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Effect of Saturn Dasa

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General charateristics of Saturn dasa are :-

- 19 years.


The expansive nature of Jupiter gives way to the

practical persevering quality of Saturn dasa.

Saturn dasa is a time when we will face our

limitations. The inescapable truth is that our limited

body and mind will

perish one day. Saturn makes us aware of this through

the aches and pains in our body; the death of our

loved ones,

chronic illness and the resulting fear of these things

getting worse. The more attached we are to worldly

gain and pleasures;

the more Saturn dasa may hurt us. However great

success is also possible, as Saturn is a planet of

practical efforts and perseverance

leading us toward our goals. He gives a very

responsible nature and high levels of ambition.

However, much of this external focus is

an avoidance of the inner work that must be done in

order for the mind and heart to settle. In such cases,

Saturn may bury us

beneath a mountain of responsibility until we relent

or break down physically and emotionally. His dasa can

place us in hospitals;

make us deal with old people, death, legacies and

inheritance. Insurance, wills, banks, things attached

to legacies and family history

are relevant. Saturn is the planet of pressure,

internal and external. He is the great karmic

taskmaster who rules with an

iron grip, bringing suffering commensurate to our

avoidance of truth. As such, a Saturn dasa is also a

time when enormous

spiritual growth and progress is possible through

perseverance and facing the truth alone, which is the

only possibility. He teaches

us to thrive in isolation rather than crave worldly

distractions. He teaches us to get by with less and

simplify our lives. And,

he teaches us humility and sensitivity to others.

Because when we suffer we develop compassion for

others who suffer.

Medical: Saturn is the indicator of chronic

illness. He is a vata planet that brings pain to the

joints and drying to the

body. Arthritis, paralysis, constipation, cancer as

well as problems with the knees, teeth and bones are

possible in

Saturn dasa. Psychologically, he brings depression,

anxiety, fear, cynicism, bitterness and depression.






--- vikaslaxmi <vikaslaxmi wrote:


> Dear Group Members,


> This is the DOB of a Married Women who is soon to

> enter in the

> Shani/Saturn Dasa (Vimshottari).


> DOB 07/09/1978 Time 04:05 am New Delhi.


> The Saturn is in Second House, whose lord is Sun and

> is in his own

> house. Saturn is combust and is the lord of 7th and

> 8th house from

> lagna.


> What do you think the manisfestation of this dasa

> be.

> Please give special emphasis on effect of cobust

> planet dasa.


> her husband DOB 27/12/1975 time 1:15 am delhi.


> Thanks







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