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RE: Badhak Lesson

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om aià huà hréà stréà gurursarasvatyai svähäDear Jaancomments underYours truly,Sanjay RathH-5 BJB Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, Indiahttp://srath.com Tel:+91 674 243 6871 Jaan [jaan]Saturday, July 26, 2003 3:55 PMVarahamihira|Sri Varaha| Badhak LessonDear Sanjay Guru, If possible please correct my attempt to analyse my chart with regard to the badhak lesson.[Rath:] Will try :) Since badhakesh Saturn is the 9th lord, worship of the deity has been neglected. Sun is the 4th lord and aspects badhakesh indicating deity is the Grama devata. [Rath:] Thats no logic. Badhakesh can only be 11th, 9th or 7th lord. See where it is placed. That menas for all fixed signs in lagna the badhakesh indicates that the deity associated has been neglected. Not really as Badhakesh is in second house (family) and is aspected by the Sun (father) and Moon (mother) indicating that the fmaily deity has been neglected and is not happy. If the family deity or Kula devata is not happy, marriages are delayed and continuity of the family is hampered. Rahu is placed in 8th house in debility with mutual aspect to badhakesh Saturn. Sun in mutual aspect to such a Rahu indicates beneficial serpents. [Rath:] Thats perfectly right. The badhaka is strong..but you are jumping ..see the order I followed in the papers for the conference. Moon in mutual aspect to such a Rahu indicates evil minded serpents as well. My mother told me that before I was born a snake had come to the house while she was pregnant with me. Don’t know if that means anything.[Rath:] OK both good and bad serpants are indicated and this can cause serious disturbances in settling down, higher education etc. Jupiter has association with badhakesh Saturn by virtue of being placed in debility in the badhak house, this may indicate divine serpents. Or does Jupiter have to be conjunct badhakesh to indicate this?[Rath:] That is what I wanted you to discuss..planet in badhak house first. You are reading it totally wrong..see the example of Aurangazeb here. Of course your sun and dharma is strong but study that example again and then comment on this. Four planets are in Kendra to badhakesh, these indicate many different sources of troubles, including myself since Sun is the AK.[Rath:] The clue to the problem lies in the AK as it is always the strongest. There is strong curse of the mother, 4th lord Sun and Moon are both aspected by Saturn and Rahu.[Rath:] No. for curse graha dristi is required. Saturn and Ketu conjunction in the second house indicate I will not perform the last rites of my mother.[Rath:] Maybe but AK Sun is in the 4th house..use the clue and worship Surya with the dasakshari mantra. Badhakesh placed in the second house and lagna being in a fixed sign indicates possible misappropriation of land/grain/trees. Not sure if the property has anything to do with the snakes or the deity indicated by Badhakesh Saturn, which could be Sri Kirata or Sri Shastha. Rahu in dual signs indicates that baby snakes were killed.[Rath:] Not so fast..how did the temple come here? Was it not due to something else connected with mother, or sorrow to mother. Are you still causing her a lot of sorrow?? Yes or No.Can I also infer that the snakes’ heads were cut off? (Ketu conjunct badhakesh in a Mercurial sign)[Rath:] No no definitely not. Please you are making this very hilarious. So if Mercury conjoins this then you made the snakes laugh to death!! you can't do this to Jyotish. Possible remedial measures are: Performing Sarpa Bali, Rahu in 8th.Donating a small gold idol of Nagarajah, since baby snakes were killed.Since Sun is AK (self), Abhiseka on Nagarajah at a Siva temple.Donate trees or land, not sure to whom, Nagarajah or Deities indicated by Saturn?Worship Maha Vishnu (not sure which form?) everyday for protection, Jupiter in 9th.Continue worship of Grama Devata, indicated by 2nd from Vimsamsa, Badhak lord is 9th lord and 2nd lord Mercury aspects 4th house. How may I remedy the curse of the mother? Lovejaan|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Om Namah shivaya


Dear Jaan

I am unable to view the badhak lesson,could you please help me to

locate it.



om tat sat


varahamihira , " Jaan " <jaan@v...> wrote:

> Dear Sanjay Guru,




> Looking at the lesson again in the order you wanted and comparing

my chart with that of Aurangzeb's. Please let me know if I am any





> Jupiter is placed in debility in the badhak house, 9th. Aurangzeb

had a debilitated Sun in 9th, badhak house. Sun was to give raja yoga

to Aurangzeb. For me Jupiter is also an important planet, he is the

terminal planet in the Graha Malika Yoga, Moon depositor and placed

in UL, he is to bring both material and spiritual gains. Sun

represents the father, Jupiter represents the Guru. Jupiter is in

Pisces navamsa, Mercury is my Bhatrukaraka and placed in Pisces

navamsa also, your lagna is Pisces, is this significant?




> The connection I can see is what I do for my Guru, the beneficial

results of Jupiter in my chart come while I serve my Guru well?

Aurangzebs raja yoga came whilst he imprisoned his father. Is this

the correct way to look at it? Or am I way off the mark, I can't see

what other similarities it could be between the charts regarding





> Since Jupiter is placed in the badhak house does addressing this

take higher priority than the placement of Rahu in 8th house? Are

they two separate things that need to be addressed? Jupiter does

deposit Rahu but I am not sure if this makes a strong link to the

problem of Wrath of Sarpa Deva.




> In the chart analysis of the astrologer you mention 'Badhakesha

Moon does not conjoin Jupiter or Sun indicating that neither divine

serpents nor good/beneficial serpents are involved'




> Does this imply that when Jupiter is in a dusthana and in a

quadrant from Rahu, but Jupiter does NOT have association with the

badhakesha, instead Sun's association in this case with badhakesha

can indicate a curse from beneficial serpents? Jupiter and Sun being

linked in this manner.




> Love


> jaan

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Dear Partha,

Please go through the attachment for Badhaka article by Sri Sanjayji.

With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao."V.Partha sarathy" <partvinu5 wrote:


Om Namah shivayaDear JaanI am unable to view the badhak lesson,could you please help me to locate it.regardsparthaom tat satvarahamihira , "Jaan" <jaan@v...> wrote:> Dear Sanjay Guru,> > > > Looking at the lesson again in the order you wanted and comparing my chart with that of Aurangzeb's. Please let me know if I am any closer.> > > > Jupiter is placed in debility in the badhak house, 9th. Aurangzeb had a debilitated Sun in 9th, badhak house. Sun was to give raja yoga to Aurangzeb. For me Jupiter is also an important planet, he is the terminal planet in the Graha Malika Yoga, Moon depositor and placed in UL, he is to bring both material and spiritual gains. Sun represents the father, Jupiter represents the Guru.

Jupiter is in Pisces navamsa, Mercury is my Bhatrukaraka and placed in Pisces navamsa also, your lagna is Pisces, is this significant?> > > > The connection I can see is what I do for my Guru, the beneficial results of Jupiter in my chart come while I serve my Guru well? Aurangzebs raja yoga came whilst he imprisoned his father. Is this the correct way to look at it? Or am I way off the mark, I can't see what other similarities it could be between the charts regarding badhak.> > > > Since Jupiter is placed in the badhak house does addressing this take higher priority than the placement of Rahu in 8th house? Are they two separate things that need to be addressed? Jupiter does deposit Rahu but I am not sure if this makes a strong link to the problem of Wrath of Sarpa Deva.> > > > In the chart analysis of the astrologer you mention

'Badhakesha Moon does not conjoin Jupiter or Sun indicating that neither divine serpents nor good/beneficial serpents are involved'> > > > Does this imply that when Jupiter is in a dusthana and in a quadrant from Rahu, but Jupiter does NOT have association with the badhakesha, instead Sun's association in this case with badhakesha can indicate a curse from beneficial serpents? Jupiter and Sun being linked in this manner.> > > > Love> > jaan|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Om Namah Shivaya

Dear Ramadas Rao


Thank you for your kind help. Another Rama had already helped me.

That is Ramapriya, who mailed me the Badhak Lesson.

Jaya Sri Ram



om tat sat


varahamihira , Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao>



> Dear Partha,

> Please go through the attachment for Badhaka article by Sri


> With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana,

> Ramadas Rao.


> " V.Partha sarathy " <partvinu5> wrote:

> Om Namah shivaya


> Dear Jaan

> I am unable to view the badhak lesson,could you please help me to

> locate it.

> regards

> partha

> om tat sat


> varahamihira , " Jaan " <jaan@v...> wrote:

> > Dear Sanjay Guru,

> >

> >

> >

> > Looking at the lesson again in the order you wanted and comparing

> my chart with that of Aurangzeb's. Please let me know if I am any

> closer.

> >

> >

> >

> > Jupiter is placed in debility in the badhak house, 9th. Aurangzeb

> had a debilitated Sun in 9th, badhak house. Sun was to give raja


> to Aurangzeb. For me Jupiter is also an important planet, he is the

> terminal planet in the Graha Malika Yoga, Moon depositor and placed

> in UL, he is to bring both material and spiritual gains. Sun

> represents the father, Jupiter represents the Guru. Jupiter is in

> Pisces navamsa, Mercury is my Bhatrukaraka and placed in Pisces

> navamsa also, your lagna is Pisces, is this significant?

> >

> >

> >

> > The connection I can see is what I do for my Guru, the beneficial

> results of Jupiter in my chart come while I serve my Guru well?

> Aurangzebs raja yoga came whilst he imprisoned his father. Is this

> the correct way to look at it? Or am I way off the mark, I can't


> what other similarities it could be between the charts regarding

> badhak.

> >

> >

> >

> > Since Jupiter is placed in the badhak house does addressing this

> take higher priority than the placement of Rahu in 8th house? Are

> they two separate things that need to be addressed? Jupiter does

> deposit Rahu but I am not sure if this makes a strong link to the

> problem of Wrath of Sarpa Deva.

> >

> >

> >

> > In the chart analysis of the astrologer you mention 'Badhakesha

> Moon does not conjoin Jupiter or Sun indicating that neither divine

> serpents nor good/beneficial serpents are involved'

> >

> >

> >

> > Does this imply that when Jupiter is in a dusthana and in a

> quadrant from Rahu, but Jupiter does NOT have association with the

> badhakesha, instead Sun's association in this case with badhakesha

> can indicate a curse from beneficial serpents? Jupiter and Sun


> linked in this manner.

> >

> >

> >

> > Love

> >

> > jaan




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Dear Ramadas,


Thank you so much for posting this for all 'hungry' students, as I am, myself. It's so considerate- as you've always been!


Thinking the best for you,




Ramadas Rao


Thursday, July 31, 2003 2:57 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Badhak lesson




Dear Partha,

Please go through the attachment for Badhaka article by Sri Sanjayji.

With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao."V.Partha sarathy" <partvinu5 wrote:


Om Namah shivayaDear JaanI am unable to view the badhak lesson,could you please help me to locate it.regardsparthaom tat satvarahamihira , "Jaan" <jaan@v...> wrote:> Dear Sanjay Guru,> > > > Looking at the lesson again in the order you wanted and comparing my chart with that of Aurangzeb's. Please let me know if I am any closer.> > > > Jupiter is placed in debility in the badhak house, 9th. Aurangzeb had a debilitated Sun in 9th, badhak house. Sun was to give raja yoga to Aurangzeb. For me Jupiter is also an important planet, he is the terminal planet in the Graha Malika Yoga, Moon depositor and placed in UL, he is to bring both material and spiritual gains. Sun represents the father, Jupiter represents the G uru. Jupiter is in Pisces navamsa, Mercury is my Bhatrukaraka and placed in Pisces navamsa also, your lagna is Pisces, is this significant?> > > > The connection I can see is what I do for my Guru, the beneficial results of Jupiter in my chart come while I serve my Guru well? Aurangzebs raja yoga came whilst he imprisoned his father. Is this the correct way to look at it? Or am I way off the mark, I can't see what other similarities it could be between the charts regarding badhak.> > > > Since Jupiter is placed in the badhak house does addressing this take higher priority than the placement of Rahu in 8th house? Are they two separate things that need to be addressed? Jupiter does deposit Rahu but I am not sure if this makes a strong link to the problem of Wrath of Sarpa Deva.> > > > In the chart analysis of the astrologer you mention 'Badhakesha Moon does not conjoin Jupiter or Sun indicating that neither divine serpents nor good/beneficial serpents are involved'> > > > Does this imply that when Jupiter is in a dusthana and in a quadrant from Rahu, but Jupiter does NOT have association with the badhakesha, instead Sun's association in this case with badhakesha can indicate a curse from beneficial serpents? Jupiter and Sun being linked in this manner.> > > > Love> > jaan|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Anna,

You are most welcome.

With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao."N.Anna" <anmar wrote:



Dear Ramadas,


Thank you so much for posting this for all 'hungry' students, as I am, myself. It's so considerate- as you've always been!


Thinking the best for you,




Ramadas Rao


Thursday, July 31, 2003 2:57 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Re: Badhak lesson




Dear Partha,

Please go through the attachment for Badhaka article by Sri Sanjayji.

With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao."V.Partha sarathy" <partvinu5 wrote:


Om Namah shivayaDear JaanI am unable to view the badhak lesson,could you please help me to locate it.regardsparthaom tat satvarahamihira , "Jaan" <jaan@v...> wrote:> Dear Sanjay Guru,> > > > Looking at the lesson again in the order you wanted and comparing my chart with that of Aurangzeb's. Please let me know if I am any closer.> > > > Jupiter is placed in debility in the badhak house, 9th. Aurangzeb had a debilitated Sun in 9th, badhak house. Sun was to give raja yoga to Aurangzeb. For me Jupiter is also an important planet, he is the terminal planet in the Graha Malika Yoga, Moon depositor and placed in UL, he is to bring both material and spiritual gains. Sun

represents the father, Jupiter represents the G uru. Jupiter is in Pisces navamsa, Mercury is my Bhatrukaraka and placed in Pisces navamsa also, your lagna is Pisces, is this significant?> > > > The connection I can see is what I do for my Guru, the beneficial results of Jupiter in my chart come while I serve my Guru well? Aurangzebs raja yoga came whilst he imprisoned his father. Is this the correct way to look at it? Or am I way off the mark, I can't see what other similarities it could be between the charts regarding badhak.> > > > Since Jupiter is placed in the badhak house does addressing this take higher priority than the placement of Rahu in 8th house? Are they two separate things that need to be addressed? Jupiter does deposit Rahu but I am not sure if this makes a strong link to the problem of Wrath of Sarpa Deva.> > > > In

the chart analysis of the astrologer you mention 'Badhakesha Moon does not conjoin Jupiter or Sun indicating that neither divine serpents nor good/beneficial serpents are involved'> > > > Does this imply that when Jupiter is in a dusthana and in a quadrant from Rahu, but Jupiter does NOT have association with the badhakesha, instead Sun's association in this case with badhakesha can indicate a curse from beneficial serpents? Jupiter and Sun being linked in this manner.> > > > Love> > jaan|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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