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Autism and planets responsible for autism. Subba-Appa

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Hey guys


Howcome i am dont have autist ?


Second lord (which happened to be jupiter) is in 8th house.


Second lord in in nakshatra of 6th lord.


6th lord is in 5th house. 6th lord is in the Ardra nakshatra (rule by rahu).


Rahu is aspecting 2nd house.


Mercury is combust ? Is it not sure..


Details -


25 august 1981, Ghaziabad, UP, 19:13







Tatvam-Asi <nameisego wrote:

Dear Subba Appa,


Please check the chart of this boy.


He has Tula lagna .

Guru is in 6th house .!

2nd Vaksthanadhipathi Mars is in 8th house in Mrigshirsha which houses Saturn's

Rahu SARA.!!

Rahu aspects 2nd house (as per my theory)

Mercury is in Aridra a Rahu's Nakshatra.!!

Saturn the 4th and 5th lord is in neecha in Ashwini a Ketu's Nakshatra.

Moon also is in Ketu's Nakshatra.


The boy is brilliant but Autistic (Vak-vihina).

After seeing these two charts, I feel that some how Rahu and ketu and Mercury

play a great role in autism if Jupiter and 2nd house lord are placed in 6, 8 or

12th houses.


A lot more needs to be studied before we can reach any conclusion.






subba_appa <subba_appa wrote:

Respected Tatvam Asi:


Can I please take the liberty to improve your understanding of Autism?

Autism is called a spectrum disorder, also called a brain disorder where

the victim displays very restricted and repititive behavior. They have

social interaction problems because others do not know how to relate to

them and hence withdrawing unto themselves is more a effect than the

cause. Some autistic children are just brilliant in whatever they do,

because they learn continously.


Their biggest handicap is they don't understand social interaction the

way we normal people understand it. What is humorous to us is not

humourous to them and on the contrary, they find humour in something

that we take as very serious. This is just an instance.


Here's the chart of a brilliant autistic child and the parents are

highly educated: Mother a MBBS, MD and father a M.Sc MBA.


The details: 19 June 1998, aswini star, 3.15 pm, bangalore India.


This child can solve complex visual puzzles, but has problems doing

simple basic arithmetic. He can do sudoko faster than any adult and has

problems writing a sentence correctly.


Can you please analyze the chart and give us your opinion ?


vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi <nameisego



> Hello Madam,

> It isnot possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will


> from autism or not.

> Autism is withdrawing unto oneself. I have not got any Autistic

child's chart

> Hence I will not hazard even a guess.

> But possibility of Jupiter, 2nd house and also sun being afflicted

cannot be ruled out.

> I would like to see and study the chart of your cousin's son.

> Afflicted Jupiter does not mean afflicted speech.

> I would look forward to birth details please.

> Tatvam-Asi


> jyothi_b_lakshmi jyothi_b_lakshmi wrote:

> Dear Sir,


> Is it possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will suffer

> from autism or not?


> Also what can be the combinations that can denote autism in a

> child's chart?


> My cousin who is talented and intelligent has a son who is three

> years now. He hasnt uttered even a word till now. Doctors suspect

> him to be autistic. When I read about autism, it is more of genetic

> nature. But I wonder how come such a child is born to an intelligent

> couple. (Child's father is a sw engineer, cousin is also BTech,

> grand parents are also, engineer, professor etc)


> I have seen many charts with Jupiter afflicted, but they all didnt

> have any speech problems. So I hope, there can be some other reasons

> wrt planetary positions that cause autism.


> Can you share your thoughts on this, pls?


> Regards,

> Jyothi


> vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear friend K. Raaghavam,

> >

> > Vak is different than Vak chaturyam.

> > The clue is given in this sloka,

> >

> > Vak Sthanesh Gururva, Vyaya, Ripu, Vilaya Sthanago, VAGVIHINA.

> >

> > Meaning, If 2nd house lord or Guru is in 6th, 8th or 12th house,

> the person is vithout speech.

> > This is because, Guru is also 2nd house Karaka. 2nd house

> represents speech.

> >

> > Quality of speech is governed by Mercury..Afflicted Mercury

> makes one a rank lier, shatha, Dhurta and a Gambler.

> >

> > 10th rasi is Makara. Aajeevika or Jeevanam is governed by

> Sani.He represents the process but quality of process is influenced

> by many other factors like, Mercury, 5th lord etc.

> >

> > Ketu is Mahadeva.

> >

> > Tatvam-Asi

> >

> > KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM munisevitham@ wrote:

> > Namaste,

> > Thank you very much for your kind explanation;hither to I was

> under impression that Mercury represents vak chaathuryam,sathya-

> vasanam,yukthi.Guru represents Bukthi-yukthi,deep contemplatio,Sani

> represents jeevanam,Ketu represents paradesa jeevanam.

> >

> > Tatvam-Asi nameisego@ wrote: In my honest opinion,

> > Vak or speech should be seen through Jupiter .

> > Intelligence is seen through Mercury.

> > Karma through Saturn and efforts through Mars.

> >

> > Tatvam-Asi

> >

> > Sushil Dikshit sushil.dikshit@ wrote:

> >

> > Saumya Ji

> >

> > Well said. Nice explanation.

> >

> > sushil dikshit

> >

> > vedic astrology , saumya ray chaudhuri

> > <saumya@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Respected Rafal Ji and other members,

> > > Since my childhood, I (most of us too) am familiar with the

> above

> > dictum. I just want to justify the above saying from astrological

> > point of view.

> > >

> > > Work means action which is represented by Mars. Talk or speech

> is

> > goverened by Mercury. They are inimical to each other.

> > >

> > > Does it justify the above saying.

> > >

> > > Kindly criticize.

> > >

> > > Sincerely

> > > Pranam

> > > Saumya

> > >

> > >

> > > Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

> > > IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036

> > > 09417727654

> > >

> > >

> > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > >

> > >

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Respected Tatvam Asi:


The chart indeed is correct. But there are still 3 core questions which

still remains to be answered:


What indeed are the signs in a chart which are indicative of astrology?

2H affliction or Jupiter being afflicted is indicative of many things.

How does it explain autism specifically?


1. As I explained autism is a spectral disorder i.e. No two autism

affected individuals behave in the same manner. Some of the affected

individuals do make some progress in later years (anytime between 10 and

21 yrs) and some don't make any progress at all. From a astrological

standpoint, how does one determine whether there is a chance of any

progress.What would be your predictions in this case?

2. We were told earlier that Ke in 5H and Sa (4 and 5HL) with Moon is

the cause for autism and were advised to do a lot of Saturn puja.


3. We were also told that the reason he can solve puzzles is because

Ra is in 11H and he could become an expert thief. Would that be true?


Do you have any advice for us please? The parents are very close family

friends and I am trying my best to help them.



vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi <nameisego



> Dear Subba Appa,


> Please check the chart of this boy.


> He has Tula lagna .

> Guru is in 6th house .!

> 2nd Vaksthanadhipathi Mars is in 8th house in Mrigshirsha which

houses Saturn's Rahu SARA.!!

> Rahu aspects 2nd house (as per my theory)

> Mercury is in Aridra a Rahu's Nakshatra.!!

> Saturn the 4th and 5th lord is in neecha in Ashwini a Ketu's


> Moon also is in Ketu's Nakshatra.


> The boy is brilliant but Autistic (Vak-vihina).

> After seeing these two charts, I feel that some how Rahu and ketu

and Mercury play a great role in autism if Jupiter and 2nd house lord

are placed in 6, 8 or 12th houses.


> A lot more needs to be studied before we can reach any conclusion.


> Tatvam-Asi




> subba_appa subba_appa wrote:

> Respected Tatvam Asi:


> Can I please take the liberty to improve your understanding of Autism?

> Autism is called a spectrum disorder, also called a brain disorder


> the victim displays very restricted and repititive behavior. They have

> social interaction problems because others do not know how to relate


> them and hence withdrawing unto themselves is more a effect than the

> cause. Some autistic children are just brilliant in whatever they do,

> because they learn continously.


> Their biggest handicap is they don't understand social interaction the

> way we normal people understand it. What is humorous to us is not

> humourous to them and on the contrary, they find humour in something

> that we take as very serious. This is just an instance.


> Here's the chart of a brilliant autistic child and the parents are

> highly educated: Mother a MBBS, MD and father a M.Sc MBA.


> The details: 19 June 1998, aswini star, 3.15 pm, bangalore India.


> This child can solve complex visual puzzles, but has problems doing

> simple basic arithmetic. He can do sudoko faster than any adult and


> problems writing a sentence correctly.


> Can you please analyze the chart and give us your opinion ?


> vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> wrote:

> >

> > Hello Madam,

> > It isnot possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will

> suffer

> > from autism or not.

> > Autism is withdrawing unto oneself. I have not got any Autistic

> child's chart

> > Hence I will not hazard even a guess.

> > But possibility of Jupiter, 2nd house and also sun being afflicted

> cannot be ruled out.

> > I would like to see and study the chart of your cousin's son.

> > Afflicted Jupiter does not mean afflicted speech.

> > I would look forward to birth details please.

> > Tatvam-Asi

> >

> > jyothi_b_lakshmi jyothi_b_lakshmi@ wrote:

> > Dear Sir,

> >

> > Is it possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will suffer

> > from autism or not?

> >

> > Also what can be the combinations that can denote autism in a

> > child's chart?

> >

> > My cousin who is talented and intelligent has a son who is three

> > years now. He hasnt uttered even a word till now. Doctors suspect

> > him to be autistic. When I read about autism, it is more of genetic

> > nature. But I wonder how come such a child is born to an intelligent

> > couple. (Child's father is a sw engineer, cousin is also BTech,

> > grand parents are also, engineer, professor etc)

> >

> > I have seen many charts with Jupiter afflicted, but they all didnt

> > have any speech problems. So I hope, there can be some other reasons

> > wrt planetary positions that cause autism.

> >

> > Can you share your thoughts on this, pls?

> >

> > Regards,

> > Jyothi

> >

> > vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear friend K. Raaghavam,

> > >

> > > Vak is different than Vak chaturyam.

> > > The clue is given in this sloka,

> > >

> > > Vak Sthanesh Gururva, Vyaya, Ripu, Vilaya Sthanago, VAGVIHINA.

> > >

> > > Meaning, If 2nd house lord or Guru is in 6th, 8th or 12th house,

> > the person is vithout speech.

> > > This is because, Guru is also 2nd house Karaka. 2nd house

> > represents speech.

> > >

> > > Quality of speech is governed by Mercury..Afflicted Mercury

> > makes one a rank lier, shatha, Dhurta and a Gambler.

> > >

> > > 10th rasi is Makara. Aajeevika or Jeevanam is governed by

> > Sani.He represents the process but quality of process is influenced

> > by many other factors like, Mercury, 5th lord etc.

> > >

> > > Ketu is Mahadeva.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi

> > >

> > > KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM munisevitham@ wrote:

> > > Namaste,

> > > Thank you very much for your kind explanation;hither to I was

> > under impression that Mercury represents vak chaathuryam,sathya-

> > vasanam,yukthi.Guru represents Bukthi-yukthi,deep contemplatio,Sani

> > represents jeevanam,Ketu represents paradesa jeevanam.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi nameisego@ wrote: In my honest opinion,

> > > Vak or speech should be seen through Jupiter .

> > > Intelligence is seen through Mercury.

> > > Karma through Saturn and efforts through Mars.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi

> > >

> > > Sushil Dikshit sushil.dikshit@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Saumya Ji

> > >

> > > Well said. Nice explanation.

> > >

> > > sushil dikshit

> > >

> > > vedic astrology , saumya ray chaudhuri

> > > <saumya@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Respected Rafal Ji and other members,

> > > > Since my childhood, I (most of us too) am familiar with the

> > above

> > > dictum. I just want to justify the above saying from astrological

> > > point of view.

> > > >

> > > > Work means action which is represented by Mars. Talk or speech

> > is

> > > goverened by Mercury. They are inimical to each other.

> > > >

> > > > Does it justify the above saying.

> > > >

> > > > Kindly criticize.

> > > >

> > > > Sincerely

> > > > Pranam

> > > > Saumya

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

> > > > IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036

> > > > 09417727654

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > > >

> > > >

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Respected Shri.Tatvam Asi & Shri.Subba Appa,


I have been reading your mails regarding Autism and could find some

interesting findings. My second daughter is a premature baby and she will be

completing three years by Jan 2008. At present she is attending play school ,

She is hyperactive,very brilliant and learning things quickly and ofcourse she

is a normal child freely mingling with others.. In one of our regular checkup

with our Peadiatrician, based on certain playful activities like softly

scrubbing her cheeks, scratching a thing on the floor or any surface, he told us

that she may develop autism and adivised us not to give too much of wheat and

milk products


Her birth details : DOB: 25-01-2005 TOB: 15.05 Hrs POB: Hyderabad. .


At present she is running Saturn Maha Dasa . What your forsee in Mercury Maha



Ramanathan Balaji.

subba_appa <subba_appa wrote:

Respected Tatvam Asi:


The chart indeed is correct. But there are still 3 core questions which

still remains to be answered:


What indeed are the signs in a chart which are indicative of astrology?

2H affliction or Jupiter being afflicted is indicative of many things.

How does it explain autism specifically?


1. As I explained autism is a spectral disorder i.e. No two autism

affected individuals behave in the same manner. Some of the affected

individuals do make some progress in later years (anytime between 10 and

21 yrs) and some don't make any progress at all. From a astrological

standpoint, how does one determine whether there is a chance of any

progress.What would be your predictions in this case?

2. We were told earlier that Ke in 5H and Sa (4 and 5HL) with Moon is

the cause for autism and were advised to do a lot of Saturn puja.


3. We were also told that the reason he can solve puzzles is because

Ra is in 11H and he could become an expert thief. Would that be true?


Do you have any advice for us please? The parents are very close family

friends and I am trying my best to help them.


vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi <nameisego



> Dear Subba Appa,


> Please check the chart of this boy.


> He has Tula lagna .

> Guru is in 6th house .!

> 2nd Vaksthanadhipathi Mars is in 8th house in Mrigshirsha which

houses Saturn's Rahu SARA.!!

> Rahu aspects 2nd house (as per my theory)

> Mercury is in Aridra a Rahu's Nakshatra.!!

> Saturn the 4th and 5th lord is in neecha in Ashwini a Ketu's


> Moon also is in Ketu's Nakshatra.


> The boy is brilliant but Autistic (Vak-vihina).

> After seeing these two charts, I feel that some how Rahu and ketu

and Mercury play a great role in autism if Jupiter and 2nd house lord

are placed in 6, 8 or 12th houses.


> A lot more needs to be studied before we can reach any conclusion.


> Tatvam-Asi




> subba_appa subba_appa wrote:

> Respected Tatvam Asi:


> Can I please take the liberty to improve your understanding of Autism?

> Autism is called a spectrum disorder, also called a brain disorder


> the victim displays very restricted and repititive behavior. They have

> social interaction problems because others do not know how to relate


> them and hence withdrawing unto themselves is more a effect than the

> cause. Some autistic children are just brilliant in whatever they do,

> because they learn continously.


> Their biggest handicap is they don't understand social interaction the

> way we normal people understand it. What is humorous to us is not

> humourous to them and on the contrary, they find humour in something

> that we take as very serious. This is just an instance.


> Here's the chart of a brilliant autistic child and the parents are

> highly educated: Mother a MBBS, MD and father a M.Sc MBA.


> The details: 19 June 1998, aswini star, 3.15 pm, bangalore India.


> This child can solve complex visual puzzles, but has problems doing

> simple basic arithmetic. He can do sudoko faster than any adult and


> problems writing a sentence correctly.


> Can you please analyze the chart and give us your opinion ?


> vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> wrote:

> >

> > Hello Madam,

> > It isnot possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will

> suffer

> > from autism or not.

> > Autism is withdrawing unto oneself. I have not got any Autistic

> child's chart

> > Hence I will not hazard even a guess.

> > But possibility of Jupiter, 2nd house and also sun being afflicted

> cannot be ruled out.

> > I would like to see and study the chart of your cousin's son.

> > Afflicted Jupiter does not mean afflicted speech.

> > I would look forward to birth details please.

> > Tatvam-Asi

> >

> > jyothi_b_lakshmi jyothi_b_lakshmi@ wrote:

> > Dear Sir,

> >

> > Is it possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will suffer

> > from autism or not?

> >

> > Also what can be the combinations that can denote autism in a

> > child's chart?

> >

> > My cousin who is talented and intelligent has a son who is three

> > years now. He hasnt uttered even a word till now. Doctors suspect

> > him to be autistic. When I read about autism, it is more of genetic

> > nature. But I wonder how come such a child is born to an intelligent

> > couple. (Child's father is a sw engineer, cousin is also BTech,

> > grand parents are also, engineer, professor etc)

> >

> > I have seen many charts with Jupiter afflicted, but they all didnt

> > have any speech problems. So I hope, there can be some other reasons

> > wrt planetary positions that cause autism.

> >

> > Can you share your thoughts on this, pls?

> >

> > Regards,

> > Jyothi

> >

> > vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear friend K. Raaghavam,

> > >

> > > Vak is different than Vak chaturyam.

> > > The clue is given in this sloka,

> > >

> > > Vak Sthanesh Gururva, Vyaya, Ripu, Vilaya Sthanago, VAGVIHINA.

> > >

> > > Meaning, If 2nd house lord or Guru is in 6th, 8th or 12th house,

> > the person is vithout speech.

> > > This is because, Guru is also 2nd house Karaka. 2nd house

> > represents speech.

> > >

> > > Quality of speech is governed by Mercury..Afflicted Mercury

> > makes one a rank lier, shatha, Dhurta and a Gambler.

> > >

> > > 10th rasi is Makara. Aajeevika or Jeevanam is governed by

> > Sani.He represents the process but quality of process is influenced

> > by many other factors like, Mercury, 5th lord etc.

> > >

> > > Ketu is Mahadeva.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi

> > >

> > > KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM munisevitham@ wrote:

> > > Namaste,

> > > Thank you very much for your kind explanation;hither to I was

> > under impression that Mercury represents vak chaathuryam,sathya-

> > vasanam,yukthi.Guru represents Bukthi-yukthi,deep contemplatio,Sani

> > represents jeevanam,Ketu represents paradesa jeevanam.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi nameisego@ wrote: In my honest opinion,

> > > Vak or speech should be seen through Jupiter .

> > > Intelligence is seen through Mercury.

> > > Karma through Saturn and efforts through Mars.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi

> > >

> > > Sushil Dikshit sushil.dikshit@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Saumya Ji

> > >

> > > Well said. Nice explanation.

> > >

> > > sushil dikshit

> > >

> > > vedic astrology , saumya ray chaudhuri

> > > <saumya@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Respected Rafal Ji and other members,

> > > > Since my childhood, I (most of us too) am familiar with the

> > above

> > > dictum. I just want to justify the above saying from astrological

> > > point of view.

> > > >

> > > > Work means action which is represented by Mars. Talk or speech

> > is

> > > goverened by Mercury. They are inimical to each other.

> > > >

> > > > Does it justify the above saying.

> > > >

> > > > Kindly criticize.

> > > >

> > > > Sincerely

> > > > Pranam

> > > > Saumya

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

> > > > IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036

> > > > 09417727654

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > > >

> > > >

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Dear Shri Subbaramanji,


Namaste. May i suggest remedial measures>


1.Arrange for Mahamrityunjaya Homa on a Friday - japa count should be 8000


2.Perform Nakshatra shanti on his janma nakshatra day.

3.Before bathing the child(daily) chant " OM ASWINIKUMARAYA AM HANUMATHAYE

NAMAH " - 11 times - have the bhava/bhavana that the water which is to be used

for bathing is purely medicinal and is energized with the all curative powers of


4.Take the boy to the nearby SriLakshmi Narayana temple everyday in the evening

and do parikrama chanting " OM NAMO NARAYANAYA " .(25 times a day for 40 days).

5.Install two silver lamps in the sanctum sanctorum of Sri Lakshmi Narayana

Temple on a wednesday. Light the lamps with Ghee.

6.Do Rudraabhisheka on Mondays(10) during Rahu Kala.


He is born with Moon and Venus in rasi sandhis. Moon is agitated by the

deceptions of Rahu and dukha caused by Sani. Mars the AK does not like the 12th

house from it as per pachakadi sambandha and here we find the agitated Moon very

weakly placed. Moon is also the lord of pranapada. We also find AL in the

company of UL and A6.


Venus the lagna and the vaara lord is found in Krittika nakshatra which also

houses Upaketu. Venus is indeed the pakalagnesha. He is all the more important.

He is the governor for pro creative activities. Of the sapta rasas he rules

dahi/dadhi/curd. We find the nodes occupying the formative rasas. The disorder

is congenital. Venus and AK Mars occupy the 8th bhava.


As regards the speech see the 2nd house from Buda. The lord is Moon who is week

and afflicted as seen from the observations made above.


Buda the sign dispositor of Sun is also afflicted.


i take this opportunity to worship Mother to bless the child.


In addition to the above the following are also advised.

Saturday coinciding with Trutiya thithi - Gowri puja

Friday coinciding with Navami thithi - abhisheka, aradana and archana of



Best wishes.


May Mother Bless.


Astrologically & spiritually yours,





subba_appa <subba_appa wrote:

Respected Tatvam Asi:


The chart indeed is correct. But there are still 3 core questions which

still remains to be answered:


What indeed are the signs in a chart which are indicative of astrology?

2H affliction or Jupiter being afflicted is indicative of many things.

How does it explain autism specifically?


1. As I explained autism is a spectral disorder i.e. No two autism

affected individuals behave in the same manner. Some of the affected

individuals do make some progress in later years (anytime between 10 and

21 yrs) and some don't make any progress at all. From a astrological

standpoint, how does one determine whether there is a chance of any

progress.What would be your predictions in this case?

2. We were told earlier that Ke in 5H and Sa (4 and 5HL) with Moon is

the cause for autism and were advised to do a lot of Saturn puja.


3. We were also told that the reason he can solve puzzles is because

Ra is in 11H and he could become an expert thief. Would that be true?


Do you have any advice for us please? The parents are very close family

friends and I am trying my best to help them.


vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi <nameisego



> Dear Subba Appa,


> Please check the chart of this boy.


> He has Tula lagna .

> Guru is in 6th house .!

> 2nd Vaksthanadhipathi Mars is in 8th house in Mrigshirsha which

houses Saturn's Rahu SARA.!!

> Rahu aspects 2nd house (as per my theory)

> Mercury is in Aridra a Rahu's Nakshatra.!!

> Saturn the 4th and 5th lord is in neecha in Ashwini a Ketu's


> Moon also is in Ketu's Nakshatra.


> The boy is brilliant but Autistic (Vak-vihina).

> After seeing these two charts, I feel that some how Rahu and ketu

and Mercury play a great role in autism if Jupiter and 2nd house lord

are placed in 6, 8 or 12th houses.


> A lot more needs to be studied before we can reach any conclusion.


> Tatvam-Asi




> subba_appa subba_appa wrote:

> Respected Tatvam Asi:


> Can I please take the liberty to improve your understanding of Autism?

> Autism is called a spectrum disorder, also called a brain disorder


> the victim displays very restricted and repititive behavior. They have

> social interaction problems because others do not know how to relate


> them and hence withdrawing unto themselves is more a effect than the

> cause. Some autistic children are just brilliant in whatever they do,

> because they learn continously.


> Their biggest handicap is they don't understand social interaction the

> way we normal people understand it. What is humorous to us is not

> humourous to them and on the contrary, they find humour in something

> that we take as very serious. This is just an instance.


> Here's the chart of a brilliant autistic child and the parents are

> highly educated: Mother a MBBS, MD and father a M.Sc MBA.


> The details: 19 June 1998, aswini star, 3.15 pm, bangalore India.


> This child can solve complex visual puzzles, but has problems doing

> simple basic arithmetic. He can do sudoko faster than any adult and


> problems writing a sentence correctly.


> Can you please analyze the chart and give us your opinion ?


> vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> wrote:

> >

> > Hello Madam,

> > It isnot possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will

> suffer

> > from autism or not.

> > Autism is withdrawing unto oneself. I have not got any Autistic

> child's chart

> > Hence I will not hazard even a guess.

> > But possibility of Jupiter, 2nd house and also sun being afflicted

> cannot be ruled out.

> > I would like to see and study the chart of your cousin's son.

> > Afflicted Jupiter does not mean afflicted speech.

> > I would look forward to birth details please.

> > Tatvam-Asi

> >

> > jyothi_b_lakshmi jyothi_b_lakshmi@ wrote:

> > Dear Sir,

> >

> > Is it possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will suffer

> > from autism or not?

> >

> > Also what can be the combinations that can denote autism in a

> > child's chart?

> >

> > My cousin who is talented and intelligent has a son who is three

> > years now. He hasnt uttered even a word till now. Doctors suspect

> > him to be autistic. When I read about autism, it is more of genetic

> > nature. But I wonder how come such a child is born to an intelligent

> > couple. (Child's father is a sw engineer, cousin is also BTech,

> > grand parents are also, engineer, professor etc)

> >

> > I have seen many charts with Jupiter afflicted, but they all didnt

> > have any speech problems. So I hope, there can be some other reasons

> > wrt planetary positions that cause autism.

> >

> > Can you share your thoughts on this, pls?

> >

> > Regards,

> > Jyothi

> >

> > vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear friend K. Raaghavam,

> > >

> > > Vak is different than Vak chaturyam.

> > > The clue is given in this sloka,

> > >

> > > Vak Sthanesh Gururva, Vyaya, Ripu, Vilaya Sthanago, VAGVIHINA.

> > >

> > > Meaning, If 2nd house lord or Guru is in 6th, 8th or 12th house,

> > the person is vithout speech.

> > > This is because, Guru is also 2nd house Karaka. 2nd house

> > represents speech.

> > >

> > > Quality of speech is governed by Mercury..Afflicted Mercury

> > makes one a rank lier, shatha, Dhurta and a Gambler.

> > >

> > > 10th rasi is Makara. Aajeevika or Jeevanam is governed by

> > Sani.He represents the process but quality of process is influenced

> > by many other factors like, Mercury, 5th lord etc.

> > >

> > > Ketu is Mahadeva.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi

> > >

> > > KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM munisevitham@ wrote:

> > > Namaste,

> > > Thank you very much for your kind explanation;hither to I was

> > under impression that Mercury represents vak chaathuryam,sathya-

> > vasanam,yukthi.Guru represents Bukthi-yukthi,deep contemplatio,Sani

> > represents jeevanam,Ketu represents paradesa jeevanam.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi nameisego@ wrote: In my honest opinion,

> > > Vak or speech should be seen through Jupiter .

> > > Intelligence is seen through Mercury.

> > > Karma through Saturn and efforts through Mars.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi

> > >

> > > Sushil Dikshit sushil.dikshit@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Saumya Ji

> > >

> > > Well said. Nice explanation.

> > >

> > > sushil dikshit

> > >

> > > vedic astrology , saumya ray chaudhuri

> > > <saumya@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Respected Rafal Ji and other members,

> > > > Since my childhood, I (most of us too) am familiar with the

> > above

> > > dictum. I just want to justify the above saying from astrological

> > > point of view.

> > > >

> > > > Work means action which is represented by Mars. Talk or speech

> > is

> > > goverened by Mercury. They are inimical to each other.

> > > >

> > > > Does it justify the above saying.

> > > >

> > > > Kindly criticize.

> > > >

> > > > Sincerely

> > > > Pranam

> > > > Saumya

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

> > > > IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036

> > > > 09417727654

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > > >

> > > >

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Dear Shri Ram Narayanan ji:


Thank you for your remedial measures.


I know for a fact that they have performed Mritunjaya homam every year

on his birthday (based on the star on the month that he was born), for

the last 2 years, though I do not know the count. I confirmed with them

that they have done nakshatra shanti some years back, though they don't

remember the dates.


They were told to visit a specific temple near Ernakulam called

Chottanikara temple (Bhagavathi temple) and stay there for 3 days and do

some puja which they did about 3 years ago. They visit the hanuman

temple every saturday.


One of the things that you must realize is that autistic children (most

of them) cannot tolerate sound/noise because that disturbs them very

much. This child is too hyper sensitive, so much so that if a normal

vessel was to fall on the floor he can keep shrieking and crying for

hours. During diwali time, because of cracker noise, he can get into

depression. So, temple visits become difficult. Moreover they dread

crowds and they start hyper breathing which can become dangerous. Hence

there are a lot of constraints.


I was present during one of the occassions when the Mritunjaya homam was

done. It was extremely difficult to manage him, because the homam fire

intimidates him. The effect of intimidation can last few months.


I have seen many autistic children / adults in my life and trust me,

they are very difficult to bring up and manage. The parents get

depressed because everyone prescribes a remedy and doing such remedy

sometimes is more difficult / challenging that they learn to live with

the problem.


A final thing -- please understand that speech problem is usually a

secondary problem for autistic. Yes, some have the co-ordination problem

when they are younger (say 2-3 years old), but as they grow older, they

don't have the desire to speak.


As respected Tatvam Sri asked, has this remedy actually worked for

autistic children or are you suggesting that we follow these measures

based on your spiritual knowledge and experience.


Thanks again



vedic astrology , rama narayanan

<sree88ganesha wrote:





> Dear Shri Subbaramanji,


> Namaste. May i suggest remedial measures>


> 1.Arrange for Mahamrityunjaya Homa on a Friday - japa count should be

8000 times.

> 2.Perform Nakshatra shanti on his janma nakshatra day.

> 3.Before bathing the child(daily) chant " OM ASWINIKUMARAYA AM

HANUMATHAYE NAMAH " - 11 times - have the bhava/bhavana that the water

which is to be used for bathing is purely medicinal and is energized

with the all curative powers of Sanjeevani.

> 4.Take the boy to the nearby SriLakshmi Narayana temple everyday in

the evening and do parikrama chanting " OM NAMO NARAYANAYA " .(25 times a

day for 40 days).

> 5.Install two silver lamps in the sanctum sanctorum of Sri Lakshmi

Narayana Temple on a wednesday. Light the lamps with Ghee.

> 6.Do Rudraabhisheka on Mondays(10) during Rahu Kala.


> He is born with Moon and Venus in rasi sandhis. Moon is agitated by

the deceptions of Rahu and dukha caused by Sani. Mars the AK does not

like the 12th house from it as per pachakadi sambandha and here we find

the agitated Moon very weakly placed. Moon is also the lord of

pranapada. We also find AL in the company of UL and A6.


> Venus the lagna and the vaara lord is found in Krittika nakshatra

which also houses Upaketu. Venus is indeed the pakalagnesha. He is all

the more important. He is the governor for pro creative activities. Of

the sapta rasas he rules dahi/dadhi/curd. We find the nodes occupying

the formative rasas. The disorder is congenital. Venus and AK Mars

occupy the 8th bhava.


> As regards the speech see the 2nd house from Buda. The lord is Moon

who is week and afflicted as seen from the observations made above.


> Buda the sign dispositor of Sun is also afflicted.


> i take this opportunity to worship Mother to bless the child.


> In addition to the above the following are also advised.

> Saturday coinciding with Trutiya thithi - Gowri puja

> Friday coinciding with Navami thithi - abhisheka, aradana and archana

of SriRama.


> Best wishes.


> May Mother Bless.


> Astrologically & spiritually yours,

> p.s.ramanarayanan.




> subba_appa subba_appa wrote:

Respected Tatvam Asi:


> The chart indeed is correct. But there are still 3 core questions


> still remains to be answered:


> What indeed are the signs in a chart which are indicative of


> 2H affliction or Jupiter being afflicted is indicative of many


> How does it explain autism specifically?


> 1. As I explained autism is a spectral disorder i.e. No two autism

> affected individuals behave in the same manner. Some of the affected

> individuals do make some progress in later years (anytime between 10


> 21 yrs) and some don't make any progress at all. From a astrological

> standpoint, how does one determine whether there is a chance of any

> progress.What would be your predictions in this case?

> 2. We were told earlier that Ke in 5H and Sa (4 and 5HL) with

Moon is

> the cause for autism and were advised to do a lot of Saturn puja.


> 3. We were also told that the reason he can solve puzzles is because

> Ra is in 11H and he could become an expert thief. Would that be true?


> Do you have any advice for us please? The parents are very close


> friends and I am trying my best to help them.


> vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Subba Appa,

> >

> > Please check the chart of this boy.

> >

> > He has Tula lagna .

> > Guru is in 6th house .!

> > 2nd Vaksthanadhipathi Mars is in 8th house in Mrigshirsha which

> houses Saturn's Rahu SARA.!!

> > Rahu aspects 2nd house (as per my theory)

> > Mercury is in Aridra a Rahu's Nakshatra.!!

> > Saturn the 4th and 5th lord is in neecha in Ashwini a Ketu's

> Nakshatra.

> > Moon also is in Ketu's Nakshatra.

> >

> > The boy is brilliant but Autistic (Vak-vihina).

> > After seeing these two charts, I feel that some how Rahu and ketu

> and Mercury play a great role in autism if Jupiter and 2nd house lord

> are placed in 6, 8 or 12th houses.

> >

> > A lot more needs to be studied before we can reach any


> >

> > Tatvam-Asi

> >

> >

> >

> > subba_appa subba_appa@ wrote:

> > Respected Tatvam Asi:

> >

> > Can I please take the liberty to improve your understanding of


> > Autism is called a spectrum disorder, also called a brain disorder

> where

> > the victim displays very restricted and repititive behavior. They


> > social interaction problems because others do not know how to


> to

> > them and hence withdrawing unto themselves is more a effect than


> > cause. Some autistic children are just brilliant in whatever they


> > because they learn continously.

> >

> > Their biggest handicap is they don't understand social interaction


> > way we normal people understand it. What is humorous to us is not

> > humourous to them and on the contrary, they find humour in


> > that we take as very serious. This is just an instance.

> >

> > Here's the chart of a brilliant autistic child and the parents are

> > highly educated: Mother a MBBS, MD and father a M.Sc MBA.

> >

> > The details: 19 June 1998, aswini star, 3.15 pm, bangalore India.

> >

> > This child can solve complex visual puzzles, but has problems doing

> > simple basic arithmetic. He can do sudoko faster than any adult and

> has

> > problems writing a sentence correctly.

> >

> > Can you please analyze the chart and give us your opinion ?

> >

> > vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Hello Madam,

> > > It isnot possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will

> > suffer

> > > from autism or not.

> > > Autism is withdrawing unto oneself. I have not got any Autistic

> > child's chart

> > > Hence I will not hazard even a guess.

> > > But possibility of Jupiter, 2nd house and also sun being


> > cannot be ruled out.

> > > I would like to see and study the chart of your cousin's son.

> > > Afflicted Jupiter does not mean afflicted speech.

> > > I would look forward to birth details please.

> > > Tatvam-Asi

> > >

> > > jyothi_b_lakshmi jyothi_b_lakshmi@ wrote:

> > > Dear Sir,

> > >

> > > Is it possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will


> > > from autism or not?

> > >

> > > Also what can be the combinations that can denote autism in a

> > > child's chart?

> > >

> > > My cousin who is talented and intelligent has a son who is three

> > > years now. He hasnt uttered even a word till now. Doctors suspect

> > > him to be autistic. When I read about autism, it is more of


> > > nature. But I wonder how come such a child is born to an


> > > couple. (Child's father is a sw engineer, cousin is also BTech,

> > > grand parents are also, engineer, professor etc)

> > >

> > > I have seen many charts with Jupiter afflicted, but they all


> > > have any speech problems. So I hope, there can be some other


> > > wrt planetary positions that cause autism.

> > >

> > > Can you share your thoughts on this, pls?

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Jyothi

> > >

> > > vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear friend K. Raaghavam,

> > > >

> > > > Vak is different than Vak chaturyam.

> > > > The clue is given in this sloka,

> > > >

> > > > Vak Sthanesh Gururva, Vyaya, Ripu, Vilaya Sthanago, VAGVIHINA.

> > > >

> > > > Meaning, If 2nd house lord or Guru is in 6th, 8th or 12th


> > > the person is vithout speech.

> > > > This is because, Guru is also 2nd house Karaka. 2nd house

> > > represents speech.

> > > >

> > > > Quality of speech is governed by Mercury..Afflicted Mercury

> > > makes one a rank lier, shatha, Dhurta and a Gambler.

> > > >

> > > > 10th rasi is Makara. Aajeevika or Jeevanam is governed by

> > > Sani.He represents the process but quality of process is


> > > by many other factors like, Mercury, 5th lord etc.

> > > >

> > > > Ketu is Mahadeva.

> > > >

> > > > Tatvam-Asi

> > > >

> > > > KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM munisevitham@ wrote:

> > > > Namaste,

> > > > Thank you very much for your kind explanation;hither to I was

> > > under impression that Mercury represents vak chaathuryam,sathya-

> > > vasanam,yukthi.Guru represents Bukthi-yukthi,deep


> > > represents jeevanam,Ketu represents paradesa jeevanam.

> > > >

> > > > Tatvam-Asi nameisego@ wrote: In my honest opinion,

> > > > Vak or speech should be seen through Jupiter .

> > > > Intelligence is seen through Mercury.

> > > > Karma through Saturn and efforts through Mars.

> > > >

> > > > Tatvam-Asi

> > > >

> > > > Sushil Dikshit sushil.dikshit@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Saumya Ji

> > > >

> > > > Well said. Nice explanation.

> > > >

> > > > sushil dikshit

> > > >

> > > > vedic astrology , saumya ray chaudhuri

> > > > <saumya@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Respected Rafal Ji and other members,

> > > > > Since my childhood, I (most of us too) am familiar with the

> > > above

> > > > dictum. I just want to justify the above saying from


> > > > point of view.

> > > > >

> > > > > Work means action which is represented by Mars. Talk or


> > > is

> > > > goverened by Mercury. They are inimical to each other.

> > > > >

> > > > > Does it justify the above saying.

> > > > >

> > > > > Kindly criticize.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sincerely

> > > > > Pranam

> > > > > Saumya

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

> > > > > IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036

> > > > > 09417727654

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Namskar Narayanan ji


Excellent reading thanks for talking up chart ..


rama narayanan <sree88ganesha wrote:




Dear Shri Subbaramanji,


Namaste. May i suggest remedial measures>


1.Arrange for Mahamrityunjaya Homa on a Friday - japa count should be 8000


2.Perform Nakshatra shanti on his janma nakshatra day.

3.Before bathing the child(daily) chant " OM ASWINIKUMARAYA AM HANUMATHAYE

NAMAH " - 11 times - have the bhava/bhavana that the water which is to be used

for bathing is purely medicinal and is energized with the all curative powers of


4.Take the boy to the nearby SriLakshmi Narayana temple everyday in the evening

and do parikrama chanting " OM NAMO NARAYANAYA " .(25 times a day for 40 days).

5.Install two silver lamps in the sanctum sanctorum of Sri Lakshmi Narayana

Temple on a wednesday. Light the lamps with Ghee.

6.Do Rudraabhisheka on Mondays(10) during Rahu Kala.


He is born with Moon and Venus in rasi sandhis. Moon is agitated by the

deceptions of Rahu and dukha caused by Sani. Mars the AK does not like the 12th

house from it as per pachakadi sambandha and here we find the agitated Moon very

weakly placed. Moon is also the lord of pranapada. We also find AL in the

company of UL and A6.


Venus the lagna and the vaara lord is found in Krittika nakshatra which also

houses Upaketu. Venus is indeed the pakalagnesha. He is all the more important.

He is the governor for pro creative activities. Of the sapta rasas he rules

dahi/dadhi/curd. We find the nodes occupying the formative rasas. The disorder

is congenital. Venus and AK Mars occupy the 8th bhava.


As regards the speech see the 2nd house from Buda. The lord is Moon who is week

and afflicted as seen from the observations made above.


Buda the sign dispositor of Sun is also afflicted.


i take this opportunity to worship Mother to bless the child.


In addition to the above the following are also advised.

Saturday coinciding with Trutiya thithi - Gowri puja

Friday coinciding with Navami thithi - abhisheka, aradana and archana of



Best wishes.


May Mother Bless.


Astrologically & spiritually yours,



subba_appa <subba_appa wrote:

Respected Tatvam Asi:


The chart indeed is correct. But there are still 3 core questions which

still remains to be answered:


What indeed are the signs in a chart which are indicative of astrology?

2H affliction or Jupiter being afflicted is indicative of many things.

How does it explain autism specifically?


1. As I explained autism is a spectral disorder i.e. No two autism

affected individuals behave in the same manner. Some of the affected

individuals do make some progress in later years (anytime between 10 and

21 yrs) and some don't make any progress at all. From a astrological

standpoint, how does one determine whether there is a chance of any

progress.What would be your predictions in this case?

2. We were told earlier that Ke in 5H and Sa (4 and 5HL) with Moon is

the cause for autism and were advised to do a lot of Saturn puja.


3. We were also told that the reason he can solve puzzles is because

Ra is in 11H and he could become an expert thief. Would that be true?


Do you have any advice for us please? The parents are very close family

friends and I am trying my best to help them.


vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi <nameisego



> Dear Subba Appa,


> Please check the chart of this boy.


> He has Tula lagna .

> Guru is in 6th house .!

> 2nd Vaksthanadhipathi Mars is in 8th house in Mrigshirsha which

houses Saturn's Rahu SARA.!!

> Rahu aspects 2nd house (as per my theory)

> Mercury is in Aridra a Rahu's Nakshatra.!!

> Saturn the 4th and 5th lord is in neecha in Ashwini a Ketu's


> Moon also is in Ketu's Nakshatra.


> The boy is brilliant but Autistic (Vak-vihina).

> After seeing these two charts, I feel that some how Rahu and ketu

and Mercury play a great role in autism if Jupiter and 2nd house lord

are placed in 6, 8 or 12th houses.


> A lot more needs to be studied before we can reach any conclusion.


> Tatvam-Asi




> subba_appa subba_appa wrote:

> Respected Tatvam Asi:


> Can I please take the liberty to improve your understanding of Autism?

> Autism is called a spectrum disorder, also called a brain disorder


> the victim displays very restricted and repititive behavior. They have

> social interaction problems because others do not know how to relate


> them and hence withdrawing unto themselves is more a effect than the

> cause. Some autistic children are just brilliant in whatever they do,

> because they learn continously.


> Their biggest handicap is they don't understand social interaction the

> way we normal people understand it. What is humorous to us is not

> humourous to them and on the contrary, they find humour in something

> that we take as very serious. This is just an instance.


> Here's the chart of a brilliant autistic child and the parents are

> highly educated: Mother a MBBS, MD and father a M.Sc MBA.


> The details: 19 June 1998, aswini star, 3.15 pm, bangalore India.


> This child can solve complex visual puzzles, but has problems doing

> simple basic arithmetic. He can do sudoko faster than any adult and


> problems writing a sentence correctly.


> Can you please analyze the chart and give us your opinion ?


> vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> wrote:

> >

> > Hello Madam,

> > It isnot possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will

> suffer

> > from autism or not.

> > Autism is withdrawing unto oneself. I have not got any Autistic

> child's chart

> > Hence I will not hazard even a guess.

> > But possibility of Jupiter, 2nd house and also sun being afflicted

> cannot be ruled out.

> > I would like to see and study the chart of your cousin's son.

> > Afflicted Jupiter does not mean afflicted speech.

> > I would look forward to birth details please.

> > Tatvam-Asi

> >

> > jyothi_b_lakshmi jyothi_b_lakshmi@ wrote:

> > Dear Sir,

> >

> > Is it possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will suffer

> > from autism or not?

> >

> > Also what can be the combinations that can denote autism in a

> > child's chart?

> >

> > My cousin who is talented and intelligent has a son who is three

> > years now. He hasnt uttered even a word till now. Doctors suspect

> > him to be autistic. When I read about autism, it is more of genetic

> > nature. But I wonder how come such a child is born to an intelligent

> > couple. (Child's father is a sw engineer, cousin is also BTech,

> > grand parents are also, engineer, professor etc)

> >

> > I have seen many charts with Jupiter afflicted, but they all didnt

> > have any speech problems. So I hope, there can be some other reasons

> > wrt planetary positions that cause autism.

> >

> > Can you share your thoughts on this, pls?

> >

> > Regards,

> > Jyothi

> >

> > vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear friend K. Raaghavam,

> > >

> > > Vak is different than Vak chaturyam.

> > > The clue is given in this sloka,

> > >

> > > Vak Sthanesh Gururva, Vyaya, Ripu, Vilaya Sthanago, VAGVIHINA.

> > >

> > > Meaning, If 2nd house lord or Guru is in 6th, 8th or 12th house,

> > the person is vithout speech.

> > > This is because, Guru is also 2nd house Karaka. 2nd house

> > represents speech.

> > >

> > > Quality of speech is governed by Mercury..Afflicted Mercury

> > makes one a rank lier, shatha, Dhurta and a Gambler.

> > >

> > > 10th rasi is Makara. Aajeevika or Jeevanam is governed by

> > Sani.He represents the process but quality of process is influenced

> > by many other factors like, Mercury, 5th lord etc.

> > >

> > > Ketu is Mahadeva.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi

> > >

> > > KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM munisevitham@ wrote:

> > > Namaste,

> > > Thank you very much for your kind explanation;hither to I was

> > under impression that Mercury represents vak chaathuryam,sathya-

> > vasanam,yukthi.Guru represents Bukthi-yukthi,deep contemplatio,Sani

> > represents jeevanam,Ketu represents paradesa jeevanam.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi nameisego@ wrote: In my honest opinion,

> > > Vak or speech should be seen through Jupiter .

> > > Intelligence is seen through Mercury.

> > > Karma through Saturn and efforts through Mars.

> > >

> > > Tatvam-Asi

> > >

> > > Sushil Dikshit sushil.dikshit@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Saumya Ji

> > >

> > > Well said. Nice explanation.

> > >

> > > sushil dikshit

> > >

> > > vedic astrology , saumya ray chaudhuri

> > > <saumya@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Respected Rafal Ji and other members,

> > > > Since my childhood, I (most of us too) am familiar with the

> > above

> > > dictum. I just want to justify the above saying from astrological

> > > point of view.

> > > >

> > > > Work means action which is represented by Mars. Talk or speech

> > is

> > > goverened by Mercury. They are inimical to each other.

> > > >

> > > > Does it justify the above saying.

> > > >

> > > > Kindly criticize.

> > > >

> > > > Sincerely

> > > > Pranam

> > > > Saumya

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

> > > > IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036

> > > > 09417727654

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > > >

> > > >

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Balaji:


My knowledge of astrology is very limited, but I have a reasonably good

understanding of autism having seen several kids and dealt with them.

Here is my view:


First, the tell tale evidence of autism is visible in faint measure only

after she's 4 years old. Before that, even the expert can never

diagnoise the disorder. At your daughter's age, if she doesn't maintain

eye contact with anyone (including her parents who attend to her) that's

a cause of concern. That's the initial sign. Secondly, if she is playful

it is unlikely that she could be autistic. Most autistic babies somehow

avoid social interaction or they exhibit very specific, repititive

behavior when they are playing. If she is mingling with other kids, it

is unlikely she could be autistic.


The symptoms that she's exhibiting cannot conclusively lead to autism.

No one can say for sure that she may develop autism and hence the

paedetrician is clearly wrong. Further diet like wheat and milk products

have no relationship or relevance to autism. On this score, I am pretty

confident. I hate to say this, but I will be bold enough to say that

your paedetrcian is indeed WRONG. Change your paedetrician.



vedic astrology , Ramanathan Balaji

<vaideeswarr wrote:


> Respected Shri.Tatvam Asi & Shri.Subba Appa,


> I have been reading your mails regarding Autism and could

find some interesting findings. My second daughter is a premature baby

and she will be completing three years by Jan 2008. At present she is

attending play school , She is hyperactive,very brilliant and learning

things quickly and ofcourse she is a normal child freely mingling with

others.. In one of our regular checkup with our Peadiatrician, based on

certain playful activities like softly scrubbing her cheeks, scratching

a thing on the floor or any surface, he told us that she may develop

autism and adivised us not to give too much of wheat and milk products


> Her birth details : DOB: 25-01-2005 TOB: 15.05 Hrs POB: Hyderabad. .


> At present she is running Saturn Maha Dasa . What your forsee in

Mercury Maha Dasa.


> Ramanathan Balaji.

> subba_appa subba_appa wrote:

> Respected Tatvam Asi:


> The chart indeed is correct. But there are still 3 core questions


> still remains to be answered:


> What indeed are the signs in a chart which are indicative of


> 2H affliction or Jupiter being afflicted is indicative of many things.

> How does it explain autism specifically?


> 1. As I explained autism is a spectral disorder i.e. No two autism

> affected individuals behave in the same manner. Some of the affected

> individuals do make some progress in later years (anytime between 10


> 21 yrs) and some don't make any progress at all. From a astrological

> standpoint, how does one determine whether there is a chance of any

> progress.What would be your predictions in this case?

> 2. We were told earlier that Ke in 5H and Sa (4 and 5HL) with Moon is

> the cause for autism and were advised to do a lot of Saturn puja.


> 3. We were also told that the reason he can solve puzzles is because

> Ra is in 11H and he could become an expert thief. Would that be true?


> Do you have any advice for us please? The parents are very close


> friends and I am trying my best to help them.


> vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Subba Appa,

> >

> > Please check the chart of this boy.

> >

> > He has Tula lagna .

> > Guru is in 6th house .!

> > 2nd Vaksthanadhipathi Mars is in 8th house in Mrigshirsha which

> houses Saturn's Rahu SARA.!!

> > Rahu aspects 2nd house (as per my theory)

> > Mercury is in Aridra a Rahu's Nakshatra.!!

> > Saturn the 4th and 5th lord is in neecha in Ashwini a Ketu's

> Nakshatra.

> > Moon also is in Ketu's Nakshatra.

> >

> > The boy is brilliant but Autistic (Vak-vihina).

> > After seeing these two charts, I feel that some how Rahu and ketu

> and Mercury play a great role in autism if Jupiter and 2nd house lord

> are placed in 6, 8 or 12th houses.

> >

> > A lot more needs to be studied before we can reach any conclusion.

> >

> > Tatvam-Asi

> >

> >

> >

> > subba_appa subba_appa@ wrote:

> > Respected Tatvam Asi:

> >

> > Can I please take the liberty to improve your understanding of


> > Autism is called a spectrum disorder, also called a brain disorder

> where

> > the victim displays very restricted and repititive behavior. They


> > social interaction problems because others do not know how to relate

> to

> > them and hence withdrawing unto themselves is more a effect than the

> > cause. Some autistic children are just brilliant in whatever they


> > because they learn continously.

> >

> > Their biggest handicap is they don't understand social interaction


> > way we normal people understand it. What is humorous to us is not

> > humourous to them and on the contrary, they find humour in something

> > that we take as very serious. This is just an instance.

> >

> > Here's the chart of a brilliant autistic child and the parents are

> > highly educated: Mother a MBBS, MD and father a M.Sc MBA.

> >

> > The details: 19 June 1998, aswini star, 3.15 pm, bangalore India.

> >

> > This child can solve complex visual puzzles, but has problems doing

> > simple basic arithmetic. He can do sudoko faster than any adult and

> has

> > problems writing a sentence correctly.

> >

> > Can you please analyze the chart and give us your opinion ?

> >

> > vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Hello Madam,

> > > It isnot possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will

> > suffer

> > > from autism or not.

> > > Autism is withdrawing unto oneself. I have not got any Autistic

> > child's chart

> > > Hence I will not hazard even a guess.

> > > But possibility of Jupiter, 2nd house and also sun being afflicted

> > cannot be ruled out.

> > > I would like to see and study the chart of your cousin's son.

> > > Afflicted Jupiter does not mean afflicted speech.

> > > I would look forward to birth details please.

> > > Tatvam-Asi

> > >

> > > jyothi_b_lakshmi jyothi_b_lakshmi@ wrote:

> > > Dear Sir,

> > >

> > > Is it possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will


> > > from autism or not?

> > >

> > > Also what can be the combinations that can denote autism in a

> > > child's chart?

> > >

> > > My cousin who is talented and intelligent has a son who is three

> > > years now. He hasnt uttered even a word till now. Doctors suspect

> > > him to be autistic. When I read about autism, it is more of


> > > nature. But I wonder how come such a child is born to an


> > > couple. (Child's father is a sw engineer, cousin is also BTech,

> > > grand parents are also, engineer, professor etc)

> > >

> > > I have seen many charts with Jupiter afflicted, but they all didnt

> > > have any speech problems. So I hope, there can be some other


> > > wrt planetary positions that cause autism.

> > >

> > > Can you share your thoughts on this, pls?

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Jyothi

> > >

> > > vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear friend K. Raaghavam,

> > > >

> > > > Vak is different than Vak chaturyam.

> > > > The clue is given in this sloka,

> > > >

> > > > Vak Sthanesh Gururva, Vyaya, Ripu, Vilaya Sthanago, VAGVIHINA.

> > > >

> > > > Meaning, If 2nd house lord or Guru is in 6th, 8th or 12th house,

> > > the person is vithout speech.

> > > > This is because, Guru is also 2nd house Karaka. 2nd house

> > > represents speech.

> > > >

> > > > Quality of speech is governed by Mercury..Afflicted Mercury

> > > makes one a rank lier, shatha, Dhurta and a Gambler.

> > > >

> > > > 10th rasi is Makara. Aajeevika or Jeevanam is governed by

> > > Sani.He represents the process but quality of process is


> > > by many other factors like, Mercury, 5th lord etc.

> > > >

> > > > Ketu is Mahadeva.

> > > >

> > > > Tatvam-Asi

> > > >

> > > > KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM munisevitham@ wrote:

> > > > Namaste,

> > > > Thank you very much for your kind explanation;hither to I was

> > > under impression that Mercury represents vak chaathuryam,sathya-

> > > vasanam,yukthi.Guru represents Bukthi-yukthi,deep


> > > represents jeevanam,Ketu represents paradesa jeevanam.

> > > >

> > > > Tatvam-Asi nameisego@ wrote: In my honest opinion,

> > > > Vak or speech should be seen through Jupiter .

> > > > Intelligence is seen through Mercury.

> > > > Karma through Saturn and efforts through Mars.

> > > >

> > > > Tatvam-Asi

> > > >

> > > > Sushil Dikshit sushil.dikshit@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Saumya Ji

> > > >

> > > > Well said. Nice explanation.

> > > >

> > > > sushil dikshit

> > > >

> > > > vedic astrology , saumya ray chaudhuri

> > > > <saumya@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Respected Rafal Ji and other members,

> > > > > Since my childhood, I (most of us too) am familiar with the

> > > above

> > > > dictum. I just want to justify the above saying from


> > > > point of view.

> > > > >

> > > > > Work means action which is represented by Mars. Talk or speech

> > > is

> > > > goverened by Mercury. They are inimical to each other.

> > > > >

> > > > > Does it justify the above saying.

> > > > >

> > > > > Kindly criticize.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sincerely

> > > > > Pranam

> > > > > Saumya

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

> > > > > IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036

> > > > > 09417727654

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > > > >

> > > > >

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I agree with Subba-appa .


Change your doctor.




subba_appa <subba_appa wrote:

Dear Balaji:


My knowledge of astrology is very limited, but I have a reasonably good

understanding of autism having seen several kids and dealt with them.

Here is my view:


First, the tell tale evidence of autism is visible in faint measure only

after she's 4 years old. Before that, even the expert can never

diagnoise the disorder. At your daughter's age, if she doesn't maintain

eye contact with anyone (including her parents who attend to her) that's

a cause of concern. That's the initial sign. Secondly, if she is playful

it is unlikely that she could be autistic. Most autistic babies somehow

avoid social interaction or they exhibit very specific, repititive

behavior when they are playing. If she is mingling with other kids, it

is unlikely she could be autistic.


The symptoms that she's exhibiting cannot conclusively lead to autism.

No one can say for sure that she may develop autism and hence the

paedetrician is clearly wrong. Further diet like wheat and milk products

have no relationship or relevance to autism. On this score, I am pretty

confident. I hate to say this, but I will be bold enough to say that

your paedetrcian is indeed WRONG. Change your paedetrician.


vedic astrology , Ramanathan Balaji

<vaideeswarr wrote:


> Respected Shri.Tatvam Asi & Shri.Subba Appa,


> I have been reading your mails regarding Autism and could

find some interesting findings. My second daughter is a premature baby

and she will be completing three years by Jan 2008. At present she is

attending play school , She is hyperactive,very brilliant and learning

things quickly and ofcourse she is a normal child freely mingling with

others.. In one of our regular checkup with our Peadiatrician, based on

certain playful activities like softly scrubbing her cheeks, scratching

a thing on the floor or any surface, he told us that she may develop

autism and adivised us not to give too much of wheat and milk products


> Her birth details : DOB: 25-01-2005 TOB: 15.05 Hrs POB: Hyderabad. .


> At present she is running Saturn Maha Dasa . What your forsee in

Mercury Maha Dasa.


> Ramanathan Balaji.

> subba_appa subba_appa wrote:

> Respected Tatvam Asi:


> The chart indeed is correct. But there are still 3 core questions


> still remains to be answered:


> What indeed are the signs in a chart which are indicative of


> 2H affliction or Jupiter being afflicted is indicative of many things.

> How does it explain autism specifically?


> 1. As I explained autism is a spectral disorder i.e. No two autism

> affected individuals behave in the same manner. Some of the affected

> individuals do make some progress in later years (anytime between 10


> 21 yrs) and some don't make any progress at all. From a astrological

> standpoint, how does one determine whether there is a chance of any

> progress.What would be your predictions in this case?

> 2. We were told earlier that Ke in 5H and Sa (4 and 5HL) with Moon is

> the cause for autism and were advised to do a lot of Saturn puja.


> 3. We were also told that the reason he can solve puzzles is because

> Ra is in 11H and he could become an expert thief. Would that be true?


> Do you have any advice for us please? The parents are very close


> friends and I am trying my best to help them.


> vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Subba Appa,

> >

> > Please check the chart of this boy.

> >

> > He has Tula lagna .

> > Guru is in 6th house .!

> > 2nd Vaksthanadhipathi Mars is in 8th house in Mrigshirsha which

> houses Saturn's Rahu SARA.!!

> > Rahu aspects 2nd house (as per my theory)

> > Mercury is in Aridra a Rahu's Nakshatra.!!

> > Saturn the 4th and 5th lord is in neecha in Ashwini a Ketu's

> Nakshatra.

> > Moon also is in Ketu's Nakshatra.

> >

> > The boy is brilliant but Autistic (Vak-vihina).

> > After seeing these two charts, I feel that some how Rahu and ketu

> and Mercury play a great role in autism if Jupiter and 2nd house lord

> are placed in 6, 8 or 12th houses.

> >

> > A lot more needs to be studied before we can reach any conclusion.

> >

> > Tatvam-Asi

> >

> >

> >

> > subba_appa subba_appa@ wrote:

> > Respected Tatvam Asi:

> >

> > Can I please take the liberty to improve your understanding of


> > Autism is called a spectrum disorder, also called a brain disorder

> where

> > the victim displays very restricted and repititive behavior. They


> > social interaction problems because others do not know how to relate

> to

> > them and hence withdrawing unto themselves is more a effect than the

> > cause. Some autistic children are just brilliant in whatever they


> > because they learn continously.

> >

> > Their biggest handicap is they don't understand social interaction


> > way we normal people understand it. What is humorous to us is not

> > humourous to them and on the contrary, they find humour in something

> > that we take as very serious. This is just an instance.

> >

> > Here's the chart of a brilliant autistic child and the parents are

> > highly educated: Mother a MBBS, MD and father a M.Sc MBA.

> >

> > The details: 19 June 1998, aswini star, 3.15 pm, bangalore India.

> >

> > This child can solve complex visual puzzles, but has problems doing

> > simple basic arithmetic. He can do sudoko faster than any adult and

> has

> > problems writing a sentence correctly.

> >

> > Can you please analyze the chart and give us your opinion ?

> >

> > vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Hello Madam,

> > > It isnot possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will

> > suffer

> > > from autism or not.

> > > Autism is withdrawing unto oneself. I have not got any Autistic

> > child's chart

> > > Hence I will not hazard even a guess.

> > > But possibility of Jupiter, 2nd house and also sun being afflicted

> > cannot be ruled out.

> > > I would like to see and study the chart of your cousin's son.

> > > Afflicted Jupiter does not mean afflicted speech.

> > > I would look forward to birth details please.

> > > Tatvam-Asi

> > >

> > > jyothi_b_lakshmi jyothi_b_lakshmi@ wrote:

> > > Dear Sir,

> > >

> > > Is it possible to say from a mother's chart if the child will


> > > from autism or not?

> > >

> > > Also what can be the combinations that can denote autism in a

> > > child's chart?

> > >

> > > My cousin who is talented and intelligent has a son who is three

> > > years now. He hasnt uttered even a word till now. Doctors suspect

> > > him to be autistic. When I read about autism, it is more of


> > > nature. But I wonder how come such a child is born to an


> > > couple. (Child's father is a sw engineer, cousin is also BTech,

> > > grand parents are also, engineer, professor etc)

> > >

> > > I have seen many charts with Jupiter afflicted, but they all didnt

> > > have any speech problems. So I hope, there can be some other


> > > wrt planetary positions that cause autism.

> > >

> > > Can you share your thoughts on this, pls?

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Jyothi

> > >

> > > vedic astrology , Tatvam-Asi nameisego@

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear friend K. Raaghavam,

> > > >

> > > > Vak is different than Vak chaturyam.

> > > > The clue is given in this sloka,

> > > >

> > > > Vak Sthanesh Gururva, Vyaya, Ripu, Vilaya Sthanago, VAGVIHINA.

> > > >

> > > > Meaning, If 2nd house lord or Guru is in 6th, 8th or 12th house,

> > > the person is vithout speech.

> > > > This is because, Guru is also 2nd house Karaka. 2nd house

> > > represents speech.

> > > >

> > > > Quality of speech is governed by Mercury..Afflicted Mercury

> > > makes one a rank lier, shatha, Dhurta and a Gambler.

> > > >

> > > > 10th rasi is Makara. Aajeevika or Jeevanam is governed by

> > > Sani.He represents the process but quality of process is


> > > by many other factors like, Mercury, 5th lord etc.

> > > >

> > > > Ketu is Mahadeva.

> > > >

> > > > Tatvam-Asi

> > > >

> > > > KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM munisevitham@ wrote:

> > > > Namaste,

> > > > Thank you very much for your kind explanation;hither to I was

> > > under impression that Mercury represents vak chaathuryam,sathya-

> > > vasanam,yukthi.Guru represents Bukthi-yukthi,deep


> > > represents jeevanam,Ketu represents paradesa jeevanam.

> > > >

> > > > Tatvam-Asi nameisego@ wrote: In my honest opinion,

> > > > Vak or speech should be seen through Jupiter .

> > > > Intelligence is seen through Mercury.

> > > > Karma through Saturn and efforts through Mars.

> > > >

> > > > Tatvam-Asi

> > > >

> > > > Sushil Dikshit sushil.dikshit@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Saumya Ji

> > > >

> > > > Well said. Nice explanation.

> > > >

> > > > sushil dikshit

> > > >

> > > > vedic astrology , saumya ray chaudhuri

> > > > <saumya@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Respected Rafal Ji and other members,

> > > > > Since my childhood, I (most of us too) am familiar with the

> > > above

> > > > dictum. I just want to justify the above saying from


> > > > point of view.

> > > > >

> > > > > Work means action which is represented by Mars. Talk or speech

> > > is

> > > > goverened by Mercury. They are inimical to each other.

> > > > >

> > > > > Does it justify the above saying.

> > > > >

> > > > > Kindly criticize.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sincerely

> > > > > Pranam

> > > > > Saumya

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

> > > > > IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036

> > > > > 09417727654

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > > > >

> > > > >

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