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AATHREYA aarbeekay - Dr.BalaKrishna Murthy Ramaraju

27 Mackay Dr. , Marlborough , MA 01752 - 1935, USA


Cell : 508 - 265 -1124 ; L L : 508 - 229 - 2028




VAARAM ( Week )


Each day and night of 24 hours is governed by 24 Hora Lords ,One Lord

per one hour.

I always wondered whether the term Hour is derived from Hora . I seek

guidance from

Vedic Jyothish Pandits whether it is so and also whether the sequence

of Hora Lords

presiding over each hour is mentioned in Bruhath Paraasara Hora Shaasthra.

But one thing I know is that these Hora Lords are Sun , Moon , Mars , Mercury ,

Jupiter , Venus and Saturn i. e . Soorya , Chandra , Kuja aka

Angaaraka , Budha ,

Bruhaspathi , Sukra and Sani respectively .

Which ever Hora Lord happens to be the ruler at the time of Sun rise

on a particular

day gets the name or that day.


SUNDAY - Soorya (Sun) is the Hora Lord at the time of Sun rise.- Aadi

Vaaram (Soorya , Bhaanu , Ravi ,Aadithya Vaaram)

MONDAY - Chandra (Moon) ----- Soma Vaaram

TUESDAY - Kuja (Mars) ---- MangaLa Vaaram (Angaaraka Vaaram)

WEDNESDAY - Budha (Mercury) ---- Budha Vaaram (Sowmya Vaaram)

THURSDAY - Bruhaspathi (Jupiter) ---- Guru Vaaram (Bruhaspathi ,

Lakshmi , Bestha Vaaram)

FRIDAY - Sukra (Venus) ---- Sukra Vaaram (Bhrugu Vaaram)

SATURDAY - Sani (Saturn) ---- Sani Vaaram (Manda Vaaram)


As per Sanaathana Dharma Sunday is the first day of the week.


Om Aadithyaaya Somaaya MangaLaaya Budhaaya , Guru Sukra

Sanibhyascha Namha Om.


aathreya - ramaraju , bala krishna murthy

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