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Life Purpose???

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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Nyree , Namaskar


7 from Karakamsa shows reason for birth - in Your case its Buddha in

Leo, which show some finances, writing, accounting related to

institution, global communication, spiritual diaries etc.


DK in D9 is showing how these desires are manifesting, so in Your case

its Shukra in Taurus which shows through marriage, managment, dealings

with people, consulting, arts.


Regarding Your work the exact birthtime is very important. So Your

previous events related to career are needed to rectify Dasamsa chart.


If its Sg lagna then languages, software, databases offices,

administrator, very independent in work with some rivalry and enmity

from juniors. All these work can be very similar to buisness.





Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com





nyree napisa?(a):


> Hello everyone,


> I am curious if vedic astrology can actually get specific as to why

> each person was born. I know the general picture is that everyone is

> here to grow and evolve as spirits but there has to be something more.


> Are you able to tell what career a person is supposed to pursue? If

> so, pleeeeeeeeze tell me what I'm supposed to be doing career wise.


> I need to figure this out once and for all and I'm very serious about

> it.


> My birth details are:


> January 11, 1973

> Lakenheath, England

> 5:25 AM


> please please please someone respond to this. I would really

> appreciate it!






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Thank you so much for looking at my chart. In regards to career

events, I haven't had many. I have been looking after my elderly

parents for quite some time and this has been my first chance in a

long time to live on my own and try and take care of my own life.


I do have a little background in computers. I received an A+

Certification in 2002. I also accepted a high paying position in

the summer of 2005 but it was a temporary position because I had to

care for my parents.


In regards to life events: My brother died Nov 16, 1998 so that was

a major life event. My Dad was told he had lung cancer in 1999 so

that was another. I moved far away from the rest of my family in

October of 2007 which has been another major life event recently.


I hope you can rectify my chart from this information.


By the way, the writing aspect that you saw in my chart is very

accurate. Hopefully I will end up making a decent income off of that

but I need to actually get something published first!


Thank you again. I look forward to reading your results.



Best Wishes To You,





vedic astrology , Rafal Gendarz

<starsuponme wrote:


> *hare rama krsna*


> Dear Nyree , Namaskar


> 7 from Karakamsa shows reason for birth - in Your case its Buddha


> Leo, which show some finances, writing, accounting related to

> institution, global communication, spiritual diaries etc.


> DK in D9 is showing how these desires are manifesting, so in Your


> its Shukra in Taurus which shows through marriage, managment,


> with people, consulting, arts.


> Regarding Your work the exact birthtime is very important. So Your

> previous events related to career are needed to rectify Dasamsa



> If its Sg lagna then languages, software, databases offices,

> administrator, very independent in work with some rivalry and


> from juniors. All these work can be very similar to buisness.




> Regards,

> Rafal Gendarz

> Sri Jagannath Center Guru

> email: rafal

> SkypeID: jyotraff1

> Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com





> nyree napisa?(a):

> >

> > Hello everyone,

> >

> > I am curious if vedic astrology can actually get specific as to


> > each person was born. I know the general picture is that everyone


> > here to grow and evolve as spirits but there has to be something


> >

> > Are you able to tell what career a person is supposed to pursue?


> > so, pleeeeeeeeze tell me what I'm supposed to be doing career


> >

> > I need to figure this out once and for all and I'm very serious


> > it.

> >

> > My birth details are:

> >

> > January 11, 1973

> > Lakenheath, England

> > 5:25 AM

> >

> > please please please someone respond to this. I would really

> > appreciate it!

> >

> >




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II Om Gurave Namah II

Hari om , Friend,

Dear rafal please see my deductions below.your post.

Dear Nyree , Namaskar

7 from Karakamsa shows reason for birth - in Your case its Buddha in Leo, which

show some finances, writing, accounting related to institution, global

communication, spiritual diaries etc.


Comments: Pdt Sanjay has taught 7 th from karkamsa shows your commitment to

your spouse in previous birth.


In instant case AK is SUN .In D9 Vii is vacant and Leo is in IX that has Merc

so deduction are not clear.


DK in D9 is showing how these desires are manifesting, so in Your case its

Shukra in Taurus which shows through marriage, managment, dealings with people,

consulting, arts.


DK is Venus In maran karak stahan but in own sign in Navamsa chart. So desires

of matters indicated by karkattawa and lordship should suffer. So are these the

purpose of life for which native has taken birth?


Please remove my misunderstanding.


Regarding Your work the exact birth time is very important. So your previous

events related to career are needed to rectify Dasamsa chart.

If its Sg, lagna then languages, software, databases offices, administrator,

very independent in work with some rivalry and enmity from juniors. All these

work can be very similar to buisness.

Regards, Rafal Gendarz


With regards










Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy radiant power that illuminate

our intellects, destroy

our sins, and guide us in the right direction!





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Dear Swami,


Thank you very much for looking at my chart. I have been told that

my exact birthtime should be between 5:24 and 5:25 AM on January 11,

1973. Lakenheath, England.


Should I take from your calculations that I will be okay financially

in my career?


Also, the writing,communication and spiritual diaries are really

accurate. I can see myself doing that. I'm actually doing it now.

The accounting related to institution is not me at all though. I'm

terrible with numbers.


Should I also interpret that my spouse will be helping me with my

career in the future?


Thank you once again for taking the time to look over my chart. It

is very generous of you and I look forward to your reply.



vedic astrology , <swami wrote:



> II Om Gurave Namah II

> Hari om , Friend,

> Dear rafal please see my deductions below.your post.

> Dear Nyree , Namaskar

> 7 from Karakamsa shows reason for birth - in Your case its Buddha

in Leo, which show some finances, writing, accounting related to

institution, global communication, spiritual diaries etc.


> Comments: Pdt Sanjay has taught 7 th from karkamsa shows your

commitment to your spouse in previous birth.


> In instant case AK is SUN .In D9 Vii is vacant and Leo is in IX

that has Merc so deduction are not clear.


> DK in D9 is showing how these desires are manifesting, so in Your

case its Shukra in Taurus which shows through marriage, managment,

dealings with people, consulting, arts.


> DK is Venus In maran karak stahan but in own sign in Navamsa chart.

So desires of matters indicated by karkattawa and lordship should

suffer. So are these the purpose of life for which native has taken



> Please remove my misunderstanding.


> Regarding Your work the exact birth time is very important. So

your previous events related to career are needed to rectify

Dasamsa chart.

> If its Sg, lagna then languages, software, databases offices,

administrator, very independent in work with some rivalry and enmity

from juniors. All these work can be very similar to buisness.

> Regards, Rafal Gendarz


> With regards


> swami_rcs








> Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy radiant power

that illuminate our intellects, destroy

> our sins, and guide us in the right direction!





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  • 2 weeks later...

vedic astrology , " nyree " <n8m8 wrote:


> Dear Swami,


> Thank you very much for looking at my chart. I have been told that

> my exact birthtime should be between 5:24 and 5:25 AM on January


> 1973. Lakenheath, England.


> Should I take from your calculations that I will be okay


> in my career?


> Also, the writing,communication and spiritual diaries are really

> accurate. I can see myself doing that. I'm actually doing it


> The accounting related to institution is not me at all though. I'm

> terrible with numbers.


> Should I also interpret that my spouse will be helping me with my

> career in the future?


> Thank you once again for taking the time to look over my chart. It

> is very generous of you and I look forward to your reply.



> vedic astrology , <swami@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > II Om Gurave Namah II

> > Hari om , Friend,

> > Dear rafal please see my deductions below.your post.

> > Dear Nyree , Namaskar

> > 7 from Karakamsa shows reason for birth - in Your case its Buddha

> in Leo, which show some finances, writing, accounting related to

> institution, global communication, spiritual diaries etc.

> >

> > Comments: Pdt Sanjay has taught 7 th from karkamsa shows your

> commitment to your spouse in previous birth.

> >

> > In instant case AK is SUN .In D9 Vii is vacant and Leo is in IX

> that has Merc so deduction are not clear.

> >

> > DK in D9 is showing how these desires are manifesting, so in Your

> case its Shukra in Taurus which shows through marriage,


> dealings with people, consulting, arts.

> >

> > DK is Venus In maran karak stahan but in own sign in Navamsa


> So desires of matters indicated by karkattawa and lordship should

> suffer. So are these the purpose of life for which native has


> birth?

> >

> > Please remove my misunderstanding.

> >

> > Regarding Your work the exact birth time is very important. So

> your previous events related to career are needed to rectify

> Dasamsa chart.

> > If its Sg, lagna then languages, software, databases offices,

> administrator, very independent in work with some rivalry and


> from juniors. All these work can be very similar to buisness.

> > Regards, Rafal Gendarz

> >

> > With regards

> >

> > swami_rcs

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> > Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy radiant power

> that illuminate our intellects, destroy

> > our sins, and guide us in the right direction!

> >

> >

> >

> >

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