occurance in one of the element of the Kala bala, namely the natonnata bala. I am pasting here from my article on the shadbalas in the varahamihira grp.


""Natonnata is composed of two terms nata and unnata. Unnata is the difference between midnight and the apparent birth time. Unnata when deducted from 30 Ghatikas gives Nata. Moon, Mars and Saturn are stronger at night, whereas Sun, Jupiter and Venus are stronger during the day. Mercury is stronger both during day and night. Hence, the nata bala is seen for Moon, Mars and Saturn and unnata bala is seen for Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Irrespective of day or night Mercurygets the bala of 60 virupa or 1 rupa.

At midnite, which marks the peak of night, the diurnal planets are weaker. Thus at that time the unnata bala of the diurnal planets Sun, Jupiter and Venus is zero, whereas the nata bala of the nocturnal planets Moon, Mars and Saturn is full 60 virupas. At the noon hr. when the day is at peak and the Sun is placed exactly on the meridian, the unnata bala of the Sun, Jupiter and Venus is full 60 virupas and the nata bala of Moon, Mars and Saturn is zero. At other time the bala is proportionate.


At Surise and Sunset, which marks the junction of the day and the night, the natonnata bala for all the planets (excluding Mercury, whose bala is always 60), is the same, i.e., 30 Virupas.


Also note the formula Nata Bala+ Unnata Bala = 60 virupas


The fluctuation of the Natonnata bala for the planets can be seen as follows:

Diurnal Planet Nocturnal Planet

Sunrise 30 30

Noon 60 00

Sunset 30 30

Midnite 00 60


There is no doubt that the diurnal planets Sun, Jupiter and Venus, all of whom are good for marriage, when strong during the midday time, should be auspicious for marriage. Hence I too concur with the arguement of Gurudev.


However, when I see actual wedding in W.Bengal, it happens the way Narasimha said, it can be anytime during day or night time based on other aspects of the Muhurtha and they are leading a stable, dharmic and happy married life. May Gurudev clarify this point.


Best Wishes










vedic astrology

Sunday, July 13, 2003 3:12:40 AM

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)


Dear Narasimha Raoji,

I too agree that Mid-day muhurta if other things are not favourable might not have importance by itself. At the same time, whereas you said that this strength of Sun does not find mention in Shadbalas etc, would not Sun aquire Digbala at Midday?

I am certain you will pardon my query if I am wrong.





Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

vedic astrology

Saturday, July 12, 2003 9:01 PM

[vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)


Pranaam Sanjay, I just want to add another perspective. Yes, Sun is strong around noon. In the morning time, he represents Brahma (Brahmaswaroopa Udaye). In the noon, he represents Shiva (madhyaahne tu maheswarah). In the evening, he represents Vishnu (saayamkaale swayam vishnuh). If Sun showing dharma takes the form of Shiva, the lord of Union, it is a good time for wedding. However, how can this be such an important factor that other strengths do not matter? This particular strength of Sun does not even find representation in kaala bala, shadbalas, vimsopaka bala etc. Thus, this can only be a small factor at best. In Andhra Pradesh state of India, we don't care if it is midday or morning or evening or night. We choose muhurta at any time as long as the muhurta chart is strong and lagna is strong. I know a lot of people who got married in the night time with a good muhurta chart and are leading very dharmik marital lives. Based on experience, I will have to reject any notion that the time of marriage (midday or not) is a key factor in deciding the length of marriage or dharma followed in marriage. That is at best a minor influence. The rising sign at the time of marriage and planetary placements with respect to it are the key. Hora lord and yoga lord at the time of marriage are also key. If they are placed in a quadrant or a trine in the muhurta chart and are functional benefics in the natal charts of the natives, that is very auspicious.


If one ignores all these factors and chooses a muhurta at noon or forenoon, in the hora of his natal 6th lord and with lagna lord and 7th lord placed in marana karaka sthanas, do you think the marriage will serve its purpose? May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha > |brihaspatim varenyam|> Dear Jagmeet> The first date is very good. I like midday. Remember the lesson on Marriage and DHARMA. For the sikhs, dharma is defined by Jupiter (Guru). So keep Guru strong.> Sorry for this delayed response as I was and am still writing those papers. > did you notice the rasi sastastaka between the couple? Since this is second marriage for girl, the negatives are not as much. > 17th July is not as good as Moon conjoins Mars. This is not a good day for starting work associated with things so opposed to Mars.> Others notice - Jupiter is lagnesh in lagna and 7th & 2nd house are associated - 2 marriages seems to have worked (girl chart).> And finally, Sikhs are not the only community who prefer that auspicious midday. The Brahmins of Puri/Bhubaneswar will only marry when the Sun (karaka for the Gayatri mantra defining our dharma) is strong and choose a time between 10 AM-2 PM. I happened to be the only fool who defied this rule saying that it was *not quoted* and chose a time in the late afternoon/evening purely based on convenience and this time was also not adhered to by the arya samaj which does not believe in this... I now realise that there is more knowledge in those simple age old customs than what seems apparant. So Jagmeet, follow the old system and realise that Guru is strongest from Brahma Muhurta to Midday..and encourage the Sikhs to marry in that time.> ~ om tat sat ~> Yours truly,> Sanjay Rath> ---------------------------> H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India> +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com> ---------------------------

Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

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In continuation of my last mail, how do you relate marriage as an activity ruled by Sun, that Kalabala needs to be seen for undertaking it? If at all this logic is to be applied then may be strength of Venus should be taken into consideration.

Varahamihira has only treated natonnatabala in the Brihatjatakam but Rudrabhatt in his commentary says re natonnatabala that Sun rules on 1st 1/3rd portion of the day and Jupiter over 2nd 1/3rd. So Sun would not be strong in natonnatabala at midday according to this. Therefore even Sun's being with kala bala is not viewed in the same periods by various acharyas.

Awaiting your guidance,



Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp]Monday, July 14, 2003 8:29 AMvedic astrology Cc: Varahamihira |Sri Varaha| RE: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)





|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Chandrashekhar,


The planets which gain strength in the morning are Sun, Jupiter and Venus whereas those who get strength at night are Moon, Saturn and Mars and Mercury is strong durin both day and night. Now you see that Marriage should happen when the three things are strong.... Sun- the dharma (or the committment to each other), Jupiter- blessings in the marriage (Progeny and spiritual development) and Venus- Companionship or relationship and mutual feelings to stay together among the partners should be strong.


Why we see hora or day for any event. This is because they are the elements of the time and shall show which areas one should focus on during what time. Thus Kala bala is important in finding out the right time in undertaking any activity.


Moon no doubt be strong in any muhurtha chart as this material world is nothing but for experiencing.... If Moon is badly placed, the experiences could be very bad... However need not be in natonnata or other kala bala, but sthana bala and good placement from the janma nakshatra as per the navatara scheme and also from the Janma Rasi. However, if we are undertaking any activities related to Moon such as visiting Mother or worshipping mother or writing poetry, composing songs etc etc. the Kala bala should be strong and hence doing them at night is more justified.


I hope I could make myself clear...


Best Wishes






vedic astrology

Monday, July 14, 2003 3:12:28 AM

vedic astrology

RE: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)


Dear Sarajit,

While I do not dispute your scholarly input about Natonnata bala, why you say that Kala bala of Sun is more important that other factors is something that I fail to grasp.

The mantras at the time of marriage say"Tara Balam Chandra Balam Tadev", indicating bala of Venus and Moon. So I would think that if we apply Matonnata bala principles alone as is your contention then both Venus and Moon would be bereft of bala at noon. This surely cannot be the case, or am I wrong?



Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp]Sunday, July 13, 2003 9:35 AMvedic astrology Subject: Re: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)






|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Chandrashekhar, Narasimha and Gurudev,


For the marriage timing, the Kala bala is more important than the dik bala, which shows that the direction of travel/ life, when a planet is strong in Dikbala would show, would be beneficial. The kala bala, shows which activities should be done at any particular time. The strength of Sun finds its occurance in one of the element of the Kala bala, namely the natonnata bala. I am pasting here from my article on the shadbalas in the varahamihira grp.


""Natonnata is composed of two terms nata and unnata. Unnata is the difference between midnight and the apparent birth time. Unnata when deducted from 30 Ghatikas gives Nata. Moon, Mars and Saturn are stronger at night, whereas Sun, Jupiter and Venus are stronger during the day. Mercury is stronger both during day and night. Hence, the nata bala is seen for Moon, Mars and Saturn and unnata bala is seen for Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Irrespective of day or night Mercurygets the bala of 60 virupa or 1 rupa.

At midnite, which marks the peak of night, the diurnal planets are weaker. Thus at that time the unnata bala of the diurnal planets Sun, Jupiter and Venus is zero, whereas the nata bala of the nocturnal planets Moon, Mars and Saturn is full 60 virupas. At the noon hr. when the day is at peak and the Sun is placed exactly on the meridian, the unnata bala of the Sun, Jupiter and Venus is full 60 virupas and the nata bala of Moon, Mars and Saturn is zero. At other time the bala is proportionate.


At Surise and Sunset, which marks the junction of the day and the night, the natonnata bala for all the planets (excluding Mercury, whose bala is always 60), is the same, i.e., 30 Virupas.


Also note the formula Nata Bala+ Unnata Bala = 60 virupas


The fluctuation of the Natonnata bala for the planets can be seen as follows:

Diurnal Planet Nocturnal Planet

Sunrise 30 30

Noon 60 00

Sunset 30 30

Midnite 00 60


There is no doubt that the diurnal planets Sun, Jupiter and Venus, all of whom are good for marriage, when strong during the midday time, should be auspicious for marriage. Hence I too concur with the arguement of Gurudev.


However, when I see actual wedding in W.Bengal, it happens the way Narasimha said, it can be anytime during day or night time based on other aspects of the Muhurtha and they are leading a stable, dharmic and happy married life. May Gurudev clarify this point.


Best Wishes










vedic astrology

Sunday, July 13, 2003 3:12:40 AM

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)


Dear Narasimha Raoji,

I too agree that Mid-day muhurta if other things are not favourable might not have importance by itself. At the same time, whereas you said that this strength of Sun does not find mention in Shadbalas etc, would not Sun aquire Digbala at Midday?

I am certain you will pardon my query if I am wrong.





Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

vedic astrology

Saturday, July 12, 2003 9:01 PM

[vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)


Pranaam Sanjay, I just want to add another perspective. Yes, Sun is strong around noon. In the morning time, he represents Brahma (Brahmaswaroopa Udaye). In the noon, he represents Shiva (madhyaahne tu maheswarah). In the evening, he represents Vishnu (saayamkaale swayam vishnuh). If Sun showing dharma takes the form of Shiva, the lord of Union, it is a good time for wedding. However, how can this be such an important factor that other strengths do not matter? This particular strength of Sun does not even find representation in kaala bala, shadbalas, vimsopaka bala etc. Thus, this can only be a small factor at best. In Andhra Pradesh state of India, we don't care if it is midday or morning or evening or night. We choose muhurta at any time as long as the muhurta chart is strong and lagna is strong. I know a lot of people who got married in the night time with a good muhurta chart and are leading very dharmik marital lives. Based on experience, I will have to reject any notion that the time of marriage (midday or not) is a key factor in deciding the length of marriage or dharma followed in marriage. That is at best a minor influence. The rising sign at the time of marriage and planetary placements with respect to it are the key. Hora lord and yoga lord at the time of marriage are also key. If they are placed in a quadrant or a trine in the muhurta chart and are functional benefics in the natal charts of the natives, that is very auspicious.


If one ignores all these factors and chooses a muhurta at noon or forenoon, in the hora of his natal 6th lord and with lagna lord and 7th lord placed in marana karaka sthanas, do you think the marriage will serve its purpose? May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha > |brihaspatim varenyam|> Dear Jagmeet> The first date is very good. I like midday. Remember the lesson on Marriage and DHARMA. For the sikhs, dharma is defined by Jupiter (Guru). So keep Guru strong.> Sorry for this delayed response as I was and am still writing those papers. > did you notice the rasi sastastaka between the couple? Since this is second marriage for girl, the negatives are not as much. > 17th July is not as good as Moon conjoins Mars. This is not a good day for starting work associated with things so opposed to Mars.> Others notice - Jupiter is lagnesh in lagna and 7th & 2nd house are associated - 2 marriages seems to have worked (girl chart).> And finally, Sikhs are not the only community who prefer that auspicious midday. The Brahmins of Puri/Bhubaneswar will only marry when the Sun (karaka for the Gayatri mantra defining our dharma) is strong and choose a time between 10 AM-2 PM. I happened to be the only fool who defied this rule saying that it was *not quoted* and chose a time in the late afternoon/evening purely based on convenience and this time was also not adhered to by the arya samaj which does not believe in this... I now realise that there is more knowledge in those simple age old customs than what seems apparant. So Jagmeet, follow the old system and realise that Guru is strongest from Brahma Muhurta to Midday..and encourage the Sikhs to marry in that time.> ~ om tat sat ~> Yours truly,> Sanjay Rath> ---------------------------> H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India> +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com> ---------------------------

Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Chandrashekhar,


I am giving herewith the my understanding to both your mails.


First of all, yes I agree that there are other elements in the Kaalabala and not only the natottanata bala. So why I tried justifying the fact using only natonnata bala and not any other bala. For others who are following this discussion, I am pasting the information on all the elements of the Kala Bala:



""3. KALA BALA:----------------3.1 Natonnata Bala: (Maximum 60 virupa = 1 rupa)Natonnata is composed of two terms nata and unnata. Unnata is the difference between midnight and the apparent birth time. Unnata when deducted from 30 Ghatikas gives Nata. Moon, Mars and Saturn are stronger at night, whereas Sun, Jupiter and Venus are stronger during the day. Mercury is stronger both during day and night. Hence, the nata bala is seen for Moon, Mars and Saturn and unnata bala is seen for Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Irrespective of day or night Mercurygets the bala of 60 virupa or 1 rupa.


At midnite, which marks the peak of night, the diurnal planets are weaker. Thus at that time the unnata bala of the diurnal planets Sun, Jupiter and Venus is zero, whereas the nata bala of the nocturnal planets Moon, Mars and Saturn is full 60 virupas. At the noon hr. when the day is at peak and the Sun is placed exactly on the meridian, the unnata bala of the Sun, Jupiter and Venus is full 60 virupas and the nata bala of Moon, Mars and Saturn is zero. At other time the bala is proportionate.


At Surise and Sunset, which marks the junction of the day and the night, the natonnata bala for all the planets (excluding Mercury, whose bala is always 60), is the same, i.e., 30 Virupas.


Also note the formula Nata Bala+ Unnata Bala = 60 virupas


The fluctuation of the Natonnata bala for the planets can be seen as follows:

Diurnal Planet Nocturnal Planet

Sunrise 30 30

Noon 60 00

Sunset 30 30

Midnite 00 60



3.2 Paksha Bal:Paksha can be loosely translated as a fortnite. However in Jyotish term, Paksha is the duration between conjunction and opposition of the Luminaries. The duration from Conjunction to Opposition is the time when the Phase of Moon increase and is termed as Waxing Moon, which in Jyotish parlance known as the Sukla Paksha. Whereas the duration from opposition to conjunction, the phase of Moon decreases and is termed as Waning Moon, which in Jyotish Parlance known as Krsna Paksha.


The Benefics are stronger in the Sukla Paksha and the Malefics are stronger in the Krsna Paksha. This forms the basis for calculation of the paksha bala. The benefics are Jupiter, Venus, well associate Mercury, whereas the malefics are Sun, Mars and Saturn. The paksha bala of the Moon is 2 rupas (120 virupas) at the end time of Full Moon and New Moon. The Paksha bala of the Moon goes down to 60 virupas, during the middle of the pakshas.


Find the angular distance between Sun and Moon. If the angular duration exceeds 180 degrees, deduct the same from 360. The degrees so obtained when divided by 3, which will indicate the Paksha Bala of each of the benefic Grahas. The Paksh Bal of benefic should be deducted from 60, which will go to each malefic, as Paksh Bal.


3.3 Tribhag Bala:

Tribhaga means three parts. This strength has gained its name from the fact that the day and night are divided into three parts each. The Planets which gain 1 virupa of strength during different part of a days is a as follows:


Mercury- First 1/3 part of day

Sun- Middle 1/3 part of day

Saturn- Last 1/3 part of day

Moon- First 1/3 part of Night

Venus- Middle 1/3 part of Night

Mars- Last 1/3 part of Night

Jupiter gets this Bal at all times.


3.4 Varsha (Abda) - Maasa- Dina- Hora Bal:

Varsha-Maasa-Dina-Hora Bal. 15, 30, 45 and 60 Virupas are in order given to Varsh Lord, Maas Lord, Dina Lord and Hora Lord.


3.4.1 Varsha Bala: The Varsha mentioned here is the solar year or the samvatsara, which commences when the Sun moves to the first sign on the zodiac, Mesha. This is the weekday lord of the day in which the Sun has transited to Mesha. If Sun has moved after 00:00 hrs of civil calendar, the previous weekday has to be taken.


3.4.2 Maasa Bala: Like Varsha Lord, each saurya masa (Solar Month) commences when the Sun transits each sign of the zodiac. Take the weekday lord on which Sun has moved to a new sign as the lord of the Masa. If Sun has moved after 00:00 hrs of civil calendar, the previous weekday has to be taken.


3.4.3 Dina Bala: Dina is weekday. The lord of the weekday is the lord of the day.


3.4.4 Hora Bala: Hora means planetary hour. Each day from sunrise to next sunrise is divided into 24 equal parts of one hour. These Horas are ruled by the 7 Grahas from Sun to Saturn. The first Hora of the day is ruled by the Lord of the week day. The 2nd one is ruled by the Lord of the 6th week day, counted from the first ruler. The 3rd Hora is ruled by the Lord of the 6th week day, counted from the 2nd Hora Lord. Similarly it proceeds in the same manner, till the first Hora of the next day is taken over by the Lord of that day himself. At a particular time, the lord of a particular hora gets the Hora bala of 60 Virupas.


From the strength of the Varsa, Maasa, Dina and Hora lord, we can see that Hora lord gets the maximum strength, i.e., 60 Virupas, highlighting the importance of the hora lord over the other lords at any time.

3.5 Ayan BalaThe Earth's equitorial plane when projected to the celestial spehere (a hypothetical sphere which has shows the visible stars and planets), is known as the celestial equator. The planets which we see, can be above, below or placed on the celestial equator at any point of time. The angle which they make with respect to the plane of celestial equator measured from center of earth is called the declination or Kranti. The Declination of Sun is maximum, i.e., 23°27’ during the solstices where the Sunrises either on Tropic of Cancer or Capricorn, whereas during the equinoxes, the declination becomes zero.


The calculation of the ayana bala is complecated, however the same can be accomplished using a simple formula: Ayan Bal = 60*(23°27’ ± Kranti)/(46°54’) = (23°27’± Kranti)*1.2793. Now a days with the advent of computers, things have become easier for the Jyotishis.


When Moon or Saturn have southern Kranti (placed below the equitorial plane) or, when Sun, Mars, Jupiter, or Venus have northern Kranti (Placed above the equitorial plane), take plus and otherwise minus. As far as Merucry is concerned, it is always plus. Krantis can be ascertained from a standard modern ephemeris.


Sun's Ayana Bal is again multiplied by 2 whereas for others the product arrived in Virupas is considered as it is.


3.6. Yudhdh Bala.When two planets are placed inside each other's orbs of influence, they are supposed to be in war or yuddha. Should there be a war between the planets, the difference between the Shad Balas of the two should be added to the victor’s Shad Bal and deducted from the Shad Bal of the vanquished.""



Now lets talk of some elements of the Kala Bala. You have mentioned about the Tribhaga Bala where a planet gets some strength in one 1/3rd portion of the day or night. Even here Sun gets the bala in the Middle 1/3rd part of the day. If the day approximately start at 6:00 AM then the, day duration of approximate 12 hrs can be divided into 6:00-10:00, 10:00-14:00, 14:00-18:00. This shows that Sun gets the tribhaga bala during the midday slot, 2 hrs each side of the Noon. If we cumulate this, we would find that during the day some planets are gainer and some are loser. Sun is the biggest gainer as it has both natonnata as well as the tribaga bala, the next gainer is Jupiter and Mercury, who has both the balas during that time. Venus has lesser strength it has natonnata but not tribhaga bala, Saturn is like Venus as it has no natonnata bala, but tribhaga bala, Moon and Mars definitely has no strength as per this two count in the day. So we have reached the inference that at least on this two count, the planets who are strong during the day is Sun (most strong during the Abhijit muhurtha) and also Jupiter and Mercury. Whereas Saturn and Venus are of lesser Bala.


So This is evident that Solar strength is high during that time, along with Jupiter and Mercury, with Venus Middling in strength. This strength can be offset by the Varsha- Masa- Dina- Hora bala. Among them, Varsha, Masa and Dina would not be of much useful in deciding whether Day or Night, as it would be constant for the planets during both day and night. Only Hora who got 60 virupas can tilt the balance in someone's favour, however taking over Sun's strength as arrived at the before two count, in the day, is only possible if the Jupiter or Mercury gains the Bala as they equal Sun in the earlier two count. However, during the middle 1/3 slot can only be over taken by Jupiter. This means that if the hora happens to be that of Jupiter then only the Kala Bala would favour Jupiter and not Sun (Sun remains non the less enough stronger). However, we must appreciate that fact that, the Hora is dynamic and changes it slot of time to influence the event everyday, unlike the other two balas which are constant. And it is equally likely for any planet to lord the Hora at the time of marriage and hence of not much significance in deciding the planetary strengths in a day or night.


Paksha bala and Ayana Bala would not be of much consequence as it will almost remain the same for the planet both in the day or night...

From this we can conclude that Sun and Jupiter are the strongest during the middle 1/3rd portion of the day and any dharmic acitivity should be undertaken during this time. Marriage is also nothing but upholding the dharma only and Sun's and Jupiter's strength count a lot.


In the sloka that you gave "Tara Balam Chandra Balam Tadev" you have translated Tara to be Venus. Can you shed more light on this. I have explained in my previous main, the strength of Moon and the use of Navatara Chakra (can be used to see the Tara Bala). There are various sources of strength and this could very well indicate their strength in the muhurtha chart or sthana bala than, Kala bala.


You said that the strength of Sun is not good for marriage as it shows Atma Bala. But I shall ask you, why marry if the dharma is not involved? If Strength of Sun is detrimental to marriage, why when proper muhurtha is not found, people are married in Abhijit Muhurtha?


Chandrashekhar, I am also a seeker of knowledge in this big ocean... I am not trying to propound my own theories, but try understanding why something has been said and trying to formulate the logic and reasons. I shall always be eager in knowing your and other learned members opinions...As I said before, marriages happen during both day and night at our place and should have taken your stance, which would have been easier for me... However, I still believe in what Gurudev said about marriage on midday as I have some reasons to believe that.


Best Wishes

Sarajit Poddaar

SJC- Asia





In continuation of my last mail, how do you relate marriage as an activity ruled by Sun, that Kalabala needs to be seen for undertaking it? If at all this logic is to be applied then may be strength of Venus should be taken into consideration.


Varahamihira has only treated natonnatabala in the Brihatjatakam but Rudrabhatt in his commentary says re natonnatabala that Sun rules on 1st 1/3rd portion of the day and Jupiter over 2nd 1/3rd. So Sun would not be strong in natonnatabala at midday according to this. Therefore even Sun's being with kala bala is not viewed in the same periods by various acharyas.

Awaiting your guidance,






vedic astrology

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 3:28:20 AM

vedic astrology

RE: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)


Dear Sarajit,

Kalabala has more parameters than what has been stated. For example Venus gets 60 shatyamsha in the second 1/3rd part of the night while Sun gets the same in 2nd 1/3rd part of the day in Diva Ratri Bala.Moon Guru Budha and Shukra get pakshabala in Shuklapaksha and rest in krishna paksha and besides these Varshabala, Masa Bala, Dinbala and Hora bala are to be considered to arrive at Kala bala(Some say even Chesta bala), and not merely Natonnatabala as suggested.


Again Sun in strength indicating high atmabala might not be conducive for the marriage to last if Venus Chandra and Guru do not have bala especially with Sun being in strength at midday in digbala as well as nirasga bala.


You have also not commented on the reason that the bala of Chandra and Tara(Venus) finds mention in the mantras but not Sun bala. I would like to understand this aspect in respect of Marriage muhurtas, as I am convinced that all the shashtras mantras and rituals are close linked.




Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp]Monday, July 14, 2003 8:29 AMvedic astrology Cc: Varahamihira RE: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)




|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Chandrashekhar,


The planets which gain strength in the morning are Sun, Jupiter and Venus whereas those who get strength at night are Moon, Saturn and Mars and Mercury is strong durin both day and night. Now you see that Marriage should happen when the three things are strong.... Sun- the dharma (or the committment to each other), Jupiter- blessings in the marriage (Progeny and spiritual development) and Venus- Companionship or relationship and mutual feelings to stay together among the partners should be strong.


Why we see hora or day for any event. This is because they are the elements of the time and shall show which areas one should focus on during what time. Thus Kala bala is important in finding out the right time in undertaking any activity.


Moon no doubt be strong in any muhurtha chart as this material world is nothing but for experiencing.... If Moon is badly placed, the experiences could be very bad... However need not be in natonnata or other kala bala, but sthana bala and good placement from the janma nakshatra as per the navatara scheme and also from the Janma Rasi. However, if we are undertaking any activities related to Moon such as visiting Mother or worshipping mother or writing poetry, composing songs etc etc. the Kala bala should be strong and hence doing them at night is more justified.


I hope I could make myself clear...


Best Wishes






vedic astrology

Monday, July 14, 2003 3:12:28 AM

vedic astrology

RE: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)


Dear Sarajit,

While I do not dispute your scholarly input about Natonnata bala, why you say that Kala bala of Sun is more important that other factors is something that I fail to grasp.

The mantras at the time of marriage say"Tara Balam Chandra Balam Tadev", indicating bala of Venus and Moon. So I would think that if we apply Matonnata bala principles alone as is your contention then both Venus and Moon would be bereft of bala at noon. This surely cannot be the case, or am I wrong?



Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp]Sunday, July 13, 2003 9:35 AMvedic astrology Subject: Re: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)





|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Chandrashekhar, Narasimha and Gurudev,


For the marriage timing, the Kala bala is more important than the dik bala, which shows that the direction of travel/ life, when a planet is strong in Dikbala would show, would be beneficial. The kala bala, shows which activities should be done at any particular time. The strength of Sun finds its occurance in one of the element of the Kala bala, namely the natonnata bala. I am pasting here from my article on the shadbalas in the varahamihira grp.


""Natonnata is composed of two terms nata and unnata. Unnata is the difference between midnight and the apparent birth time. Unnata when deducted from 30 Ghatikas gives Nata. Moon, Mars and Saturn are stronger at night, whereas Sun, Jupiter and Venus are stronger during the day. Mercury is stronger both during day and night. Hence, the nata bala is seen for Moon, Mars and Saturn and unnata bala is seen for Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Irrespective of day or night Mercurygets the bala of 60 virupa or 1 rupa.

At midnite, which marks the peak of night, the diurnal planets are weaker. Thus at that time the unnata bala of the diurnal planets Sun, Jupiter and Venus is zero, whereas the nata bala of the nocturnal planets Moon, Mars and Saturn is full 60 virupas. At the noon hr. when the day is at peak and the Sun is placed exactly on the meridian, the unnata bala of the Sun, Jupiter and Venus is full 60 virupas and the nata bala of Moon, Mars and Saturn is zero. At other time the bala is proportionate.


At Surise and Sunset, which marks the junction of the day and the night, the natonnata bala for all the planets (excluding Mercury, whose bala is always 60), is the same, i.e., 30 Virupas.


Also note the formula Nata Bala+ Unnata Bala = 60 virupas


The fluctuation of the Natonnata bala for the planets can be seen as follows:

Diurnal Planet Nocturnal Planet

Sunrise 30 30

Noon 60 00

Sunset 30 30

Midnite 00 60


There is no doubt that the diurnal planets Sun, Jupiter and Venus, all of whom are good for marriage, when strong during the midday time, should be auspicious for marriage. Hence I too concur with the arguement of Gurudev.


However, when I see actual wedding in W.Bengal, it happens the way Narasimha said, it can be anytime during day or night time based on other aspects of the Muhurtha and they are leading a stable, dharmic and happy married life. May Gurudev clarify this point.


Best Wishes










vedic astrology

Sunday, July 13, 2003 3:12:40 AM

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)


Dear Narasimha Raoji,

I too agree that Mid-day muhurta if other things are not favourable might not have importance by itself. At the same time, whereas you said that this strength of Sun does not find mention in Shadbalas etc, would not Sun aquire Digbala at Midday?

I am certain you will pardon my query if I am wrong.





Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

vedic astrology

Saturday, July 12, 2003 9:01 PM

[vedic astrology] Wedding time (Re: Marriage compatibility)


Pranaam Sanjay, I just want to add another perspective. Yes, Sun is strong around noon. In the morning time, he represents Brahma (Brahmaswaroopa Udaye). In the noon, he represents Shiva (madhyaahne tu maheswarah). In the evening, he represents Vishnu (saayamkaale swayam vishnuh). If Sun showing dharma takes the form of Shiva, the lord of Union, it is a good time for wedding. However, how can this be such an important factor that other strengths do not matter? This particular strength of Sun does not even find representation in kaala bala, shadbalas, vimsopaka bala etc. Thus, this can only be a small factor at best. In Andhra Pradesh state of India, we don't care if it is midday or morning or evening or night. We choose muhurta at any time as long as the muhurta chart is strong and lagna is strong. I know a lot of people who got married in the night time with a good muhurta chart and are leading very dharmik marital lives. Based on experience, I will have to reject any notion that the time of marriage (midday or not) is a key factor in deciding the length of marriage or dharma followed in marriage. That is at best a minor influence. The rising sign at the time of marriage and planetary placements with respect to it are the key. Hora lord and yoga lord at the time of marriage are also key. If they are placed in a quadrant or a trine in the muhurta chart and are functional benefics in the natal charts of the natives, that is very auspicious.


If one ignores all these factors and chooses a muhurta at noon or forenoon, in the hora of his natal 6th lord and with lagna lord and 7th lord placed in marana karaka sthanas, do you think the marriage will serve its purpose? May Jupiter's light shine on us,Narasimha > |brihaspatim varenyam|> Dear Jagmeet> The first date is very good. I like midday. Remember the lesson on Marriage and DHARMA. For the sikhs, dharma is defined by Jupiter (Guru). So keep Guru strong.> Sorry for this delayed response as I was and am still writing those papers. > did you notice the rasi sastastaka between the couple? Since this is second marriage for girl, the negatives are not as much. > 17th July is not as good as Moon conjoins Mars. This is not a good day for starting work associated with things so opposed to Mars.> Others notice - Jupiter is lagnesh in lagna and 7th & 2nd house are associated - 2 marriages seems to have worked (girl chart).> And finally, Sikhs are not the only community who prefer that auspicious midday. The Brahmins of Puri/Bhubaneswar will only marry when the Sun (karaka for the Gayatri mantra defining our dharma) is strong and choose a time between 10 AM-2 PM. I happened to be the only fool who defied this rule saying that it was *not quoted* and chose a time in the late afternoon/evening purely based on convenience and this time was also not adhered to by the arya samaj which does not believe in this... I now realise that there is more knowledge in those simple age old customs than what seems apparant. So Jagmeet, follow the old system and realise that Guru is strongest from Brahma Muhurta to Midday..and encourage the Sikhs to marry in that time.> ~ om tat sat ~> Yours truly,> Sanjay Rath> ---------------------------> H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India> +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com> ---------------------------

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