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10th house and career & 2nd house --TO Hareshji (Harry)

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Dear Hareshji,


I get some guidance regrding 10 House and 2 nd house.



I am afraid of my 2nd house beocuse Mars and saturn both in my 2nd house(Leo) in

my horoscope


I send my detail to you if you can help me becous I am to worry about that.


My birth detail are :


Name: Gautam


TOB:07:45 AM

Place: Bechraji, Gujaratstate Latitude :023.30N ,Longitude : 072.04E


Now i am working in management field as office manager in MNC. The

company is dealing in measurement Instruments.

And I have many opportunities in other than management filed because I

am an Instrumentation Engineer.


My question is that Does management field is good for me or I have to

change my professional.


And Does any Yoga like (Kalsharp, Gaja keshari,.....) in my janmjundali??


Which are the best astro gem is beneficial to me improve prosperity by

my profession.




Please give me guidance to me.


I await your reply


Best Regards,



" Haresh (Harry) Nathani " <haresh1405 wrote:

Dear Sudhir


She will hv a mixed or average results of the mer MD. Mer is in combustion &

saturn is having its 3rd dristhi on mercury. Also mars is present with it. She

will experience problems in her professional life some health problems. She

needs to strenghten her mercury by wearing Emerald gemstone.



Vedic Astologer

Cell +91 98672 14103



Sudhir Menon <sudhirmenon

vedic astrology ; ;

naastrology ; ;

Vedic Astrologyandhealing

Friday, 9 November, 2007 3:17:41 PM

[vedic astrology] 10th house and career


Namaste Ji,


Details : Female

Date of birth: 23-08-1974

Time :12.58

Place of Birth :Ernakulam, Kerala, India


In this chart Karma lord Sun is in the 10th house. Jupiter in 4th and has

" drishti " to Sun in 10th house. ( which is 7th from Jupiter). In the 10th house

there is Sun and Mercury (giving " Nipuna " yoga ) and Mercury Maha dasa starts

from 2009.


How will be the mercury Maha dasa. Is there anything she should do to improve

her professional as well as married life. How will be the progress in her

career? Please advise.



____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __



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Dear Gautam


Having 2 planets in 2nd house mangal & sani indicates that u will live separetly

from ur family. U hv a very rude tounge & u speak a lot of lies. Ur relation

with ur father may be average or below average. U may not see eye to eye with ur

father. Are u married?. Marraige will improve ur financial prospects.


U are in the right profession. Concentrate & look how to improve ur prospects in

ur current job. Change of profession may lead u to frustration.


Wear a diamond ring in gold & pearl in silver. This will help u improving ur

professional prospects & relax ur mind & improve ur personality


Their is no dosha and one vipreet raja yoga in ur horoscope. U may have had

sudden gains in the past. Three planets in 12th house are not good. Loss of

luck, money not staying & disappointments from friends & younger siblings are





Vedic Astologer

Cell +91 98672 14103






Gautam Raval <ravalgautamv

vedic astrology

Friday, 16 November, 2007 10:39:28 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] 10th house and career & 2nd house --TO Hareshji



Dear Hareshji,


I get some guidance regrding 10 House and 2 nd house.


I am afraid of my 2nd house beocuse Mars and saturn both in my 2nd house(Leo) in

my horoscope


I send my detail to you if you can help me becous I am to worry about that.


My birth detail are :


Name: Gautam


TOB:07:45 AM

Place: Bechraji, Gujaratstate Latitude :023.30N ,Longitude : 072.04E


Now i am working in management field as office manager in MNC. The

company is dealing in measurement Instruments.

And I have many opportunities in other than management filed because I

am an Instrumentation Engineer.


My question is that Does management field is good for me or I have to

change my professional.


And Does any Yoga like (Kalsharp, Gaja keshari,.... .) in my janmjundali? ?


Which are the best astro gem is beneficial to me improve prosperity by

my profession.


Please give me guidance to me.


I await your reply


Best Regards,



" Haresh (Harry) Nathani " <haresh1405 > wrote: Dear Sudhir


She will hv a mixed or average results of the mer MD. Mer is in combustion &

saturn is having its 3rd dristhi on mercury. Also mars is present with it. She

will experience problems in her professional life some health problems. She

needs to strenghten her mercury by wearing Emerald gemstone.


Haresh(Harry) Nathani

Vedic Astologer

Cell +91 98672 14103




Sudhir Menon <sudhirmenon@ >

vedic astrology; ;

naastrology; @ gmail.com; Vedic Astrologyandhe

aling@ s.com

Friday, 9 November, 2007 3:17:41 PM

[vedic astrology] 10th house and career


Namaste Ji,


Details : Female

Date of birth: 23-08-1974

Time :12.58

Place of Birth :Ernakulam, Kerala, India


In this chart Karma lord Sun is in the 10th house. Jupiter in 4th and has

" drishti " to Sun in 10th house. ( which is 7th from Jupiter). In the 10th house

there is Sun and Mercury (giving " Nipuna " yoga ) and Mercury Maha dasa starts

from 2009.


How will be the mercury Maha dasa. Is there anything she should do to improve

her professional as well as married life. How will be the progress in her

career? Please advise.



____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __






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