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Aadarniye Gurus, Please Help Me Out....

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Respected Gurus,


I have been a member of this group for more than an year now. I have been

learning astrology for years now.


Today I am in real need for consultation myself.


Things are not going smoothly for me, for long now....as long as I

remember....Family Life, Personal Life, Professional Life......Failure in

any/everything that I attempt to do.....I kept my patience for long now....but

things are just not improving...the only silverline is, I have a LOT of patience

and I never say die..I am quite resilient.....So Please all of you learned

people in this community, all the respected Gurus from whom I have learnt so

much..please help me out in this hour of need....just tell me when will things

improve in my life.......what are the remedies....?.....will i ever achieve my



I have analysed my horoscope myself and I see various doshas, do you people

see any good things also in my chart or not??


All gurus..Rafal Ji, Dakhsina Murthy Ji...and every single Guru on this

community..I cry out for your help today....




DOB - 22nd Feb 1981

POB - Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh , UP, INDIA)

TOB 16:45









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