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RE: Fw: Answer to quiz

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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Gauranga Das, Narayan et al,

Hare Krishna

[This is confirmed by the Padma Purana Uttarakhanda 250.19.181-183] snip

My contention here is that the slokas that Shyamasundara Dasa quoted, do not exist. In fact, the subject in Padma Purana Uttara Khanda Chapter 250, is about 'Aniruddha's Marriage'.

I have also drawn your attention to Richard Brown's 'Pga' where non existent slokas are quoted from the Puranas on gemstones.

Best regards,




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Om Vishnave Namah



Dear Swee and others,


I tend to agree with you. Firstly there is no Uttarakhanda in my version of the Padma Purana. The three divisions that my edition entail are Swarga Khanda, Bhumi Khanda and Paatala Khanda. Now Patala Khanda is the one which contains discussions on Rama. So the shloka reference given in the mail forwarded by Gauranga is misleading. If anyone can oblige with the correct shloka number, I can immediately give you the Sanskrit verses. However, thanks to this thread, I discovered in the Padma Purana, how Sumati (followed by Rama's Ashwamedha horse) had visited the Nila Parvat, with descriptions of Lord Purushottama (Jagannatha) and the temple, and how Sumati was told that the Lord Purushottama who resides in the Nila Parvata, is Sri Rama himself! This is the only shloka that "lept" out at me while I was trying to verify Shyamasundara's references. So much for Rama's chronological bio data...I think I will reserve that for another day.

yae=saE nIlaiÔvasI c s ram> pué;aeÄm>,


sIta sa]aNMhalúmI> svRkar[karn<.

yo'sau nélädriväsé ca sa rämaù puruñottamaù|

sétä säkñänmhälakñméù sarvakäraëakäranaà||



Best regards,





Swee Chan [swee]Monday, July 21, 2003 3:28 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Fw: Answer to quizOm Gurave Namah

Dear Gauranga Das, Narayan et al,

Hare Krishna

[This is confirmed by the Padma Purana Uttarakhanda 250.19.181-183] snipMy contention here is that the slokas that Shyamasundara Dasa quoted, do not exist. In fact, the subject in Padma Purana Uttara Khanda Chapter 250, is about 'Aniruddha's Marriage'.

I have also drawn your attention to Richard Brown's 'Pga' where non existent slokas are quoted from the Puranas on gemstones.

Best regards,




|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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