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Saaraavalli 7.5

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||


Dear Jyotishas,

Saaraavalli 7.5 mentions Bhava effects



The good effects relating to a bhava can be reaped if an enterprise relating to that bhava is started in an ascendant ruled by the lord of that bhava, or when the lord thereof is in an upachaya house, or on the weekday. Hora, year or month ruled by that bhava lord. The good effects will be 25% by year lord, 50% by month lord, 75% by lord of week and 100% by hora lord.


ySy ¢hSy Éavae yStSy g & he àzSyte kmR,

yasya grahasya bhävo yastasya gåhe praçasyate karma |

tiSm<íaepcySwe tiSm~‘¶e g & he caSy. 5.

tasmiàçcopacayasthe tasmiðllagne gåhe cäsya || 5 ||

yTkmR ¢hidvse tdev haeraBdmaskale;u,

yatkarma grahadivase tadeva horäbdamäsakäleñu |

padivv & Ï( va SyaÄae;a< kalSy s<pak>. 6.

pädavivåddhya vä syättoñäà kälasya sampäkaù || 6 ||


Now my question is


The lord is supposed to be in an upachaya house, Upchaya from where ?. From the Natal lagna or the muhurtha lagna?. I suppose it has to be from Muhurtha lagna.

Guru Narasimhaji told me that The year (abda) lord has to be calculated by using Savana year(?) which is cycle of 360 days. Any logic behind it?. (TIPS: In JHORA You can find current year, month ruler, hora ruler by right clicking in Strengths;Other Strengths; top pane and select Kaala bala break up)

Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran


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Dear Sanjayprabhakar,

Upachaya should mean upachaya in Natal chart. The logic is that lagna lord in upachayasthana is endowed with strength. Also since the adhyaaya does not relate to Muhurtas.

The reason of calclating Abda lord using Savana year could be that its month is identical in span to Tithi Maas .

I am also awaiting comments of other Gurus.



Sanjay Prabhakaran [sanjayp]Thursday, July 31, 2003 10:41 PMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Saaraavalli 7.5

|| Om Gurave Namah ||


Dear Jyotishas,

Saaraavalli 7.5 mentions Bhava effects



The good effects relating to a bhava can be reaped if an enterprise relating to that bhava is started in an ascendant ruled by the lord of that bhava, or when the lord thereof is in an upachaya house, or on the weekday. Hora, year or month ruled by that bhava lord. The good effects will be 25% by year lord, 50% by month lord, 75% by lord of week and 100% by hora lord.


ySy ¢hSy Éavae yStSy g & he àzSyte kmR,

yasya grahasya bhävo yastasya gåhe praçasyate karma |

tiSm<íaepcySwe tiSm~‘¶e g & he caSy. 5.

tasmiàçcopacayasthe tasmiðllagne gåhe cäsya || 5 ||

yTkmR ¢hidvse tdev haeraBdmaskale;u,

yatkarma grahadivase tadeva horäbdamäsakäleñu |

padivv & Ï( va SyaÄae;a< kalSy s<pak>. 6.

pädavivåddhya vä syättoñäà kälasya sampäkaù || 6 ||


Now my question is


The lord is supposed to be in an upachaya house, Upchaya from where ?. From the Natal lagna or the muhurtha lagna?. I suppose it has to be from Muhurtha lagna. Guru Narasimhaji told me that The year (abda) lord has to be calculated by using Savana year(?) which is cycle of 360 days. Any logic behind it?. (TIPS: In JHORA You can find current year, month ruler, hora ruler by right clicking in Strengths;Other Strengths; top pane and select Kaala bala break up)

Warm Regards

S. Prabhakaran

|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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