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about job prospects ?

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Dear Simran,


You have requested Rafal to reply,till He finds time to answer you ,You can have

some thought on following analysis if it interests you.


By the way Rafal has his own group as well as He answers frequently on

so you can post there also.


Currently you are under Saturn MD Jup Bhukti and AD of moon till 31 Dec 2007

OF Vimshottari dasa starting from Moon constellation taking 360 Solar years.


Bhukti of Jup is unhelpful. In dasamsa Chart Jup is in MKS( maran karaka

sthaan). It is in sixth from Dasanath Saturn.( not nicely placed)


Prantatrardasa of Moon is better for it is in XI and in good relation to

Bhukti Nath, But Transits fails to ignite sensitive points to cause you gain

of Job.


Next dasa of Mercury Starts around July 2008.Mer is debilitated in Dasamsa it

is with Saturn in X.


Although forming good yoga as 9L and 4L but are not promising job satisfaction.


Assuming Birth time is right In siddhamsa, we find Mer is 9L placed with AL in

XI, Is not having very bright promise.


Apart from it , You say you are in foreign land. You are in an environment where

education is taken any time in life. " I want to go for

postdoc/scientist/faculty job "


So first question is Are you already qualified?.Your siddhamsa having Libra

rising does not suggest you are a post graduate and qualified. You might be in

process to get admission for gaining such a qualification as per indication .


If so you may intend getting education as well as studies .May be it could be a



After 40 seconds addition in TOB we get Scorpio in Siddhamsa and involvement in

training taking in D 10 charts, but you have not mentioned you are male or

female so we can not correct siddhamsa without having feed back.


So Good opportunity can be forseen after July 2008.


Can you continue to stay there is pertinent question to know.


Hope this answers some of your points.

With best wishes.


Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:39 PM

[vedic astrology] about job prospects ?


What is the strength of my horoscope on Job prospects? Is any yoga of getting

job soon? I want to go for postdoc/scientist/faculty job. What is the good time

of getting job? If u see any problems,then what kind of problem? & their

solutions with remedies. At India i was doing good with job but at foreign land

i am on struggling.


My details are as:




Time:6:50PM (IST)

Place:Raipur(M.P) now (C.G.), India

Latitude: 021:14:N / Longitude: 081:38:E,


Thank you.





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Dear Simran


January 2008 would bring you a New Job and improvement on your problems is


This time is also good for learning.


Regards / Sudhir



On 10/18/07, sim s <swansimran wrote:


> What is the strength of my horoscope on Job prospects? Is any yoga of

> getting job soon? I want to go for postdoc/scientist/faculty job. What is

> the good time of getting job? If u see any problems,then what kind of

> problem? & their solutions with remedies. At India i was doing good with job

> but at foreign land i am on struggling.


> My details are as:


> Name:Simran

> DOB:3/7/71

> Time:6:50PM (IST)

> Place:Raipur(M.P) now (C.G.), India

> Latitude: 021:14:N / Longitude: 081:38:E,


> Thank you.

> Simran


> _______________


> Rafelji,


> I shall be much oblidged to you if you will analyse my horoscope and do

> reply me plz.



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