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Rafalji , Pls help me ( New perspective)

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Dear MKR,


" Bhava Nasha Karo Jeeva " says a dictum. Meaning, Guru destroys the bhava he



You have Neecha Guru who is also 6th lord in 7th.!

Mark UL having Mars in it. And 12th from UL is again Guru. !

Your 5th lors Mangal is in 8th.


You are running Guru dasa sani Bhukti. This combination indicates severe

marital discord.



Viewing your chart using Rahu centric HP Theory,I would orient your chart

having Rahu in 4th to look for marital happiness.


Resulting YBL Lagna is Kanya . Lord of 12th Shayya sukha sthan Sury is in

8th!. Lord of 7th and 4th Guru is Neecha in 5th destroying your santana

bhava.Your Patni karaka Sukra is with Manda sani.Worst affliction is that your

Guru is in VM sign (Visha Mukha), You are likely to face legal proceedings in

Guru sani period.


Regarding income, Again you have Guru in 2nd from Rahu in KL lagna. This

destroys your dhana bhava . You will have to come to terms with paucity of money

for some time to come.


Offering prayers to your ishta devata will minimise sufferings.






MKR <mk_rawat wrote:

Dear Guruji,


1) I am facing problem in my married life and staying away from my wife for more

than a year.

Is there any likelihood of reconcilitaion or it will lead to divorce? If it

leads to divorce, when am

I expected to get the divorce? Is there any likelihood of second mariage?


2) When am I expected to get a job of my liking and earn good money.?


My details are as given below


Date of Birth- 13-05-1973

Time of birth- 10-45 AM

Place of birth- Gwalior (M.P)







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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Tattvamasi , Namaskar


1. Guru favours the bhava which he occupies, this is wellknown fact,

which classics favour. Bhava karaka nasha principle can be used

differently which is presented by Sanjay Rath in COVA. Still maraka (7h)

connected to dushtana is daridra as You properly recognized (Parasara).

2. Guru-Shani is for Moon outside trika, here we should use Utpanna

Scheme if You follow Jataka Parijata which gives Ke-Ra period. Ra is 8L

and debilitated in 2 from AL which gives problem in marriage

destabilizing income and career. This will give enmity and obstruction

to enterprise as its 4L in Jagganath Drekkana



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



Tatvam-Asi napisa?(a):


> Dear MKR,


> " Bhava Nasha Karo Jeeva " says a dictum. Meaning, Guru destroys the

> bhava he occupies.


> You have Neecha Guru who is also 6th lord in 7th.!

> Mark UL having Mars in it. And 12th from UL is again Guru. !

> Your 5th lors Mangal is in 8th.


> You are running Guru dasa sani Bhukti. This combination indicates

> severe marital discord.



> Viewing your chart using Rahu centric HP Theory,I would orient your

> chart having Rahu in 4th to look for marital happiness.


> Resulting YBL Lagna is Kanya . Lord of 12th Shayya sukha sthan Sury is

> in 8th!. Lord of 7th and 4th Guru is Neecha in 5th destroying your

> santana bhava.Your Patni karaka Sukra is with Manda sani.Worst

> affliction is that your Guru is in VM sign (Visha Mukha), You are

> likely to face legal proceedings in Guru sani period.


> Regarding income, Again you have Guru in 2nd from Rahu in KL lagna.

> This destroys your dhana bhava . You will have to come to terms with

> paucity of money for some time to come.


> Offering prayers to your ishta devata will minimise sufferings.


> Tatvam-Asi




> MKR <mk_rawat (AT) (DOT) co.in <mk_rawat%40.co.in>> wrote:

> Dear Guruji,


> 1) I am facing problem in my married life and staying away from my

> wife for more than a year.

> Is there any likelihood of reconcilitaion or it will lead to divorce?

> If it leads to divorce, when am

> I expected to get the divorce? Is there any likelihood of second mariage?


> 2) When am I expected to get a job of my liking and earn good money.?


> My details are as given below


> Date of Birth- 13-05-1973

> Time of birth- 10-45 AM

> Place of birth- Gwalior (M.P)


> Regards




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Dear Rafal, Namaskar,


I would beg to diffwe from you in the respect of Guru occupying any bhava.

In my experience of over 40 years , I have seen the dictum


" Bhavanasha Karo Jeeva

Bhava Vridhhi Karau Shani "


What sri Sanjay Rath teaches in COVA is a different perspective and I have no

opinion on that principle since I do not practice it.


My Rahu centric principles are extremely simple and they do not involve any

complicated methods..

If you want to test them, you can see the merit.

I would say that HP Theory is in Beta testing stage and so far it has proved

its worth.

Be blessed




Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:

*hare rama krsna*


Dear Tattvamasi , Namaskar


1. Guru favours the bhava which he occupies, this is wellknown fact,

which classics favour. Bhava karaka nasha principle can be used

differently which is presented by Sanjay Rath in COVA. Still maraka (7h)

connected to dushtana is daridra as You properly recognized (Parasara).

2. Guru-Shani is for Moon outside trika, here we should use Utpanna

Scheme if You follow Jataka Parijata which gives Ke-Ra period. Ra is 8L

and debilitated in 2 from AL which gives problem in marriage

destabilizing income and career. This will give enmity and obstruction

to enterprise as its 4L in Jagganath Drekkana



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


Tatvam-Asi napisa?(a):


> Dear MKR,


> " Bhava Nasha Karo Jeeva " says a dictum. Meaning, Guru destroys the

> bhava he occupies.


> You have Neecha Guru who is also 6th lord in 7th.!

> Mark UL having Mars in it. And 12th from UL is again Guru. !

> Your 5th lors Mangal is in 8th.


> You are running Guru dasa sani Bhukti. This combination indicates

> severe marital discord.



> Viewing your chart using Rahu centric HP Theory,I would orient your

> chart having Rahu in 4th to look for marital happiness.


> Resulting YBL Lagna is Kanya . Lord of 12th Shayya sukha sthan Sury is

> in 8th!. Lord of 7th and 4th Guru is Neecha in 5th destroying your

> santana bhava.Your Patni karaka Sukra is with Manda sani.Worst

> affliction is that your Guru is in VM sign (Visha Mukha), You are

> likely to face legal proceedings in Guru sani period.


> Regarding income, Again you have Guru in 2nd from Rahu in KL lagna.

> This destroys your dhana bhava . You will have to come to terms with

> paucity of money for some time to come.


> Offering prayers to your ishta devata will minimise sufferings.


> Tatvam-Asi




> MKR <mk_rawat (AT) (DOT) co.in <mk_rawat%40.co.in>> wrote:

> Dear Guruji,


> 1) I am facing problem in my married life and staying away from my

> wife for more than a year.

> Is there any likelihood of reconcilitaion or it will lead to divorce?

> If it leads to divorce, when am

> I expected to get the divorce? Is there any likelihood of second mariage?


> 2) When am I expected to get a job of my liking and earn good money.?


> My details are as given below


> Date of Birth- 13-05-1973

> Time of birth- 10-45 AM

> Place of birth- Gwalior (M.P)


> Regards




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