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Jupiter in 5th house for Libra Ascendant

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Respected Members,


Being an amateur learner of vedic astrology, I would humbly request

you to comment on Jupiter's role in the horoscope of a Libra

ascendant. Consider the following birth details:


DOB: 22-April-1974, Time: 6:50 PM and Place:Hyderabad, India


As per my analysis:


- Jupiter is placed in the 5th house (trine), occupying Saturn's

Aquarius (which is a beneficial planet to Libra ascendant)

- As a strong benefic, Aspects 9, 11 and 1

- Jupiter is conjuct with Venus which is the Lagna lord

- It is vargottama

- When seen from the moon sign, it is located in an angle (11th house)

and becomes lord of a trine (9th house)



- Jupiter is lord of dusthan as it owns the 6th house

- Is a functional enemy to the ascendant lord Venus and is also

conjuct with it

- Is in a natural malefic star

- Is lord of 12th house from the moon sign

- It is located in Saturn's sign while Saturn is its functional enemy

in the horoscope


My obeservations on the above placement of Jupiter:

- Jupiter impacts the health of the children, though this negative

impact could be minimised due to the strength of the 5th house

- But as an important benefic, helps with its beneficial aspects on

the 9th, 11th and 1st houses

- Its reduces the malefic influences of Mars and Saturn located in the

9th house

- Provides financial stability

- Increases spirituality


Overall, I feel Jupiter can be given a rating of 55% benefic for this

horoscope. Also, wearing a yellow sapphire could help balance the

negative attributes shown here for Jupiter.


Your invaluable comments and feedback are most welcome.

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