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Fw: Neechabhanga of Moon - Difficult

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Dear Sarajit




|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Jyotisha,


From the principles given by Pt. Sanjay Rath on neechabhanga (see below), one can notice that the conditions 1 and 2 are applicable to all the planets whereas the conditions 3 and 4 are applicable to selective groups of planets. Lets examine the neechabanga possibilities of the planets wrt the conditions 3 and 4.


Condition 3:

Sun gets exalted in the 7th Navamsa from the debilitation sign

Moon cannot have neechabhanga by its placement in the exalted navamsa as the span of the navamsa signs are from Cancer to Pisces and doesnot include Taurus.

Mars can get neechabhanga by its placement in the exalted Navamsa

Mercury can also get neechabhanga in as Gemini happens to be the 3rd Navamsa for Pisces

Jupiter can also get neechabhanga as Cancer happens to be the 7th Navamsa for Capricorn.


These shows that the planets getting debilitated in movable sign viz., Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars can get neechabhanga in Navamsa as the exaltation sign falls in the 7th navamsa. The planets getting debilitated in the dual signs viz., Venus and Mercury can get neechabhanga in Navamsa as their exaltation sign shall fall in the 3rd navamsa. The only planet Moon, who gets debilitated in the Fixed sign doesnot get the neechabhanga based on the Navamsa. Why is that? This might also include the nodes who get debilitated in the Taurus - Scorpio axis (for Ayus).


Condition 4:

This is a known fact that all the planets have their debilitation- exaltation pair in some 1-7 axis (excluding node here). Such as Sun- Saturn, Jupiter- Mars and Mercury- Venus. Now all these planets can be exalted if the debilitated planet is placed with the exalted one. However, why Moon is left out from these pairs?

You all see that the possibility of cancellation of Moon's debilitation is rarer than other planets. Can I have your thoughts on this?



Let us examine Jaimini Sutra 1.3.28. One will process vehicles, if

1.Venus ASPECTS Moon.

2.Venus in 3rd or 11th from Moon


3.Venus conjoined Moon


1. On the basis of Venus's enmity towards Moon, I feel, aspects are seen from Rasi Dristi only, as Venus would not harm to 4th house or Moon if we use rasi dristi. If 4th house is afflicted, how can we expect happiness ? My point is, Venus does not support Moon, if place in kendra to Moon. How ever, for ubaya rasi, to aspect each other Moon and Venus must be in kendra to lagna, but THIS WOULD NOT SO HARM DUE TO THIS SPECIFIC INFLUENCES OF MERCURY for ubaya rasi. For example, debilitation of Moon can cancel by Venus. But strength of Venus too may control by Mercury for ubaya lagna.


2. Venus's placement from 3rd and 11th indicated based on upachaya to Moon . 6th is rejected due to MK avasta and 10th rejected due to mutual aspect.

Again it proved, that Venus and Moon in Mutual Kendra MAY not much good.

(Point 3 above not taken here)


Now, coming back to the point of debility of Moon, According to Rule (1and 2 below) VENUS and Mars can cause Neecha Banga for Moon. Any time, when neecha banga occurs to moon, it looks to me Mother is in trouble ! It is true, Moon having very lesser capability to neecha banga. It could be some thing like tension comes from past ..?

What do you think ? I am not much familiar about Yogas of Moon and Venus. If you have any idea please inform me for further study.










Pt. Sanjay Rath says this on Neechabhaga:


1. The lord of the sign of exaltation of the debilitated planet is in a kendra to Lagna or Moon. For example, if Mercury is debilitaed in Pisces, the Mercury itself which is the lord of Virgo, the sign of its exaltation, should be in a kendra to Lagna or Moon. Thus, Mercury attains neechabhanga if eithe lagna or chandra is in any of the dual signs. It is for this purpose you find that dual signs give good communication abilities and produce many writes etc. Another example: If Saturn is debilitaed in Aries, then if Venus, the lord of Libra its sign of exaltation is in a kendra to the Lagna or Moon, Saturn gets neecha bhanga or cancellation of debility.


2. The lord of the sign of debility of the debilitated planet is in a kendra to Lagna or Moon. This is the concept of the dispositor of the planet, and if the dispositor of a debilitated planet is in a Kendra to Lagna or Moon, then neecha bhanga occurs. This is also an important part of the Kalpa Druma Yoga where the dispositor of the strong lagna lord is required to be in a kendra to lagna. In such a case, when the naive approaches someone for help, when in trouble or in debility, help is sure to come.


3. The debilitated planet occupies its exaltation sign in the Navamsa chart. Every sign has nine Navamsa, Saturn is debilitated in Aries and the seventh Navamsa is that of Libra, its exaltation sign. Thus, if Saturn were to be between 20-23.20 degrees in Aries, neechabhanga is automatic. This implies that the native has done some very good dharmic karma in the past birth bring ing forth the blesings of Bhagavan and hence his debilitated condition or troubles are forgiven and he gets relief.


4. The sign where the planet is in debility is conjoined another planet which gets exalted in that sign. It pays to have powerful friends and associates and a planet in debility, if conjoined another planet in exaltation leads to a situation where the troubled soul meets another who is exalted and powerful or the person who is best suited to help him out. Sheer luck you may call those situations or just coincidence is what many people say. In one case, a businessman was about to be kicked out of all his businesses and as he waited at the airport, he had the acquaintance of the chairman of a bank. They discussed and then the businessman revealed his problem. The Chairman cancelled his flight and went back to office the next day and gave him a loan. The businessman went on to purchase controlling shares and grow into a big business house.


Such Rajyoga do not occur with every neechabhanga, and at least a few of the factors cited above have to occur. further, all planets do not get neechabhanga by all the four methods. As a study, examine the debility of each planet and see the peculiar situations that cause its exaltations and the lessons they hold.


Best Wishes

Sarajit Poddar

|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Sarjit,

Debilitated moon in Rasi chart will not get Exaltation in

Navamsa as you said . This probably indicates some adharma done by

the native . I mean Moon in Scorpio in itself can indicate adharma ,

and some sort of a curse from mother . Scorpio being the 8th house,

is also Moons MaranaKarakaStana. The remedy should hence be towards

doing good karama (rather than probably wearing gem stones -

gemstones will help but the curse may not get removed completely).


The case is worse if Moon is vargotamma.


As a converse, Exalted Moon in the Navamsa can indicate a blessing .


just my thoughts,




varahamihira , " Sarajit Poddar " <sarajit@s...>



> -

> Sarajit Poddar

> vedic astrology

> Cc: Varahamihira

> Tuesday, August 05, 2003 12:06 PM

> Neechabhanga of Moon - Difficult



> || Jaya Jagannath ||

> Dear Jyotisha,


> From the principles given by Pt. Sanjay Rath on neechabhanga (see

below), one can notice that the conditions 1 and 2 are applicable to

all the planets whereas the conditions 3 and 4 are applicable to

selective groups of planets. Lets examine the neechabanga

possibilities of the planets wrt the conditions 3 and 4.


> Condition 3:

> Sun gets exalted in the 7th Navamsa from the debilitation sign

> Moon cannot have neechabhanga by its placement in the exalted

navamsa as the span of the navamsa signs are from Cancer to Pisces

and doesnot include Taurus.

> Mars can get neechabhanga by its placement in the exalted Navamsa

> Mercury can also get neechabhanga in as Gemini happens to be the

3rd Navamsa for Pisces

> Jupiter can also get neechabhanga as Cancer happens to be the 7th

Navamsa for Capricorn.


> These shows that the planets getting debilitated in movable sign

viz., Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars can get neechabhanga in Navamsa as

the exaltation sign falls in the 7th navamsa. The planets getting

debilitated in the dual signs viz., Venus and Mercury can get

neechabhanga in Navamsa as their exaltation sign shall fall in the

3rd navamsa. The only planet Moon, who gets debilitated in the Fixed

sign doesnot get the neechabhanga based on the Navamsa. Why is that?

This might also include the nodes who get debilitated in the Taurus -

Scorpio axis (for Ayus).


> Condition 4:

> This is a known fact that all the planets have their debilitation-

exaltation pair in some 1-7 axis (excluding node here). Such as Sun-

Saturn, Jupiter- Mars and Mercury- Venus. Now all these planets can

be exalted if the debilitated planet is placed with the exalted one.

However, why Moon is left out from these pairs?


> You all see that the possibility of cancellation of Moon's

debilitation is rarer than other planets. Can I have your thoughts on



> Pt. Sanjay Rath says this on Neechabhaga:

> ----------------------------

> 1. The lord of the sign of exaltation of the debilitated planet is

in a kendra to Lagna or Moon. For example, if Mercury is debilitaed

in Pisces, the Mercury itself which is the lord of Virgo, the sign of

its exaltation, should be in a kendra to Lagna or Moon. Thus, Mercury

attains neechabhanga if eithe lagna or chandra is in any of the dual

signs. It is for this purpose you find that dual signs give good

communication abilities and produce many writes etc. Another example:

If Saturn is debilitaed in Aries, then if Venus, the lord of Libra

its sign of exaltation is in a kendra to the Lagna or Moon, Saturn

gets neecha bhanga or cancellation of debility.


> 2. The lord of the sign of debility of the debilitated planet is in

a kendra to Lagna or Moon. This is the concept of the dispositor of

the planet, and if the dispositor of a debilitated planet is in a

Kendra to Lagna or Moon, then neecha bhanga occurs. This is also an

important part of the Kalpa Druma Yoga where the dispositor of the

strong lagna lord is required to be in a kendra to lagna. In such a

case, when the naive approaches someone for help, when in trouble or

in debility, help is sure to come.


> 3. The debilitated planet occupies its exaltation sign in the

Navamsa chart. Every sign has nine Navamsa, Saturn is debilitated in

Aries and the seventh Navamsa is that of Libra, its exaltation sign.

Thus, if Saturn were to be between 20-23.20 degrees in Aries,

neechabhanga is automatic. This implies that the native has done some

very good dharmic karma in the past birth bring ing forth the

blesings of Bhagavan and hence his debilitated condition or troubles

are forgiven and he gets relief.


> 4. The sign where the planet is in debility is conjoined another

planet which gets exalted in that sign. It pays to have powerful

friends and associates and a planet in debility, if conjoined another

planet in exaltation leads to a situation where the troubled soul

meets another who is exalted and powerful or the person who is best

suited to help him out. Sheer luck you may call those situations or

just coincidence is what many people say. In one case, a businessman

was about to be kicked out of all his businesses and as he waited at

the airport, he had the acquaintance of the chairman of a bank. They

discussed and then the businessman revealed his problem. The Chairman

cancelled his flight and went back to office the next day and gave

him a loan. The businessman went on to purchase controlling shares

and grow into a big business house.


> Such Rajyoga do not occur with every neechabhanga, and at least a

few of the factors cited above have to occur. further, all planets do

not get neechabhanga by all the four methods. As a study, examine the

debility of each planet and see the peculiar situations that cause

its exaltations and the lessons they hold.



> Best Wishes

> Sarajit Poddar

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