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Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

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Dear Sanjay,


When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English

Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?


In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted

astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of

Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:


" If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in

the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs

are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs,

the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth. "


I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a

quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61

degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum distance

Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.


Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an

idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational

pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone



If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work

than Brihat Jataka?


Only my $0.02,




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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Ramapriya,

Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in Brihat Jataka texts.

the text given is

guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe


gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre

ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,

viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |

zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit

çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati

zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉakœ c. 20.

çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||


viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get

vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2

and I will take other translation as is.


So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd


if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking about divisional charts only in this stanza.


Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the readings of theivery etc is not possible.


But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna spoils the whole yoga.

If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is taking a lot from world.


Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran






Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM

|Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

HARI OMDear Sanjay,When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:"If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth."I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61 degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum distance Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone era?If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work than Brihat Jataka?Only my $0.02,Ramapriyahubli

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|Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|Dear Sanjay, Namaste.

PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense. Also the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate the placement of the grahas in the lagna.


"A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his life well (even if devoid of wealth)." Hence the principle of Paraspara Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga causing the natives rise.


I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit wrong due to the interpretation of the word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.


Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is very interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would remove multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on signs. I think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way making it quite hard to understand at times.

Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve another riddle of mine.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]


Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)


|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Ramapriya,

Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in Brihat Jataka texts.

the text given is

guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe


gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre

ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,

viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |

zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit

çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati

zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉakœ c. 20.

çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||


viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get

vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2

and I will take other translation as is.


So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd


if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking about divisional charts only in this stanza.


Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the readings of theivery etc is not possible.


But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna spoils the whole yoga.

If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is taking a lot from world.


Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran






Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM

|Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

HARI OMDear Sanjay,When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:"If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth."I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61 degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum distance Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone era?If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work than Brihat Jataka?Only my $0.02,Ramapriyahubli|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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|| Om Gurave namah ||

Dear Visti,

In my Brihat Jataka version (misprint) of PS Shastri I do not have the Rajayoga 11.20 translation.

Can you please give me entire translation of sloka 20, so I can note it down.


Thank you

Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran




Visti Larsen


Sunday, July 27, 2003 6:15 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)



|Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|Dear Sanjay, Namaste.

PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense. Also the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate the placement of the grahas in the lagna.


"A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his life well (even if devoid of wealth)." Hence the principle of Paraspara Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga causing the natives rise.


I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit wrong due to the interpretation of the word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.


Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is very interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would remove multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on signs. I think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way making it quite hard to understand at times.

Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve another riddle of mine.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]


Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)


|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Ramapriya,

Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in Brihat Jataka texts.

the text given is

guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe


gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre

ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,

viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |

zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit

çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati

zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉakœ c. 20.

çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||


viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get

vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2

and I will take other translation as is.


So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd


if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking about divisional charts only in this stanza.


Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the readings of theivery etc is not possible.


But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna spoils the whole yoga.

If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is taking a lot from world.


Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran






Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM

|Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

HARI OMDear Sanjay,When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:"If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth."I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61 degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum distance Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone era?If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work than Brihat Jataka?Only my $0.02,Ramapriyahubli

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Dear Visti, Sanjay, Ramapriya,

Could this not, also, mean that CVarahamihira is explaining the principle behind the yoga given in line 3 and 4 by providing examples in line 1 and 2.



Visti Larsen [balabhadra]Monday, July 28, 2003 3:45 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)


|Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|Dear Sanjay, Namaste.

PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense. Also the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate the placement of the grahas in the lagna.


"A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his life well (even if devoid of wealth)." Hence the principle of Paraspara Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga causing the natives rise.


I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit wrong due to the interpretation of the word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.


Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is very interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would remove multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on signs. I think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way making it quite hard to understand at times.

Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve another riddle of mine.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]


Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)


|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Ramapriya,

Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in Brihat Jataka texts.

the text given is

guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe


gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre

ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,

viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |

zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit

çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati

zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉakœ c. 20.

çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||


viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get

vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2

and I will take other translation as is.


So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd


if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking about divisional charts only in this stanza.


Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the readings of theivery etc is not possible.


But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna spoils the whole yoga.

If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is taking a lot from world.


Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran






Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM

|Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

HARI OMDear Sanjay,When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:"If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth."I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61 degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum distance Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone era?If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work than Brihat Jataka?Only my $0.02,Ramapriyahubli|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Visti and Sanjay,


What is Sita in gurusitabudhalagne?


Best Wishes






Visti Larsen


Monday, July 28, 2003 6:15 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)



|Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|Dear Sanjay, Namaste.

PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense. Also the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate the placement of the grahas in the lagna.


"A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his life well (even if devoid of wealth)." Hence the principle of Paraspara Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga causing the natives rise.


I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit wrong due to the interpretation of the word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.


Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is very interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would remove multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on signs. I think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way making it quite hard to understand at times.

Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve another riddle of mine.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]


Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)


|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Ramapriya,

Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in Brihat Jataka texts.

the text given is

guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe


gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre

ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,

viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |

zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit

çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati

zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉakœ c. 20.

çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||


viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get

vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2

and I will take other translation as is.


So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd


if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking about divisional charts only in this stanza.


Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the readings of theivery etc is not possible.


But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna spoils the whole yoga.

If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is taking a lot from world.


Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran






Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM

|Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

HARI OMDear Sanjay,When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:"If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth."I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61 degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum distance Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone era?If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work than Brihat Jataka?Only my $0.02,Ramapriyahubli|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Sarajit,

Sita (not as in Lord Rama's wife Seetaa) is another name for Venus.

Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran



varahamihira , " Sarajit Poddar " <sarajitp@h...>


> || Jaya Jagannath ||

> Dear Visti and Sanjay,


> What is Sita in gurusitabudhalagne?


> Best Wishes

> Sarajit



> -

> Visti Larsen

> varahamihira

> Monday, July 28, 2003 6:15 AM

> Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for

you :o)




> |Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|

> Dear Sanjay, Namaste.

> PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by

either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense. Also

the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate the

placement of the grahas in the lagna.

> Hence;

> " A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst

Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his life

well (even if devoid of wealth). " Hence the principle of Paraspara

Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn

even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga causing

the natives rise.


> I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit

wrong due to the interpretation of the word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.


> Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is very

interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be

applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would remove

multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on signs. I

think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in

mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way

making it quite hard to understand at times.


> Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve

another riddle of mine.

> Best wishes

> Visti

> ---

> Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org

> Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org

> -

> Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]

> varahamihira

> Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM

> Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for

you :o)



> || Om Gurave Namah ||

> Dear Ramapriya,

> Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji

once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in

Brihat Jataka texts.

> the text given is

> guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe

> gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre


> ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,


> viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |


> zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit


> çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati


> zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉako c. 20.


> çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||




> viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get


> vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2


> and I will take other translation as is.




> So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd


> or


> if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking

about divisional charts only in this stanza.




> Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the

readings of theivery etc is not possible.




> But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with

digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna

spoils the whole yoga.


> If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter,

Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates

what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is

taking a lot from world.




> Warm Regards


> S. Prabhakaran




> -


> ramapriya_d

> varahamihira

> Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM

> |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for

you :o)





> Dear Sanjay,


> When you find the time, could you please translate for me to


> Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?


> In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted

> astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English

translation of

> Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:


> " If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and

Sun in

> the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial


> are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel


> the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth. "


> I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to

be in a

> quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is

about 61

> degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum


> Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.


> Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR

was an

> idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the


> pulls between planets could have been different in some other


> era?


> If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even

older work

> than Brihat Jataka?


> Only my $0.02,


> Ramapriya

> hubli@v...



> |Om Tat Sat|

> http://www.varahamihira



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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Sanjay,


From the translation it was clear, that the author took Sita for Venus. Can you find some reference for this?


Best Wishes






Tuesday, July 29, 2003 10:44 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

|| Om Gurave Namah ||Dear Sarajit,Sita (not as in Lord Rama's wife Seetaa) is another name for Venus.Warm RegardsS. Prabhakaranvarahamihira , "Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp@h...> wrote:> || Jaya Jagannath ||> Dear Visti and Sanjay,> > What is Sita in gurusitabudhalagne?> > Best Wishes> Sarajit> > > - > Visti Larsen > varahamihira > Monday, July 28, 2003 6:15 AM> Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)> > > > |Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|> Dear Sanjay, Namaste.> PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense. Also the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate the placement of the grahas in the lagna.> Hence; > "A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his life well (even if devoid of wealth)." Hence the principle of Paraspara Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga causing the natives rise.> > I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit wrong due to the interpretation of the word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.> > Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is very interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would remove multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on signs. I think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way making it quite hard to understand at times.> > Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve another riddle of mine.> Best wishes> Visti> ---> Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org> Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org> iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org> - > Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC] > varahamihira > Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM> Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)> > > || Om Gurave Namah ||> Dear Ramapriya,> Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in Brihat Jataka texts.> the text given is > guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe> gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre> > ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,> > viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |> > zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit > > çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati > > zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉako c. 20.> > çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||> > > > viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get> > vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2 > > and I will take other translation as is.> > > > So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd> > or> > if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking about divisional charts only in this stanza.> > > > Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the readings of theivery etc is not possible.> > > > But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna spoils the whole yoga.> > If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is taking a lot from world.> > > > Warm Regards> > S. Prabhakaran> > > > - > > ramapriya_d > varahamihira > Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM> |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)> > > HARI OM> > Dear Sanjay,> > When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English > Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?> > In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted > astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of > Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:> > "If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in > the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs > are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, > the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth."> > I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a > quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61 > degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum distance > Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.> > Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an > idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational > pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone > era?> > If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work > than Brihat Jataka?> > Only my $0.02,> > Ramapriya> hubli@v...

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|| Jaya Jagannatha ||

Dear Sarajit,

Sarvaartha Chintamani Chapter 1.61 Gives various names for all

Grahas, I think Hora Saara also gives many names for each graha.


You can also Lookup the Sanskrit



meanings of " sita " [7]




1. white colour;


2. the bright half of a lunar month;


3. the planet Venus;


4. an arrow;


5. sugar


meanings of " sita " [8]




1. silver;


2. sandal;


3. radish



Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran






varahamihira , " Sarajit Poddar " <sarajitp@h...>


> || Jaya Jagannath ||

> Dear Sanjay,


> From the translation it was clear, that the author took Sita for

Venus. Can you find some reference for this?


> Best Wishes

> Sarajit

> -

> sanjayprabhakaran

> varahamihira

> Tuesday, July 29, 2003 10:44 PM

> Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for

you :o)



> || Om Gurave Namah ||

> Dear Sarajit,

> Sita (not as in Lord Rama's wife Seetaa) is another name for


> Warm Regards

> S. Prabhakaran



> varahamihira , " Sarajit Poddar "


> wrote:

> > || Jaya Jagannath ||

> > Dear Visti and Sanjay,

> >

> > What is Sita in gurusitabudhalagne?

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Sarajit

> >

> >

> > -

> > Visti Larsen

> > varahamihira

> > Monday, July 28, 2003 6:15 AM

> > Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for

> you :o)

> >

> >

> >

> > |Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|

> > Dear Sanjay, Namaste.

> > PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by

> either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense.


> the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate


> placement of the grahas in the lagna.

> > Hence;

> > " A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst

> Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his


> well (even if devoid of wealth). " Hence the principle of


> Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn

> even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga


> the natives rise.

> >

> > I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit

> wrong due to the interpretation of the

word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.

> >

> > Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is


> interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be

> applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would


> multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on

signs. I

> think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in

> mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way

> making it quite hard to understand at times.

> >

> > Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve

> another riddle of mine.

> > Best wishes

> > Visti

> > ---

> > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org

> > Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> > iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org

> > -

> > Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]

> > varahamihira

> > Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM

> > Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request


> you :o)

> >

> >

> > || Om Gurave Namah ||

> > Dear Ramapriya,

> > Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev


> once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used


> Brihat Jataka texts.

> > the text given is

> > guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe

> > gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre

> >

> > ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,

> >

> > viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |

> >

> > zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit

> >

> > çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati

> >

> > zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉako c. 20.

> >

> > çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||

> >

> >

> >

> > viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we


> >

> > vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2

> >

> > and I will take other translation as is.

> >

> >

> >

> > So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd

> >

> > or

> >

> > if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is


> about divisional charts only in this stanza.

> >

> >

> >

> > Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the

> readings of theivery etc is not possible.

> >

> >

> >

> > But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with

> digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna

> spoils the whole yoga.

> >

> > If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter,

> Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun


> what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native


> taking a lot from world.

> >

> >

> >

> > Warm Regards

> >

> > S. Prabhakaran

> >

> >

> >

> > -

> >

> > ramapriya_d

> > varahamihira

> > Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM

> > |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for

> you :o)

> >

> >


> >

> > Dear Sanjay,

> >

> > When you find the time, could you please translate for me


> English

> > Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?

> >

> > In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the


> > astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English

> translation of

> > Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:

> >

> > " If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th


> Sun in

> > the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If


> signs

> > are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy


> signs,

> > the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and

wealth. "

> >

> > I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve


> be in a

> > quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is

> about 61

> > degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum

> distance

> > Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.

> >

> > Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor


> was an

> > idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the

> gravitational

> > pulls between planets could have been different in some


> bygone

> > era?

> >

> > If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even

> older work

> > than Brihat Jataka?

> >

> > Only my $0.02,

> >

> > Ramapriya

> > hubli@v...

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Dear Sarajit and Sanjay,


Please refer to Jataka Parijata, Vol. 1, Chapter 2, Shloka 4. Among the various names of Venus, Sita is one. Its also mentioned in the translation.


"...shukrah kavyah sitabhrigusutachhasphujihanavejya..."


"Sukra, Kavya, Sita, Bhrigusuta, Achcha, Aspujit and Danavejya are the names of Venus".


Best regards,



Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp]Tuesday, July 29, 2003 8:41 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Sanjay,


From the translation it was clear, that the author took Sita for Venus. Can you find some reference for this?


Best Wishes






Tuesday, July 29, 2003 10:44 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

|| Om Gurave Namah ||Dear Sarajit,Sita (not as in Lord Rama's wife Seetaa) is another name for Venus.Warm RegardsS. Prabhakaranvarahamihira , "Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp@h...> wrote:> || Jaya Jagannath ||> Dear Visti and Sanjay,> > What is Sita in gurusitabudhalagne?> > Best Wishes> Sarajit> > > - > Visti Larsen > varahamihira > Monday, July 28, 2003 6:15 AM> Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)> > > > |Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|> Dear Sanjay, Namaste.> PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense. Also the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate the placement of the grahas in the lagna.> Hence; > "A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his life well (even if devoid of wealth)." Hence the principle of Paraspara Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga causing the natives rise.> > I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit wrong due to the interpretation of the word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.> > Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is very interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would remove multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on signs. I think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way making it quite hard to understand at times.> > Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve another riddle of mine.> Best wishes> Visti> ---> Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org> Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org> iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org> - > Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC] > varahamihira > Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM> Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)> > > || Om Gurave Namah ||> Dear Ramapriya,> Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in Brihat Jataka texts.> the text given is > guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe> gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre> > ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,> > viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |> > zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit > > çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati > > zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉako c. 20.> > çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||> > > > viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get> > vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2 > > and I will take other translation as is.> > > > So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd> > or> > if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking about divisional charts only in this stanza.> > > > Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the readings of theivery etc is not possible.> > > > But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna spoils the whole yoga.> > If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is taking a lot from world.> > > > Warm Regards> > S. Prabhakaran> > > > - > > ramapriya_d > varahamihira > Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM> |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)> > > HARI OM> > Dear Sanjay,> > When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English > Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?> > In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted > astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of > Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:> > "If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in > the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs > are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, > the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth."> > I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a > quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61 > degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum distance > Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.> > Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an > idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational > pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone > era?> > If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work > than Brihat Jataka?> > Only my $0.02,> > Ramapriya> hubli@v...|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Sarabani,

I agree, Sita is used as Venus in many verses of almost all the standard texts on astrology.



Sarbani Sarkar [sarbani]Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:26 PMvarahamihira Subject: RE: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

Dear Sarajit and Sanjay,


Please refer to Jataka Parijata, Vol. 1, Chapter 2, Shloka 4. Among the various names of Venus, Sita is one. Its also mentioned in the translation.


"...shukrah kavyah sitabhrigusutachhasphujihanavejya..."


"Sukra, Kavya, Sita, Bhrigusuta, Achcha, Aspujit and Danavejya are the names of Venus".


Best regards,



Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp]Tuesday, July 29, 2003 8:41 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Sanjay,


From the translation it was clear, that the author took Sita for Venus. Can you find some reference for this?


Best Wishes






Tuesday, July 29, 2003 10:44 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

|| Om Gurave Namah ||Dear Sarajit,Sita (not as in Lord Rama's wife Seetaa) is another name for Venus.Warm RegardsS. Prabhakaranvarahamihira , "Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp@h...> wrote:> || Jaya Jagannath ||> Dear Visti and Sanjay,> > What is Sita in gurusitabudhalagne?> > Best Wishes> Sarajit> > > - > Visti Larsen > varahamihira > Monday, July 28, 2003 6:15 AM> Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)> > > > |Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|> Dear Sanjay, Namaste.> PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense. Also the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate the placement of the grahas in the lagna.> Hence; > "A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his life well (even if devoid of wealth)." Hence the principle of Paraspara Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga causing the natives rise.> > I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit wrong due to the interpretation of the word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.> > Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is very interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would remove multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on signs. I think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way making it quite hard to understand at times.> > Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve another riddle of mine.> Best wishes> Visti> ---> Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org> Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org> iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org> - > Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC] > varahamihira > Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM> Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)> > > || Om Gurave Namah ||> Dear Ramapriya,> Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in Brihat Jataka texts.> the text given is > guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe> gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre> > ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,> > viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |> > zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit > > çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati > > zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉako c. 20.> > çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||> > > > viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get> > vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2 > > and I will take other translation as is.> > > > So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd> > or> > if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking about divisional charts only in this stanza.> > > > Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the readings of theivery etc is not possible.> > > > But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna spoils the whole yoga.> > If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is taking a lot from world.> > > > Warm Regards> > S. Prabhakaran> > > > - > > ramapriya_d > varahamihira > Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM> |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)> > > HARI OM> > Dear Sanjay,> > When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English > Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?> > In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted > astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of > Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:> > "If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in > the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs > are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, > the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth."> > I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a > quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61 > degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum distance > Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.> > Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an > idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational > pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone > era?> > If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work > than Brihat Jataka?> > Only my $0.02,> > Ramapriya> hubli@v...|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Sanjay Prabhakaran,

Here is the complete Shloka No.20 on 11th chapter on Raja Yoga Prakarana.:


guéistbuxl¶e sÝmSwekRpuÇe,ivyitidvsnawe Éaeigna<jNmiv<*at!.

gurusitabudhalagne saptamastherkaputre|viyatidivasanäthe bhoginäïjanmavindyät||

zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí,papEìRjitzbrdSyu>SvaimtamwRÉa‹.

çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçcapäpairvrajatiçabaradasyuùsvämitämarthabhäkca

The Sanskrit text is somewhat changed when I copy it from Word but you can see its English transliteration.

So according to this either Guru,or Budha or Shukra in Lagna,Shani in 7th and Divasanatha ie.,Surya in Viyati -in 10th makes one Bhogi.But from Surya 4th house occupying Budha is not possible in this Manvantara.But in this context, Garga Samhita which was from a different Manvantara says :

jIvJnÉagRvElR¶e sÝmSwekRn<dne, dZmSwervaEjatae ÉaegvaNpué;aeÉvet!.

jévajnabhärgavairlagne saptamastherkanandane | daçmastheravaujäto bhogavänpuruñobhavet||

Here also the meaning of the Shloka remains the same and Vraha Mihiracharya did not change this Yoga combination.

But we can have Guru in Lagna,Shani in 7th and Surya in 10th is possible during this Kali Yuga.

Respected Sanjayji can clarify about this Bhoga Yoga.

I hope this helps you.

With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.

"Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]" <sanjayp wrote:



|| Om Gurave namah ||

Dear Visti,

In my Brihat Jataka version (misprint) of PS Shastri I do not have the Rajayoga 11.20 translation.

Can you please give me entire translation of sloka 20, so I can note it down.


Thank you

Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran




Visti Larsen


Sunday, July 27, 2003 6:15 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)



|Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|Dear Sanjay, Namaste.

PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense. Also the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate the placement of the grahas in the lagna.


"A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his life well (even if devoid of wealth)." Hence the principle of Paraspara Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga causing the natives rise.


I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit wrong due to the interpretation of the word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.


Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is very interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would remove multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on signs. I think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way making it quite hard to understand at times.

Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve another riddle of mine.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]


Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)


|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Ramapriya,

Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in Brihat Jataka texts.

the text given is

guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe


gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre

ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,

viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |

zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit

çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati

zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉakœ c. 20.

çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||


viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get

vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2

and I will take other translation as is.


So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd


if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking about divisional charts only in this stanza.


Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the readings of theivery etc is not possible.


But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna spoils the whole yoga.

If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is taking a lot from world.


Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran






Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM

|Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

HARI OMDear Sanjay,When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:"If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth."I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61 degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the

maximum distance Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone era?If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work than Brihat Jataka?Only my $0.02,Ramapriyahubli|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Ramdas Raoji,


I was thinking on the verse and the following things occured to me...


In the word "gurusitabudhalagne". It is not meant that Guru, Sita (Venus), Budha "in" the lagna, other wise the sabda rupa for them should have been GuruH, BudhaH to represent the planets "in" the Lagna and the sloka should have been Gurussitabudhallagne. So we cannot take the planets must be placed in the Lagna. On the other hand, if the Maharishi meant Guru's, Venus's or Budha's Lagna, then the term wouldnot have ended with LagnE but with LagnaH. So, I think term should have been "gurussitabudhalagne (guruH+Sita+Budha+Lagne), which might mean Guru in Venus or Mercury's Lagna, while Sun in the 10th and Saturn in the 7th. This looks perfectly possible and the presence of three grahas in the Dikbala with Venusian or Mercurial signs makes a person Bogavan or bhogi (enjoyer of material pleasures.


Best Wishes

Sarajit Poddar



Ramadas Rao


Saturday, August 02, 2003 12:23 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)





Dear Sanjay Prabhakaran,

Here is the complete Shloka No.20 on 11th chapter on Raja Yoga Prakarana.:


guéistbuxl¶e sÝmSwekRpuÇe,ivyitidvsnawe Éaeigna<jNmiv<*at!.

gurusitabudhalagne saptamastherkaputre|viyatidivasanäthe bhoginäïjanmavindyät||

zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí,papEìRjitzbrdSyu>SvaimtamwRÉa‹.

çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçcapäpairvrajatiçabaradasyuùsvämitämarthabhäkca

The Sanskrit text is somewhat changed when I copy it from Word but you can see its English transliteration.

So according to this either Guru,or Budha or Shukra in Lagna,Shani in 7th and Divasanatha ie.,Surya in Viyati -in 10th makes one Bhogi.But from Surya 4th house occupying Budha is not possible in this Manvantara.But in this context, Garga Samhita which was from a different Manvantara says :

jIvJnÉagRvElR¶e sÝmSwekRn<dne, dZmSwervaEjatae ÉaegvaNpué;aeÉvet!.

jévajnabhärgavairlagne saptamastherkanandane | daçmastheravaujäto bhogavänpuruñobhavet||

Here also the meaning of the Shloka remains the same and Vraha Mihiracharya did not change this Yoga combination.

But we can have Guru in Lagna,Shani in 7th and Surya in 10th is possible during this Kali Yuga.

Respected Sanjayji can clarify about this Bhoga Yoga.

I hope this helps you.

With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.

"Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]" <sanjayp wrote:



|| Om Gurave namah ||

Dear Visti,

In my Brihat Jataka version (misprint) of PS Shastri I do not have the Rajayoga 11.20 translation.

Can you please give me entire translation of sloka 20, so I can note it down.


Thank you

Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran




Visti Larsen


Sunday, July 27, 2003 6:15 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)



|Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|Dear Sanjay, Namaste.

PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense. Also the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate the placement of the grahas in the lagna.


"A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his life well (even if devoid of wealth)." Hence the principle of Paraspara Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga causing the natives rise.


I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit wrong due to the interpretation of the word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.


Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is very interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would remove multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on signs. I think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way making it quite hard to understand at times.

Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve another riddle of mine.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]


Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)


|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Ramapriya,

Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in Brihat Jataka texts.

the text given is

guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe


gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre

ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,

viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |

zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit

çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati

zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉakœ c. 20.

çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||


viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get

vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2

and I will take other translation as is.


So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd


if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking about divisional charts only in this stanza.


Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the readings of theivery etc is not possible.


But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna spoils the whole yoga.

If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is taking a lot from world.


Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran






Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM

|Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

HARI OMDear Sanjay,When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:"If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth."I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61 degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the maximum distance Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone era?If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work than Brihat Jataka?Only my $0.02,Ramapriyahubli|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Sarajit,

Yes,what you wrote can be possible but now what is the meaning given in Garga Samhita as I am not an expert in Sanskrit ?

With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp wrote:



|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Ramdas Raoji,


I was thinking on the verse and the following things occured to me...


In the word "gurusitabudhalagne". It is not meant that Guru, Sita (Venus), Budha "in" the lagna, other wise the sabda rupa for them should have been GuruH, BudhaH to represent the planets "in" the Lagna and the sloka should have been Gurussitabudhallagne. So we cannot take the planets must be placed in the Lagna. On the other hand, if the Maharishi meant Guru's, Venus's or Budha's Lagna, then the term wouldnot have ended with LagnE but with LagnaH. So, I think term should have been "gurussitabudhalagne (guruH+Sita+Budha+Lagne), which might mean Guru in Venus or Mercury's Lagna, while Sun in the 10th and Saturn in the 7th. This looks perfectly possible and the presence of three grahas in the Dikbala with Venusian or Mercurial signs makes a person Bogavan or bhogi (enjoyer of material pleasures.


Best Wishes

Sarajit Poddar



Ramadas Rao


Saturday, August 02, 2003 12:23 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)





Dear Sanjay Prabhakaran,

Here is the complete Shloka No.20 on 11th chapter on Raja Yoga Prakarana.:


guéistbuxl¶e sÝmSwekRpuÇe,ivyitidvsnawe Éaeigna<jNmiv<*at!.

gurusitabudhalagne saptamastherkaputre|viyatidivasanäthe bhoginäïjanmavindyät||

zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí,papEìRjitzbrdSyu>SvaimtamwRÉa‹.

çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçcapäpairvrajatiçabaradasyuùsvämitämarthabhäkca

The Sanskrit text is somewhat changed when I copy it from Word but you can see its English transliteration.

So according to this either Guru,or Budha or Shukra in Lagna,Shani in 7th and Divasanatha ie.,Surya in Viyati -in 10th makes one Bhogi.But from Surya 4th house occupying Budha is not possible in this Manvantara.But in this context, Garga Samhita which was from a different Manvantara says :

jIvJnÉagRvElR¶e sÝmSwekRn<dne, dZmSwervaEjatae ÉaegvaNpué;aeÉvet!.

jévajnabhärgavairlagne saptamastherkanandane | daçmastheravaujäto bhogavänpuruñobhavet||

Here also the meaning of the Shloka remains the same and Vraha Mihiracharya did not change this Yoga combination.

But we can have Guru in Lagna,Shani in 7th and Surya in 10th is possible during this Kali Yuga.

Respected Sanjayji can clarify about this Bhoga Yoga.

I hope this helps you.

With Sri Narayana Nama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.

"Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]" <sanjayp wrote:



|| Om Gurave namah ||

Dear Visti,

In my Brihat Jataka version (misprint) of PS Shastri I do not have the Rajayoga 11.20 translation.

Can you please give me entire translation of sloka 20, so I can note it down.


Thank you

Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran




Visti Larsen


Sunday, July 27, 2003 6:15 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)



|Om Daxinamurtaaye Namah|Dear Sanjay, Namaste.

PS Sastri translates; 'gurusitabudhalagne' as 'lagna owned by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury'. That would make more sense. Also the word 'sthita' or simply 'stha' is not included to indicate the placement of the grahas in the lagna.


"A lagna lorded by either Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, whilst Saturn is in 7th and Sun is in 10th, the person will enjoy his life well (even if devoid of wealth)." Hence the principle of Paraspara Karaka (planets in 4th/10th from each other) where Sun and Saturn even in their worst possible positions will ensure Raja Yoga causing the natives rise.


I must admit that the 2nd part about the kendra's sounds abit wrong due to the interpretation of the word; 'subhabalayutakendraih'.


Your mention of using Katapayadi Varga with Brihat Jataka is very interesting, and could explain some headaches. But should it be applied to signs, houses or planets. In the latter we would remove multiples of 9 from the result. Jaimini only applied this on signs. I think we should consider either of signs vs planets. Also keep in mind that Varahamihira wrote Brihat Jataka in a very poetic way making it quite hard to understand at times.

Also thanx to Ramapriya for asking, i think it helped solve another riddle of mine.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Sanjay Prabhakaran[sJC]


Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:27 PM

Re: |Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)


|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Ramapriya,

Let me give my thoughts, If I remember right Gurudev Sanjayji once mention that Katapayadi Varga and Vedic numerology is used in Brihat Jataka texts.

the text given is

guéistbuxl¶e sÝMSwe=kRpuÇe


gurusitabudhalagne saptamsthe'rkaputre

ivyit idvsnawe Éaeigna< jNm iv*at!,

viyati divasanäthe bhoginäà janma vidyät |

zuÉblyutkeNÔE> ³ªrÉSwEí! papEäjit

çubhabalayutakendraiù krürabhasthaiçc päpaibrajati

zbrdSyuSvaimtamwRÉakœ c. 20.

çabaradasyusvämitämarthabhäk ca || 20 ||


viyati is the word used for Sun, By katapayadi breakup we get

vi = 4 ya = 1 ti = 6 taking 614 % 12 = 2

and I will take other translation as is.


So one possible interpretation is Sun in 2nd


if we take Suryanarayan Raoji's we can take that he is talking about divisional charts only in this stanza.


Sun in 10th will have good dig bala and good deeds so the readings of theivery etc is not possible.


But I still cannot understand how Jupiter and Mercury with digbala in Lagna could lower the morals. Maybe the Venus in lagna spoils the whole yoga.

If we take the sloka talks about Sun 2nd then the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will fall 12th from Sun. 12th from Sun indicates what one takes from world (Sun) so it could mean that the native is taking a lot from world.


Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran






Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:09 PM

|Sri Varaha| Sanjay, a Brihat Jataka request for you :o)

HARI OMDear Sanjay,When you find the time, could you please translate for me to English Stanza 20 of Chapter 11 of the Brihat Jataka?In his English translation, B V Suryanarain Rao, the noted astrologer and granddad of B V Raman, in his English translation of Brihat Jataka, states thus of that verse:"If Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in 7th and Sun in the 10th, the person will enjoy his life well. If beneficial signs are powerful and fall in quadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, the person will be a master of hunters, thieves and wealth."I don't understand how it is possible for either Me or Ve to be in a quadrant from Su. The least distance between quadrants is about 61 degrees. If I've my astronomy bearings right, the

maximum distance Ve can go from Su is about 48 degrees, and Me much less.Since we can safely assume that neither Varahamihira nor BVSR was an idiot, could we, or should we, accommodate that the gravitational pulls between planets could have been different in some other bygone era?If that has to happen, what about BPHS, which is an even older work than Brihat Jataka?Only my $0.02,Ramapriyahubli|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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