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education/career-- corrected TIME 4/6- Oct 29

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good to hear any feedback this is more for the subject as laid by our rishies

and if handled in same spirit will help people for all times to come and the

stressful period that u managed well finally can be a window of hope for some

more people to emulate another positive aspect of vedic astrology


thanks for the feedback, good or bad keep comming


best wishes


seema813 <seema813 wrote: Dear Sir,

I just wanted to give up an update on my situation and let you know

that your prediction was somewhat accurate- I managed to finish,

however, it was very stressful and through no fault of my own

(supervisor was responsible for lack of good completion) I was

harassed until the very end and finally they allowed me to receive my

degree. Very very stressful and painful for me, but through the grace

of God I somehow managed to survive. Perhaps I was put there so those

who caused me unnecessary problems caused their own karma...

anyways, just wanted to let you know and thank you.



vedic astrology , Me Shubha Vela <pkgoteti



> Seema,


> if possible take break till sept 1 09 as times r not conducive on ur

side fora good completion of ur work and also relationships ,

concentration, understanding of u and by u also take a beating worse

blame, disgrace is also possible set backs to mother's heath and

finances too


> pray to Hanuman, shiva, sani it can be managable


> by break it can be work and study with plans to complete later

allow it todrag on I know otherise u r VISA STATUS WONT ALLOW U TO BE

THERE THAT LONG, but this is only way as I see delays during ur

current dasa-bukti of rahu-sani and also ur sade-saat is on and afte

Jul will be stiffer for 2 yrs so post sep 09 ur far better off and

will make up for all u lost till then there appears a dark tunnel but




> I use raman's ayanamsa so dasa dates will differ

> best wishes


> G B Prashant Kumar


> Pl give personal data with some life events with dates=jobs,

marriage, family, kids, high/low times. Picture or 2 to personal ID

pkgoteti, for Lagna features check.

> Services of this astrologer in the group are free, personal mail and

CHAT consultations ARE CHARGEABLE! Mobile 09840051861 Chennai, India





> seema813 <seema813

> vedic astrology

> Saturday, June 2, 2007 9:18:41 PM

> [vedic astrology] Re: education/career-- corrected TIME



> 9:31 AM


> vedic astrology, " seema813 " <seema813@ .>


> >

> > Dear everyone

> > I am a PhD student and have been going thru much mental stress soon

> > upon starting my graduate work. I am still not recognized by

> > professors above me, despite the face I have accomplished much. In

> > fact, not only am I not recognized, but am treated v. badly like I am

> > worthless. This has caused a lot of stress and taken a toll on my

> > self-confidence.

> > I wondered if anyone could tell me :

> > 1. why I am having so much bad luck with this last part of my


> > 2. How will my career be, hoping it will not be a continuation of


> >

> >

> >

> > DOB: 8/13/1980

> > time: 9:31 (Uncorrected for dst)

> > place: grand junction, Colorado, USA

> >

> > thank you

> > seema

> >









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