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Respected Rafal Ji: Guidence needed

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Om Gurve namah


Respected Rafal Ji,



I am a software professional by profession. I am dissatisfied with my work

from April 2007. It seems that this started as soon as my D-10 Virgo

Narayana dasa started. Due to this I changed 3 jobs between April 2007 to

July 2007, yet I am not satisfied with my job.Please Advice:


1.What are my career prospects during next few years. Should I go for

another Job change?


2.I am planning to go for MBA. Will it be good for me.


3.During Jun 2007, I was suggested by an astrologer to wear yellow saffire

and emlard, which I am currently wearing. Is this good for me?


My Birth Details are:

17th March 1985

Time 1:17 pm

Place: BhagwantNagar, India







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Om Gurve namah


Respected Rafal Ji,



Thanks for your kind insight.


As per my limited knowledge I was unable to think any problem in Virgo MD

except being Badhak Rashi. But the results suggest differently. I also do

not have any problems with the boss or colleagues. The problem is I am

almost on bench and therefore I am not satisfied with the work.Please also


1. Is going for MBA good for me.

2. I am right now wearing yellow saffire and emlard. Should I think of

wearing Diamond along with these.

3. The mantra for worshiping Brigu.






hare rama krsna


Dear Shivam , Namaskar


1. Virgo MD should bring good results as its in Kendra to Lg and Su -

changes. Does Your boss gives you many hours of work, or do you work

many hours, some quarrels in office/team? That would say its Pi Lagna.

Think about Diamond on Your right hand/ring finger. From Sept 2008

there will be much better period. Worship Brghu.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

Shivam Omar < oshivam >

Dec 12, 2007 6:10 PM

Respected Rafal Ji: Guidence needed

vedic astrology



Om Gurve namah


Respected Rafal Ji,



I am a software professional by profession. I am dissatisfied with my work

from April 2007. It seems that this started as soon as my D-10 Virgo

Narayana dasa started. Due to this I changed 3 jobs between April 2007 to

July 2007, yet I am not satisfied with my job.Please Advice:


1.What are my career prospects during next few years. Should I go for

another Job change?


2.I am planning to go for MBA. Will it be good for me.


3.During Jun 2007, I was suggested by an astrologer to wear yellow saffire

and emlard, which I am currently wearing. Is this good for me?


My Birth Details are:

17th March 1985

Time 1:17 pm

Place: BhagwantNagar, India







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hare rama krsna


Dear Shivam , Namaskar


Virgo is coming from March 2007 and its until 2010 March (D10 ND).

Its not only badhaksthana but also seventh bhava which is problematic

for job (maraka to sixth bhava).

Vi-Vi will be until March 2008. But if You say you didnt have long

hours in work, or hectic atmosphere in

office/job place then I would doubt Meena lagna in D10.


Aq Lagna can give also software professional and that would bring good

effects in Virgo MD-AD as lord is in fifth bhava

promotion. So did You get some promotions from March to June 2007?


2. If You choose Aq then MBA are more for buisness than job, altough

its yuti shani which will give problem to buisness. Instead chart

shows that computers/languages will give more satisfaction/power and



3. Om Bhargavaya Namah 3 malas daily.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


vedic astrology , " Shivam Omar " <oshivam wrote:


> Om Gurve namah


> Respected Rafal Ji,

> Namaskar,


> Thanks for your kind insight.


> As per my limited knowledge I was unable to think any problem in

Virgo MD

> except being Badhak Rashi. But the results suggest differently. I

also do

> not have any problems with the boss or colleagues. The problem is I am

> almost on bench and therefore I am not satisfied with the

work.Please also

> suggest:

> 1. Is going for MBA good for me.

> 2. I am right now wearing yellow saffire and emlard. Should I think of

> wearing Diamond along with these.

> 3. The mantra for worshiping Brigu.


> Thanks,

> Shivam



> hare rama krsna


> Dear Shivam , Namaskar


> 1. Virgo MD should bring good results as its in Kendra to Lg and Su -

> changes. Does Your boss gives you many hours of work, or do you work

> many hours, some quarrels in office/team? That would say its Pi Lagna.

> Think about Diamond on Your right hand/ring finger. From Sept 2008

> there will be much better period. Worship Brghu.


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> Shivam Omar < oshivam >

> Dec 12, 2007 6:10 PM

> Respected Rafal Ji: Guidence needed

> vedic astrology



> Om Gurve namah


> Respected Rafal Ji,

> Namaskar


> I am a software professional by profession. I am dissatisfied with

my work

> from April 2007. It seems that this started as soon as my D-10 Virgo

> Narayana dasa started. Due to this I changed 3 jobs between April

2007 to

> July 2007, yet I am not satisfied with my job.Please Advice:


> 1.What are my career prospects during next few years. Should I go for

> another Job change?


> 2.I am planning to go for MBA. Will it be good for me.


> 3.During Jun 2007, I was suggested by an astrologer to wear yellow


> and emlard, which I am currently wearing. Is this good for me?


> My Birth Details are:

> 17th March 1985

> Time 1:17 pm

> Place: BhagwantNagar, India


> Thanks,

> Shivam




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