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Poojya Rafal Jee, thanks a lot for answering my queries

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Poojya Rafal Jee,


Saadar Namaskaar,


Your analysis is totally correct. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for

answering my queries. I have some further queries, please look at them:


(ToB: 1700.00, PoB: Delhi, DoB: 08 June 1974)



Yes, your dasamsa shows working indoors, it can be buisness, while

service should be related to Buddha - languages, computers (Ke sign).


Reply: Yes, since May 2005, I have ben in service, related to




Now Sa/Ke in forth bhava shows a lot of pressure in work, especially

related to buisness. While Buddha being Lagnesh shows that You are much more

comfortable with service.


Reply: Yes, after my marriage in 2004, I realized that I need some stability

and steady income in my life and therefore, I am inclined to do service.

However, at the back of my mind, I always have this unfulfilled desire to do my

own business. However, I am looking for a good opportunity when I can start a

small business, but without giving up my job


This can be also related to planet debilitated in Kendra in D1 which shows a

lot of stress - this Mars with A7 shows cause of buisness. Rahu is also in artha

kona in D10 but being in bad sign it will not give big money. Lets see D1 more



11 from AL has Rahu which shows money from foreigners, especially as

ayur-debilitated. Guru in second bhava is good but because of Ve/Ma aspect it

can give a lot of passion which can come from partners (Ve in 7H). Venus in

seventh shows that You can be very passive (in buisness or partnership) .


Reply: Dear Rafal Jee, I think that you have taken Moon as my AL. However,

with the little understanding that I have, I think Mars in 10th house is my AL.

Please correct me if I am wrong.


If Mars were my AL, please provide analysis like you have done while

considering Moon as my AL.


Does being passive in partnerships mean a rough, rude, heartless husband?


Doshas which require correction:


1. Kemadruma Yoga with Sadhu-saapa. Venus is rescuing that so marriage is very

important for career and finances. Venus shows Brghu here. So Brghu mantra! Om

Bhargavaaya Namah (3 malas daily).


Reply: Since Venus is my lagnesha as well, can I wear a substitute of diamond

(I cannot afford any diamond, whatever the quality/size. I have been told that

zircon (American diamond is a substitute). Will donating objects related to

Venus, such as milk, rice etc help me?


2. Shani which is in sixth from AL will show a lot of machination from

Your side, this will be too much and will cause dur-bhagya. So coral is

an option, but we dont want to risk as Surya is badhakesh and in

Randhrbhava. So devi mantra, as Buddha is debilitated in D9 You should be

interested in Tripura Mantra/Sadhana/ Initiation. Buddha is very good because of

debilitation but still will take bhagya away.


Reply: Please elaborate on this part as it is too overwhelming for me.


Good houses and planets: Guru is wellplaced from L and AL, giving bhanga to

Mars debiliatated (only problem can come because of children),


Reply: I have a daughter. Can Jupiter cause some harm to her? Jupiter is also

the lord of my 6th house. Can I donate objects related to Jupiter to propitiate



Chandra is wellplaced and Vargottam giving fame and caring personality. Still

7H from AL should be strong so You can wear blue clothes.


Reply: If Mars is my AL, then Moon is 7th from the AL. Do I need to strengthen

chandrama by wearing pearl? I am wearing a Gomed, so I think I should not wear a

pearl. Are there other donations etc. that I can do?


The problem is Ketu-Saapa which gives problem with social circle, family and

money. Mangal is very bad because of big role in that chart, only one

neechabhanga from Chandra, Pearl is good option.


With naman,


Dhiraj Misra




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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Dhiraj , Namaskar


Comments below.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com




Dhiraj Mishra napisa?(a):


> Poojya Rafal Jee,


> Saadar Namaskaar,


> Your analysis is totally correct. Please accept my heartfelt thanks

> for answering my queries. I have some further queries, please look at

> them:


> (ToB: 1700.00, PoB: Delhi, DoB: 08 June 1974)



> Yes, your dasamsa shows working indoors, it can be buisness, while

> service should be related to Buddha - languages, computers (Ke sign).


> Reply: Yes, since May 2005, I have ben in service, related to

> Languages/computers



> Now Sa/Ke in forth bhava shows a lot of pressure in work, especially

> related to buisness. While Buddha being Lagnesh shows that You are

> much more comfortable with service.


> Reply: Yes, after my marriage in 2004, I realized that I need some

> stability and steady income in my life and therefore, I am inclined to

> do service. However, at the back of my mind, I always have this

> unfulfilled desire to do my own business. However, I am looking for a

> good opportunity when I can start a small business, but without giving

> up my job


> This can be also related to planet debilitated in Kendra in D1 which

> shows a lot of stress - this Mars with A7 shows cause of buisness.

> Rahu is also in artha kona in D10 but being in bad sign it will not

> give big money. Lets see D1 more carefully:


> 11 from AL has Rahu which shows money from foreigners, especially as

> ayur-debilitated. Guru in second bhava is good but because of Ve/Ma

> aspect it can give a lot of passion which can come from partners (Ve

> in 7H). Venus in seventh shows that You can be very passive (in

> buisness or partnership) .


> Reply: Dear Rafal Jee, I think that you have taken Moon as my AL.

> However, with the little understanding that I have, I think Mars in

> 10th house is my AL. Please correct me if I am wrong.


> If Mars were my AL, please provide analysis like you have done while

> considering Moon as my AL.


[rafal] Yes, Capricorn is stronger than Cancer with debilitated graha.

Chandra is also vargottama.


> Does being passive in partnerships mean a rough, rude, heartless husband?


[rafal] I dont see any connection here. From Your chart it seems that

first relation wasnt directed towards marriage (if Navamsa Lagna is

Taurus so please correct me for rectification case). Altough there were

good blessings for children in the first relation, but differences in

character and opposition from elders. With Ke/Ma yoga in forth bhava I

think there could arise some conflicts in 1sr relation. Now the 2nd

relation is ending with marriage, blessings of mother are very

important, person should be very sensitive, protective and this relation

can give 2 daugthers (saptamsa should also be seen for this). Now

problem in this relation can be finances and ego issues.



> Doshas which require correction:


> 1. Kemadruma Yoga with Sadhu-saapa. Venus is rescuing that so marriage

> is very important for career and finances. Venus shows Brghu here. So

> Brghu mantra! Om Bhargavaaya Namah (3 malas daily).


> Reply: Since Venus is my lagnesha as well, can I wear a substitute of

> diamond (I cannot afford any diamond, whatever the quality/size. I

> have been told that zircon (American diamond is a substitute). Will

> donating objects related to Venus, such as milk, rice etc help me?


[rafal] Yes, You can wear diamond, but dont neglect Brghu mantra. Venus

and Chandra are aspecting badhaksthan, while Chandra is saama, Venus is

daana. Now D3 shows donation for spiritual institutions, temples,

administration etc.



> 2. Shani which is in sixth from AL will show a lot of machination from

> Your side, this will be too much and will cause dur-bhagya. So coral is

> an option, but we dont want to risk as Surya is badhakesh and in

> Randhrbhava. So devi mantra, as Buddha is debilitated in D9 You should

> be interested in Tripura Mantra/Sadhana/ Initiation. Buddha is very

> good because of debilitation but still will take bhagya away.


> Reply: Please elaborate on this part as it is too overwhelming for me.


[rafal] Just try to be interested in Tripura Sundari.



> Good houses and planets: Guru is wellplaced from L and AL, giving

> bhanga to Mars debiliatated (only problem can come because of children),


> Reply: I have a daughter. Can Jupiter cause some harm to her? Jupiter

> is also the lord of my 6th house. Can I donate objects related to

> Jupiter to propitiate it?


[rafal] Oh..its what I wrote before..daughter.. Lets see D7. With Pisces

Lagna, Aquarius shows first child, here Ra is in debiliration which

shows girl, but parivartana should give boy, Shani show also boy. Still

its a little bit predicament as Aquarius (parivartana graha sits) shows

also girl. As this is Aquarius it can only give one child.



> Chandra is wellplaced and Vargottam giving fame and caring

> personality. Still 7H from AL should be strong so You can wear blue

> clothes.


> Reply: If Mars is my AL, then Moon is 7th from the AL. Do I need to

> strengthen chandrama by wearing pearl? I am wearing a Gomed, so I

> think I should not wear a pearl. Are there other donations etc. that I

> can do?


[rafal] For Mangal we have 3 options in Rasi: Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.

Only Moon is giving neechabhanga so Capricorn shows blue clothes or pearl.



> The problem is Ketu-Saapa which gives problem with social circle,

> family and money. Mangal is very bad because of big role in that

> chart, only one

> neechabhanga from Chandra, Pearl is good option.


> With naman,


> Dhiraj Misra


> ------------ --------- --------- ---

> 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox.



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