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finance issues for last 3 years

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Dear Sir,


I have been facing a lot of financial problems for last 3 years. This

has been going on since 2004 begining. I have incurred heavy loans due

to this. This difficulty does not seem to end and I am losing patience,

sometimes I think if this financial issue will ever end. My family

is also suffering due to this.


I have consulted various astrologers but without any successful

results. I am hoping this group can analyze the horoscopes and advice



My DOB is: 8th February 1943 at 4:55AM (war time correction is already

done), Nagappittinam, Tamil Nadu




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Your D-1 rasi chart has lagna in Dhanus.


Money is signified by the 2nd house.


2nd house lord is Shani and he is in Venus house (Venus is friend of

Shani for your chart per compound relationship), which means good

placement of 2nd lord.

Further 2nd lord is aspecting the 12th house which is dustana (the

house of loss/expenses). So we can predict " Loss/Expenditure of wealth "


Lord of 2nd house Shani is a functional malefic for Dhanus lagna.

These signify bad results for wealth.


You are currently running Sun mahadasa since 2002 (Sun is functional

benefic for you). for first 5 months of 2004 you had Rahu antardasa

(which is malefic Rahu) and from 2004 may to 2005 feb you had Jupiter

antardasa (Jupiter is functional benefic for you).

I suspect 2004 may to 2005 feb was good for you as this period has

mahadasa/antardasa belonging to functional benefics


From 2005 Feb to 2006 feb, you had Shani antardasa (functional

malefic) - not good,


Currently you are running Venus antardasa from April 2007 and this is

going to run till April 2008 and as Venus is a functional malefic for

you it is not likely to give good results.


I am a student of astrology and so request other gurus to validate/add

on to my analysis.





vedic astrology , " sramaswa007 "

<sramaswa007 wrote:


> Dear Sir,


> I have been facing a lot of financial problems for last 3 years. This

> has been going on since 2004 begining. I have incurred heavy loans due

> to this. This difficulty does not seem to end and I am losing patience,

> sometimes I think if this financial issue will ever end. My family

> is also suffering due to this.


> I have consulted various astrologers but without any successful

> results. I am hoping this group can analyze the horoscopes and advice

> me.


> My DOB is: 8th February 1943 at 4:55AM (war time correction is already

> done), Nagappittinam, Tamil Nadu


> thanks

> kris


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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Kris , Namaskar


All is due to Shani (not because of lording dhanabhava from Lagna, but

because its engaged in curse and lords 12L from AL and involves 8 from

AL which also shows health problems).


From 2004 Shani Mahadasa started per Dwisaptati Dasa, which was

highlightening the curse of Shukra. I think that issues got worse after

March of 2006 (some expenses/losses arised).


In Moola dasa we see also Shani Mahadasa running. Because Shukra lord

eight from Arudhapada this end up in big debts/loans. Shani is also

badly placed in D2 chart which adds to situation. This is issue coming

from past life as its in Karakamsa Rasi.


Now to correct this problem:


We see that lords (ra & sa) are both connected to curse, so we can use

karaka, Mangal shows Rudra, so the mantra for You is: Om namo bhagavate

Rudraaya (4 malas daily).



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


kiran.rama napisa?(a):


> Your D-1 rasi chart has lagna in Dhanus.


> Money is signified by the 2nd house.


> 2nd house lord is Shani and he is in Venus house (Venus is friend of

> Shani for your chart per compound relationship), which means good

> placement of 2nd lord.

> Further 2nd lord is aspecting the 12th house which is dustana (the

> house of loss/expenses). So we can predict " Loss/Expenditure of wealth "


> Lord of 2nd house Shani is a functional malefic for Dhanus lagna.

> These signify bad results for wealth.


> You are currently running Sun mahadasa since 2002 (Sun is functional

> benefic for you). for first 5 months of 2004 you had Rahu antardasa

> (which is malefic Rahu) and from 2004 may to 2005 feb you had Jupiter

> antardasa (Jupiter is functional benefic for you).

> I suspect 2004 may to 2005 feb was good for you as this period has

> mahadasa/antardasa belonging to functional benefics


> >From 2005 Feb to 2006 feb, you had Shani antardasa (functional

> malefic) - not good,


> Currently you are running Venus antardasa from April 2007 and this is

> going to run till April 2008 and as Venus is a functional malefic for

> you it is not likely to give good results.


> I am a student of astrology and so request other gurus to validate/add

> on to my analysis.


> vedic astrology

> <vedic astrology%40>, " sramaswa007 "

> <sramaswa007 wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sir,

> >

> > I have been facing a lot of financial problems for last 3 years. This

> > has been going on since 2004 begining. I have incurred heavy loans due

> > to this. This difficulty does not seem to end and I am losing patience,

> > sometimes I think if this financial issue will ever end. My family

> > is also suffering due to this.

> >

> > I have consulted various astrologers but without any successful

> > results. I am hoping this group can analyze the horoscopes and advice

> > me.

> >

> > My DOB is: 8th February 1943 at 4:55AM (war time correction is already

> > done), Nagappittinam, Tamil Nadu

> >

> > thanks

> > kris

> >






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Dear Shri Rafal Ji,


Thanks for the analysis.


Could you please let me know as to when this bad period will end





vedic astrology , Rafal Gendarz

<starsuponme wrote:


> *hare rama krsna*


> Dear Kris , Namaskar


> All is due to Shani (not because of lording dhanabhava from Lagna,


> because its engaged in curse and lords 12L from AL and involves 8


> AL which also shows health problems).


> From 2004 Shani Mahadasa started per Dwisaptati Dasa, which was

> highlightening the curse of Shukra. I think that issues got worse


> March of 2006 (some expenses/losses arised).


> In Moola dasa we see also Shani Mahadasa running. Because Shukra


> eight from Arudhapada this end up in big debts/loans. Shani is


> badly placed in D2 chart which adds to situation. This is issue


> from past life as its in Karakamsa Rasi.


> Now to correct this problem:


> We see that lords (ra & sa) are both connected to curse, so we can


> karaka, Mangal shows Rudra, so the mantra for You is: Om namo


> Rudraaya (4 malas daily).


> Regards,

> Rafal Gendarz

> Sri Jagannath Center Guru

> email: rafal

> SkypeID: jyotraff1

> Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


> kiran.rama napisa?(a):

> >

> > Your D-1 rasi chart has lagna in Dhanus.

> >

> > Money is signified by the 2nd house.

> >

> > 2nd house lord is Shani and he is in Venus house (Venus is

friend of

> > Shani for your chart per compound relationship), which means good

> > placement of 2nd lord.

> > Further 2nd lord is aspecting the 12th house which is dustana


> > house of loss/expenses). So we can predict " Loss/Expenditure of

wealth "

> >

> > Lord of 2nd house Shani is a functional malefic for Dhanus lagna.

> > These signify bad results for wealth.

> >

> > You are currently running Sun mahadasa since 2002 (Sun is


> > benefic for you). for first 5 months of 2004 you had Rahu


> > (which is malefic Rahu) and from 2004 may to 2005 feb you had


> > antardasa (Jupiter is functional benefic for you).

> > I suspect 2004 may to 2005 feb was good for you as this period


> > mahadasa/antardasa belonging to functional benefics

> >

> > >From 2005 Feb to 2006 feb, you had Shani antardasa (functional

> > malefic) - not good,

> >

> > Currently you are running Venus antardasa from April 2007 and

this is

> > going to run till April 2008 and as Venus is a functional

malefic for

> > you it is not likely to give good results.

> >

> > I am a student of astrology and so request other gurus to


> > on to my analysis.

> >

> > vedic astrology

> > <vedic astrology%40>, " sramaswa007 "

> > <sramaswa007@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sir,

> > >

> > > I have been facing a lot of financial problems for last 3

years. This

> > > has been going on since 2004 begining. I have incurred heavy

loans due

> > > to this. This difficulty does not seem to end and I am losing


> > > sometimes I think if this financial issue will ever end. My


> > > is also suffering due to this.

> > >

> > > I have consulted various astrologers but without any successful

> > > results. I am hoping this group can analyze the horoscopes and


> > > me.

> > >

> > > My DOB is: 8th February 1943 at 4:55AM (war time correction is


> > > done), Nagappittinam, Tamil Nadu

> > >

> > > thanks

> > > kris

> > >

> >

> >




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