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For Tat Tvam Asi

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hare rama krsna


Dear Tattvamasi , Namaskar


My comments below.


[rafal] There are three kinds of pramana. For brahmins (only they

should study Jyotisha - Prasna Marga sloka) ¶abda-pramana (spiritual

injunction) MUST BE final. What this means? It means that through

anumana (reasoning) and pratyaksa (perception) we should understand

and appreciate genius and depth of sabda. If we change sabda then we

are loosing faith. This ends up in loosing blessings of Rsi


My Reply (Tatvam-Asi)


Sorry, this is not a reply to my exact question.


Let us confine ourselves to only Astrology.

Shabda pramana cannot always be taken as the final truth

(Unless it is spoken by God as in 15th chapter of Bhagvat Gita).

Atleast I do not accept .

With context to Astrology, Where did Parashar Muni write that what I

have written is final ?

Please give me a single example of any Rishi who has said so in their

treties on Astrology.



My direct question to you is about karakatva.

Ancient astrologers and Munis gave karakatva based on that age's

prevailing circumstances and fields or things. But with advancement of

man, a lot many new things came about. And Vedic astrology has no clue

to certain or most of the things we have today.


[rafal] I think You know that karakatwa contains two factors. Root

factor which is unchangeable and ALWAYS THE SAME, and the Detail

factor which depends on kala/desa/patra. Inteligent Jyotisha applies

details depending on times, but the root ALWAYS STAYS THE SAME. This

is the proper understanding by which You will get the best results.

Otherwise if You change the CORE of Rsis teaching You will be lost in

Your speculation. When the memory is lost one becomes fallen (bhagavad



Tatvam-Asi.....Again I would like you to confine to Astrology only.



One example I can give is Karakatva of planets.

Can you tell me which planet is Karaka of Computer science and why?


[rafal] Ketu for electronics, Budha for languages. I have hundreds

charts for this.


Tatvam-Asi... So ultimately you made your own assumptions based on

your study of hundreds of charts that

Ketu is karaka of electronics.


Tatvam-Asi....This is exactly what I wanted to prove.

You made your own finding to make Ketu as Karaka of electronics but

you did not read it in Parashara Muni's grantha.

You developed on the basic teachings to expand it further.

This is what I am advocating.

Adopt, absorb and Develop.

As in ancint times, Rishis are born even now.

Astrological giants are also born now.May be some great soul will

write his or her own grantha on Astrology with totally new

principles .

There is no age when Rishish cannot be born. Great Rishis are born

every century.

( J. Krishnamurthy, Mata Amritanandmayi, to name some real Gyani and

Real Bhakti margi perons )

You can take name of Swamy Bhaktivedanta ji also.



Which planet is karaka of electronics and why?


[rafal] Ketu. Mangal shows engineering, subtle form of Mangal is Ketu.

Mangal is red, Ketu is infrared, so electronics is like subtle

engineering. Easy..


Tatvam-Asi....Mangal shows engineering ....but what branch of


Honestly your deduction about subtlle forms escapes my limited

understanding capability.

I think Saturn and Mars are the duo (Basic ingredients) to make a




Which planet rules over Space craft and why?

[rafal] Depends on element/work. Ketu shows upward direction (moksha),

Rahu is for investigation. Shukra controls travels.


Tatvam-Asi.....Again this arguement of Sukra being controller of

Travel escapes me.

What is this " Depends on element/work "

You mean a space probe has different karaka than space craft?



Which planet rules over Robot and why?

[rafal] Its machine..Rahu.


Me (Tatvam-Asi) Sorry I do not agree. Rahu cannot be a karaka of


Robot is a mixture of electronics, Mechenics, Computer , Optical

science and so on.

I think you may check it out again.



I am sure that you would have no firm answer to these questions.This

is because what you know is what you know from astrology you have

learnt and you do not want to look further than that.


[rafal] This is due to my Shani exalted 9L in fifth bhava Vargottama.

Im deadly serious about tradition and sabda.


Tatvam-Asi....You mean an Astrological fundamentalist?


We have to evolve ourself as well as evolve and broaden the

principles and scope of astrology. Unless we keep an open mind, this

is not possible.


[rafal] Yes, we should apply changing details to ETERNAL CORE. Im sure

You can understand the rest.


Astological fundamentalism is a self defeating thing.

Gyan is like Ganga. The more it flows and absorbs other streams , it

does not broaden and become useful nad become perpetual. No use to be

a pond which ultimately dries out.


If you feel bad, I am sorry but I am against anything which calls

itself ultimate (except God)

or is touted as the ultimate .



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vedic astrology [vedic astrology ]

On Behalf Of nameisego

Thursday, December 13, 2007 3:19 PM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: For Tat Tvam Asi




hare rama krsna


Dear Tattvamasi , Namaskar


My comments below.


[rafal] There are three kinds of pramana. For brahmins (only they

should study Jyotisha - Prasna Marga sloka) ¶abda-pramana (spiritual

injunction) MUST BE final. What this means? It means that through

anumana (reasoning) and pratyaksa (perception) we should understand

and appreciate genius and depth of sabda. If we change sabda then we

are loosing faith. This ends up in loosing blessings of Rsi


My Reply (Tatvam-Asi)


Sorry, this is not a reply to my exact question.


Let us confine ourselves to only Astrology.

Shabda pramana cannot always be taken as the final truth

(Unless it is spoken by God as in 15th chapter of Bhagvat Gita).

Atleast I do not accept .

With context to Astrology, Where did Parashar Muni write that what I

have written is final ?

Please give me a single example of any Rishi who has said so in their

treties on Astrology.


My direct question to you is about karakatva.

Ancient astrologers and Munis gave karakatva based on that age's

prevailing circumstances and fields or things. But with advancement of

man, a lot many new things came about. And Vedic astrology has no clue

to certain or most of the things we have today.


[rafal] I think You know that karakatwa contains two factors. Root

factor which is unchangeable and ALWAYS THE SAME, and the Detail

factor which depends on kala/desa/patra. Inteligent Jyotisha applies

details depending on times, but the root ALWAYS STAYS THE SAME. This

is the proper understanding by which You will get the best results.

Otherwise if You change the CORE of Rsis teaching You will be lost in

Your speculation. When the memory is lost one becomes fallen (bhagavad



Tatvam-Asi.....Again I would like you to confine to Astrology only.


One example I can give is Karakatva of planets.

Can you tell me which planet is Karaka of Computer science and why?


[rafal] Ketu for electronics, Budha for languages. I have hundreds

charts for this.


Tatvam-Asi... So ultimately you made your own assumptions based on

your study of hundreds of charts that

Ketu is karaka of electronics.


Tatvam-Asi....This is exactly what I wanted to prove.

You made your own finding to make Ketu as Karaka of electronics but

you did not read it in Parashara Muni's grantha.

You developed on the basic teachings to expand it further.

This is what I am advocating.

Adopt, absorb and Develop.

As in ancint times, Rishis are born even now.

Astrological giants are also born now.May be some great soul will

write his or her own grantha on Astrology with totally new

principles .

There is no age when Rishish cannot be born. Great Rishis are born

every century.

( J. Krishnamurthy, Mata Amritanandmayi, to name some real Gyani and

Real Bhakti margi perons )

You can take name of Swamy Bhaktivedanta ji also.


Which planet is karaka of electronics and why?


[rafal] Ketu. Mangal shows engineering, subtle form of Mangal is Ketu.

Mangal is red, Ketu is infrared, so electronics is like subtle

engineering. Easy..


Tatvam-Asi....Mangal shows engineering ....but what branch of


Honestly your deduction about subtlle forms escapes my limited

understanding capability.

I think Saturn and Mars are the duo (Basic ingredients) to make a



Which planet rules over Space craft and why?

[rafal] Depends on element/work. Ketu shows upward direction (moksha),

Rahu is for investigation. Shukra controls travels.


Tatvam-Asi.....Again this arguement of Sukra being controller of

Travel escapes me.

What is this " Depends on element/work "

You mean a space probe has different karaka than space craft?


Which planet rules over Robot and why?

[rafal] Its machine..Rahu.


Me (Tatvam-Asi) Sorry I do not agree. Rahu cannot be a karaka of


Robot is a mixture of electronics, Mechenics, Computer , Optical

science and so on.

I think you may check it out again.


I am sure that you would have no firm answer to these questions.This

is because what you know is what you know from astrology you have

learnt and you do not want to look further than that.


[rafal] This is due to my Shani exalted 9L in fifth bhava Vargottama.

Im deadly serious about tradition and sabda.


Tatvam-Asi....You mean an Astrological fundamentalist?


We have to evolve ourself as well as evolve and broaden the

principles and scope of astrology. Unless we keep an open mind, this

is not possible.


[rafal] Yes, we should apply changing details to ETERNAL CORE. Im sure

You can understand the rest.


Astological fundamentalism is a self defeating thing.

Gyan is like Ganga. The more it flows and absorbs other streams , it

does not broaden and become useful nad become perpetual. No use to be

a pond which ultimately dries out.


If you feel bad, I am sorry but I am against anything which calls

itself ultimate (except God)

or is touted as the ultimate .









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