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Lagna Lord in 10th house along with with Sun & Venus

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Namaste All,

This individual is having Saturn (Shani) mahadasa with Jupiter " apahara dasa "

and Mercury (Budha) mahadasa will start by 2009.


There are lot of yogas this individual is having due to Mercury/ combination

along with mercury which is the most important planet for him.

(Bhadra, Nipuna, Chaamara, Parijata,Vasumathi, Raja/Lakshmi, Raja Sambandha)


How will be Budha mahadasa? . Does wearing and Emerald/ Green Touramiline help


How will be his career and married life?


Details :Male

Date of birth: 16-06-1968

Time :13.56

Place of Birth :Ernakulam, Kerala, India









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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Sudhir , Namaskar


Married life will be problematic due to bad attitude of native; it will

be especially after demise of father, there will be problem with luxury

and place of stay with relation to marriage, and quarrel/arguments will

arise, which can come from third party; this will be related to work.

Now this can be a problem until June of 2008 as its Mangal-Rahu period

(better to use Utpanna Vimshottari). Saraswati and Surya Aditya should

be worshipped for this native to propser, but I think I wrote about that

earlier. Is this native good at drawing/painting? if not navamsa lagna

should be changed.




Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



Sudhir Menon napisa?(a):


> Namaste All,

> This individual is having Saturn (Shani) mahadasa with Jupiter

> " apahara dasa " and Mercury (Budha) mahadasa will start by 2009.


> There are lot of yogas this individual is having due to Mercury/

> combination along with mercury which is the most important planet for him.

> (Bhadra, Nipuna, Chaamara, Parijata,Vasumathi, Raja/Lakshmi, Raja

> Sambandha)


> How will be Budha mahadasa? . Does wearing and Emerald/ Green

> Touramiline help him.

> How will be his career and married life?


> Details :Male

> Date of birth: 16-06-1968

> Time :13.56

> Place of Birth :Ernakulam, Kerala, India


> Namashivaya




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