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Panchanga java script.

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

|| Om Gam Ganapataye Namah ||


Dear Friends,

I just thought that there is no good panchanga softwares available on

smartphone mobile devices. (I just recently bought an HP iPAQ). So I thought

of creating one and sharing it with you all.

I am attaching a HTML file which can be saved either on your local machine

or on your mobile device (if it has an html browser (like Internet


After saving it Click on this file to get the current panchanga.

The Sun, Moon positions are loaded for 20 years and it uses Lahiri

ayanamsha. You would need javascript enabled HTML browser to view it.


You can also get the same page from from



Warm Regards

Sanjay P




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Om Krishna Guru Om


Dear Sanjay



This is an excellent tool to have - thanks for making the effort. With the

new mobile age racing away, I wonder if anyone has attempted to do a version

of JHL for Pocket PC - this will open up new opportunities for

Jyotish and SJC


Best Wishes




On 14/12/2007, Sanjay Prabhakaran <sanjaychettiar wrote:


> || Om Gurave Namah ||

> || Om Gam Ganapataye Namah ||


> Dear Friends,

> I just thought that there is no good panchanga softwares available on

> smartphone mobile devices. (I just recently bought an HP iPAQ). So I thought

> of creating one and sharing it with you all.

> I am attaching a HTML file which can be saved either on your local

> machine or on your mobile device (if it has an html browser (like Internet

> explorer)).

> After saving it Click on this file to get the current panchanga.

> The Sun, Moon positions are loaded for 20 years and it uses Lahiri

> ayanamsha. You would need javascript enabled HTML browser to view it.


> You can also get the same page from from

> http://sanjaychettiar.googlepages.com/SriJagannathaPanchanga.html


> Warm Regards

> Sanjay P









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dear sanjay P,

I accessed the Panchanga on your web site. It shows For new Zealand

the Sun rise on 15 Dec 2007 as 13:55. How could that be?

Wish you couls correct it.

Beat wishes

Chitra Wijewickrama





sohamsa , " Sanjay Prabhakaran "

<sanjaychettiar wrote:


> || Om Gurave Namah ||

> || Om Gam Ganapataye Namah ||


> Dear Friends,

> I just thought that there is no good panchanga softwares available on

> smartphone mobile devices. (I just recently bought an HP iPAQ). So I


> of creating one and sharing it with you all.

> I am attaching a HTML file which can be saved either on your local


> or on your mobile device (if it has an html browser (like Internet

> explorer)).

> After saving it Click on this file to get the current panchanga.

> The Sun, Moon positions are loaded for 20 years and it uses Lahiri

> ayanamsha. You would need javascript enabled HTML browser to view it.


> You can also get the same page from from

> http://sanjaychettiar.googlepages.com/SriJagannathaPanchanga.html


> Warm Regards

> Sanjay P


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