Guest guest Posted October 9, 2007 Report Share Posted October 9, 2007 Hi In astrology as you all know it is never ending debate on how retrograde planets have to treated as there various traditions being followed . I happen to get the translation related to retrograde planets from various astrology books. Most of them say retrograde planets are very powerful.I ask the experts to share there experience on how retrograde planets should be treated. Brihat Jataka Ch.2 Shl.20 The Sun and the Moon possess Chestabala or strength by virtue of their motion when they are in the Northern path, i.e., in any of the 6 signs - 10th, 11th, 12th, 1st, 2nd and 3rd signs. The other five planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn possess it with retrograde, or when conjoined with the Moon, or when they are very brilliant, or when they happen to go northward in planetary conjunction, which is called here and fight amongst the planets. Ch.7 Shl.2 The planets, when they run to their lowest detrimental degrees, grant only half the period of life mentioned in the preceding verse, and at places intermediate, grant the number of years proportionately. The number of years granted by the Ascendant is the same as the number of Navamshas of the Ascendant that have risen above the horizon. According to others (Manittha and men of his school) the number of years granted by the Ascendant is the same as the number of signs from the beginning of Mesha to the Ascendant on the horizon. When the planets are in their inimical houses, they lose a third of their period except for those that are then retrograde. The planets descending and when their luster is obscured by the light of the Sun, lose half their period, except for Venus and Saturn. Ch.7 Shl. 11 Again the planets, when highly exalted or retrograde, give thrice the number of years (obtained in the Amshayu method in the preceding stanzas) as their periods; and when in their own Vargottamas, or own Navamshas, or own houses, or in their Decanates, give twice the number of years (assigned in the preceding stanza) as their periods. This is the special feature in Satyacharyas Amshayu method. In other respects it is the same as the Pindayurdaya i.e., the several reductions stated before are to be made here also. Ch.7 Shl. 13 Amongst these three opinions, that of Satyacharya is the best, but the fault of Satyacharya¢s method is that it involves many multiplications. If any planet be in its own house, multiply the planetary years by two; if that planet be in its own Navamsha, multiply the planetary years again by two; if that planet be in its own Drekkana, multiply again by two; if that planet be in its own Vargottama, multiply again by two, if that planet be retrograde or be in its highly exalted degrees, multiply by three; and so on. These cases are settled by the statement in the second half off this verse. This is not so: In cases of multiplications by several numbers, only one is to be made, that by the highest number.This is also the opinion of Acharya. Where many multiplications by two are advised, only one is to be done; where multiplications by two, three are advised, only multiplication by three is to be made. Similarly where subtractions or divisions are both advised, first make the highest division and then make the highest multiplication. benefic. Brihat Parashara Hora Shatra Ch.9 Shl.3-6 If a benefic is retrograde in Ar Randhra, or Vyaya Bhava receiving a drishti from a malefic, Hora Shastra death will occur within a month of birth. This is true only when Lagna is not occupied by a benefic. Ch.27 Shl.21-23 Motions of Grahas (Mangal to Shani): Eight kinds of motions are attributed to grahas. These are Vakra (retrogression), Anuvakr (entering the previous rashi in retrograde motion), Vikal (devoid of motion or in stationary position), Mand (somewhat slower motion than usual), Mandatar (slower than the previous mentioned motion), Sama (somewhat increasing in motion as against Mand), Chara (faster than Sama) and Atichara (entering next rashi in accelerated motion). The strengths allotted due to such 8 motions are: 60, 30, 15, 30, 15, 7.5, 45, and 30. Hora Sara Ch.3 Shl.7-9 Mangal is strong when he wins a war between grahas, while in retrograde motion, , when brilliant (i. e. not combust), when in Makara, Kumbh, Meen, in his southerly course, during night, in his own amsha, in his own Rashi, on Tuesday, and in the Drekkana ruled by him. He has full strength when on the meridian or Karm Bhava. He is strong in the beginning of a Rashi, weak in the middle portion and moderately strong at the end. Ch.3 Shi. 10-11 Buddh regains strength as soon as he is past the combustion belt. He is strong in Dhanu, in Kanya and in Mithuna as Rashi or Navamsha, and by day and night. He is also strong in his retrograde motion except when eclipsed by Surya. Buddh is moderately good, exceedingly strong and weak respectively in the first, second, and third portions of a Rashi. He is strong in his own Drekkana and in Mithuna. Ch.3 Shl.12-13 Guru is exceedingly strong in Dhanu, Meen, Kark, Vrischika, and during the time preceding mid day, in his northerly course, in his own Drekkana, in his own amsha and when he succeeds in battle between grahas. He has medium strength in the initial part of a Rashi, is quite strong in the middle, and weak at the end. He is considered to be strong in retrograde motion in all Rashis except in the Rashi Makara where he is in fall. Ch.3 Shl.14-15 Shukra has strength if he occupies Sahaja, An or Vyaya Bhava form Lagna, He is also strong Ch.3 Shl.14-15 when in retrograde motion, when ahead of Surya, during the portion of the day that follows mid-day, when in exaltation Rashi and in the north of grahas. Shukra has no strength in the initial portion of a Rashi, but has it in the middle, while at the end of a Rashi, he is only of medium strength. He is also strong in the company of Chandra or when victorious in war between grahas. Ch.3 Shl.14-1 : Shukra is strong in his exaltation Rashi, his own Vargas, on Friday, in the middle of a Rashi, in Ar Vyaya, Sahaja, Bandhu Bhava, in the last third part of day time, when victorious in war, while yuti with Chandra, in retrograde motion, and while ahead of Surya. (Jataka Parijata Ch. II). Ch.3 Shl. 16-17 Shani is strong during the dark fortnight, and also from sunset to sunrise. He has strength when in retrograde motion, also when in Makara, Kumbh, Tula and in southerly course. Similar is the case with Shani in the rising Rashi, in his slow movement, and when successful in war between grahas. He is weak in the in first portion of a Rashi, moderately strong in the middle portion and strong at the end. But, some say he is strong in all places. Ch.3 Shl.16-17 According to Jataka Parijata Ch. II, Shani is strong in Tula, his own Rashi, in Yuvati Bhava, in southerly course, in own Drekkana, on Saturday, in the end of a Rashi, in war between grahas, in the dark half and in retrograde motion. Ch.7 Shl.17 The multiplier is two if the grah is in its own Navamsha, or Drekkana, or Rashi, or Vargottama Navamsha. Tt is to be trebled if it is in retrograde motion or in exalted state. Tt should be halved if the grah is in fall. Ch. 11 Shl.2-3 The Dasha of Mangal will yield results in a medium way as though in exaltation, notwithstanding him having his face downwards or upwards or his being in retrograde motion or Anuvakr (progressive). Results should be predicted after knowing whether grah is Vakra or Anuvakr. For the five grahas from Mangal to Shani (i.e. the starry grahas) such evaluations should be made. Ch. 16 Shl.2 During the Dasha of a grah that is in his retrograde motion, one will have prestige and valour and be wealthy. Should the grah be in a good Rashi or good Navamsha, avoiding An and Randhra Bhava, one will acquire a kingdom of his own. Ch.16 Shl.3 Should a grah be in debilitation or in inimical Bhavas, at the same time being in its retrograde motion, in such Dasha, one will indulge in bad acts; one will be reviled by his relatives; one will live in foreign countries, and one will be dependant upon others. Ch.22 Shl.16 Should the lord of the said amsha be in retrograde motion money will be acquired in many ways. And one¢s earning will be proportionate to one¢s own luck. The results have already been enumerated in full. Ch.32 Shl.8 Pita Maha Siddhanta¢s calculations should be carefully adopted to know the slow and fast motions (preceding and following their retrogressions), retrograde motion, combustion in Surya. (helical) rising, whether at war, etc.. Ch.32 Shl.14-15 To Chandra¢s position, add one eleventh of Surya¢s longitude and one fourth for other grahas. If Shukra and Buddh are combust, or are rising after helical setting or are retrograde, then addition of subtraction should be made by doubling Surya¢s longitude and not otherwise. Jataka Parijata Ch.2 Shl.37 Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, when in their retrograde motion or in conjunction with the Moon, are considered to be victorious (in planetary war). Ch.2 Shl.63 Mars has abundant strength in his own weekday, in his Navamsha, in his Drekkana, in the signs Meena, Vrischika, Kumbha, Makara and Mesha, during night time, in his retrograde movements, when he is in the southern quarter, and also in the initial portion of a sign. He gives property when he is in the 10th house from the Lagna and also when he is in Kataka. Ch.2 Shl.66 Venus is auspicious in his exaltation sign, in his Varga, in his weekday, when in the middle of a sign, in the 6th, 12th, 3rd and the 4th houses from the Lagna, in the afternoon, in his conjunction with the Moon, in his retrograde motion and when he is in advance of the Sun. Ch.2 Shl.67 Saturn is predominant in Thula, Makara, Kumbha, in the 7th house from the Lagna, in his passage to the south of the Equator, in his own Drekkana, weekday and Dasha, in the concluding portion of a sign, in planetary war, in the dark half of a month, and in all the twelve signs when retrograde. Ch.4 Shl.40 Saturn in his retrograde motion, when occupying a house of Mars, a Kendra position, an inimical house or the 8th house from the Lagna and aspected by Mars in strength, gives a 2 years¢ lease of life to the new born child. Ch.5 Shl.7 The planets except when their motion is retrograde lose a third of their Ayurdayas when in inimical houses. Ch.5 Shl. 19 The Ayurdaya of a planet is to be tripled when it is in the exaltation or in its retrograde motion. The same is to be doubled when the planet is in a Vargottamamsha, in its own Navamsha or in its own house or in its own Drekkana. This is the peculiarity in the method of working out the Ayurdaya according to Satyacharya. All else is similar to what has been already stated. Ch.5 Shl.21 (1) Where several multiplications crop up, only one and that the highest is to be gone through. (For instance, when a planet is in its own house, and in its exaltation, and in retrograde motion, the Ayurdaya is not to be doubled first and then the result trebled, and the second result further trebled. According to the rule, the Ayurdaya, should be tripled once for all. Ch.5 Shl.24 When the planet is in its own Rashi, in its own exaltation, in the house of a very friendly planet, or in its retrograde motion, it has its rays doubled for Ayurdaya purposes. When the retrograde motion comes to an end, the rays are diminished by an eighth portion. When the planet is in the house of an enemy, the rays become reduced by a twelfth. Ch. 10 Shl.46 If a planet be in its exaltation, double the number of years obtained for it by the Ashtakavarga process. If it be depressed or eclipsed, the number of years in its case is to be halved. Obtain by proportion the Ayus when the planet occupies an intermediate position. In the case of Mars when retrograde, the Ayus obtained is to be doubled. Ch. 11 Shl.58 Note in what quarter the lord of the 2nd bhava is; it is in that quarter chiefly that men will find their prosperity during the Dasha period of the lord of the 2nd bhava; for when moving ordinarily the planet leads to the acquisition of wealth in the region indicated. If it be retrograde at the time of birth, there will be retrograde at the time of birth, there will be acquisition of every valuable thing in all quarters. Ch.13 Shl.73 If the planet in the 5th bhava or the owner thereof be in an inimical or its depression sign, Ch.13 Shl.73 retrograde or eclipse, the person born will have many sores. Phaladeepika Ch.4 Shl.2 The Moon possesses Cheshtabala when she is full. The Sun gets it when he is in his northern course (uttarayana). Other planets get it when they are in their retrograde motion. Planets posited in the north, possessing brilliant rays, should be considered as victorious in planetary war. Planets in their highest exaltation have their full Uchchabala. So far as the directional strength is concerned, the Sun and Mars are strong in the 10th house; Venus and the Moon, in the 4th; Mercury and Jupiter in the 1st and Saturn in the 7th. Mercury, Saturn and the Moon have their Ayanbala during their southern course (Dakshnayana) and the rest have the same in their northern course. Ch.4 Shl.5 All planets are strong when the occupy their exaltation sign. The Moon is strong and auspicious when she has her full Paksah bala and the Sun when he has his full Dibgala (occupying the 10th or the Meridian). The remaining non-luminous planets are strong when they are in their retrograde motion. Rahu in Cancer, Taurus, Aries, Aquarius and Scorpio and Ketu in Pisces, Virgo, Taurus and the later half of Sagittarius, in Parivesha and Indrachapa are strong if they are in association with the Moon and the Sun and the time is night. Ch.7 Shl.3 Even a single planet, may he be in depression, is capable of making the native a king¢s equal, provided he be with brilliant rays, retrograde and occupies a good house i.e. other than the 6th, 8th or the 12th house. When there are two or three such planets at birth the native will become a king. When there are many such planets occupying auspicious signs and Amshdas, they will usher in a king blessed with all the insignias of royalty such as a crown, umbrella and waving chowries. Ch.9 Shl.20 If a planet is retrograde in its motion, it produces effects similar to those that arise from its occupying its exaltation sign, even if it is posited in an inimical or depression sign. The results produced by a planet occupying its own house are such as expected when it is placed in a Vargottamamsha. Ch20 Shi. 14 The effects of the Dasha period of planets, which are retrograde or are in their own, exaltation or friendly houses or occupy good position other than the 6th, 8th or the 12th will be as has been described so far. I shall now deal with the effects of the Dasha of those planets which occupy inimical or depression house or which have been set being invisible or which happen to occupy the 6th, 8th or the 12th house. Ch.20 Shl.37 Should a planet, whose subperiod is ripening, during the course of his transit at the time pass over his depression or inimical house or become eclipsed, the native will suffer greatly. Should this period pass through his own, exaltation house or be retrograde, the result will be good. Ch.22 Shi. 18 Convert the signs, degree, minutes, etc of a planet into minutes and subtract as many multiples of 2400 as may be found necessary, from the same. The remainder represents the Ayushkalas of the planet. When this is divided by 200 (Asha Khwasvi, Asha is 10 or 0 and Kha is 0, and Asvi is 2) the quotient gives the number of years, months and days in the Amshayurdaya contribution towards the span of life by a planet according to its degrees, etc., as Satyacharya has defined. Should the planet be retrograde or in exaltation, this quotient has to be trebled. Should it be in its own sign or Navamsha, Drekkana or Vargottama, the Ayurdaya be doubled, if in its depression, it should be reduced by half. Should the planet be eclipsed, then also the reduction be halved. But this will last not be applicable to Venus and Saturn. Ch.22 Shl.20 Suppose a planet is in its own house, and in its exaltation and in retrograde motion, Ayurdaya should not be doubled first and then the result be trebled and the second result be further trebled. As the rule is, it (the Ayurdaya) should be trebled once for all. Saravali Ch.4 Shl.36 TEMPORAL AND MOTIONAL STRENGTHS: The Sun, Jupiter and Venus acquire strength during day time while Saturn, the Moon and Mars become strong during night time. Mercury acquires vigour at all times. The Hora bala goes to Hora lord, masa bala (masa = month) to the lord of the month. Dma bala to the lord of the week day of birth and Abda (year) bala is credited to the lord of the year of birth. Malefics get strength in Dark Half while benefics become strong in Bright Half. The planet that is victorious in war, that is in its retrograde motion, or that is not combust become strong. The luminaries get strength in northern course. This is how Satyacharya detailed motional strength. Ch.5 Shi. 14 RETROGRESSION IN EXALTATION: If a planet is retrograde while in exaltation, it produces no effect (i.e. nothing good will happen). This is the view held by some. Even if it is in exaltation by its entry in retrograde motion from the next sign, (for example, Jupiter entering Cancer from Leo), the effect is same, for it takes unduly long time in such traversion. Ch.5 Shl.39 EFFECTS OF RETROGRADE PLANETS: A benefic if retrograde is strong and is capable of conferring kingdom. If a malefic is retrograde, it causes grief and purposeless wandering. Ch.1O ShI.5 If Saturn is retrograde in a house of Mars while the Moon is in the 6th, 8th or an angle, and aspect Mars, the child born lives for two years. Ch.1O Shl.23-24 Should benefics be in the 6th or the 8th and be aspected or conjoined with retrograde malefic, without the aspect of (another) benefic, the child lives only for one month. If malefics are in the 12th, 2nd, 6th and 8th, without connection of benefics, the child dies in 6 or 8 months. Ch.36 Shl.7-9 RECTIFICATION OF RAYS: If the planet is in the dwadasamsa of its friend, double the product as obtained above. If it is in its own dwadasamsa, own Rashi, retrogression / exaltation sign the product should be trebled. If it is in its enemy¢s dwadasamsa, 1/16th of the rays will be lost. The same applies to a debilitated planet. A combust planet, excepting Venus and Saturn, loses all the rays. A planet that has just begun to retrograde will have two-fold rays while the one that has just assumed direct motion from retrogression will lose only 1/8th of the number of rays. Ch.40 Shl.6 RECTIFICATIONS FOR PLANETARY CONTRIBUTIONS: The contribution made by a planet that is in Vargottama, own sign, own decanate, or own Navamsha should be doubled. If it is retrograde or in exaltation the figure should be trebled. Ch.40 Shi. 16 In the case of Pindayurdaya also, the same multiplications and rectifications apply. Leaving aside a retrograde planet, one in inimical sign loses a third while the one in fall retains only half of the contribution. The planet in exaltation retains the entire contribution. Ch.41 Shl.66-68 The Dasha of a retrograde planet will cause wanderings like that of a wheel, evils and enmity. This applies only to malefics in retrogression but not to benefics. Regards Santhosh ______________________________\ ____ oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links. http://mobile./mobileweb/onesearch?refer=1ONXIC Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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