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Nicha Bhanga Raja Yoga

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Dear Learned members,


What is Nicha Bhanga Raja Yoga? If the chart has SAR in Aries and MA in

capricorn what can we infer / predict on this like activation time and

effects of this 7th house and 4th house exchange?


Data: 28th Oct 1969, 6:11am , vijayawada, AP INDIA.


Using Shashti-Hayani Dasa its SA period started, however with

Vimshottari its Jupitar with KANTAKA SANI started.....



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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Madduri , Namaskar





Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



kumarmvnk napisa?(a):


> Dear Learned members,


> What is Nicha Bhanga Raja Yoga? If the chart has SAR in Aries and MA in

> capricorn what can we infer / predict on this like activation time and

> effects of this 7th house and 4th house exchange?


> Data: 28th Oct 1969, 6:11am , vijayawada, AP INDIA.


> Using Shashti-Hayani Dasa its SA period started, however with

> Vimshottari its Jupitar with KANTAKA SANI started.....


> Madduri






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