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Badhak Lesson : Doubts from SJC Delhi Students

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||Om Hayagrivam Upasmahe||


Dear Gurudeva,


My Humble Namaste !


Yesterday,we had a discussion on "badhak" lesson in rohiniji's house.Member's present were rohiniji,deepikaji,prasanth and myself.Here iam quoting the notes which we have taken from the lesson and some doubts.I have highlighted the doubts in red color and the notes in black.Please correct us and help us to understand better.


1.Generally ,Badhaka Stana for movable,fixed and dual signs are 11th ,9th and 7th signs respectively, from the sign in question .And the lord of those signs becomes badhakesh.


2.Lord of 22nd Drekkana will activate the badhaka and shall also act as badhakesh.Here what happens if the lord of 22nd drekkanna also becomes lagnesh ? Will it still act as badhaka ? or the badhaka effects will get vanished ? Or In that situation will it still support the badhakesh ?


3.Planets in kendra to badhakesh shall co-operate with it(Mutual co-workers principle).These can indicate the sources that will instigate the trouble in the life of the native.


4.As per Sri Harihara(Prasana Marga),


* Aquarius is badhaka sign for all movable signs.

* Scorpio is badhaka sign for leo,virgo,scorpio and sagittarius.Here,How come scorpio can act as badhaka sign for itself ? This is really confusing,Pls clarify.

* Taurus is badhaka sign for Capricon and sagittarrus is badhak sthana for Gemeni and pisces.

Here,badhak sign for Taurus and Cancer is not present.Does it mean that as per harihara there is no badhak signs for Taurus and Cancer ? Or have i missed something here ?




5. 12th house from badhakesh shows the past life history of maintanence of deity.Any malefic planets there indicates that the worshipped image has been mutilated.This brings the wrath of the deity signified by the Badhakesa.


Here in the given table you have'nt specified deities for venus,saturn,rahu and ketu.Shall we assume the deities for these planets are as from the table "HARIHARA’S VIEWS ON DEITIES" given in VRA ?

6. Fault determination is done by seeing the placement of badhakesh from lagna.Remedy(as per the table) should also be suggested by seeing this.Here should we consider the planet's nature and should suggest the remedy.Eg. Remedy for Saturn as badhakesh is to help poor and oppressed people.Is this approach is correct ? If badhakesh is in lagna then it indicates image or idol of the deity is mishandled,if in 2nd /11th house indicates wealth of the diety stolen .In this case, the property is either Dhatu 5

(Inanimate object),or Moola (grains, trees,lands etc) or Jeeva (Men, Animals etc) depending on the Lagna as being movable, fixed or dual if unoccupied.

If Lagna is occupied by some planet, then Mercury and Jupiter signify Jeeva,Sun & Venus signify Moola and the others (Moon, Mars, Saturn & Rahu) signify Dhatu.How should we

interpret the case in which lagna has more than one planet indicating different classification of properties ? Say for ex,lagna is with Jupiter and Mars. Shall we take the planet which is in maximum degree ?

Similarlly for the other houses the fault shall be determined.In all cases mars indicates breaking,saturn,gulika and rahu indicates making the deity /image dirt.If sun associates then the dirt is due to birds.


7.The tatwa(element) offered to the deity of badhakesh should be seen from the dispositor of badhakesh.


8.The magnitude of the anger should be judged by seeing the evil yoga formed by the evil planets aspecting the 12th house from the badhakesa.



9.If Jupiter associates with the Badhakesa and if placed in a dusthana and if Rahu is in a quadrant from Jupiter, then the curse is from superior or divine serpents.If Gulika is in quadrants instead of Rahu, then these are inferior serpents.

If the Sun associates with Rahu, then the serpents are beneficial and essentially intent in long term good, while the Moon associating with Rahu shows evil-minded serpents intent on causing disaster.


10.If badhakesh/Rahu when associated with Jupiter or Sun indicates divine/good serpants which shall protect the native from the badhak effects due to some good deeds in past incarnation.


11.In "Young brilliant astrologer" example you have suggested that the native should Worship Sri Balabhadra sincerely everyday.Is this remedy is for KAY ? Or Is this generic for all Sarpa Bhadak natives ?




12.For wrath of parents,the condition is the badhaka sign should be owned by mars(anger).That is either Aries or Scorpio.If sun is in bathak sthana then it is father's curse OTOH if moon is in bathak stana then it is the curse of mother.


13.The Badhakesa associated with Leo & with Mars/Saturn shows the anger/sorrow of the father or some paternal elder respectively. The Badhakesha associated with Cancer & with Mars/Saturn shows the anger/sorrow of the mother or some maternal elder respectively.


14.Other indications of wrath of parents are,

The 6th lord in 9th house or 9th lord in 12th house or the Sun in the sixth shows the displeasure of father. Similarly, the 6 th lord in 4 th house or 4 th lord in 12 th house or the Moon in the 6 th house shows the displeasure of mother.


Remedy is to Serve the parents if they are alive. Perform Shraddh or work for some elderly persons in the memory of parents if they are dead. Similarly other curses shall be identified by seeing its karaka's placement in 6th house.In this case why we consider only 6th house/lord and 12th house ? We also noted that for identifying the curse from a specific person(say sun for father,moon for mother etc),you only considered 6th house placement of karakas.Is this because enemies(6th house) only can cause badhak ? Why not 8th(chronic diseases) and 12th house(losses) ? I guess moon in 8th and sun in 12th are more horrible(being in their marana karaka sthana) than their placement in 6th.Gurudev,this point really confuses .Pls clarify this point.




15.The presence of Gulika/ Ketu in the Badhaka sign shows preta badhaka. The malefic associating with Gulika shows the cause of death of the Pisaca.

If Gulika/ Ketu is in any manner associated with Mars by conjunction, aspect or is placed in Aries or Scorpio, it shows sudden death or accident, burns, weapons, smallpox etc.If association was with Saturn, misery & poverty may be the cause of death.Rahu associating with Gulika shows snakebite and other deadly poisons.


16.The sign occupied by Gulika/Ketu show the sex of the Pisaca.We understood odd signs indicates male and even for female with the Piscies/Cancer and Aquaris/Gemini exceptions . Are we right ?


In the remedy part you wrote that we should identify the appropriate Ugra devata by seeing the affliction.Assume that the affliction is due to mars,then shall we choose Sri Narasimha pooja/mantra as remedy ?




17.If badhakesh associates with lagna or with lagna lord AND gulika then it is RANTHU KAMAS which causes worries. If badhakesh associates with 6th or 8th house or its lord AND with the lagna or lagna lord then it is HANTHU KAMAS which is nothing but the intention of evil people to kill the native.Rahu /Gulika is in 4 th , 5th , 7 th or 8 th house then it is Bali Kamas.If 6 th lord conjoins /aspects, the problem is due to enemy’s action.


For all the Dristi Badhak,the remedy is a natural benefic planet in quadrants to the Rahu/ Gulika or aspecting or associating with the Badhaka.Gemstones of that benefic planet should be worn and the deities indicated should be worshipped and given offerings.




18.Indications of black magic are: Badhakesa association with 6 th house or lord, or 6 th lord in 1st ,7th, or 12th house as Mars associates with Lagna. Ketu is 1 st,4th, or 10th as Mars aspect Lagna.


Position of Gulika indicates this stuff used for black magic.This point is not clear.Is that gulika in 2nd house indicates some impure food given to the native ?

In all cases of Black Magic ,Remedy is Mritunjaya Japa, Ganapati or Tila Homa.


19.In pisaca badhak,does badhakesh should associate with mars or ketu ?


20. We also noted the importance of jupiter and well placed 9th lord in protecting the native ,if they associate with lagna or lagna lord.


We have planned to discuss the exercises of this lesson and the Sptaloka lesson on forecoming week ends.


Gurudeva,We know that you will be very busy in your conference works,so please guide us by replying to this whenever you find time.




Your's Humble Sishya,


Krithigaivasan (Krithi)



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