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D-24 to Sarajitji

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Dear Sarajit Namaste


I happened to read a book Varga Chakra 2002. In the chapter of

Siddhamasa you said that in the siddaamsa the karya bhava is 4th

house and its lord as karyesh. If well placed promises good education


Firstly, can you give Karya bhava and karyesh for all Ds. It would be

very informative and useful.


Secondly, regarding D-24...


I have in D-24, 4th house as Ta and its lord Ve is in 4th only. No

other planet is in 4th house. Ju and Su from 10th aspecting 4th as

well.Sa which is lord of Siddhamansa lagna,from 9th has rasi dristi

on 4th house. As Sa is exalted in Libra in 9th should be considered

as good. All in all it seems that my D-24 is quite good for smooth

education career. But it is exactly reverse! I was always a duffer in

formal education and my education was full of ups and downs (more of

downs less of ups!).


Later you have said that the lord of 3rd house may distrupt education

if it aspects the dasa rasi or associate with it in any way. This is

again not clear. In the D-24 I do have Ke and Ra of mesha in 3rd and

when I was trying very hard to understand complex nature of ED/EM I

was in Ke dasa. So if it is planets in 3rd house with any comnnection

with dasa rasi then it may match. But 3rd lord mars is not aspecting

dasa rasi Ke. It is in 7th of Leo. Mo is in 8th of vi and Me in 2nd

of Pi.


All in all reading my D-24 according to this chapter was very

satisfying! But to tell the fact, I was never a good student and my

education career was far from smooth right from 1st std. How do we

corelate? DO we have to see somewhere else?


In case you feel irritated just ignore and pardon this duffer student.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.



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Dear AmolMAndar,


Sarajit's ji please execuse me to answer to this question,

which I will attempt with my little knowledge here.


Your coments sounds very good and one thing I would like

to say that, in D-24, the Lagna changes about 2 to 3 minutes

of birth time shift, so that is why I was taught by my guru ji,

to validate the birth time and make the birth time rectification

prior to analyse a chart and in particularly, beyond first

harmonic cycle of D-Charts, which are D-1 to D-12.


The question comes to my mind is, have you verified your birth

time, if not may be you should do that first and then analyse

D-24 and I am sure it will match that time.


With this I will hand over the case to Guru's and ask to correct

me if I am wrong.




P.S: Please send me your birth details privately and remember I am

a Junior SJC student.


varahamihira , " amolmandar " <amolmandar>


> Dear Sarajit Namaste


> I happened to read a book Varga Chakra 2002. In the chapter of

> Siddhamasa you said that in the siddaamsa the karya bhava is 4th

> house and its lord as karyesh. If well placed promises good


> career.

> Firstly, can you give Karya bhava and karyesh for all Ds. It would


> very informative and useful.


> Secondly, regarding D-24...


> I have in D-24, 4th house as Ta and its lord Ve is in 4th only. No

> other planet is in 4th house. Ju and Su from 10th aspecting 4th as

> well.Sa which is lord of Siddhamansa lagna,from 9th has rasi dristi

> on 4th house. As Sa is exalted in Libra in 9th should be considered

> as good. All in all it seems that my D-24 is quite good for smooth

> education career. But it is exactly reverse! I was always a duffer


> formal education and my education was full of ups and downs (more


> downs less of ups!).


> Later you have said that the lord of 3rd house may distrupt


> if it aspects the dasa rasi or associate with it in any way. This


> again not clear. In the D-24 I do have Ke and Ra of mesha in 3rd


> when I was trying very hard to understand complex nature of ED/EM I

> was in Ke dasa. So if it is planets in 3rd house with any


> with dasa rasi then it may match. But 3rd lord mars is not


> dasa rasi Ke. It is in 7th of Leo. Mo is in 8th of vi and Me in 2nd

> of Pi.


> All in all reading my D-24 according to this chapter was very

> satisfying! But to tell the fact, I was never a good student and my

> education career was far from smooth right from 1st std. How do we

> corelate? DO we have to see somewhere else?


> In case you feel irritated just ignore and pardon this duffer



> Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.


> AmolMAndar

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Dear Rao Namaste


I have not verified time by birth time rectification. If you let me

know more about BTR it will help me in great way. Plese let me know

how to do it. I will send you my data as requried.


If you say you are 'Junior member' then possibly I am junior most. I

have been reading your mails and I know your eagerness to solve

others astrological problems with all humility.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.





varahamihira , " Rao Nemani " <raonemani>


> Dear AmolMAndar,


> Sarajit's ji please execuse me to answer to this question,

> which I will attempt with my little knowledge here.


> Your coments sounds very good and one thing I would like

> to say that, in D-24, the Lagna changes about 2 to 3 minutes

> of birth time shift, so that is why I was taught by my guru ji,

> to validate the birth time and make the birth time rectification

> prior to analyse a chart and in particularly, beyond first

> harmonic cycle of D-Charts, which are D-1 to D-12.


> The question comes to my mind is, have you verified your birth

> time, if not may be you should do that first and then analyse

> D-24 and I am sure it will match that time.


> With this I will hand over the case to Guru's and ask to correct

> me if I am wrong.


> Regards

> Rao

> P.S: Please send me your birth details privately and remember I am

> a Junior SJC student.


> varahamihira , " amolmandar " <amolmandar>

> wrote:

> > Dear Sarajit Namaste

> >

> > I happened to read a book Varga Chakra 2002. In the chapter of

> > Siddhamasa you said that in the siddaamsa the karya bhava is 4th

> > house and its lord as karyesh. If well placed promises good

> education

> > career.

> > Firstly, can you give Karya bhava and karyesh for all Ds. It


> be

> > very informative and useful.

> >

> > Secondly, regarding D-24...

> >

> > I have in D-24, 4th house as Ta and its lord Ve is in 4th only.


> > other planet is in 4th house. Ju and Su from 10th aspecting 4th


> > well.Sa which is lord of Siddhamansa lagna,from 9th has rasi


> > on 4th house. As Sa is exalted in Libra in 9th should be


> > as good. All in all it seems that my D-24 is quite good for


> > education career. But it is exactly reverse! I was always a


> in

> > formal education and my education was full of ups and downs (more

> of

> > downs less of ups!).

> >

> > Later you have said that the lord of 3rd house may distrupt

> education

> > if it aspects the dasa rasi or associate with it in any way. This

> is

> > again not clear. In the D-24 I do have Ke and Ra of mesha in 3rd

> and

> > when I was trying very hard to understand complex nature of ED/EM


> > was in Ke dasa. So if it is planets in 3rd house with any

> comnnection

> > with dasa rasi then it may match. But 3rd lord mars is not

> aspecting

> > dasa rasi Ke. It is in 7th of Leo. Mo is in 8th of vi and Me in


> > of Pi.

> >

> > All in all reading my D-24 according to this chapter was very

> > satisfying! But to tell the fact, I was never a good student and


> > education career was far from smooth right from 1st std. How do


> > corelate? DO we have to see somewhere else?

> >

> > In case you feel irritated just ignore and pardon this duffer

> student.

> >

> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.

> >

> > AmolMAndar

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