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Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Moola dasa

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Vyam Vyasadevaya namah


Dear Robert and Sanjay,


>Jupiter is in Makara Navamsa in Sri Krsna's chart, at least the one

>recommended by you.


Which is this chart who is recommended by you, Sanjay?


Yours sincerely,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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Om Gurave Namah



Pranaam Sanjay Prabhakaran prabhu,


Thank you very much for responding to my inquires re: The Dakshinamurti

Stotra, Sun/Rahu, and the brilliant section in the Prasna Marga that

suggests these principles. I appreciate your taking the time to elucidate,

and to direct my attention to the right informational sources as well. Its

still a bit unclear to me how " superior serpents " may underlay the highest

knowledge, but I'll sit with it for some time and let it seep in.


Thanks again,

Best wishes,




Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

Faculty Member, SJC and ACVA

visit <http://www.robertkoch.com>

Ph: 541.318.0248

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Dear Robert,

It would be out of place for a person with litle knowledge to comment , but try to see the connection between Superior Serpents and Kundalini.



Robert A. Koch [rk]Saturday, July 26, 2003 5:28 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Moola dasaOm Gurave Namah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pranaam Sanjay Prabhakaran prabhu,Thank you very much for responding to my inquires re: The Dakshinamurti Stotra, Sun/Rahu, and the brilliant section in the Prasna Marga that suggests these principles. I appreciate your taking the time to elucidate, and to direct my attention to the right informational sources as well. Its still a bit unclear to me how "superior serpents" may underlay the highest knowledge, but I'll sit with it for some time and let it seep in.Thanks again,Best wishes,Robert~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Robert A. Koch, Vedic AstrologerFaculty Member, SJC and ACVAvisit <http://www.robertkoch.com>Ph: 541.318.0248|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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At 04:45 PM 7/26/03 +0530, you wrote:



It would be out of place for a

person with litle knowledge to comment , but try to see the connection

between Superior Serpents and Kundalini.


Thank you, Chandrashekar-ji - much appreciated!


Best wishes,




Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

Faculty Member, SJC and ACVA




Ph: 541.318.0248

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om aià huà hréà stréà gurursarasvatyai svähäDear RobertNamaste.comments below -Yours truly,Sanjay RathH-5 BJB Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, Indiahttp://srath.com Tel:+91 674 243 6871 Robert A. Koch [rk]Friday, July 25, 2003 6:40 AMvarahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Moola dasaOm Gurave Namah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pranaam Sanjay, Thank you for the pointers re: Sri Caitanya's chart. There are dates given for specific events in Srila Prabhupada's commentaries on the life of Sri Caitanya, which are found in the introduction to the book "The Teachings of Lord Caitanya". Apart from the guidelines that you have given, these dates correspond with Drig dasa very well, and I will give them as follows. First, can I ask you about the following: At 06:46 PM 7/24/03 +0530, you wrote:Dear Robert, some points that have been missed or ignored in the study of Sri Caitanya Jataka is the fact of His supreme knowledge. 1. The representation of the complete knowledge is the sadashiva Dakshinamurti Who is the Guru. One combination defining this is the conjunction of the Sun and Rahu (I have given a separate detailed post explaining this) and the sloka from Dakshinamurti stotra. So, in this incarnation we find the embodiment of total knowledge in the conjunction of lagna lord Sun with Rahu. Often this is mistaken as indicative of evil snakes but that is wrong. Prasna Marga has defined the various combinations of planets with Rahu and the combination of the Sun with Rahu indcates superior serpants like Vasuki with their supreme knowledge symbolising the Kundalini shakti. Thus Sri Caitanya has this yoga for Kundalini awakening. Point is - can we time it or was it right from birth. * I am having difficulty understanding the logic of the Sun/Rahu conjunction as pertaining to great knowledge, apart from great serpents like Vasuki having this knowledge. Also, I could not find the detailed post you gave on Dakshinamurti Stotram in my files. Could you please give a link for it? Thank you. [Rath:] Thats the Kundalini..serpant power associated with self realisation. Of cours Sri caitanya was not only self realised but realised much more than that I guess. 3. In my classes as Delhi (Sarat chander and others will remember) I had taught that "In every Vishnu avatar, the MOON must be in Lagna". It is simple - Moon is sustainer and shows the compassion of Bhagavan for all creatures. So far, I'm aware of only three charts of such avataras: Sri Krsna, Whose exalted Moon occupies the lagna; Sri Caitanya, eclipsed Moon with Ketu in lagna; and Sri Ramachandra, Moon in Cancer lagna. Now, you told me once that Cancer lagna with Moon rising is indicative of worship of Lord Shiva, and questioned the Cancer lagna in charts of Vaishnavas. Is that because Sri Ramachandra worshipped Lord Shiva at one point in His Lila? [Rath:] All Yuga Avatar worship Lord Shiva as they represent the ENDING of a Yuga i.e. Vishnu is coming for the purpose of ending or finishing the yuga. Technically start, middle and finish are three aspects we have always equated with Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara. Further Kalidasa has a view that Vishnu adores Shiva and Shiva adores Vishnu. 5. Sri Caitanya is NOT a Yuga-avatar as Jupiter is not in Makara navamsa besides other combinations for this are absent. I'm a bit confused here. Would not Jupiter in Makara Navamsa be indicative of the yuga-avatar in Kali-yuga, as opposed to all yugas? Jupiter is in Makara Navamsa in Sri Krsna's chart, at least the one recommended by you. Anyway, what are the other combinations that make for a yuga-avatara? [Rath:] A Yuga avatar is one Whose appearance is indicative of the ending of a Yuga. Yes tha is there in the chart I have been using. The most important is the yoga Narasimha talked of and someday we will understand this also. SRI CAITANYA - SOME DATES AND DRIG DASAS1. Married to Srimati Laksmi-devi at age 14 or 15 (1500-1501): Drig dasa was Leo/Pisces or Leo/Aquarius. Dasa and lagna lord Sun is in the 7th house with Darakaraka Rahu, an thus indicates marriage. His wife died soon thereafter, however. It is significant that Upapada lagna Virgo and its lord, both form Argala to the sign Leo, although Mercury's Argala is obstructed by Mars (Mrtyu). Dasa lord Sun being in the 7th house with Rahu, and involved in the Sarpa yoga, is poignant to show the manner through which Laksmi-devi died. It was due to Snake bite. Sub-period sign of Pisces, as well as that of Virgo, both come under the drishti of Jupiter, a significant time for marriage. [Rath:] That is a very significant aspect you have indicated. This is the point I was trying to make in another mail about Sarpa yoga which in this chart has three kendra with malefics broken by the Moon - Krishna. Another aspect is the placement of the 2nd lord from Upapada in the badhak sign. See the dictum - benefic in lagna aspected by malefics indicates one who shall take the name of Vishnu and here it is Krishna specifically because of Moon.2. During the Drig dasa of Leo (from 1496 to 1502), he got married for a second time to Vishnupriya, at the request of his mother. He was known as Nimai Pandit, and was a renowned Brahmana scholar of Nyaya philosophy at the young age of 15. Note in Navamsa, that Drig dasa lord Sun is with a strong Mars, indicating logic (Nyaya), while having the aspect of the AK Saturn as well. In the rasi chart also, Moolatrikona Jupiter being in the 5th, and Venus' being in the 9th, bring the knowledge of both Brihaspati and Shukra very strongly during this dasa period. Also during this period, his father died, which is easy to reconcile given the Sun/Rahu combination being activated throughout the entire Drig dasa of Leo. [Rath:] What would be the spiritual learning during such experiences especially since the planets are involved in sarpa yoga . It is but natural that the atma seeks escape from the bondage of the coils of the sarpa and sings for Bhagavan. The lessons of detatchment would have become stronger and the detatchment would have become total.3. At the age of 16 or 17, he travelled to Gaya with throngs of students, and became initiated by Sri Isvara Puri, who was a sisya of the great Vaishnava Madhavendra Puri. Srila Madhavendra Puri, it was told, was so immersed in the ecstasy of love of Godhead, that he could not tell whether it was day or night. The Drig dasa was Scorpio, containing AK Saturn. The sub-period would have been either of Leo or Virgo, and was most likely Virgo. Dasa sign of Scorpio has Argala from 5th lord Jupiter and A5 lord Mercury. This sets up the possibility of initiation during the dasa of Scorpio. Virgo is directly the A5, and, being aspected by both of Jupiter and Mercury, thus should indicate the time of initiation. [Rath:] THATS PERFECT..very accurate and a clear exposition indeed. 4. 1504-1510: Sri Caitanya Promoted the Sankirtan Dharma all over India during these years. Drig dasa was Scorpio from 1502 to 1511. The dasa period is powerful, as (a) it is occupied by the AK Saturn, and aspected by 9th lord Mars from the Makara rasi (Kali-yuga rasi). Mars' being in Amrta Shashtyamsa, as you've pointed out, showed that his incarnation served the yuga dharma, and thus he was the yuga-avatara indeed. (b) The aspect of Venus from the 9th house to AK indicated the mood of devotion, and love of Radha-Krsna. Venus is also lord of the Arudha lagna, showing that He Himself was the embodiment of Radha-Krsna in Their Divine lila. We are reminded here of the fact that Sri Caitanya was both the Atma, as well as the Ishta-devata (Saturn), while Venus represents His Hladini shakti in the form of Radha. 5. Accepted sannyasa initiation from Sri Kesava Bharati, at age 24 (1510): Drig dasa was Aquarius, while the AD could have been either of Sc, Li, Vi, or Le. Note that in the Navamsa, Aq is directly the 5th house occupied by AK and ishta-devata Saturn. In the Rasi chart, Aq again has Argala from 5th lord Jupiter and A5 lord Mercury. This is the same as that which occurred during his first initiation, bringing the likelihood of Virgo's sub-period as the most likely one for initiation. During the period from 1511 to 1515 he went on pilgrimage in south India. Both of 12th house (Cancer, i.e. Krsna), and Libra (Radha) aspect Aq, as do both of the Moon and Venus, who are respectively the lord of the 3rd from Arudha lagna and lagna. 6. Ksetra-sannyasa: Stayed in Puri from 1515 to 1534: The period was marked by the His experiencing the mood of separation from Krsna, as was exemplified by the Gopis and Radharani in Krsna-lila. The Drig dasa spanning this time frame, were of Taurus and Cancer, both having strong relevance to the Moon in Jyotish, and both signs having strong relations with all the malefics in the chart. Given the special nature of these malefics, especially the eclipsed Moon (which represents the madness or ecstasy of love of Godhead), the suffering is rarely attained or conceived of in the mundane world, i.e. of Prema-bhakti. It is noteworthy that in Navamsa, Taurus has Venus with Rahu (deep emotion and bewilderment), and these are aspected by Jupiter and Mercury from the Libra lagna. Sign Cancer similarly has the influence of these grahas, by drishti as well as Argala. 7. His disappearance: age 48, 1534: Drig dasa of Cancer, while AD sign could be either Aq or Cp. Of these, Cp is the likely AD, as it is in the 3rd from AK Saturn and occupied by 9th lord Mars, while Cancer itself is not only the 12th house, but the 3rd from AL as well. Moon goes to the 12th house in Navamsa also, while Saturn is in the 3rd from AL. These are probable dasas for this event. However, since He disappeared into the Tota Gopinatha Deity in Puri, Who is even to this day installed in a temple there, it may be that the AD sign was Aq, having the Sun in it. Aq is also aspected by the exalted Sun in Navamsa, as well as 9th lord Mercury. What do you think, Sanjay? [Rath:] The disappearance is what has always troubled me. Aquarius is a more likely period no doubt as the Rahu & Sun conjunction is there and this aspects the third from the Arudha Lagna.So these are some beginning observations, although there is so, so much to look for and find. I hope the above has been interesting and enlightening to those who read this. I wish to speak on this chart in my lectures in Sunnyvale next month, and am excited to do so. I also want to include some or all the above in my book.......Best wishes,Hare Krsna,Robert~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Robert A. Koch, Vedic AstrologerFaculty Member, SJC and ACVA visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> Ph: 541.318.0248|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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