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dasamsa - rafalji please

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hello ,

please write me how to know the professional status

of jatak in d-10. Is lagna rashi in d-10 shows it or its

lagnesh placement. Then what about 10th house and lord in d-

10.how to use all of them .

Also tell me whats the

dusthana for career like things , - 6,8,12 from d-10 lagna or

from 10th house of d-10.





montu kumar

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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Montu , Namaskar


Lagna shows fame, Lagnesh attitude/ideals. AL shows image in work. Tenth

house shows also fame/recognition/corporation, tenth lord sucess in

that, fifth authority and influence, fifth lord junior workers.

Naturally to have big status careerwise there should be rajayogas along



Hope this helps.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



astromontu napisa?(a):


> hello ,

> please write me how to know the professional status

> of jatak in d-10. Is lagna rashi in d-10 shows it or its

> lagnesh placement. Then what about 10th house and lord in d-

> 10.how to use all of them .

> Also tell me whats the

> dusthana for career like things , - 6,8,12 from d-10 lagna or

> from 10th house of d-10.


> thanks,

> montu kumar






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