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Creat Own Home?? - To Rafalji & Other members

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Dear Rafalji & Other Member,


When will I create my own house? Can any body help me from my birth



My wife or my self is lucky to create home/property on her or my name?



The details are follows:

My details of Birth:



TOB:07:45 AM

Place: Bechraji, Gujaratstate INDIA Latitude :023.30N ,Longitude : 072.04E


My Wife's birth details:


DOB: 07/11/1981

TOB: 12:45 Noon

Place: Gandhinagar Gujarat INDIA Latitude:23° 13'N,Longitude: 72° 41'E




Can I take risk to invest in stock & market??


I need your valuable guidance .I wait your reply.


Best Regards,


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*hare rama krsna*


Dear GR , Namaskar


From my Prashna there are high chances for home. With AL in forth bhava

home/propperty is of utmost importance for Your rise.


Reg stock market; it could be option but with Me in Cp rasi in D10, it

demands a lot of effort.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com




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You are a Cancer ascendant with 4House lord Venus in Lagna. Venus is

also the lord of the 11H (house of gain) and this could indicate gain

of immovable property like own house, real estate, car, vehicle etc in

the period of Venus.

4H is also aspected by malefic Saturn and benefic Guru and they are

likely to cause obstruction and beneficity in their periods for you.


Using True Ayanamsa of Chandrahari started from the moon, you are

currently running Jupiter MD till 2010 May, MD shows that house is

possible in this period. Next is to look at AD. We see that favorable

ADs of Venus is finished in 2002 Mar to 2004 - Nov. Ketu could have

given own house as he is proxy for Jupiter in your chart sitting in

the 9H but you were probably too young in 2002.


Next I see that upto Dec 2007 i.e. end of this month you have

yogakaraka for cancer Mars period and this can give house -

But you have Rahu AD next and he is proxy for mercury (3rd and 12th

houses) and unlikely to give house.


Ketu and Venus are likely to give own house between 2016 and 2020 if

the own house does not happen by end of this month or by Jan end.


Please note that I am learning astrology and you may want to check

with somebody more learned - Check with somebody else also to confirm

my analysis







vedic astrology , " Mathewgary "

<ravalgautamv wrote:


> Dear Rafalji & Other Member,


> When will I create my own house? Can any body help me from my birth

> details??


> My wife or my self is lucky to create home/property on her or my name?



> The details are follows:

> My details of Birth:


> DOB:25/06/1978

> TOB:07:45 AM

> Place: Bechraji, Gujaratstate INDIA Latitude :023.30N ,Longitude :



> My Wife's birth details:


> DOB: 07/11/1981

> TOB: 12:45 Noon

> Place: Gandhinagar Gujarat INDIA Latitude:23° 13'N,Longitude: 72° 41'E




> Can I take risk to invest in stock & market??


> I need your valuable guidance .I wait your reply.


> Best Regards,

> GR


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