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Late marriage..

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Dear sirs,


My DOB is 18-03-1979; AM:11:25; Place : Guntur ( AP) India.


Please suggest me for.

1. Quick marrage,

2. professional advance ment.


I am currently wearing Blue saphire ( This helped me alot when i first wore it

twoand half years bacl), Diamond, Green emerald.




With best Wishes and regards,








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*hare rama krsna*

Dear Ravi , Namaskar


Blue saphire is not good idea as Shani is badhakesh in Pitrdosha in 12

from AL.


There will be problem in career (four years more) due to 4/10 axis

occupied by malefics. Per Naisargika Bhava dasa its your tenth bhava is

working, there is 7H and A7 in 12 from AL so some romances/or buisness

issue can cause a lot of losses/expenses. This is curse of Sadhu in

tenth bhava and this can be propitiated by Saraswati Mantra. As Ma/Ke

are lording seventh bhava this will also obstruct married life. Venus in

ninth shows that marriage is very important for You but 7 from it is

occupied by Vakri Jupiter. For this we advise Tara mantra. Third remedy

is fasting on every Thursday and helping in temples (building,

donations, renovation etc). Until 2009 there is Mo-Ve period which

should be favourable for marriage. Especially when Jupiter will come to

dhanus (kona to 7L in D9).



Rafal Gendarz

SJC Jyotish Guru;

email: rafal

Articles & Consultations: http://rohinaa.com


> Dear sirs,


> My DOB is 18-03-1979; AM:11:25; Place : Guntur ( AP) India.


> Please suggest me for.

> 1. Quick marrage,

> 2. professional advance ment.


> I am currently wearing Blue saphire ( This helped me alot when i first

> wore it twoand half years bacl), Diamond, Green emerald.


> With best Wishes and regards,


> Ravi.K



> ________


> Do what ever you can to help Others

> ________





> <>



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