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Mantra for Moon-planet

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I would like to know which Gods or Goddess should I pray to for

pacifying the Moon in the chart? An astrologer friend suggested it is

Gouri. . . but I am not sure. Is thre any Deity more closely related to

Moon? Like Raama for Sun, Hanumana for Mars and such?


Pls help.



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Hi Prabhu,



Gouripati..........Shiva is also good for the Moon...............

Do Shiva puja with milk om momdays...................



Radhe Radhe



tomb234353 <tomb234353 wrote:



I would like to know which Gods or Goddess should I pray to for

pacifying the Moon in the chart? An astrologer friend suggested it is

Gouri. . . but I am not sure. Is thre any Deity more closely related to

Moon? Like Raama for Sun, Hanumana for Mars and such?


Pls help.















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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Tom, Namaskar


It depends on level of yoga involved. Adhi is Jala, Pratyadhi Gouri,

Mahavidya Bhuvanesvari, Vishnu Avatara - Krishna, Surya Aditya - Mitra

and many more.. Depends on kind of affliction.


Shiva is for Surya/Jupiter.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

Consultations & Articles: http://www.rohinaa.com






> Hi Prabhu,

> Pranam...... ......... .

> RadhaKrishna

> Gouripati... .......Shiva is also good for the Moon........ .......

> Do Shiva puja with milk om momdays..... ......... .....



> Radhe Radhe

> Syama....... ........


> tomb234353 <tomb234353 <tomb234353%40>> wrote:

> Greetings.


> I would like to know which Gods or Goddess should I pray to for

> pacifying the Moon in the chart? An astrologer friend suggested it is

> Gouri. . . but I am not sure. Is thre any Deity more closely related to

> Moon? Like Raama for Sun, Hanumana for Mars and such?


> Pls help.


> Tom.


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __



> http://mail. <>



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The devatha for Moon is Durga



<syamasundara100008 wrote:

Hi Prabhu,



Gouripati..........Shiva is also good for the Moon...............

Do Shiva puja with milk om momdays...................



Radhe Radhe



tomb234353 <tomb234353 wrote:



I would like to know which Gods or Goddess should I pray to for

pacifying the Moon in the chart? An astrologer friend suggested it is

Gouri. . . but I am not sure. Is thre any Deity more closely related to

Moon? Like Raama for Sun, Hanumana for Mars and such?


Pls help.










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Addhi Devatha for Moon is Aapah = Water

Prathyaddhi Devatha for Moon is Gauri.

DasaMahaa Vidya is Bhuvaneshwari.

Sri Mahaa Lakshmi is Chandra's Sahodari ( Sister )

Chandra is Sambhor Makuta Bhooshanam ( Moon adorns the Crown of Lord Shiva.

Doorvaasa ( Shivaamsa Sambhootha ) and Datthaathreya ( Vishnu Avathaar ) are

Chandra's Brothers.

Bhuddha is Moon's Son but they dont like each other.


aathreya - dr. bala krishna murthy ramaraju




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Hi Prabhu,

Jai Sri Krishna,

I am A " FAKE " devotee of krishna..................

I am " running " the moon mahadasa............

My Gotra priest advise to do Shiva puja on mondays with milk..........

My ishta devata is gauri and I know that .........I should do her


please advise...................





Please " run " this nativity on your soft-ware and forward it to


Thanks a lot.........................


Radhe Radhe


BalaKrishnaMurthy Ramaraju <dr.balakrishnamurthy.ramaraju wrote:

Addhi Devatha for Moon is Aapah = Water

Prathyaddhi Devatha for Moon is Gauri.

DasaMahaa Vidya is Bhuvaneshwari.

Sri Mahaa Lakshmi is Chandra's Sahodari ( Sister )

Chandra is Sambhor Makuta Bhooshanam ( Moon adorns the Crown of Lord Shiva.

Doorvaasa ( Shivaamsa Sambhootha ) and Datthaathreya ( Vishnu Avathaar ) are

Chandra's Brothers.

Bhuddha is Moon's Son but they dont like each other.


aathreya - dr. bala krishna murthy ramaraju



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Agni Dev is the concerned Dikpaa of Chandra.

Chandra and Soorya are friends , in fact it is because of

Soorya that Moon is shining.

Half of Moon is born in Milky Ocean ( VaruNa Dev )

Dhanwanthari , God of Aayurveda is a Brother of Chandra.

Chandra laughed at GaNesha and is cursed by Paarvathi

and since then Chandra is afraid of GaNesha.

So to propitiate Chandra one can Pray

Gauri, Shiva , Lakshmi , Vishnu , Brahma (Chandra's Grand father), GaNesha ,

Dhanwanthari, Datthaathreya , Agni Dev,

VaruNa Dev, and / or one's Ishtta Daivam.

Harih Om Thath Sath

aathrya - dr. bala krishna murthy ramaraju ( aarbeekayham)




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Hi Prabhu,

Jai Sri Krishna,


I am " running " the moon mahadasa

My ishta devata is Gauri....................

I was advise by the gotra priest to do ShivaPuja on mondays with


Shiva is gauripati.......................




I am " fake " devotee of krishna...................


Radhe Radhe




BalaKrishnaMurthy Ramaraju <dr.balakrishnamurthy.ramaraju wrote:

Agni Dev is the concerned Dikpaa of Chandra.

Chandra and Soorya are friends , in fact it is because of

Soorya that Moon is shining.

Half of Moon is born in Milky Ocean ( VaruNa Dev )

Dhanwanthari , God of Aayurveda is a Brother of Chandra.

Chandra laughed at GaNesha and is cursed by Paarvathi

and since then Chandra is afraid of GaNesha.

So to propitiate Chandra one can Pray

Gauri, Shiva , Lakshmi , Vishnu , Brahma (Chandra's Grand father), GaNesha ,

Dhanwanthari, Datthaathreya , Agni Dev,

VaruNa Dev, and / or one's Ishtta Daivam.

Harih Om Thath Sath

aathrya - dr. bala krishna murthy ramaraju ( aarbeekayham)



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