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kaal sarp yoga rafalji please help

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i have kaal sarp yoga with rahu in 7th house conjoint with moon and

venus... what should i do?

i am having a hard time doing medical school studies...

these are my birth details

11th april 1986

8:50 pm

ludhiana, punjab india


hare rama krishna

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||Jai Ramakrishna||

Dear Brother,

There is nothing like Kalsarpa Yoga...try to read Shree K N Rao's book

on KSY..i hope that will help you.



Thank you,





vedic astrology , " Rishabh " <rishabhjindal



> sir

> i have kaal sarp yoga with rahu in 7th house conjoint with moon and

> venus... what should i do?

> i am having a hard time doing medical school studies...

> these are my birth details

> 11th april 1986

> 8:50 pm

> ludhiana, punjab india

> Thanks

> hare rama krishna


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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Risabh , Namaskar


1. You should worship Kamala Ma, otherwise Your maritial life will

suffer. This Yoga will function until 23/25, now You are 21 so 2-4 yrs

more, then there will be more possibilites and availibilty. In life You

can have very high position due to Simhasana Yoga, but until then You

will wander a lot without guidance due to Lagnesh in seventh with Rahu.

Your self effort, endurance and skills are very very important for You

to rise as AL is in tenth bhava. Shani in second bhava gives obstacles

in getting wealth but You will be tightfisted with that as Ketu is

dhanesh in Lagna. 3L in fifth gives help from siblings. Forth lord in

second gives also hankering for wealth (Ak with Dk also), while fifth

lord in dhanabhava gives dhanayoga and wealth from disciples/followers.

Seventh lord in third usually gives love marriage and in some cases

immoral spouse, eight lord in eight bhava can give shortlasted

relationship and this will be due to own whimses due to 10L yuti. Ninth

lord is Buddha and is with Surya in sixth which gives rebelious

character and dharma related to high principles like moksa. Eleventh

lord is in seventh which gives partners, buisness and dhana yoga

(wealth). Twelfth lord in seventh promotes sellings/buisness, especially

as 11L from AL is in seventh bhava with 10L. Groups and family is very

important as Shani sits in second bhava. You will have spiritual and

philosophal image if You counteracts Your nature proness to

conflicts/battles as Jupiter has argala and rasi drsti which is

obstructed by Mars in third and sixth from AL.


So Kamala and Shiva are important for You.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com





Rishabh napisa?(a):


> sir

> i have kaal sarp yoga with rahu in 7th house conjoint with moon and

> venus... what should i do?

> i am having a hard time doing medical school studies...

> these are my birth details

> 11th april 1986

> 8:50 pm

> ludhiana, punjab india

> Thanks

> hare rama krishna






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