Guest guest Posted July 14, 2003 Report Share Posted July 14, 2003 OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Respected Gurus, I have some simple ideas for exaltation of planets. SURYA :Surya is the concept of Soul which requires power,where Kuja is power and so in Mesha Surya is exalted.Simply King is honoured by the Commander. CHANDRA : Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha because Chandra is the embodying concept of Mother Parvathi and SHE is considered as Vrishabha Vahane.Also as per Nadi literatures,Shukra is the daughter-in-law and Chandra as mother-in-law.So Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha. KUJA: Kuja is exalted in Makara.Now Karka is the sign of Chandra who is the mother ( Parvathi ) of Kuja.Makara is the sign of Eshwaramsha and so son sits on the lap of father.Kuja represents Lord Shanmukha.Hence Kuja is exalted in Makara. BUDHA : Budha is the embodyment of Lord Maha Vishnu and when alone Budha indicates intelligence and intellect.He is Alankara Priya and Stree Priya also.That is why Budha is exalted in Kanya- female aspect. GURU : Guru is exalted in Karka which is called the ocean of Milk where Lord Maha Vishnu rests.So when Deva Guru enters Karka Rasi ,HE is honoured because of the visualisation of Paramatma. SHUKRA: Meena Rasi is the feet of Lord Maha Vishnu where Godess Lakshmi sits and so Shukra is exalted in Meena Rasi. SHANI : Shani is exalted in Tula ruled by Shukra.Shukra is the causative planet of Godess Lakshmi,Maya ( the concept of illusion ) makes human to do Karma expecting the Phala or results.Where is there is wealth,people will be working expecting the Phala ( money ).So Shani ,the Karma Karaka is exalted in Tula. I hope the above explains the exaltation of planets ina simple way. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao. Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa wrote: Om Namo Narayanaya,Venus rules ananda, or divine bliss.. Isn't it the highest bliss in love of God?Thus, this highest form of Ananda can come ONLY in spiritual Pisces, whereall desires are transcended..Best wishesZoranfls999999999 wrote: Om Rameshvara Namaha,Namaste Anna,NOt to stur up a hornest nest here, but I am still digestingVenus' exaltation in Pisces...yes, I know this intellectullyfor years, but have this "passion" to really question thisin Jyotish so I can bring out and cement the fundamentalsin my mind. That is, Venus represents Ausura Guru Sukrachara.Being exalted in Pisces , a Moksha house and home of Jupiter( Brihaspiti, and Para Vidya) is difficult for me to "get".I understand the notion of a Graha at Home, Work ( Moolatrikona),etc. But that does not resolve the "why" a Graha perfers andworks better ( effectively or efficiently or enjoys) one placeover another.Visti hs outline Surya in Aries...makes sense.Venus in Pisces, still scratching my head, not to mentionMars exalted in Capricorn? A sign owned by Sani and Samya ( Neutral)in nature to Mangala. I would think Mar's exalted in Sc would fit the bill, yet I am missing some important foundational thinking,Hence my pursuit as I keep reading text and get other opinions.ONe opinion of Jupiter debilited in Cp made sense...that is Guruas Akasha in Sani's home of Vayu Tattva is hard to control.Sarat Chander in Varga Chakra (pg 207) suggests Jupiter ( purity)is debilitated by Sani ( dirt). Yet this is questioned. I still am devoid of a rule of thumb to use... I will continue to pursue and read till I can make it simple and easy to comprehend, tell and discuss.Pranams,varahamihira , "N.Anna" <anmar@a...> wrote: Dear Chandrashekhar,Seems convincing to me the reason why Pisces is exaltation for Venus- blind, selfless- isn't that about love? For similar reasons, It's not quite clear to me why Venus in Cn doesn't have better 'status'. Different kind of love for Venus in Aq, seems OK too, as Venus-Saturn affinity does. But Venus in Sag, or Ge...should have 'worse' status- what can Venus give in freedom-loving, independent Sag, or even worse in chit-chat Ge../other influences excluded, of course/ Anna - Chandrashekhar Sharma varahamihira Saturday, July 05, 2003 4:57 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Dear Frank, Pisces is 12th house in natural Horoscope. 12th house is also called Shayan sthana(Hous of bed pleasures). Venus rules Veerya(Sperm), so the connection should be clear. Hope you will pardon for my intrusion. Chandrashekhar. fls999999999 wrote: OM Rameshvara Namaha, Dear Ajit... Brilliant insight...every piece helps!!! So, as I ponder this ( I think about this all the time) I find it curious Sukra is exalted in Pisces then... As Sukra owns libra , owner of the fluid for rebirth and Sukracharya is there to prolong Life, what insight do we have to reconcile Sukracharya's Exaltation in a Moksha house? Other positions of the Graha's exaltation and debility I still ponder and find no simple logic-process to rationalize why one Rasi vs. another brings debility....I am not confused as much as I want to undersand the key principles that bring out the foundation of Jyotish. I hope to address these one by one if I get the chance. We have Surya defined...seems line sani should be next as he is debilited in Aries, and exalted in Libra ( for longivity). Pranams, Frank in san diego varahamihira , "Ajit Krishnan" <astro@m...> wrote: > hamsa om soham > > Dear Frank, > > I hope you don't mind if I interject some thoughts. > > > 1. Sun - makes sense for Aries - 1st house, and Karaka for Lagna, > > rising sign and east, health logivity, Agnitattva, etc. > > Aries is the Head of Narayan; ALso a Dharma House. > > Yet debility in Libra, I would think it would be the opposite > > of "head" and the "feet" or Pisces? PIsces is the natural rasi for > > moksha, yet the opposite of "head" and could apply for dibility of > > Surya, using this logic. > > Surya wishes to teach us what is true so that we may instantly wake up and > be freed from the cycle of rebirth. He is the guru Shiva imparting gyana > yoga. In the kalapurusha scheme, Libra represents the reproductive organs, > which is essential to the cycle of birth. Libra is owned by Venus > (Sukracharya with the Sanjeevani mantra) which can prolong our maya-life. > These are precisely what Surya wishes to free us from, and he is debilitated > here in Libra. Saturn wants us to realize what is true by seeing the error > of our ways. This requires punishment....and causing us to be alive beyond > our allotted time seeing the impermanence/death of all we hold dear > (children, health, senility, material goods) is a grave punishment. Shani is > exalted in the rebirth-causing sign which endows long life. It makes sense > for Surya to be debilitated in an airy sign (prana sustains and extends our > maya laden life). > > Humans are born head-first from the womb. i.e. the first thing to emerge is > our ego. Pisces is the sign of the maharishis and represents feet according > to the kalapurusha scheme. When Surya is in Pisces, it is like the native > laying his ego at the feet of the guru. This act of surrender directly leads > us to para vidya (Pisces - surrender & tapas, is followed by Aries - > rebirth of knowledge). How can Surya be debilitated in Pisces, when it leads > him directly to Aries? > > ajit > > > Debility in the 7th ( even though 180degrees from Aries) , owned by > > Venus and indicator of Sathoola and Sookshama does not make sense to > > me...yet we find Saturn exalted there, where we know Sani is also > > debilited in Aries. > > LIbra is Air Sign ( Vayu) and good for Sani, yet why is it not good > > for Surya, I would think a water sign would be it debility. > > 2. Guru - Exalted in the 4th ( Cn) and is A Moksha house... good > > place for Guru to do HIS work, to bring enlightenment yet his office > > is in Sagitarius, or a Dharma house. HE is at home obviouisly, yet > > is doing HIS work these...interesting? > > > > Like this, it is not that stright forward to see the aligment with > > the Graha's and their rasi positons for work, home, etc. > > If we can spend a few more minutes on this so I <and sisyas> can be > > well grounded in this I would appreciate it. If there is more I can > > read on this, I will be happy to puruse. > > > > Pranams, > > Frank in San Diego > > > > varahamihira , "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...> > > wrote: > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Ajit, > > > First we assign the various parts as signs, and these signs are > > defined as a form of the kaala purusha, as this actually tells us > > what the signs are trying to give us. Also refer to the explanation > > of the Dwadasa-aditya. > > > Next we can define the Nakshatra (mentality), Pada(ayana/goal) and > > Trimsamsa(??) to see the details about the graha's nature of > > exaltation, etc. > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > Ajit Krishnan > > > > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:25 PM > ; > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > hamsa om soham > > > > > > Dear Visti, > > > > > > When exaltation, debilitation, moolatrikona and swakshetra are > > defined in terms of rasis (and not houses), does it not follow that > > the true reason for these assignments should also be in terms of > > rasis (and nakshatras, and padas, and degrees) alone? > > > > > > ajit > > > - > > > Visti Larsen > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:31 AM > > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Frank, > > > This was discussed several times on other lists, where each > > planets dristi, and also their exaltation, moolatrikona and > > swakshetra and debilitation signs were discussed. > > > > > > The focal points are; > > > Exaltation : The planets place of greatest enjoyment. > > > Moolatrikona : The planets office, its dharma. > > > Swakshetra : The planets home, or where it feels like home and > > is satisfied. > > > Debilitation : The planets place of least enjoyment. > > > > > > Example for Moon: > > > Exaltation & Moolatrikona: Taurus is the natural 2nd house, > > and moon being the mother and sustainer of the universe finds her > > duty and greatest enjoyment here, just as a mother enjoys feeding > > her child. > > > Swakshetra: The Own sign of the Moon is the natural 4th - > > Cancer, where the mother feels literally at peace and at home. > > > Debilitation: Scorpio is the debilitation sign of the Moon and > > being the natural 8th house, is the place of Rudra, which is the > > opposite of sustenance - hence the Moon finds her least enjoyment > > here. > > > > > > In this mannor each planet is understood. Jupiter does not > > represent purity, planets represent a person or deva. The sign and > > house indicates the state and activity of the deva. > > > > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > fls999999999 > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:10 AM > > > |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > Om Sri Rama Jai Jai Rama > > > > > > > > > Namaskr, > > > > > > Can some one assist.. I ask this question from time-to- time > > yet > > > have not yielded any clarity or response on this matter. > > > > > > To form a firm foundation as a sisya I need to understand > > why is a > > > Graha exalted or debilitated in any one sign? We use this > > every day > > > in a chart, yet do we ( I) do not fully comprehend why? > > > > > > Why is Surya exalted in Aries? If I read Sarvarth > > Chintamani the > > > author (Bhasinji) suggests that Surya falling in the first > > 10 > > > degrees of Aries is in the Nakshatra of Ashvini , owned by > > Ketu. > > > Ketu is the Mokshakara , and Surya is the Atmakaraka, > > > > > > Hence ATMA in MOKSHA or the highest state atma can attain. > > > This makes sense. Yet, Ketu also owns other Nakshatera I > > would > > > think also favorable to the exaltation or Surya [ Leo, > > Sun's home, > > > or Sagittarius, owned by Guru, and what is the goal of Guru > > if not > > > the highest levels of Dharma yielding Moksha?] > > > > > > For Debilitation , I can see why Guru ( purity) is > > debilitated in > > > Capricorn, owned by Sani - with Sani owning dirt its > > covering the > > > purity of Guru forcing debility, yet why not in Aquarius > > where both > > > Rahu & Sani own the signand a double dose i.e. > > > Dirt and diabolical behavior from Rahu? > > > > > > So, what principles do I look to apply common sense? The > > Tattva of > > > the planets? > > > e.g. Agni, Vayu, Prthivi, Jala and Aksha, and how one may > > overwhelm > > > the other i.e. Water over fire? OR perhaps Shadripu weakness > > > comparisons? > > > > > > If some one can assist I would appreciate the help to form a > > solid > > > base of knowledge. > > > > > > Thank you, > > > Frank in San Diego > > > > > > > > > > > > |Om Tat Sat| > > > http://www.varahamihira > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2003 Report Share Posted July 15, 2003 Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye, Dear Ramadasji, You have worked it out nicely. How ever few things missing. Instead look at Rasi, try to see nakshasthra. You will find some more details. For example, the ultimate goal of the soul is Moksha (Or Param padam ?) and Ketu is the karaka for moksha. Natural tendency of every single drop of water is to go back to the ocean and loose the independent existence. Sarva-Artha chinthamani has given some clues. But with the blessing of Guru, you can go further step. Hope, this help you for now. Thanks Karu - Ramadas Rao varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 4:24 AM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Respected Gurus, I have some simple ideas for exaltation of planets. SURYA :Surya is the concept of Soul which requires power,where Kuja is power and so in Mesha Surya is exalted.Simply King is honoured by the Commander. CHANDRA : Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha because Chandra is the embodying concept of Mother Parvathi and SHE is considered as Vrishabha Vahane.Also as per Nadi literatures,Shukra is the daughter-in-law and Chandra as mother-in-law.So Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha. KUJA: Kuja is exalted in Makara.Now Karka is the sign of Chandra who is the mother ( Parvathi ) of Kuja.Makara is the sign of Eshwaramsha and so son sits on the lap of father.Kuja represents Lord Shanmukha.Hence Kuja is exalted in Makara. BUDHA : Budha is the embodyment of Lord Maha Vishnu and when alone Budha indicates intelligence and intellect.He is Alankara Priya and Stree Priya also.That is why Budha is exalted in Kanya- female aspect. GURU : Guru is exalted in Karka which is called the ocean of Milk where Lord Maha Vishnu rests.So when Deva Guru enters Karka Rasi ,HE is honoured because of the visualisation of Paramatma. SHUKRA: Meena Rasi is the feet of Lord Maha Vishnu where Godess Lakshmi sits and so Shukra is exalted in Meena Rasi. SHANI : Shani is exalted in Tula ruled by Shukra.Shukra is the causative planet of Godess Lakshmi,Maya ( the concept of illusion ) makes human to do Karma expecting the Phala or results.Where is there is wealth,people will be working expecting the Phala ( money ).So Shani ,the Karma Karaka is exalted in Tula. I hope the above explains the exaltation of planets ina simple way. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao. Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa wrote: Om Namo Narayanaya,Venus rules ananda, or divine bliss.. Isn't it the highest bliss in love of God?Thus, this highest form of Ananda can come ONLY in spiritual Pisces, whereall desires are transcended..Best wishesZoranfls999999999 wrote: Om Rameshvara Namaha,Namaste Anna,NOt to stur up a hornest nest here, but I am still digestingVenus' exaltation in Pisces...yes, I know this intellectullyfor years, but have this "passion" to really question thisin Jyotish so I can bring out and cement the fundamentalsin my mind. That is, Venus represents Ausura Guru Sukrachara.Being exalted in Pisces , a Moksha house and home of Jupiter( Brihaspiti, and Para Vidya) is difficult for me to "get".I understand the notion of a Graha at Home, Work ( Moolatrikona),etc. But that does not resolve the "why" a Graha perfers andworks better ( effectively or efficiently or enjoys) one placeover another.Visti hs outline Surya in Aries...makes sense.Venus in Pisces, still scratching my head, not to mentionMars exalted in Capricorn? A sign owned by Sani and Samya ( Neutral)in nature to Mangala. I would think Mar's exalted in Sc would fit the bill, yet I am missing some important foundational thinking,Hence my pursuit as I keep reading text and get other opinions.ONe opinion of Jupiter debilited in Cp made sense...that is Guruas Akasha in Sani's home of Vayu Tattva is hard to control.Sarat Chander in Varga Chakra (pg 207) suggests Jupiter ( purity)is debilitated by Sani ( dirt). Yet this is questioned. I still am devoid of a rule of thumb to use... I will continue to pursue and read till I can make it simple and easy to comprehend, tell and discuss.Pranams,varahamihira , "N.Anna" <anmar@a...> wrote: Dear Chandrashekhar,Seems convincing to me the reason why Pisces is exaltation for Venus- blind, selfless- isn't that about love? For similar reasons, It's not quite clear to me why Venus in Cn doesn't have better 'status'. Different kind of love for Venus in Aq, seems OK too, as Venus-Saturn affinity does. But Venus in Sag, or Ge...should have 'worse' status- what can Venus give in freedom-loving, independent Sag, or even worse in chit-chat Ge../other influences excluded, of course/ Anna - Chandrashekhar Sharma varahamihira Saturday, July 05, 2003 4:57 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Dear Frank, Pisces is 12th house in natural Horoscope. 12th house is also called Shayan sthana(Hous of bed pleasures). Venus rules Veerya(Sperm), so the connection should be clear. Hope you will pardon for my intrusion. Chandrashekhar. fls999999999 wrote: OM Rameshvara Namaha, Dear Ajit... Brilliant insight...every piece helps!!! So, as I ponder this ( I think about this all the time) I find it curious Sukra is exalted in Pisces then... As Sukra owns libra , owner of the fluid for rebirth and Sukracharya is there to prolong Life, what insight do we have to reconcile Sukracharya's Exaltation in a Moksha house? Other positions of the Graha's exaltation and debility I still ponder and find no simple logic-process to rationalize why one Rasi vs. another brings debility....I am not confused as much as I want to undersand the key principles that bring out the foundation of Jyotish. I hope to address these one by one if I get the chance. We have Surya defined...seems line sani should be next as he is debilited in Aries, and exalted in Libra ( for longivity). Pranams, Frank in san diego varahamihira , "Ajit Krishnan" <astro@m...> wrote: > hamsa om soham > > Dear Frank, > > I hope you don't mind if I interject some thoughts. > > > 1. Sun - makes sense for Aries - 1st house, and Karaka for Lagna, > > rising sign and east, health logivity, Agnitattva, etc. > > Aries is the Head of Narayan; ALso a Dharma House. > > Yet debility in Libra, I would think it would be the opposite > > of "head" and the "feet" or Pisces? PIsces is the natural rasi for > > moksha, yet the opposite of "head" and could apply for dibility of > > Surya, using this logic. > > Surya wishes to teach us what is true so that we may instantly wake up and > be freed from the cycle of rebirth. He is the guru Shiva imparting gyana > yoga. In the kalapurusha scheme, Libra represents the reproductive organs, > which is essential to the cycle of birth. Libra is owned by Venus > (Sukracharya with the Sanjeevani mantra) which can prolong our maya-life. > These are precisely what Surya wishes to free us from, and he is debilitated > here in Libra. Saturn wants us to realize what is true by seeing the error > of our ways. This requires punishment....and causing us to be alive beyond > our allotted time seeing the impermanence/death of all we hold dear > (children, health, senility, material goods) is a grave punishment. Shani is > exalted in the rebirth-causing sign which endows long life. It makes sense > for Surya to be debilitated in an airy sign (prana sustains and extends our > maya laden life). > > Humans are born head-first from the womb. i.e. the first thing to emerge is > our ego. Pisces is the sign of the maharishis and represents feet according > to the kalapurusha scheme. When Surya is in Pisces, it is like the native > laying his ego at the feet of the guru. This act of surrender directly leads > us to para vidya (Pisces - surrender & tapas, is followed by Aries - > rebirth of knowledge). How can Surya be debilitated in Pisces, when it leads > him directly to Aries? > > ajit > > > Debility in the 7th ( even though 180degrees from Aries) , owned by > > Venus and indicator of Sathoola and Sookshama does not make sense to > > me...yet we find Saturn exalted there, where we know Sani is also > > debilited in Aries. > > LIbra is Air Sign ( Vayu) and good for Sani, yet why is it not good > > for Surya, I would think a water sign would be it debility. > > 2. Guru - Exalted in the 4th ( Cn) and is A Moksha house... good > > place for Guru to do HIS work, to bring enlightenment yet his office > > is in Sagitarius, or a Dharma house. HE is at home obviouisly, yet > > is doing HIS work these...interesting? > > > > Like this, it is not that stright forward to see the aligment with > > the Graha's and their rasi positons for work, home, etc. > > If we can spend a few more minutes on this so I <and sisyas> can be > > well grounded in this I would appreciate it. If there is more I can > > read on this, I will be happy to puruse. > > > > Pranams, > > Frank in San Diego > > > > varahamihira , "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...> > > wrote: > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Ajit, > > > First we assign the various parts as signs, and these signs are > > defined as a form of the kaala purusha, as this actually tells us > > what the signs are trying to give us. Also refer to the explanation > > of the Dwadasa-aditya. > > > Next we can define the Nakshatra (mentality), Pada(ayana/goal) and > > Trimsamsa(??) to see the details about the graha's nature of > > exaltation, etc. > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > Ajit Krishnan > > > > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:25 PM > ; > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > hamsa om soham > > > > > > Dear Visti, > > > > > > When exaltation, debilitation, moolatrikona and swakshetra are > > defined in terms of rasis (and not houses), does it not follow that > > the true reason for these assignments should also be in terms of > > rasis (and nakshatras, and padas, and degrees) alone? > > > > > > ajit > > > - > > > Visti Larsen > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:31 AM > > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Frank, > > > This was discussed several times on other lists, where each > > planets dristi, and also their exaltation, moolatrikona and > > swakshetra and debilitation signs were discussed. > > > > > > The focal points are; > > > Exaltation : The planets place of greatest enjoyment. > > > Moolatrikona : The planets office, its dharma. > > > Swakshetra : The planets home, or where it feels like home and > > is satisfied. > > > Debilitation : The planets place of least enjoyment. > > > > > > Example for Moon: > > > Exaltation & Moolatrikona: Taurus is the natural 2nd house, > > and moon being the mother and sustainer of the universe finds her > > duty and greatest enjoyment here, just as a mother enjoys feeding > > her child. > > > Swakshetra: The Own sign of the Moon is the natural 4th - > > Cancer, where the mother feels literally at peace and at home. > > > Debilitation: Scorpio is the debilitation sign of the Moon and > > being the natural 8th house, is the place of Rudra, which is the > > opposite of sustenance - hence the Moon finds her least enjoyment > > here. > > > > > > In this mannor each planet is understood. Jupiter does not > > represent purity, planets represent a person or deva. The sign and > > house indicates the state and activity of the deva. > > > > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > fls999999999 > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:10 AM > > > |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > Om Sri Rama Jai Jai Rama > > > > > > > > > Namaskr, > > > > > > Can some one assist.. I ask this question from time-to- time > > yet > > > have not yielded any clarity or response on this matter. > > > > > > To form a firm foundation as a sisya I need to understand > > why is a > > > Graha exalted or debilitated in any one sign? We use this > > every day > > > in a chart, yet do we ( I) do not fully comprehend why? > > > > > > Why is Surya exalted in Aries? If I read Sarvarth > > Chintamani the > > > author (Bhasinji) suggests that Surya falling in the first > > 10 > > > degrees of Aries is in the Nakshatra of Ashvini , owned by > > Ketu. > > > Ketu is the Mokshakara , and Surya is the Atmakaraka, > > > > > > Hence ATMA in MOKSHA or the highest state atma can attain. > > > This makes sense. Yet, Ketu also owns other Nakshatera I > > would > > > think also favorable to the exaltation or Surya [ Leo, > > Sun's home, > > > or Sagittarius, owned by Guru, and what is the goal of Guru > > if not > > > the highest levels of Dharma yielding Moksha?] > > > > > > For Debilitation , I can see why Guru ( purity) is > > debilitated in > > > Capricorn, owned by Sani - with Sani owning dirt its > > covering the > > > purity of Guru forcing debility, yet why not in Aquarius > > where both > > > Rahu & Sani own the signand a double dose i.e. > > > Dirt and diabolical behavior from Rahu? > > > > > > So, what principles do I look to apply common sense? The > > Tattva of > > > the planets? > > > e.g. Agni, Vayu, Prthivi, Jala and Aksha, and how one may > > overwhelm > > > the other i.e. Water over fire? OR perhaps Shadripu weakness > > > comparisons? > > > > > > If some one can assist I would appreciate the help to form a > > solid > > > base of knowledge. > > > > > > Thank you, > > > Frank in San Diego > > > > > > > > > > > > |Om Tat Sat| > > > http://www.varahamihira > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2003 Report Share Posted July 15, 2003 |Vyam Vyasadevaaya Namah|Dear Karu, The Vimshottari lordships repeat thrice in the Nakshatra Chakra, however there is only 1 deity per Nakshatra. Heres the list; Planet Exaltation Sign Degree Nakshatra Deity Pada Sun Aries 10th Aswini Aswini Kumaras 3rd Moon Taurus 3rd Krittika Agni/Kartikeeya 2nd Mars Capricorn 28th Dhanista Vasu 2nd Mercury Virgo 15th Hasta Savitri 2nd Jupiter Cancer 5th Pushyami Brihaspati 1st Venus Pisces 27th Revati Pushan 3rd Saturn Libra 20th Swati Vayu 4th Rahu Gemini/Taurus* - - - - Ketu Sagittarius - - - - However i'm sure you've noticed that none of the degrees have the same nakshatra lordship. Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: - Karu varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:15 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye, Dear Ramadasji, You have worked it out nicely. How ever few things missing. Instead look at Rasi, try to see nakshasthra. You will find some more details. For example, the ultimate goal of the soul is Moksha (Or Param padam ?) and Ketu is the karaka for moksha. Natural tendency of every single drop of water is to go back to the ocean and loose the independent existence. Sarva-Artha chinthamani has given some clues. But with the blessing of Guru, you can go further step. Hope, this help you for now. Thanks Karu - Ramadas Rao varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 4:24 AM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Respected Gurus, I have some simple ideas for exaltation of planets. SURYA :Surya is the concept of Soul which requires power,where Kuja is power and so in Mesha Surya is exalted.Simply King is honoured by the Commander. CHANDRA : Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha because Chandra is the embodying concept of Mother Parvathi and SHE is considered as Vrishabha Vahane.Also as per Nadi literatures,Shukra is the daughter-in-law and Chandra as mother-in-law.So Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha. KUJA: Kuja is exalted in Makara.Now Karka is the sign of Chandra who is the mother ( Parvathi ) of Kuja.Makara is the sign of Eshwaramsha and so son sits on the lap of father.Kuja represents Lord Shanmukha.Hence Kuja is exalted in Makara. BUDHA : Budha is the embodyment of Lord Maha Vishnu and when alone Budha indicates intelligence and intellect.He is Alankara Priya and Stree Priya also.That is why Budha is exalted in Kanya- female aspect. GURU : Guru is exalted in Karka which is called the ocean of Milk where Lord Maha Vishnu rests.So when Deva Guru enters Karka Rasi ,HE is honoured because of the visualisation of Paramatma. SHUKRA: Meena Rasi is the feet of Lord Maha Vishnu where Godess Lakshmi sits and so Shukra is exalted in Meena Rasi. SHANI : Shani is exalted in Tula ruled by Shukra.Shukra is the causative planet of Godess Lakshmi,Maya ( the concept of illusion ) makes human to do Karma expecting the Phala or results.Where is there is wealth,people will be working expecting the Phala ( money ).So Shani ,the Karma Karaka is exalted in Tula. I hope the above explains the exaltation of planets ina simple way. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao. Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa wrote: Om Namo Narayanaya,Venus rules ananda, or divine bliss.. Isn't it the highest bliss in love of God?Thus, this highest form of Ananda can come ONLY in spiritual Pisces, whereall desires are transcended..Best wishesZoranfls999999999 wrote: Om Rameshvara Namaha,Namaste Anna,NOt to stur up a hornest nest here, but I am still digestingVenus' exaltation in Pisces...yes, I know this intellectullyfor years, but have this "passion" to really question thisin Jyotish so I can bring out and cement the fundamentalsin my mind. That is, Venus represents Ausura Guru Sukrachara.Being exalted in Pisces , a Moksha house and home of Jupiter( Brihaspiti, and Para Vidya) is difficult for me to "get".I understand the notion of a Graha at Home, Work ( Moolatrikona),etc. But that does not resolve the "why" a Graha perfers andworks better ( effectively or efficiently or enjoys) one placeover another.Visti hs outline Surya in Aries...makes sense.Venus in Pisces, still scratching my head, not to mentionMars exalted in Capricorn? A sign owned by Sani and Samya ( Neutral)in nature to Mangala. I would think Mar's exalted in Sc would fit the bill, yet I am missing some important foundational thinking,Hence my pursuit as I keep reading text and get other opinions.ONe opinion of Jupiter debilited in Cp made sense...that is Guruas Akasha in Sani's home of Vayu Tattva is hard to control.Sarat Chander in Varga Chakra (pg 207) suggests Jupiter ( purity)is debilitated by Sani ( dirt). Yet this is questioned. I still am devoid of a rule of thumb to use... I will continue to pursue and read till I can make it simple and easy to comprehend, tell and discuss.Pranams,varahamihira , "N.Anna" <anmar@a...> wrote: Dear Chandrashekhar,Seems convincing to me the reason why Pisces is exaltation for Venus- blind, selfless- isn't that about love? For similar reasons, It's not quite clear to me why Venus in Cn doesn't have better 'status'. Different kind of love for Venus in Aq, seems OK too, as Venus-Saturn affinity does. But Venus in Sag, or Ge...should have 'worse' status- what can Venus give in freedom-loving, independent Sag, or even worse in chit-chat Ge../other influences excluded, of course/ Anna - Chandrashekhar Sharma varahamihira Saturday, July 05, 2003 4:57 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Dear Frank, Pisces is 12th house in natural Horoscope. 12th house is also called Shayan sthana(Hous of bed pleasures). Venus rules Veerya(Sperm), so the connection should be clear. Hope you will pardon for my intrusion. Chandrashekhar. fls999999999 wrote: OM Rameshvara Namaha, Dear Ajit... Brilliant insight...every piece helps!!! So, as I ponder this ( I think about this all the time) I find it curious Sukra is exalted in Pisces then... As Sukra owns libra , owner of the fluid for rebirth and Sukracharya is there to prolong Life, what insight do we have to reconcile Sukracharya's Exaltation in a Moksha house? Other positions of the Graha's exaltation and debility I still ponder and find no simple logic-process to rationalize why one Rasi vs. another brings debility....I am not confused as much as I want to undersand the key principles that bring out the foundation of Jyotish. I hope to address these one by one if I get the chance. We have Surya defined...seems line sani should be next as he is debilited in Aries, and exalted in Libra ( for longivity). Pranams, Frank in san diego varahamihira , "Ajit Krishnan" <astro@m...> wrote: > hamsa om soham > > Dear Frank, > > I hope you don't mind if I interject some thoughts. > > > 1. Sun - makes sense for Aries - 1st house, and Karaka for Lagna, > > rising sign and east, health logivity, Agnitattva, etc. > > Aries is the Head of Narayan; ALso a Dharma House. > > Yet debility in Libra, I would think it would be the opposite > > of "head" and the "feet" or Pisces? PIsces is the natural rasi for > > moksha, yet the opposite of "head" and could apply for dibility of > > Surya, using this logic. > > Surya wishes to teach us what is true so that we may instantly wake up and > be freed from the cycle of rebirth. He is the guru Shiva imparting gyana > yoga. In the kalapurusha scheme, Libra represents the reproductive organs, > which is essential to the cycle of birth. Libra is owned by Venus > (Sukracharya with the Sanjeevani mantra) which can prolong our maya-life. > These are precisely what Surya wishes to free us from, and he is debilitated > here in Libra. Saturn wants us to realize what is true by seeing the error > of our ways. This requires punishment....and causing us to be alive beyond > our allotted time seeing the impermanence/death of all we hold dear > (children, health, senility, material goods) is a grave punishment. Shani is > exalted in the rebirth-causing sign which endows long life. It makes sense > for Surya to be debilitated in an airy sign (prana sustains and extends our > maya laden life). > > Humans are born head-first from the womb. i.e. the first thing to emerge is > our ego. Pisces is the sign of the maharishis and represents feet according > to the kalapurusha scheme. When Surya is in Pisces, it is like the native > laying his ego at the feet of the guru. This act of surrender directly leads > us to para vidya (Pisces - surrender & tapas, is followed by Aries - > rebirth of knowledge). How can Surya be debilitated in Pisces, when it leads > him directly to Aries? > > ajit > > > Debility in the 7th ( even though 180degrees from Aries) , owned by > > Venus and indicator of Sathoola and Sookshama does not make sense to > > me...yet we find Saturn exalted there, where we know Sani is also > > debilited in Aries. > > LIbra is Air Sign ( Vayu) and good for Sani, yet why is it not good > > for Surya, I would think a water sign would be it debility. > > 2. Guru - Exalted in the 4th ( Cn) and is A Moksha house... good > > place for Guru to do HIS work, to bring enlightenment yet his office > > is in Sagitarius, or a Dharma house. HE is at home obviouisly, yet > > is doing HIS work these...interesting? > > > > Like this, it is not that stright forward to see the aligment with > > the Graha's and their rasi positons for work, home, etc. > > If we can spend a few more minutes on this so I <and sisyas> can be > > well grounded in this I would appreciate it. If there is more I can > > read on this, I will be happy to puruse. > > > > Pranams, > > Frank in San Diego > > > > varahamihira , "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...> > > wrote: > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Ajit, > > > First we assign the various parts as signs, and these signs are > > defined as a form of the kaala purusha, as this actually tells us > > what the signs are trying to give us. Also refer to the explanation > > of the Dwadasa-aditya. > > > Next we can define the Nakshatra (mentality), Pada(ayana/goal) and > > Trimsamsa(??) to see the details about the graha's nature of > > exaltation, etc. > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > Ajit Krishnan > > > > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:25 PM > ; > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > hamsa om soham > > > > > > Dear Visti, > > > > > > When exaltation, debilitation, moolatrikona and swakshetra are > > defined in terms of rasis (and not houses), does it not follow that > > the true reason for these assignments should also be in terms of > > rasis (and nakshatras, and padas, and degrees) alone? > > > > > > ajit > > > - > > > Visti Larsen > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:31 AM > > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Frank, > > > This was discussed several times on other lists, where each > > planets dristi, and also their exaltation, moolatrikona and > > swakshetra and debilitation signs were discussed. > > > > > > The focal points are; > > > Exaltation : The planets place of greatest enjoyment. > > > Moolatrikona : The planets office, its dharma. > > > Swakshetra : The planets home, or where it feels like home and > > is satisfied. > > > Debilitation : The planets place of least enjoyment. > > > > > > Example for Moon: > > > Exaltation & Moolatrikona: Taurus is the natural 2nd house, > > and moon being the mother and sustainer of the universe finds her > > duty and greatest enjoyment here, just as a mother enjoys feeding > > her child. > > > Swakshetra: The Own sign of the Moon is the natural 4th - > > Cancer, where the mother feels literally at peace and at home. > > > Debilitation: Scorpio is the debilitation sign of the Moon and > > being the natural 8th house, is the place of Rudra, which is the > > opposite of sustenance - hence the Moon finds her least enjoyment > > here. > > > > > > In this mannor each planet is understood. Jupiter does not > > represent purity, planets represent a person or deva. The sign and > > house indicates the state and activity of the deva. > > > > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > fls999999999 > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:10 AM > > > |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > Om Sri Rama Jai Jai Rama > > > > > > > > > Namaskr, > > > > > > Can some one assist.. I ask this question from time-to- time > > yet > > > have not yielded any clarity or response on this matter. > > > > > > To form a firm foundation as a sisya I need to understand > > why is a > > > Graha exalted or debilitated in any one sign? We use this > > every day > > > in a chart, yet do we ( I) do not fully comprehend why? > > > > > > Why is Surya exalted in Aries? If I read Sarvarth > > Chintamani the > > > author (Bhasinji) suggests that Surya falling in the first > > 10 > > > degrees of Aries is in the Nakshatra of Ashvini , owned by > > Ketu. > > > Ketu is the Mokshakara , and Surya is the Atmakaraka, > > > > > > Hence ATMA in MOKSHA or the highest state atma can attain. > > > This makes sense. Yet, Ketu also owns other Nakshatera I > > would > > > think also favorable to the exaltation or Surya [ Leo, > > Sun's home, > > > or Sagittarius, owned by Guru, and what is the goal of Guru > > if not > > > the highest levels of Dharma yielding Moksha?] > > > > > > For Debilitation , I can see why Guru ( purity) is > > debilitated in > > > Capricorn, owned by Sani - with Sani owning dirt its > > covering the > > > purity of Guru forcing debility, yet why not in Aquarius > > where both > > > Rahu & Sani own the signand a double dose i.e. > > > Dirt and diabolical behavior from Rahu? > > > > > > So, what principles do I look to apply common sense? The > > Tattva of > > > the planets? > > > e.g. Agni, Vayu, Prthivi, Jala and Aksha, and how one may > > overwhelm > > > the other i.e. Water over fire? OR perhaps Shadripu weakness > > > comparisons? > > > > > > If some one can assist I would appreciate the help to form a > > solid > > > base of knowledge. > > > > > > Thank you, > > > Frank in San Diego > > > > > > > > > > > > |Om Tat Sat| > > > http://www.varahamihira > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2003 Report Share Posted July 16, 2003 Hare Rama Krishna Pranams, Regarding the exaltation, debilitation, own house and Moola-trikona places of each planet, i recollect this was an excercise in one of the lessons. Many sishya's including me have attempted this. You could have a look at /message/3269 As to the degree's in which all planets get exalted, i think the hint is with regard to the nakshatra padas (Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha) Regards Katti Narahari (Hari) - Visti Larsen varahamihira Wednesday, July 16, 2003 5:02 AM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts |Vyam Vyasadevaaya Namah|Dear Karu, The Vimshottari lordships repeat thrice in the Nakshatra Chakra, however there is only 1 deity per Nakshatra. Heres the list; Planet Exaltation Sign Degree Nakshatra Deity Pada Sun Aries 10th Aswini Aswini Kumaras 3rd Moon Taurus 3rd Krittika Agni/Kartikeeya 2nd Mars Capricorn 28th Dhanista Vasu 2nd Mercury Virgo 15th Hasta Savitri 2nd Jupiter Cancer 5th Pushyami Brihaspati 1st Venus Pisces 27th Revati Pushan 3rd Saturn Libra 20th Swati Vayu 4th Rahu Gemini/Taurus* - - - - Ketu Sagittarius - - - - However i'm sure you've noticed that none of the degrees have the same nakshatra lordship. Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: - Karu varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:15 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye, Dear Ramadasji, You have worked it out nicely. How ever few things missing. Instead look at Rasi, try to see nakshasthra. You will find some more details. For example, the ultimate goal of the soul is Moksha (Or Param padam ?) and Ketu is the karaka for moksha. Natural tendency of every single drop of water is to go back to the ocean and loose the independent existence. Sarva-Artha chinthamani has given some clues. But with the blessing of Guru, you can go further step. Hope, this help you for now. Thanks Karu - Ramadas Rao varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 4:24 AM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Respected Gurus, I have some simple ideas for exaltation of planets. SURYA :Surya is the concept of Soul which requires power,where Kuja is power and so in Mesha Surya is exalted.Simply King is honoured by the Commander. CHANDRA : Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha because Chandra is the embodying concept of Mother Parvathi and SHE is considered as Vrishabha Vahane.Also as per Nadi literatures,Shukra is the daughter-in-law and Chandra as mother-in-law.So Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha. KUJA: Kuja is exalted in Makara.Now Karka is the sign of Chandra who is the mother ( Parvathi ) of Kuja.Makara is the sign of Eshwaramsha and so son sits on the lap of father.Kuja represents Lord Shanmukha.Hence Kuja is exalted in Makara. BUDHA : Budha is the embodyment of Lord Maha Vishnu and when alone Budha indicates intelligence and intellect.He is Alankara Priya and Stree Priya also.That is why Budha is exalted in Kanya- female aspect. GURU : Guru is exalted in Karka which is called the ocean of Milk where Lord Maha Vishnu rests.So when Deva Guru enters Karka Rasi ,HE is honoured because of the visualisation of Paramatma. SHUKRA: Meena Rasi is the feet of Lord Maha Vishnu where Godess Lakshmi sits and so Shukra is exalted in Meena Rasi. SHANI : Shani is exalted in Tula ruled by Shukra.Shukra is the causative planet of Godess Lakshmi,Maya ( the concept of illusion ) makes human to do Karma expecting the Phala or results.Where is there is wealth,people will be working expecting the Phala ( money ).So Shani ,the Karma Karaka is exalted in Tula. I hope the above explains the exaltation of planets ina simple way. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao. Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa wrote: Om Namo Narayanaya,Venus rules ananda, or divine bliss.. Isn't it the highest bliss in love of God?Thus, this highest form of Ananda can come ONLY in spiritual Pisces, whereall desires are transcended..Best wishesZoranfls999999999 wrote: Om Rameshvara Namaha,Namaste Anna,NOt to stur up a hornest nest here, but I am still digestingVenus' exaltation in Pisces...yes, I know this intellectullyfor years, but have this "passion" to really question thisin Jyotish so I can bring out and cement the fundamentalsin my mind. That is, Venus represents Ausura Guru Sukrachara.Being exalted in Pisces , a Moksha house and home of Jupiter( Brihaspiti, and Para Vidya) is difficult for me to "get".I understand the notion of a Graha at Home, Work ( Moolatrikona),etc. But that does not resolve the "why" a Graha perfers andworks better ( effectively or efficiently or enjoys) one placeover another.Visti hs outline Surya in Aries...makes sense.Venus in Pisces, still scratching my head, not to mentionMars exalted in Capricorn? A sign owned by Sani and Samya ( Neutral)in nature to Mangala. I would think Mar's exalted in Sc would fit the bill, yet I am missing some important foundational thinking,Hence my pursuit as I keep reading text and get other opinions.ONe opinion of Jupiter debilited in Cp made sense...that is Guruas Akasha in Sani's home of Vayu Tattva is hard to control.Sarat Chander in Varga Chakra (pg 207) suggests Jupiter ( purity)is debilitated by Sani ( dirt). Yet this is questioned. I still am devoid of a rule of thumb to use... I will continue to pursue and read till I can make it simple and easy to comprehend, tell and discuss.Pranams,varahamihira , "N.Anna" <anmar@a...> wrote: Dear Chandrashekhar,Seems convincing to me the reason why Pisces is exaltation for Venus- blind, selfless- isn't that about love? For similar reasons, It's not quite clear to me why Venus in Cn doesn't have better 'status'. Different kind of love for Venus in Aq, seems OK too, as Venus-Saturn affinity does. But Venus in Sag, or Ge...should have 'worse' status- what can Venus give in freedom-loving, independent Sag, or even worse in chit-chat Ge../other influences excluded, of course/ Anna - Chandrashekhar Sharma varahamihira Saturday, July 05, 2003 4:57 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Dear Frank, Pisces is 12th house in natural Horoscope. 12th house is also called Shayan sthana(Hous of bed pleasures). Venus rules Veerya(Sperm), so the connection should be clear. Hope you will pardon for my intrusion. Chandrashekhar. fls999999999 wrote: OM Rameshvara Namaha, Dear Ajit... Brilliant insight...every piece helps!!! So, as I ponder this ( I think about this all the time) I find it curious Sukra is exalted in Pisces then... As Sukra owns libra , owner of the fluid for rebirth and Sukracharya is there to prolong Life, what insight do we have to reconcile Sukracharya's Exaltation in a Moksha house? Other positions of the Graha's exaltation and debility I still ponder and find no simple logic-process to rationalize why one Rasi vs. another brings debility....I am not confused as much as I want to undersand the key principles that bring out the foundation of Jyotish. I hope to address these one by one if I get the chance. We have Surya defined...seems line sani should be next as he is debilited in Aries, and exalted in Libra ( for longivity). Pranams, Frank in san diego varahamihira , "Ajit Krishnan" <astro@m...> wrote: > hamsa om soham > > Dear Frank, > > I hope you don't mind if I interject some thoughts. > > > 1. Sun - makes sense for Aries - 1st house, and Karaka for Lagna, > > rising sign and east, health logivity, Agnitattva, etc. > > Aries is the Head of Narayan; ALso a Dharma House. > > Yet debility in Libra, I would think it would be the opposite > > of "head" and the "feet" or Pisces? PIsces is the natural rasi for > > moksha, yet the opposite of "head" and could apply for dibility of > > Surya, using this logic. > > Surya wishes to teach us what is true so that we may instantly wake up and > be freed from the cycle of rebirth. He is the guru Shiva imparting gyana > yoga. In the kalapurusha scheme, Libra represents the reproductive organs, > which is essential to the cycle of birth. Libra is owned by Venus > (Sukracharya with the Sanjeevani mantra) which can prolong our maya-life. > These are precisely what Surya wishes to free us from, and he is debilitated > here in Libra. Saturn wants us to realize what is true by seeing the error > of our ways. This requires punishment....and causing us to be alive beyond > our allotted time seeing the impermanence/death of all we hold dear > (children, health, senility, material goods) is a grave punishment. Shani is > exalted in the rebirth-causing sign which endows long life. It makes sense > for Surya to be debilitated in an airy sign (prana sustains and extends our > maya laden life). > > Humans are born head-first from the womb. i.e. the first thing to emerge is > our ego. Pisces is the sign of the maharishis and represents feet according > to the kalapurusha scheme. When Surya is in Pisces, it is like the native > laying his ego at the feet of the guru. This act of surrender directly leads > us to para vidya (Pisces - surrender & tapas, is followed by Aries - > rebirth of knowledge). How can Surya be debilitated in Pisces, when it leads > him directly to Aries? > > ajit > > > Debility in the 7th ( even though 180degrees from Aries) , owned by > > Venus and indicator of Sathoola and Sookshama does not make sense to > > me...yet we find Saturn exalted there, where we know Sani is also > > debilited in Aries. > > LIbra is Air Sign ( Vayu) and good for Sani, yet why is it not good > > for Surya, I would think a water sign would be it debility. > > 2. Guru - Exalted in the 4th ( Cn) and is A Moksha house... good > > place for Guru to do HIS work, to bring enlightenment yet his office > > is in Sagitarius, or a Dharma house. HE is at home obviouisly, yet > > is doing HIS work these...interesting? > > > > Like this, it is not that stright forward to see the aligment with > > the Graha's and their rasi positons for work, home, etc. > > If we can spend a few more minutes on this so I <and sisyas> can be > > well grounded in this I would appreciate it. If there is more I can > > read on this, I will be happy to puruse. > > > > Pranams, > > Frank in San Diego > > > > varahamihira , "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...> > > wrote: > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Ajit, > > > First we assign the various parts as signs, and these signs are > > defined as a form of the kaala purusha, as this actually tells us > > what the signs are trying to give us. Also refer to the explanation > > of the Dwadasa-aditya. > > > Next we can define the Nakshatra (mentality), Pada(ayana/goal) and > > Trimsamsa(??) to see the details about the graha's nature of > > exaltation, etc. > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > Ajit Krishnan > > > > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:25 PM > ; > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > hamsa om soham > > > > > > Dear Visti, > > > > > > When exaltation, debilitation, moolatrikona and swakshetra are > > defined in terms of rasis (and not houses), does it not follow that > > the true reason for these assignments should also be in terms of > > rasis (and nakshatras, and padas, and degrees) alone? > > > > > > ajit > > > - > > > Visti Larsen > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:31 AM > > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Frank, > > > This was discussed several times on other lists, where each > > planets dristi, and also their exaltation, moolatrikona and > > swakshetra and debilitation signs were discussed. > > > > > > The focal points are; > > > Exaltation : The planets place of greatest enjoyment. > > > Moolatrikona : The planets office, its dharma. > > > Swakshetra : The planets home, or where it feels like home and > > is satisfied. > > > Debilitation : The planets place of least enjoyment. > > > > > > Example for Moon: > > > Exaltation & Moolatrikona: Taurus is the natural 2nd house, > > and moon being the mother and sustainer of the universe finds her > > duty and greatest enjoyment here, just as a mother enjoys feeding > > her child. > > > Swakshetra: The Own sign of the Moon is the natural 4th - > > Cancer, where the mother feels literally at peace and at home. > > > Debilitation: Scorpio is the debilitation sign of the Moon and > > being the natural 8th house, is the place of Rudra, which is the > > opposite of sustenance - hence the Moon finds her least enjoyment > > here. > > > > > > In this mannor each planet is understood. Jupiter does not > > represent purity, planets represent a person or deva. The sign and > > house indicates the state and activity of the deva. > > > > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > fls999999999 > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:10 AM > > > |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > Om Sri Rama Jai Jai Rama > > > > > > > > > Namaskr, > > > > > > Can some one assist.. I ask this question from time-to- time > > yet > > > have not yielded any clarity or response on this matter. > > > > > > To form a firm foundation as a sisya I need to understand > > why is a > > > Graha exalted or debilitated in any one sign? We use this > > every day > > > in a chart, yet do we ( I) do not fully comprehend why? > > > > > > Why is Surya exalted in Aries? If I read Sarvarth > > Chintamani the > > > author (Bhasinji) suggests that Surya falling in the first > > 10 > > > degrees of Aries is in the Nakshatra of Ashvini , owned by > > Ketu. > > > Ketu is the Mokshakara , and Surya is the Atmakaraka, > > > > > > Hence ATMA in MOKSHA or the highest state atma can attain. > > > This makes sense. Yet, Ketu also owns other Nakshatera I > > would > > > think also favorable to the exaltation or Surya [ Leo, > > Sun's home, > > > or Sagittarius, owned by Guru, and what is the goal of Guru > > if not > > > the highest levels of Dharma yielding Moksha?] > > > > > > For Debilitation , I can see why Guru ( purity) is > > debilitated in > > > Capricorn, owned by Sani - with Sani owning dirt its > > covering the > > > purity of Guru forcing debility, yet why not in Aquarius > > where both > > > Rahu & Sani own the signand a double dose i.e. > > > Dirt and diabolical behavior from Rahu? > > > > > > So, what principles do I look to apply common sense? The > > Tattva of > > > the planets? > > > e.g. Agni, Vayu, Prthivi, Jala and Aksha, and how one may > > overwhelm > > > the other i.e. Water over fire? OR perhaps Shadripu weakness > > > comparisons? > > > > > > If some one can assist I would appreciate the help to form a > > solid > > > base of knowledge. > > > > > > Thank you, > > > Frank in San Diego > > > > > > > > > > > > |Om Tat Sat| > > > http://www.varahamihira > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2003 Report Share Posted July 16, 2003 Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye Dear Visti, In fact I wanted to bring his attention to Sarvartha Chintamani, as Pt. Bhasin has given his understanding there. Perhaps you too aware this, as some arguments are not deep as Gurudeva's. But food to think there. I did not mean nakshasthra is final place, and I remember few weeks back you have explained up to level of D60. (It is still at the end of this mail) When we think the meanings for Uchcha, Neecha, reasons developing from Rasi to D60. Perhaps more. Lot can be found in many angles, and as we are learning it never end. Thanks for your attention again. Did you had to time look at my query about the Aruda lagna modification with Jupiter's aspect on Rahu ? I feel the question may be too silly as no one answered yet. It is only a query about my understanding. Hare Krishna Karu - Visti Larsen varahamihira Wednesday, July 16, 2003 7:02 AM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts |Vyam Vyasadevaaya Namah|Dear Karu, The Vimshottari lordships repeat thrice in the Nakshatra Chakra, however there is only 1 deity per Nakshatra. Heres the list; Planet Exaltation Sign Degree Nakshatra Deity Pada Sun Aries 10th Aswini Aswini Kumaras 3rd Moon Taurus 3rd Krittika Agni/Kartikeeya 2nd Mars Capricorn 28th Dhanista Vasu 2nd Mercury Virgo 15th Hasta Savitri 2nd Jupiter Cancer 5th Pushyami Brihaspati 1st Venus Pisces 27th Revati Pushan 3rd Saturn Libra 20th Swati Vayu 4th Rahu Gemini/Taurus* - - - - Ketu Sagittarius - - - - However i'm sure you've noticed that none of the degrees have the same nakshatra lordship. Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: - Karu varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:15 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye, Dear Ramadasji, You have worked it out nicely. How ever few things missing. Instead look at Rasi, try to see nakshasthra. You will find some more details. For example, the ultimate goal of the soul is Moksha (Or Param padam ?) and Ketu is the karaka for moksha. Natural tendency of every single drop of water is to go back to the ocean and loose the independent existence. Sarva-Artha chinthamani has given some clues. But with the blessing of Guru, you can go further step. Hope, this help you for now. Thanks Karu - Ramadas Rao varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 4:24 AM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Respected Gurus, I have some simple ideas for exaltation of planets. SURYA :Surya is the concept of Soul which requires power,where Kuja is power and so in Mesha Surya is exalted.Simply King is honoured by the Commander. CHANDRA : Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha because Chandra is the embodying concept of Mother Parvathi and SHE is considered as Vrishabha Vahane.Also as per Nadi literatures,Shukra is the daughter-in-law and Chandra as mother-in-law.So Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha. KUJA: Kuja is exalted in Makara.Now Karka is the sign of Chandra who is the mother ( Parvathi ) of Kuja.Makara is the sign of Eshwaramsha and so son sits on the lap of father.Kuja represents Lord Shanmukha.Hence Kuja is exalted in Makara. BUDHA : Budha is the embodyment of Lord Maha Vishnu and when alone Budha indicates intelligence and intellect.He is Alankara Priya and Stree Priya also.That is why Budha is exalted in Kanya- female aspect. GURU : Guru is exalted in Karka which is called the ocean of Milk where Lord Maha Vishnu rests.So when Deva Guru enters Karka Rasi ,HE is honoured because of the visualisation of Paramatma. SHUKRA: Meena Rasi is the feet of Lord Maha Vishnu where Godess Lakshmi sits and so Shukra is exalted in Meena Rasi. SHANI : Shani is exalted in Tula ruled by Shukra.Shukra is the causative planet of Godess Lakshmi,Maya ( the concept of illusion ) makes human to do Karma expecting the Phala or results.Where is there is wealth,people will be working expecting the Phala ( money ).So Shani ,the Karma Karaka is exalted in Tula. I hope the above explains the exaltation of planets ina simple way. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao. Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa wrote: Om Namo Narayanaya,Venus rules ananda, or divine bliss.. Isn't it the highest bliss in love of God?Thus, this highest form of Ananda can come ONLY in spiritual Pisces, whereall desires are transcended..Best wishesZoranfls999999999 wrote: Om Rameshvara Namaha,Namaste Anna,NOt to stur up a hornest nest here, but I am still digestingVenus' exaltation in Pisces...yes, I know this intellectullyfor years, but have this "passion" to really question thisin Jyotish so I can bring out and cement the fundamentalsin my mind. That is, Venus represents Ausura Guru Sukrachara.Being exalted in Pisces , a Moksha house and home of Jupiter( Brihaspiti, and Para Vidya) is difficult for me to "get".I understand the notion of a Graha at Home, Work ( Moolatrikona),etc. But that does not resolve the "why" a Graha perfers andworks better ( effectively or efficiently or enjoys) one placeover another.Visti hs outline Surya in Aries...makes sense.Venus in Pisces, still scratching my head, not to mentionMars exalted in Capricorn? A sign owned by Sani and Samya ( Neutral)in nature to Mangala. I would think Mar's exalted in Sc would fit the bill, yet I am missing some important foundational thinking,Hence my pursuit as I keep reading text and get other opinions.ONe opinion of Jupiter debilited in Cp made sense...that is Guruas Akasha in Sani's home of Vayu Tattva is hard to control.Sarat Chander in Varga Chakra (pg 207) suggests Jupiter ( purity)is debilitated by Sani ( dirt). Yet this is questioned. I still am devoid of a rule of thumb to use... I will continue to pursue and read till I can make it simple and easy to comprehend, tell and discuss.Pranams,varahamihira , "N.Anna" <anmar@a...> wrote: Dear Chandrashekhar,Seems convincing to me the reason why Pisces is exaltation for Venus- blind, selfless- isn't that about love? For similar reasons, It's not quite clear to me why Venus in Cn doesn't have better 'status'. Different kind of love for Venus in Aq, seems OK too, as Venus-Saturn affinity does. But Venus in Sag, or Ge...should have 'worse' status- what can Venus give in freedom-loving, independent Sag, or even worse in chit-chat Ge../other influences excluded, of course/ Anna - Chandrashekhar Sharma varahamihira Saturday, July 05, 2003 4:57 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Dear Frank, Pisces is 12th house in natural Horoscope. 12th house is also called Shayan sthana(Hous of bed pleasures). Venus rules Veerya(Sperm), so the connection should be clear. Hope you will pardon for my intrusion. Chandrashekhar. fls999999999 wrote: OM Rameshvara Namaha, Dear Ajit... Brilliant insight...every piece helps!!! So, as I ponder this ( I think about this all the time) I find it curious Sukra is exalted in Pisces then... As Sukra owns libra , owner of the fluid for rebirth and Sukracharya is there to prolong Life, what insight do we have to reconcile Sukracharya's Exaltation in a Moksha house? Other positions of the Graha's exaltation and debility I still ponder and find no simple logic-process to rationalize why one Rasi vs. another brings debility....I am not confused as much as I want to undersand the key principles that bring out the foundation of Jyotish. I hope to address these one by one if I get the chance. We have Surya defined...seems line sani should be next as he is debilited in Aries, and exalted in Libra ( for longivity). Pranams, Frank in san diego varahamihira , "Ajit Krishnan" <astro@m...> wrote: > hamsa om soham > > Dear Frank, > > I hope you don't mind if I interject some thoughts. > > > 1. Sun - makes sense for Aries - 1st house, and Karaka for Lagna, > > rising sign and east, health logivity, Agnitattva, etc. > > Aries is the Head of Narayan; ALso a Dharma House. > > Yet debility in Libra, I would think it would be the opposite > > of "head" and the "feet" or Pisces? PIsces is the natural rasi for > > moksha, yet the opposite of "head" and could apply for dibility of > > Surya, using this logic. > > Surya wishes to teach us what is true so that we may instantly wake up and > be freed from the cycle of rebirth. He is the guru Shiva imparting gyana > yoga. In the kalapurusha scheme, Libra represents the reproductive organs, > which is essential to the cycle of birth. Libra is owned by Venus > (Sukracharya with the Sanjeevani mantra) which can prolong our maya-life. > These are precisely what Surya wishes to free us from, and he is debilitated > here in Libra. Saturn wants us to realize what is true by seeing the error > of our ways. This requires punishment....and causing us to be alive beyond > our allotted time seeing the impermanence/death of all we hold dear > (children, health, senility, material goods) is a grave punishment. Shani is > exalted in the rebirth-causing sign which endows long life. It makes sense > for Surya to be debilitated in an airy sign (prana sustains and extends our > maya laden life). > > Humans are born head-first from the womb. i.e. the first thing to emerge is > our ego. Pisces is the sign of the maharishis and represents feet according > to the kalapurusha scheme. When Surya is in Pisces, it is like the native > laying his ego at the feet of the guru. This act of surrender directly leads > us to para vidya (Pisces - surrender & tapas, is followed by Aries - > rebirth of knowledge). How can Surya be debilitated in Pisces, when it leads > him directly to Aries? > > ajit > > > Debility in the 7th ( even though 180degrees from Aries) , owned by > > Venus and indicator of Sathoola and Sookshama does not make sense to > > me...yet we find Saturn exalted there, where we know Sani is also > > debilited in Aries. > > LIbra is Air Sign ( Vayu) and good for Sani, yet why is it not good > > for Surya, I would think a water sign would be it debility. > > 2. Guru - Exalted in the 4th ( Cn) and is A Moksha house... good > > place for Guru to do HIS work, to bring enlightenment yet his office > > is in Sagitarius, or a Dharma house. HE is at home obviouisly, yet > > is doing HIS work these...interesting? > > > > Like this, it is not that stright forward to see the aligment with > > the Graha's and their rasi positons for work, home, etc. > > If we can spend a few more minutes on this so I <and sisyas> can be > > well grounded in this I would appreciate it. If there is more I can > > read on this, I will be happy to puruse. > > > > Pranams, > > Frank in San Diego > > > > varahamihira , "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...> > > wrote: > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Ajit, > > > First we assign the various parts as signs, and these signs are > > defined as a form of the kaala purusha, as this actually tells us > > what the signs are trying to give us. Also refer to the explanation > > of the Dwadasa-aditya. > > > Next we can define the Nakshatra (mentality), Pada(ayana/goal) and > > Trimsamsa(??) to see the details about the graha's nature of > > exaltation, etc. > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > Ajit Krishnan > > > > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:25 PM > ; > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > hamsa om soham > > > > > > Dear Visti, > > > > > > When exaltation, debilitation, moolatrikona and swakshetra are > > defined in terms of rasis (and not houses), does it not follow that > > the true reason for these assignments should also be in terms of > > rasis (and nakshatras, and padas, and degrees) alone? > > > > > > ajit > > > - > > > Visti Larsen > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:31 AM > > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Frank, > > > This was discussed several times on other lists, where each > > planets dristi, and also their exaltation, moolatrikona and > > swakshetra and debilitation signs were discussed. > > > > > > The focal points are; > > > Exaltation : The planets place of greatest enjoyment. > > > Moolatrikona : The planets office, its dharma. > > > Swakshetra : The planets home, or where it feels like home and > > is satisfied. > > > Debilitation : The planets place of least enjoyment. > > > > > > Example for Moon: > > > Exaltation & Moolatrikona: Taurus is the natural 2nd house, > > and moon being the mother and sustainer of the universe finds her > > duty and greatest enjoyment here, just as a mother enjoys feeding > > her child. > > > Swakshetra: The Own sign of the Moon is the natural 4th - > > Cancer, where the mother feels literally at peace and at home. > > > Debilitation: Scorpio is the debilitation sign of the Moon and > > being the natural 8th house, is the place of Rudra, which is the > > opposite of sustenance - hence the Moon finds her least enjoyment > > here. > > > > > > In this mannor each planet is understood. Jupiter does not > > represent purity, planets represent a person or deva. The sign and > > house indicates the state and activity of the deva. > > > > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > fls999999999 > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:10 AM > > > |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > Om Sri Rama Jai Jai Rama > > > > > > > > > Namaskr, > > > > > > Can some one assist.. I ask this question from time-to- time > > yet > > > have not yielded any clarity or response on this matter. > > > > > > To form a firm foundation as a sisya I need to understand > > why is a > > > Graha exalted or debilitated in any one sign? We use this > > every day > > > in a chart, yet do we ( I) do not fully comprehend why? > > > > > > Why is Surya exalted in Aries? If I read Sarvarth > > Chintamani the > > > author (Bhasinji) suggests that Surya falling in the first > > 10 > > > degrees of Aries is in the Nakshatra of Ashvini , owned by > > Ketu. > > > Ketu is the Mokshakara , and Surya is the Atmakaraka, > > > > > > Hence ATMA in MOKSHA or the highest state atma can attain. > > > This makes sense. Yet, Ketu also owns other Nakshatera I > > would > > > think also favorable to the exaltation or Surya [ Leo, > > Sun's home, > > > or Sagittarius, owned by Guru, and what is the goal of Guru > > if not > > > the highest levels of Dharma yielding Moksha?] > > > > > > For Debilitation , I can see why Guru ( purity) is > > debilitated in > > > Capricorn, owned by Sani - with Sani owning dirt its > > covering the > > > purity of Guru forcing debility, yet why not in Aquarius > > where both > > > Rahu & Sani own the signand a double dose i.e. > > > Dirt and diabolical behavior from Rahu? > > > > > > So, what principles do I look to apply common sense? The > > Tattva of > > > the planets? > > > e.g. Agni, Vayu, Prthivi, Jala and Aksha, and how one may > > overwhelm > > > the other i.e. Water over fire? OR perhaps Shadripu weakness > > > comparisons? > > > > > > If some one can assist I would appreciate the help to form a > > solid > > > base of knowledge. > > > > > > Thank you, > > > Frank in San Diego > > > > > > > > > > > > |Om Tat Sat| > > > http://www.varahamihira > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2003 Report Share Posted July 17, 2003 OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Dear Karu , Now as we see the Nakshatras diposited for the exaltation of planets.Of course Our Maharshis had such a Trikala Jnana that they know at which degree each of the 7 planets are exalted.Now let me take the example of Surya.Surya is exalted at 10th degree of Mesha Rasi in Ashwini Nakshatra 3rd Pada.Now why Surya is exalted in Ashwini Nakshatra and not in other 2 Nakshatras ie.,Bharani and 1st Pada of Krittika Nakshatra.For understanding this ,we have to see the theory behind these Nakshatras.So as an example Let me take Ashwini Nakshatra.: Vishwa Karma is the Architect for Devas and Sanjna Devi is his daughter.She was married to Surya and got Yamuna and Yama ,2 children one female and the other a male.So Sanjna Devi got frustrated after these child births.She could not bear the heat of Surya Deva.She made a plan to overcome her difficulties.She gave life to her Shadow ( Chaya )and so Chaya Devi was born.So Chaya Devi lived with Surya Deva as his wife.Sanjna Devi went to her native place but she could not stay with her father and then she went to a place called KURU Desha.But that area was full of Rakshasas ( Demons ) and so she changes herelf to a Horse and started wandering in this Kuru area. Now Surya Deva without knowing that Chaya Devi is not his original wife started live with her and through her also he got 3 children,but then she was not looking after Yamuna and Yama with the same love and affection which their Mother gave.So Yama got angry and explained this to his father Surya and told she is not his real mother.Then Surya Deva also started doubting Chaya Devi.Then one day he asked with angry who was she and she explained the real things happened. Now Surya Deva started searching for his wife Sanjna Devi but he could not find her anywhere.Then he went into meditation and found that his wife was in the form of horse in Kuru area and so he also transformed hinself to a male Horse and came to Kuru and joined with his wife Sanjna and under a Bakula Tree ,Ashwini Kumaras were born to Surya Deva.Ashwini Kumaras are twin children of Surya Deva.They are considered as Vaidyas for Devas,So Surya is EXALTED in Ashwini Nakshatra ,his own children. The above informations are taken from Skanda Purana. There are more things connected to Ashwini Nakshatra which I am not going to explain here now. But why Surya is exalted in 10th degree of Mesha Rasi is Debatable. I hope this helps you. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.Visti Larsen <vishnu wrote: |Vyam Vyasadevaaya Namah|Dear Karu, The Vimshottari lordships repeat thrice in the Nakshatra Chakra, however there is only 1 deity per Nakshatra. Heres the list; Planet Exaltation Sign Degree Nakshatra Deity Pada Sun Aries 10th Aswini Aswini Kumaras 3rd Moon Taurus 3rd Krittika Agni/Kartikeeya 2nd Mars Capricorn 28th Dhanista Vasu 2nd Mercury Virgo 15th Hasta Savitri 2nd Jupiter Cancer 5th Pushyami Brihaspati 1st Venus Pisces 27th Revati Pushan 3rd Saturn Libra 20th Swati Vayu 4th Rahu Gemini/Taurus* - - - - Ketu Sagittarius - - - - However i'm sure you've noticed that none of the degrees have the same nakshatra lordship. Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: - Karu varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:15 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye, Dear Ramadasji, You have worked it out nicely. How ever few things missing. Instead look at Rasi, try to see nakshasthra. You will find some more details. For example, the ultimate goal of the soul is Moksha (Or Param padam ?) and Ketu is the karaka for moksha. Natural tendency of every single drop of water is to go back to the ocean and loose the independent existence. Sarva-Artha chinthamani has given some clues. But with the blessing of Guru, you can go further step. Hope, this help you for now. Thanks Karu - Ramadas Rao varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 4:24 AM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Respected Gurus, I have some simple ideas for exaltation of planets. SURYA :Surya is the concept of Soul which requires power,where Kuja is power and so in Mesha Surya is exalted.Simply King is honoured by the Commander. CHANDRA : Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha because Chandra is the embodying concept of Mother Parvathi and SHE is considered as Vrishabha Vahane.Also as per Nadi literatures,Shukra is the daughter-in-law and Chandra as mother-in-law.So Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha. KUJA: Kuja is exalted in Makara.Now Karka is the sign of Chandra who is the mother ( Parvathi ) of Kuja.Makara is the sign of Eshwaramsha and so son sits on the lap of father.Kuja represents Lord Shanmukha.Hence Kuja is exalted in Makara. BUDHA : Budha is the embodyment of Lord Maha Vishnu and when alone Budha indicates intelligence and intellect.He is Alankara Priya and Stree Priya also.That is why Budha is exalted in Kanya- female aspect. GURU : Guru is exalted in Karka which is called the ocean of Milk where Lord Maha Vishnu rests.So when Deva Guru enters Karka Rasi ,HE is honoured because of the visualisation of Paramatma. SHUKRA: Meena Rasi is the feet of Lord Maha Vishnu where Godess Lakshmi sits and so Shukra is exalted in Meena Rasi. SHANI : Shani is exalted in Tula ruled by Shukra.Shukra is the causative planet of Godess Lakshmi,Maya ( the concept of illusion ) makes human to do Karma expecting the Phala or results.Where is there is wealth,people will be working expecting the Phala ( money ).So Shani ,the Karma Karaka is exalted in Tula. I hope the above explains the exaltation of planets ina simple way. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao. Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa wrote: Om Namo Narayanaya,Venus rules ananda, or divine bliss.. Isn't it the highest bliss in love of God?Thus, this highest form of Ananda can come ONLY in spiritual Pisces, whereall desires are transcended..Best wishesZoranfls999999999 wrote: Om Rameshvara Namaha,Namaste Anna,NOt to stur up a hornest nest here, but I am still digestingVenus' exaltation in Pisces...yes, I know this intellectullyfor years, but have this "passion" to really question thisin Jyotish so I can bring out and cement the fundamentalsin my mind. That is, Venus represents Ausura Guru Sukrachara.Being exalted in Pisces , a Moksha house and home of Jupiter( Brihaspiti, and Para Vidya) is difficult for me to "get".I understand the notion of a Graha at Home, Work ( Moolatrikona),etc. But that does not resolve the "why" a Graha perfers andworks better ( effectively or efficiently or enjoys) one placeover another.Visti hs outline Surya in Aries...makes sense.Venus in Pisces, still scratching my head, not to mentionMars exalted in Capricorn? A sign owned by Sani and Samya ( Neutral)in nature to Mangala. I would think Mar's exalted in Sc would fit the bill, yet I am missing some important foundational thinking,Hence my pursuit as I keep reading text and get other opinions.ONe opinion of Jupiter debilited in Cp made sense...that is Guruas Akasha in Sani's home of Vayu Tattva is hard to control.Sarat Chander in Varga Chakra (pg 207) suggests Jupiter ( purity)is debilitated by Sani ( dirt). Yet this is questioned. I still am devoid of a rule of thumb to use... I will continue to pursue and read till I can make it simple and easy to comprehend, tell and discuss.Pranams,varahamihira , "N.Anna" <anmar@a...> wrote: Dear Chandrashekhar,Seems convincing to me the reason why Pisces is exaltation for Venus- blind, selfless- isn't that about love? For similar reasons, It's not quite clear to me why Venus in Cn doesn't have better 'status'. Different kind of love for Venus in Aq, seems OK too, as Venus-Saturn affinity does. But Venus in Sag, or Ge...should have 'worse' status- what can Venus give in freedom-loving, independent Sag, or even worse in chit-chat Ge../other influences excluded, of course/ Anna - Chandrashekhar Sharma varahamihira Saturday, July 05, 2003 4:57 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Dear Frank, Pisces is 12th house in natural Horoscope. 12th house is also called Shayan sthana(Hous of bed pleasures). Venus rules Veerya(Sperm), so the connection should be clear. Hope you will pardon for my intrusion. Chandrashekhar. fls999999999 wrote: OM Rameshvara Namaha, Dear Ajit... Brilliant insight...every piece helps!!! So, as I ponder this ( I think about this all the time) I find it curious Sukra is exalted in Pisces then... As Sukra owns libra , owner of the fluid for rebirth and Sukracharya is there to prolong Life, what insight do we have to reconcile Sukracharya's Exaltation in a Moksha house? Other positions of the Graha's exaltation and debility I still ponder and find no simple logic-process to rationalize why one Rasi vs. another brings debility....I am not confused as much as I want to undersand the key principles that bring out the foundation of Jyotish. I hope to address these one by one if I get the chance. We have Surya defined...seems line sani should be next as he is debilited in Aries, and exalted in Libra ( for longivity). Pranams, Frank in san diego varahamihira , "Ajit Krishnan" <astro@m...> wrote: > hamsa om soham > > Dear Frank, > > I hope you don't mind if I interject some thoughts. > > > 1. Sun - makes sense for Aries - 1st house, and Karaka for Lagna, > > rising sign and east, health logivity, Agnitattva, etc. > > Aries is the Head of Narayan; ALso a Dharma House. > > Yet debility in Libra, I would think it would be the opposite > > of "head" and the "feet" or Pisces? PIsces is the natural rasi for > > moksha, yet the opposite of "head" and could apply for dibility of > > Surya, using this logic. > > Surya wishes to teach us what is true so that we may instantly wake up and > be freed from the cycle of rebirth. He is the guru Shiva imparting gyana > yoga. In the kalapurusha scheme, Libra represents the reproductive organs, > which is essential to the cycle of birth. Libra is owned by Venus > (Sukracharya with the Sanjeevani mantra) which can prolong our maya-life. > These are precisely what Surya wishes to free us from, and he is debilitated > here in Libra. Saturn wants us to realize what is true by seeing the error > of our ways. This requires punishment....and causing us to be alive beyond > our allotted time seeing the impermanence/death of all we hold dear > (children, health, senility, material goods) is a grave punishment. Shani is > exalted in the rebirth-causing sign which endows long life. It makes sense > for Surya to be debilitated in an airy sign (prana sustains and extends our > maya laden life). > > Humans are born head-first from the womb. i.e. the first thing to emerge is > our ego. Pisces is the sign of the maharishis and represents feet according > to the kalapurusha scheme. When Surya is in Pisces, it is like the native > laying his ego at the feet of the guru. This act of surrender directly leads > us to para vidya (Pisces - surrender & tapas, is followed by Aries - > rebirth of knowledge). How can Surya be debilitated in Pisces, when it leads > him directly to Aries? > > ajit > > > Debility in the 7th ( even though 180degrees from Aries) , owned by > > Venus and indicator of Sathoola and Sookshama does not make sense to > > me...yet we find Saturn exalted there, where we know Sani is also > > debilited in Aries. > > LIbra is Air Sign ( Vayu) and good for Sani, yet why is it not good > > for Surya, I would think a water sign would be it debility. > > 2. Guru - Exalted in the 4th ( Cn) and is A Moksha house... good > > place for Guru to do HIS work, to bring enlightenment yet his office > > is in Sagitarius, or a Dharma house. HE is at home obviouisly, yet > > is doing HIS work these...interesting? > > > > Like this, it is not that stright forward to see the aligment with > > the Graha's and their rasi positons for work, home, etc. > > If we can spend a few more minutes on this so I <and sisyas> can be > > well grounded in this I would appreciate it. If there is more I can > > read on this, I will be happy to puruse. > > > > Pranams, > > Frank in San Diego > > > > varahamihira , "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...> > > wrote: > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Ajit, > > > First we assign the various parts as signs, and these signs are > > defined as a form of the kaala purusha, as this actually tells us > > what the signs are trying to give us. Also refer to the explanation > > of the Dwadasa-aditya. > > > Next we can define the Nakshatra (mentality), Pada(ayana/goal) and > > Trimsamsa(??) to see the details about the graha's nature of > > exaltation, etc. > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > Ajit Krishnan > > > > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:25 PM > ; > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > hamsa om soham > > > > > > Dear Visti, > > > > > > When exaltation, debilitation, moolatrikona and swakshetra are > > defined in terms of rasis (and not houses), does it not follow that > > the true reason for these assignments should also be in terms of > > rasis (and nakshatras, and padas, and degrees) alone? > > > > > > ajit > > > - > > > Visti Larsen > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:31 AM > > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Frank, > > > This was discussed several times on other lists, where each > > planets dristi, and also their exaltation, moolatrikona and > > swakshetra and debilitation signs were discussed. > > > > > > The focal points are; > > > Exaltation : The planets place of greatest enjoyment. > > > Moolatrikona : The planets office, its dharma. > > > Swakshetra : The planets home, or where it feels like home and > > is satisfied. > > > Debilitation : The planets place of least enjoyment. > > > > > > Example for Moon: > > > Exaltation & Moolatrikona: Taurus is the natural 2nd house, > > and moon being the mother and sustainer of the universe finds her > > duty and greatest enjoyment here, just as a mother enjoys feeding > > her child. > > > Swakshetra: The Own sign of the Moon is the natural 4th - > > Cancer, where the mother feels literally at peace and at home. > > > Debilitation: Scorpio is the debilitation sign of the Moon and > > being the natural 8th house, is the place of Rudra, which is the > > opposite of sustenance - hence the Moon finds her least enjoyment > > here. > > > > > > In this mannor each planet is understood. Jupiter does not > > represent purity, planets represent a person or deva. The sign and > > house indicates the state and activity of the deva. > > > > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > fls999999999 > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:10 AM > > > |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > Om Sri Rama Jai Jai Rama > > > > > > > > > Namaskr, > > > > > > Can some one assist.. I ask this question from time-to- time > > yet > > > have not yielded any clarity or response on this matter. > > > > > > To form a firm foundation as a sisya I need to understand > > why is a > > > Graha exalted or debilitated in any one sign? We use this > > every day > > > in a chart, yet do we ( I) do not fully comprehend why? > > > > > > Why is Surya exalted in Aries? If I read Sarvarth > > Chintamani the > > > author (Bhasinji) suggests that Surya falling in the first > > 10 > > > degrees of Aries is in the Nakshatra of Ashvini , owned by > > Ketu. > > > Ketu is the Mokshakara , and Surya is the Atmakaraka, > > > > > > Hence ATMA in MOKSHA or the highest state atma can attain. > > > This makes sense. Yet, Ketu also owns other Nakshatera I > > would > > > think also favorable to the exaltation or Surya [ Leo, > > Sun's home, > > > or Sagittarius, owned by Guru, and what is the goal of Guru > > if not > > > the highest levels of Dharma yielding Moksha?] > > > > > > For Debilitation , I can see why Guru ( purity) is > > debilitated in > > > Capricorn, owned by Sani - with Sani owning dirt its > > covering the > > > purity of Guru forcing debility, yet why not in Aquarius > > where both > > > Rahu & Sani own the signand a double dose i.e. > > > Dirt and diabolical behavior from Rahu? > > > > > > So, what principles do I look to apply common sense? The > > Tattva of > > > the planets? > > > e.g. Agni, Vayu, Prthivi, Jala and Aksha, and how one may > > overwhelm > > > the other i.e. Water over fire? OR perhaps Shadripu weakness > > > comparisons? > > > > > > If some one can assist I would appreciate the help to form a > > solid > > > base of knowledge. > > > > > > Thank you, > > > Frank in San Diego > > > > > > > > > > > > |Om Tat Sat| > > > http://www.varahamihira > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 19, 2003 Report Share Posted July 19, 2003 Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye Dear Ramadasji, Sorry about my delay. Thank for the quote from Skanda Purana. The deep mythology indicate more than I can understand. In fact the Sun (soul) living with Chaya (Shadow- world of Maya-unreal) until he realize, that chaya is not his real wife, but a mere shadow of the real wife. See, this realization comes after Yama's (God of death) objections. The ultimate goal of the atma is go back to the original source, and loose the independent existence. That is the highest state (Moksha), and is signify by Ketu. So Sun enjoying in Asvini is the first argument and proved by the above quote. In fact other nakshasthra too indicate about creation, but we are speaking about material creation or Kalapurusa. So I don't think any question arise about taking Aries as start. Secondly, Asvini expands from 0 to 10 degrees with 4 padas, 3.20 each indicate four ayanas, Dharma(0-3.20), Arta(3.20-6.40), Kama (6.40-10.00) and Moksha.(10-13.20). 10th degree falls in Kama. If we find the relationship or the answer up to this point first, we can go to next step. Thanks Karu OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Dear Karu , Now as we see the Nakshatras diposited for the exaltation of planets.Of course Our Maharshis had such a Trikala Jnana that they know at which degree each of the 7 planets are exalted.Now let me take the example of Surya.Surya is exalted at 10th degree of Mesha Rasi in Ashwini Nakshatra 3rd Pada.Now why Surya is exalted in Ashwini Nakshatra and not in other 2 Nakshatras ie.,Bharani and 1st Pada of Krittika Nakshatra.For understanding this ,we have to see the theory behind these Nakshatras.So as an example Let me take Ashwini Nakshatra.: Vishwa Karma is the Architect for Devas and Sanjna Devi is his daughter.She was married to Surya and got Yamuna and Yama ,2 children one female and the other a male.So Sanjna Devi got frustrated after these child births.She could not bear the heat of Surya Deva.She made a plan to overcome her difficulties.She gave life to her Shadow ( Chaya )and so Chaya Devi was born.So Chaya Devi lived with Surya Deva as his wife.Sanjna Devi went to her native place but she could not stay with her father and then she went to a place called KURU Desha.But that area was full of Rakshasas ( Demons ) and so she changes herelf to a Horse and started wandering in this Kuru area. Now Surya Deva without knowing that Chaya Devi is not his original wife started live with her and through her also he got 3 children,but then she was not looking after Yamuna and Yama with the same love and affection which their Mother gave.So Yama got angry and explained this to his father Surya and told she is not his real mother.Then Surya Deva also started doubting Chaya Devi.Then one day he asked with angry who was she and she explained the real things happened. Now Surya Deva started searching for his wife Sanjna Devi but he could not find her anywhere.Then he went into meditation and found that his wife was in the form of horse in Kuru area and so he also transformed hinself to a male Horse and came to Kuru and joined with his wife Sanjna and under a Bakula Tree ,Ashwini Kumaras were born to Surya Deva.Ashwini Kumaras are twin children of Surya Deva.They are considered as Vaidyas for Devas,So Surya is EXALTED in Ashwini Nakshatra ,his own children. The above informations are taken from Skanda Purana. There are more things connected to Ashwini Nakshatra which I am not going to explain here now. But why Surya is exalted in 10th degree of Mesha Rasi is Debatable. I hope this helps you. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.Visti Larsen <vishnu wrote: |Vyam Vyasadevaaya Namah|Dear Karu, The Vimshottari lordships repeat thrice in the Nakshatra Chakra, however there is only 1 deity per Nakshatra. Heres the list; Planet Exaltation Sign Degree Nakshatra Deity Pada Sun Aries 10th Aswini Aswini Kumaras 3rd Moon Taurus 3rd Krittika Agni/Kartikeeya 2nd Mars Capricorn 28th Dhanista Vasu 2nd Mercury Virgo 15th Hasta Savitri 2nd Jupiter Cancer 5th Pushyami Brihaspati 1st Venus Pisces 27th Revati Pushan 3rd Saturn Libra 20th Swati Vayu 4th Rahu Gemini/Taurus* - - - - Ketu Sagittarius - - - - However i'm sure you've noticed that none of the degrees have the same nakshatra lordship. Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: - Karu varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:15 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye, Dear Ramadasji, You have worked it out nicely. How ever few things missing. Instead look at Rasi, try to see nakshasthra. You will find some more details. For example, the ultimate goal of the soul is Moksha (Or Param padam ?) and Ketu is the karaka for moksha. Natural tendency of every single drop of water is to go back to the ocean and loose the independent existence. Sarva-Artha chinthamani has given some clues. But with the blessing of Guru, you can go further step. Hope, this help you for now. Thanks Karu - Ramadas Rao varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 4:24 AM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Respected Gurus, I have some simple ideas for exaltation of planets. SURYA :Surya is the concept of Soul which requires power,where Kuja is power and so in Mesha Surya is exalted.Simply King is honoured by the Commander. CHANDRA : Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha because Chandra is the embodying concept of Mother Parvathi and SHE is considered as Vrishabha Vahane.Also as per Nadi literatures,Shukra is the daughter-in-law and Chandra as mother-in-law.So Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha. KUJA: Kuja is exalted in Makara.Now Karka is the sign of Chandra who is the mother ( Parvathi ) of Kuja.Makara is the sign of Eshwaramsha and so son sits on the lap of father.Kuja represents Lord Shanmukha.Hence Kuja is exalted in Makara. BUDHA : Budha is the embodyment of Lord Maha Vishnu and when alone Budha indicates intelligence and intellect.He is Alankara Priya and Stree Priya also.That is why Budha is exalted in Kanya- female aspect. GURU : Guru is exalted in Karka which is called the ocean of Milk where Lord Maha Vishnu rests.So when Deva Guru enters Karka Rasi ,HE is honoured because of the visualisation of Paramatma. SHUKRA: Meena Rasi is the feet of Lord Maha Vishnu where Godess Lakshmi sits and so Shukra is exalted in Meena Rasi. SHANI : Shani is exalted in Tula ruled by Shukra.Shukra is the causative planet of Godess Lakshmi,Maya ( the concept of illusion ) makes human to do Karma expecting the Phala or results.Where is there is wealth,people will be working expecting the Phala ( money ).So Shani ,the Karma Karaka is exalted in Tula. I hope the above explains the exaltation of planets ina simple way. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao. Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa wrote: Om Namo Narayanaya,Venus rules ananda, or divine bliss.. Isn't it the highest bliss in love of God?Thus, this highest form of Ananda can come ONLY in spiritual Pisces, whereall desires are transcended..Best wishesZoranfls999999999 wrote: Om Rameshvara Namaha,Namaste Anna,NOt to stur up a hornest nest here, but I am still digestingVenus' exaltation in Pisces...yes, I know this intellectullyfor years, but have this "passion" to really question thisin Jyotish so I can bring out and cement the fundamentalsin my mind. That is, Venus represents Ausura Guru Sukrachara.Being exalted in Pisces , a Moksha house and home of Jupiter( Brihaspiti, and Para Vidya) is difficult for me to "get".I understand the notion of a Graha at Home, Work ( Moolatrikona),etc. But that does not resolve the "why" a Graha perfers andworks better ( effectively or efficiently or enjoys) one placeover another.Visti hs outline Surya in Aries...makes sense.Venus in Pisces, still scratching my head, not to mentionMars exalted in Capricorn? A sign owned by Sani and Samya ( Neutral)in nature to Mangala. I would think Mar's exalted in Sc would fit the bill, yet I am missing some important foundational thinking,Hence my pursuit as I keep reading text and get other opinions.ONe opinion of Jupiter debilited in Cp made sense...that is Guruas Akasha in Sani's home of Vayu Tattva is hard to control.Sarat Chander in Varga Chakra (pg 207) suggests Jupiter ( purity)is debilitated by Sani ( dirt). Yet this is questioned. I still am devoid of a rule of thumb to use... I will continue to pursue and read till I can make it simple and easy to comprehend, tell and discuss.Pranams,varahamihira , "N.Anna" <anmar@a...> wrote: Dear Chandrashekhar,Seems convincing to me the reason why Pisces is exaltation for Venus- blind, selfless- isn't that about love? For similar reasons, It's not quite clear to me why Venus in Cn doesn't have better 'status'. Different kind of love for Venus in Aq, seems OK too, as Venus-Saturn affinity does. But Venus in Sag, or Ge...should have 'worse' status- what can Venus give in freedom-loving, independent Sag, or even worse in chit-chat Ge../other influences excluded, of course/ Anna - Chandrashekhar Sharma varahamihira Saturday, July 05, 2003 4:57 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Dear Frank, Pisces is 12th house in natural Horoscope. 12th house is also called Shayan sthana(Hous of bed pleasures). Venus rules Veerya(Sperm), so the connection should be clear. Hope you will pardon for my intrusion. Chandrashekhar. fls999999999 wrote: OM Rameshvara Namaha, Dear Ajit... Brilliant insight...every piece helps!!! So, as I ponder this ( I think about this all the time) I find it curious Sukra is exalted in Pisces then... As Sukra owns libra , owner of the fluid for rebirth and Sukracharya is there to prolong Life, what insight do we have to reconcile Sukracharya's Exaltation in a Moksha house? Other positions of the Graha's exaltation and debility I still ponder and find no simple logic-process to rationalize why one Rasi vs. another brings debility....I am not confused as much as I want to undersand the key principles that bring out the foundation of Jyotish. I hope to address these one by one if I get the chance. We have Surya defined...seems line sani should be next as he is debilited in Aries, and exalted in Libra ( for longivity). Pranams, Frank in san diego varahamihira , "Ajit Krishnan" <astro@m...> wrote: > hamsa om soham > > Dear Frank, > > I hope you don't mind if I interject some thoughts. > > > 1. Sun - makes sense for Aries - 1st house, and Karaka for Lagna, > > rising sign and east, health logivity, Agnitattva, etc. > > Aries is the Head of Narayan; ALso a Dharma House. > > Yet debility in Libra, I would think it would be the opposite > > of "head" and the "feet" or Pisces? PIsces is the natural rasi for > > moksha, yet the opposite of "head" and could apply for dibility of > > Surya, using this logic. > > Surya wishes to teach us what is true so that we may instantly wake up and > be freed from the cycle of rebirth. He is the guru Shiva imparting gyana > yoga. In the kalapurusha scheme, Libra represents the reproductive organs, > which is essential to the cycle of birth. Libra is owned by Venus > (Sukracharya with the Sanjeevani mantra) which can prolong our maya-life. > These are precisely what Surya wishes to free us from, and he is debilitated > here in Libra. Saturn wants us to realize what is true by seeing the error > of our ways. This requires punishment....and causing us to be alive beyond > our allotted time seeing the impermanence/death of all we hold dear > (children, health, senility, material goods) is a grave punishment. Shani is > exalted in the rebirth-causing sign which endows long life. It makes sense > for Surya to be debilitated in an airy sign (prana sustains and extends our > maya laden life). > > Humans are born head-first from the womb. i.e. the first thing to emerge is > our ego. Pisces is the sign of the maharishis and represents feet according > to the kalapurusha scheme. When Surya is in Pisces, it is like the native > laying his ego at the feet of the guru. This act of surrender directly leads > us to para vidya (Pisces - surrender & tapas, is followed by Aries - > rebirth of knowledge). How can Surya be debilitated in Pisces, when it leads > him directly to Aries? > > ajit > > > Debility in the 7th ( even though 180degrees from Aries) , owned by > > Venus and indicator of Sathoola and Sookshama does not make sense to > > me...yet we find Saturn exalted there, where we know Sani is also > > debilited in Aries. > > LIbra is Air Sign ( Vayu) and good for Sani, yet why is it not good > > for Surya, I would think a water sign would be it debility. > > 2. Guru - Exalted in the 4th ( Cn) and is A Moksha house... good > > place for Guru to do HIS work, to bring enlightenment yet his office > > is in Sagitarius, or a Dharma house. HE is at home obviouisly, yet > > is doing HIS work these...interesting? > > > > Like this, it is not that stright forward to see the aligment with > > the Graha's and their rasi positons for work, home, etc. > > If we can spend a few more minutes on this so I <and sisyas> can be > > well grounded in this I would appreciate it. If there is more I can > > read on this, I will be happy to puruse. > > > > Pranams, > > Frank in San Diego > > > > varahamihira , "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...> > > wrote: > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Ajit, > > > First we assign the various parts as signs, and these signs are > > defined as a form of the kaala purusha, as this actually tells us > > what the signs are trying to give us. Also refer to the explanation > > of the Dwadasa-aditya. > > > Next we can define the Nakshatra (mentality), Pada(ayana/goal) and > > Trimsamsa(??) to see the details about the graha's nature of > > exaltation, etc. > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > Ajit Krishnan > > > > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:25 PM > ; > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > hamsa om soham > > > > > > Dear Visti, > > > > > > When exaltation, debilitation, moolatrikona and swakshetra are > > defined in terms of rasis (and not houses), does it not follow that > > the true reason for these assignments should also be in terms of > > rasis (and nakshatras, and padas, and degrees) alone? > > > > > > ajit > > > - > > > Visti Larsen > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:31 AM > > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Frank, > > > This was discussed several times on other lists, where each > > planets dristi, and also their exaltation, moolatrikona and > > swakshetra and debilitation signs were discussed. > > > > > > The focal points are; > > > Exaltation : The planets place of greatest enjoyment. > > > Moolatrikona : The planets office, its dharma. > > > Swakshetra : The planets home, or where it feels like home and > > is satisfied. > > > Debilitation : The planets place of least enjoyment. > > > > > > Example for Moon: > > > Exaltation & Moolatrikona: Taurus is the natural 2nd house, > > and moon being the mother and sustainer of the universe finds her > > duty and greatest enjoyment here, just as a mother enjoys feeding > > her child. > > > Swakshetra: The Own sign of the Moon is the natural 4th - > > Cancer, where the mother feels literally at peace and at home. > > > Debilitation: Scorpio is the debilitation sign of the Moon and > > being the natural 8th house, is the place of Rudra, which is the > > opposite of sustenance - hence the Moon finds her least enjoyment > > here. > > > > > > In this mannor each planet is understood. Jupiter does not > > represent purity, planets represent a person or deva. The sign and > > house indicates the state and activity of the deva. > > > > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > fls999999999 > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:10 AM > > > |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > Om Sri Rama Jai Jai Rama > > > > > > > > > Namaskr, > > > > > > Can some one assist.. I ask this question from time-to- time > > yet > > > have not yielded any clarity or response on this matter. > > > > > > To form a firm foundation as a sisya I need to understand > > why is a > > > Graha exalted or debilitated in any one sign? We use this > > every day > > > in a chart, yet do we ( I) do not fully comprehend why? > > > > > > Why is Surya exalted in Aries? If I read Sarvarth > > Chintamani the > > > author (Bhasinji) suggests that Surya falling in the first > > 10 > > > degrees of Aries is in the Nakshatra of Ashvini , owned by > > Ketu. > > > Ketu is the Mokshakara , and Surya is the Atmakaraka, > > > > > > Hence ATMA in MOKSHA or the highest state atma can attain. > > > This makes sense. Yet, Ketu also owns other Nakshatera I > > would > > > think also favorable to the exaltation or Surya [ Leo, > > Sun's home, > > > or Sagittarius, owned by Guru, and what is the goal of Guru > > if not > > > the highest levels of Dharma yielding Moksha?] > > > > > > For Debilitation , I can see why Guru ( purity) is > > debilitated in > > > Capricorn, owned by Sani - with Sani owning dirt its > > covering the > > > purity of Guru forcing debility, yet why not in Aquarius > > where both > > > Rahu & Sani own the signand a double dose i.e. > > > Dirt and diabolical behavior from Rahu? > > > > > > So, what principles do I look to apply common sense? The > > Tattva of > > > the planets? > > > e.g. Agni, Vayu, Prthivi, Jala and Aksha, and how one may > > overwhelm > > > the other i.e. Water over fire? OR perhaps Shadripu weakness > > > comparisons? > > > > > > If some one can assist I would appreciate the help to form a > > solid > > > base of knowledge. > > > > > > Thank you, > > > Frank in San Diego > > > > > > > > > > > > |Om Tat Sat| > > > http://www.varahamihira > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 19, 2003 Report Share Posted July 19, 2003 OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Dear Karu, Thanks for this information.I also know that Surya exalted in the nakshatra ruled by Ketu indicates our ultimate goal in this universe is to become One with the GOD as Surya indicates Natural Atma Karaka.But as I said before Surya is happy with his sons Ashwini Kumaras also is a proof of Surya is exalted in Ashwini.But now the question is about the degree of exaltation of 10 degrees.If we end with 10 degrees,then it will be in 3rd pada of Ashwini but if we take 9 deg.59 min.59 secs. as the end of 3rd pada of Ashwini,then we can consider that 10th degree will be in the 4th Pada of ashwini which indicates Moksha Pada but till now I dont get such informations that 10th degree will go to 4th pada or not.So this has to be confirmed.If you have any theory regarding this,then it is well and good that the important problem is solved. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.Karu <heen wrote: Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye Dear Ramadasji, Sorry about my delay. Thank for the quote from Skanda Purana. The deep mythology indicate more than I can understand. In fact the Sun (soul) living with Chaya (Shadow- world of Maya-unreal) until he realize, that chaya is not his real wife, but a mere shadow of the real wife. See, this realization comes after Yama's (God of death) objections. The ultimate goal of the atma is go back to the original source, and loose the independent existence. That is the highest state (Moksha), and is signify by Ketu. So Sun enjoying in Asvini is the first argument and proved by the above quote. In fact other nakshasthra too indicate about creation, but we are speaking about material creation or Kalapurusa. So I don't think any question arise about taking Aries as start. Secondly, Asvini expands from 0 to 10 degrees with 4 padas, 3.20 each indicate four ayanas, Dharma(0-3.20), Arta(3.20-6.40), Kama (6.40-10.00) and Moksha.(10-13.20). 10th degree falls in Kama. If we find the relationship or the answer up to this point first, we can go to next step. Thanks Karu OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Dear Karu , Now as we see the Nakshatras diposited for the exaltation of planets.Of course Our Maharshis had such a Trikala Jnana that they know at which degree each of the 7 planets are exalted.Now let me take the example of Surya.Surya is exalted at 10th degree of Mesha Rasi in Ashwini Nakshatra 3rd Pada.Now why Surya is exalted in Ashwini Nakshatra and not in other 2 Nakshatras ie.,Bharani and 1st Pada of Krittika Nakshatra.For understanding this ,we have to see the theory behind these Nakshatras.So as an example Let me take Ashwini Nakshatra.: Vishwa Karma is the Architect for Devas and Sanjna Devi is his daughter.She was married to Surya and got Yamuna and Yama ,2 children one female and the other a male.So Sanjna Devi got frustrated after these child births.She could not bear the heat of Surya Deva.She made a plan to overcome her difficulties.She gave life to her Shadow ( Chaya )and so Chaya Devi was born.So Chaya Devi lived with Surya Deva as his wife.Sanjna Devi went to her native place but she could not stay with her father and then she went to a place called KURU Desha.But that area was full of Rakshasas ( Demons ) and so she changes herelf to a Horse and started wandering in this Kuru area. Now Surya Deva without knowing that Chaya Devi is not his original wife started live with her and through her also he got 3 children,but then she was not looking after Yamuna and Yama with the same love and affection which their Mother gave.So Yama got angry and explained this to his father Surya and told she is not his real mother.Then Surya Deva also started doubting Chaya Devi.Then one day he asked with angry who was she and she explained the real things happened. Now Surya Deva started searching for his wife Sanjna Devi but he could not find her anywhere.Then he went into meditation and found that his wife was in the form of horse in Kuru area and so he also transformed hinself to a male Horse and came to Kuru and joined with his wife Sanjna and under a Bakula Tree ,Ashwini Kumaras were born to Surya Deva.Ashwini Kumaras are twin children of Surya Deva.They are considered as Vaidyas for Devas,So Surya is EXALTED in Ashwini Nakshatra ,his own children. The above informations are taken from Skanda Purana. There are more things connected to Ashwini Nakshatra which I am not going to explain here now. But why Surya is exalted in 10th degree of Mesha Rasi is Debatable. I hope this helps you. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.Visti Larsen <vishnu wrote: |Vyam Vyasadevaaya Namah|Dear Karu, The Vimshottari lordships repeat thrice in the Nakshatra Chakra, however there is only 1 deity per Nakshatra. Heres the list; Planet Exaltation Sign Degree Nakshatra Deity Pada Sun Aries 10th Aswini Aswini Kumaras 3rd Moon Taurus 3rd Krittika Agni/Kartikeeya 2nd Mars Capricorn 28th Dhanista Vasu 2nd Mercury Virgo 15th Hasta Savitri 2nd Jupiter Cancer 5th Pushyami Brihaspati 1st Venus Pisces 27th Revati Pushan 3rd Saturn Libra 20th Swati Vayu 4th Rahu Gemini/Taurus* - - - - Ketu Sagittarius - - - - However i'm sure you've noticed that none of the degrees have the same nakshatra lordship. Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: - Karu varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:15 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye, Dear Ramadasji, You have worked it out nicely. How ever few things missing. Instead look at Rasi, try to see nakshasthra. You will find some more details. For example, the ultimate goal of the soul is Moksha (Or Param padam ?) and Ketu is the karaka for moksha. Natural tendency of every single drop of water is to go back to the ocean and loose the independent existence. Sarva-Artha chinthamani has given some clues. But with the blessing of Guru, you can go further step. Hope, this help you for now. Thanks Karu - Ramadas Rao varahamihira Tuesday, July 15, 2003 4:24 AM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts OM NAMO NARAYANAYA Respected Gurus, I have some simple ideas for exaltation of planets. SURYA :Surya is the concept of Soul which requires power,where Kuja is power and so in Mesha Surya is exalted.Simply King is honoured by the Commander. CHANDRA : Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha because Chandra is the embodying concept of Mother Parvathi and SHE is considered as Vrishabha Vahane.Also as per Nadi literatures,Shukra is the daughter-in-law and Chandra as mother-in-law.So Chandra is exalted in Vrishabha. KUJA: Kuja is exalted in Makara.Now Karka is the sign of Chandra who is the mother ( Parvathi ) of Kuja.Makara is the sign of Eshwaramsha and so son sits on the lap of father.Kuja represents Lord Shanmukha.Hence Kuja is exalted in Makara. BUDHA : Budha is the embodyment of Lord Maha Vishnu and when alone Budha indicates intelligence and intellect.He is Alankara Priya and Stree Priya also.That is why Budha is exalted in Kanya- female aspect. GURU : Guru is exalted in Karka which is called the ocean of Milk where Lord Maha Vishnu rests.So when Deva Guru enters Karka Rasi ,HE is honoured because of the visualisation of Paramatma. SHUKRA: Meena Rasi is the feet of Lord Maha Vishnu where Godess Lakshmi sits and so Shukra is exalted in Meena Rasi. SHANI : Shani is exalted in Tula ruled by Shukra.Shukra is the causative planet of Godess Lakshmi,Maya ( the concept of illusion ) makes human to do Karma expecting the Phala or results.Where is there is wealth,people will be working expecting the Phala ( money ).So Shani ,the Karma Karaka is exalted in Tula. I hope the above explains the exaltation of planets ina simple way. With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana, Ramadas Rao. Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa wrote: Om Namo Narayanaya,Venus rules ananda, or divine bliss.. Isn't it the highest bliss in love of God?Thus, this highest form of Ananda can come ONLY in spiritual Pisces, whereall desires are transcended..Best wishesZoranfls999999999 wrote: Om Rameshvara Namaha,Namaste Anna,NOt to stur up a hornest nest here, but I am still digestingVenus' exaltation in Pisces...yes, I know this intellectullyfor years, but have this "passion" to really question thisin Jyotish so I can bring out and cement the fundamentalsin my mind. That is, Venus represents Ausura Guru Sukrachara.Being exalted in Pisces , a Moksha house and home of Jupiter( Brihaspiti, and Para Vidya) is difficult for me to "get".I understand the notion of a Graha at Home, Work ( Moolatrikona),etc. But that does not resolve the "why" a Graha perfers andworks better ( effectively or efficiently or enjoys) one placeover another.Visti hs outline Surya in Aries...makes sense.Venus in Pisces, still scratching my head, not to mentionMars exalted in Capricorn? A sign owned by Sani and Samya ( Neutral)in nature to Mangala. I would think Mar's exalted in Sc would fit the bill, yet I am missing some important foundational thinking,Hence my pursuit as I keep reading text and get other opinions.ONe opinion of Jupiter debilited in Cp made sense...that is Guruas Akasha in Sani's home of Vayu Tattva is hard to control.Sarat Chander in Varga Chakra (pg 207) suggests Jupiter ( purity)is debilitated by Sani ( dirt). Yet this is questioned. I still am devoid of a rule of thumb to use... I will continue to pursue and read till I can make it simple and easy to comprehend, tell and discuss.Pranams,varahamihira , "N.Anna" <anmar@a...> wrote: Dear Chandrashekhar,Seems convincing to me the reason why Pisces is exaltation for Venus- blind, selfless- isn't that about love? For similar reasons, It's not quite clear to me why Venus in Cn doesn't have better 'status'. Different kind of love for Venus in Aq, seems OK too, as Venus-Saturn affinity does. But Venus in Sag, or Ge...should have 'worse' status- what can Venus give in freedom-loving, independent Sag, or even worse in chit-chat Ge../other influences excluded, of course/ Anna - Chandrashekhar Sharma varahamihira Saturday, July 05, 2003 4:57 PM Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility: Still have doubts Dear Frank, Pisces is 12th house in natural Horoscope. 12th house is also called Shayan sthana(Hous of bed pleasures). Venus rules Veerya(Sperm), so the connection should be clear. Hope you will pardon for my intrusion. Chandrashekhar. fls999999999 wrote: OM Rameshvara Namaha, Dear Ajit... Brilliant insight...every piece helps!!! So, as I ponder this ( I think about this all the time) I find it curious Sukra is exalted in Pisces then... As Sukra owns libra , owner of the fluid for rebirth and Sukracharya is there to prolong Life, what insight do we have to reconcile Sukracharya's Exaltation in a Moksha house? Other positions of the Graha's exaltation and debility I still ponder and find no simple logic-process to rationalize why one Rasi vs. another brings debility....I am not confused as much as I want to undersand the key principles that bring out the foundation of Jyotish. I hope to address these one by one if I get the chance. We have Surya defined...seems line sani should be next as he is debilited in Aries, and exalted in Libra ( for longivity). Pranams, Frank in san diego varahamihira , "Ajit Krishnan" <astro@m...> wrote: > hamsa om soham > > Dear Frank, > > I hope you don't mind if I interject some thoughts. > > > 1. Sun - makes sense for Aries - 1st house, and Karaka for Lagna, > > rising sign and east, health logivity, Agnitattva, etc. > > Aries is the Head of Narayan; ALso a Dharma House. > > Yet debility in Libra, I would think it would be the opposite > > of "head" and the "feet" or Pisces? PIsces is the natural rasi for > > moksha, yet the opposite of "head" and could apply for dibility of > > Surya, using this logic. > > Surya wishes to teach us what is true so that we may instantly wake up and > be freed from the cycle of rebirth. He is the guru Shiva imparting gyana > yoga. In the kalapurusha scheme, Libra represents the reproductive organs, > which is essential to the cycle of birth. Libra is owned by Venus > (Sukracharya with the Sanjeevani mantra) which can prolong our maya-life. > These are precisely what Surya wishes to free us from, and he is debilitated > here in Libra. Saturn wants us to realize what is true by seeing the error > of our ways. This requires punishment....and causing us to be alive beyond > our allotted time seeing the impermanence/death of all we hold dear > (children, health, senility, material goods) is a grave punishment. Shani is > exalted in the rebirth-causing sign which endows long life. It makes sense > for Surya to be debilitated in an airy sign (prana sustains and extends our > maya laden life). > > Humans are born head-first from the womb. i.e. the first thing to emerge is > our ego. Pisces is the sign of the maharishis and represents feet according > to the kalapurusha scheme. When Surya is in Pisces, it is like the native > laying his ego at the feet of the guru. This act of surrender directly leads > us to para vidya (Pisces - surrender & tapas, is followed by Aries - > rebirth of knowledge). How can Surya be debilitated in Pisces, when it leads > him directly to Aries? > > ajit > > > Debility in the 7th ( even though 180degrees from Aries) , owned by > > Venus and indicator of Sathoola and Sookshama does not make sense to > > me...yet we find Saturn exalted there, where we know Sani is also > > debilited in Aries. > > LIbra is Air Sign ( Vayu) and good for Sani, yet why is it not good > > for Surya, I would think a water sign would be it debility. > > 2. Guru - Exalted in the 4th ( Cn) and is A Moksha house... good > > place for Guru to do HIS work, to bring enlightenment yet his office > > is in Sagitarius, or a Dharma house. HE is at home obviouisly, yet > > is doing HIS work these...interesting? > > > > Like this, it is not that stright forward to see the aligment with > > the Graha's and their rasi positons for work, home, etc. > > If we can spend a few more minutes on this so I <and sisyas> can be > > well grounded in this I would appreciate it. If there is more I can > > read on this, I will be happy to puruse. > > > > Pranams, > > Frank in San Diego > > > > varahamihira , "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...> > > wrote: > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Ajit, > > > First we assign the various parts as signs, and these signs are > > defined as a form of the kaala purusha, as this actually tells us > > what the signs are trying to give us. Also refer to the explanation > > of the Dwadasa-aditya. > > > Next we can define the Nakshatra (mentality), Pada(ayana/goal) and > > Trimsamsa(??) to see the details about the graha's nature of > > exaltation, etc. > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > Ajit Krishnan > > > > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:25 PM > ; > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > hamsa om soham > > > > > > Dear Visti, > > > > > > When exaltation, debilitation, moolatrikona and swakshetra are > > defined in terms of rasis (and not houses), does it not follow that > > the true reason for these assignments should also be in terms of > > rasis (and nakshatras, and padas, and degrees) alone? > > > > > > ajit > > > - > > > Visti Larsen > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:31 AM > > > Re: |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > > > > |Hare Rama Krishna| > > > Dear Frank, > > > This was discussed several times on other lists, where each > > planets dristi, and also their exaltation, moolatrikona and > > swakshetra and debilitation signs were discussed. > > > > > > The focal points are; > > > Exaltation : The planets place of greatest enjoyment. > > > Moolatrikona : The planets office, its dharma. > > > Swakshetra : The planets home, or where it feels like home and > > is satisfied. > > > Debilitation : The planets place of least enjoyment. > > > > > > Example for Moon: > > > Exaltation & Moolatrikona: Taurus is the natural 2nd house, > > and moon being the mother and sustainer of the universe finds her > > duty and greatest enjoyment here, just as a mother enjoys feeding > > her child. > > > Swakshetra: The Own sign of the Moon is the natural 4th - > > Cancer, where the mother feels literally at peace and at home. > > > Debilitation: Scorpio is the debilitation sign of the Moon and > > being the natural 8th house, is the place of Rudra, which is the > > opposite of sustenance - hence the Moon finds her least enjoyment > > here. > > > > > > In this mannor each planet is understood. Jupiter does not > > represent purity, planets represent a person or deva. The sign and > > house indicates the state and activity of the deva. > > > > > > Best wishes > > > Visti > > > --- > > > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org > > > Bhagavad Purana: > > > iTRANS 99 Font: > > > - > > > fls999999999 > > > varahamihira > > > Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:10 AM > > > |Sri Varaha| Exaltation and Debility of Graha's > > > > > > > > > Om Sri Rama Jai Jai Rama > > > > > > > > > Namaskr, > > > > > > Can some one assist.. I ask this question from time-to- time > > yet > > > have not yielded any clarity or response on this matter. > > > > > > To form a firm foundation as a sisya I need to understand > > why is a > > > Graha exalted or debilitated in any one sign? We use this > > every day > > > in a chart, yet do we ( I) do not fully comprehend why? > > > > > > Why is Surya exalted in Aries? If I read Sarvarth > > Chintamani the > > > author (Bhasinji) suggests that Surya falling in the first > > 10 > > > degrees of Aries is in the Nakshatra of Ashvini , owned by > > Ketu. > > > Ketu is the Mokshakara , and Surya is the Atmakaraka, > > > > > > Hence ATMA in MOKSHA or the highest state atma can attain. > > > This makes sense. Yet, Ketu also owns other Nakshatera I > > would > > > think also favorable to the exaltation or Surya [ Leo, > > Sun's home, > > > or Sagittarius, owned by Guru, and what is the goal of Guru > > if not > > > the highest levels of Dharma yielding Moksha?] > > > > > > For Debilitation , I can see why Guru ( purity) is > > debilitated in > > > Capricorn, owned by Sani - with Sani owning dirt its > > covering the > > > purity of Guru forcing debility, yet why not in Aquarius > > where both > > > Rahu & Sani own the signand a double dose i.e. > > > Dirt and diabolical behavior from Rahu? > > > > > > So, what principles do I look to apply common sense? The > > Tattva of > > > the planets? > > > e.g. Agni, Vayu, Prthivi, Jala and Aksha, and how one may > > overwhelm > > > the other i.e. Water over fire? OR perhaps Shadripu weakness > > > comparisons? > > > > > > If some one can assist I would appreciate the help to form a > > solid > > > base of knowledge. > > > > > > Thank you, > > > Frank in San Diego > > > > > > > > > > > > |Om Tat Sat| > > > http://www.varahamihira > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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