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9th lord in 6th house and Bhagya

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How should one assess the Quality of the birth chart where the 9th lord

is placed in the 6th house especially when it is in conjuction with

enemy planets? How strong would be the bhagya of the individual with

such a combination?

The horoscope in consideration has the following point:

Virgo lagan

Jupiter & Ketu in 1st House

Mars in 4th House

Sun,Moon & Venus in 6th House

Mercury & Rahu in 7th House

Saturn in 10th House



Any help is greatly apprecaited.

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Any comments views to share?

vedic astrology , " rinkugandhi "

<rinkugandhi wrote:


> How should one assess the Quality of the birth chart where the 9th


> is placed in the 6th house especially when it is in conjuction with

> enemy planets? How strong would be the bhagya of the individual


> such a combination?

> The horoscope in consideration has the following point:

> Virgo lagan

> Jupiter & Ketu in 1st House

> Mars in 4th House

> Sun,Moon & Venus in 6th House

> Mercury & Rahu in 7th House

> Saturn in 10th House



> Any help is greatly apprecaited.


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For Kanya lagna,Kumbha Raasi ranks as 6th house,it serves as beneficial as well

as kendra,Trikona house for Venus,no malefic aspect is involved,then why worry

about bhagya of the individual -is the individual an unpleasant and ugly

looking(three grahas in the 6th house,ref. " Gargahora " )?


rinkugandhi <rinkugandhi wrote: Any

comments views to share?

vedic astrology , " rinkugandhi "

<rinkugandhi wrote:


> How should one assess the Quality of the birth chart where the 9th


> is placed in the 6th house especially when it is in conjuction with

> enemy planets? How strong would be the bhagya of the individual


> such a combination?

> The horoscope in consideration has the following point:

> Virgo lagan

> Jupiter & Ketu in 1st House

> Mars in 4th House

> Sun,Moon & Venus in 6th House

> Mercury & Rahu in 7th House

> Saturn in 10th House



> Any help is greatly apprecaited.









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For Kanya lagna,Kumbha Raasi ranks as 6th house,it serves as beneficial as well

as kendra,Trikona house for Venus,no malefic aspect is involved,then why worry

about bhagya of the individual -is the individual an unpleasant and ugly

looking(three grahas in the 6th house,ref. " Gargahora " )?


rinkugandhi <rinkugandhi wrote: Any

comments views to share?

vedic astrology , " rinkugandhi "

<rinkugandhi wrote:


> How should one assess the Quality of the birth chart where the 9th


> is placed in the 6th house especially when it is in conjuction with

> enemy planets? How strong would be the bhagya of the individual


> such a combination?

> The horoscope in consideration has the following point:

> Virgo lagan

> Jupiter & Ketu in 1st House

> Mars in 4th House

> Sun,Moon & Venus in 6th House

> Mercury & Rahu in 7th House

> Saturn in 10th House



> Any help is greatly apprecaited.









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Thanks for looking into my query and providing insight


The reason for concern for the bhagya was due to many confusing

combinations and ofcourse to see the 9th lord( bhagya Lord) in an

evil house, though it is a growing house too.


First is the fact that Lagna lord (Mer)is in the sign of Picese

making it debiliated but the neech bhang occurs too as the dispositor

of the 7th house Jupiter is in the kendra and mercury is in the 7th

also causing Parivartan yoga.


Secondly the 6th house is a difficult house but has the 2nd+9th+11+12

lords combined together(Sun,Moon,Venus). So though wealth lords

combine together which is good but it is in a bad house.

Thirdly, how should one assess the health of the individual and

strength of his enemies.

Jupiter in the first house is a blessing but it also is subject

kendradhipati dosha.

Another issues is that Mars the 3rd and 8th lord in the 4th directly

aspecting Saturn in the 10th is a another concern from the

perspective of relation with parents ,effect on homelife, nature of

the individual, manglik yoga and career front.

But on the other hand the placement of Saturn and mars being natural

malefics should do better in Kendras.


Well I am a beginner in astrology and have lots to learn therefore I

present all my doubts thought they may sound not wise to learned

astrologers but I take this opportunity to learn.

Also to answer you question if the person is not pleasant to look at.

Well the person is very appealing and has very good features so far

but the native is very young and is at a growing stage so cannot

comment completely now. Though I do see the person has an Exalted

Venus in the Navmsha chart.




<munisevitham wrote:


> Namaste,

> For Kanya lagna,Kumbha Raasi ranks as 6th house,it serves as

beneficial as well as kendra,Trikona house for Venus,no malefic

aspect is involved,then why worry about bhagya of the individual -is

the individual an unpleasant and ugly looking(three grahas in the 6th

house,ref. " Gargahora " )?


> rinkugandhi <rinkugandhi wrote:

Any comments views to share?

> vedic astrology , " rinkugandhi "

> <rinkugandhi@> wrote:

> >

> > How should one assess the Quality of the birth chart where the


> lord

> > is placed in the 6th house especially when it is in conjuction


> > enemy planets? How strong would be the bhagya of the individual

> with

> > such a combination?

> > The horoscope in consideration has the following point:

> > Virgo lagan

> > Jupiter & Ketu in 1st House

> > Mars in 4th House

> > Sun,Moon & Venus in 6th House

> > Mercury & Rahu in 7th House

> > Saturn in 10th House

> >

> >

> > Any help is greatly apprecaited.

> >


> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.



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Even i have 9th lord in the 6th house Aries (Sagi

lagna born), however, Mars lord of 1st & 6th house and

in 11th house


The results are mixed, however i lost my mother (Moon

the 9th lord) alomost completed 7.5 years of Moon



Even i am very new to astrology, i feel we must see

the chart as a whole than in isolation







--- rinkugandhi <rinkugandhi wrote:


> Thanks for looking into my query and providing

> insight


> The reason for concern for the bhagya was due to

> many confusing

> combinations and ofcourse to see the 9th lord(

> bhagya Lord) in an

> evil house, though it is a growing house too.


> First is the fact that Lagna lord (Mer)is in the

> sign of Picese

> making it debiliated but the neech bhang occurs too

> as the dispositor

> of the 7th house Jupiter is in the kendra and

> mercury is in the 7th

> also causing Parivartan yoga.


> Secondly the 6th house is a difficult house but has

> the 2nd+9th+11+12

> lords combined together(Sun,Moon,Venus). So though

> wealth lords

> combine together which is good but it is in a bad

> house.

> Thirdly, how should one assess the health of the

> individual and

> strength of his enemies.

> Jupiter in the first house is a blessing but it also

> is subject

> kendradhipati dosha.

> Another issues is that Mars the 3rd and 8th lord in

> the 4th directly

> aspecting Saturn in the 10th is a another concern

> from the

> perspective of relation with parents ,effect on

> homelife, nature of

> the individual, manglik yoga and career front.

> But on the other hand the placement of Saturn and

> mars being natural

> malefics should do better in Kendras.


> Well I am a beginner in astrology and have lots to

> learn therefore I

> present all my doubts thought they may sound not

> wise to learned

> astrologers but I take this opportunity to learn.

> Also to answer you question if the person is not

> pleasant to look at.

> Well the person is very appealing and has very good

> features so far

> but the native is very young and is at a growing

> stage so cannot

> comment completely now. Though I do see the person

> has an Exalted

> Venus in the Navmsha chart.


> Thx

> vedic astrology , KARUNAAKARAM


> <munisevitham wrote:

> >

> > Namaste,

> > For Kanya lagna,Kumbha Raasi ranks as 6th house,it

> serves as

> beneficial as well as kendra,Trikona house for

> Venus,no malefic

> aspect is involved,then why worry about bhagya of

> the individual -is

> the individual an unpleasant and ugly looking(three

> grahas in the 6th

> house,ref. " Gargahora " )?

> >

> > rinkugandhi <rinkugandhi wrote:


> Any comments views to share?

> > vedic astrology ,

> " rinkugandhi "

> > <rinkugandhi@> wrote:

> > >

> > > How should one assess the Quality of the birth

> chart where the

> 9th

> > lord

> > > is placed in the 6th house especially when it

> is in conjuction

> with

> > > enemy planets? How strong would be the bhagya

> of the individual

> > with

> > > such a combination?

> > > The horoscope in consideration has the

> following point:

> > > Virgo lagan

> > > Jupiter & Ketu in 1st House

> > > Mars in 4th House

> > > Sun,Moon & Venus in 6th House

> > > Mercury & Rahu in 7th House

> > > Saturn in 10th House

> > >

> > >

> > > Any help is greatly apprecaited.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >









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