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Guru can be malefic........My 2 cents...Kiran Rama

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And why should I not use the words " Guru can be malefic?






vedic astrology , " kiran.rama " <rkirana



> Don't use the words Guru can be malefic because both benefic and

> malefic planets can indicate malefic/benefic results.




> vedic astrology , " nameisego " <nameisego@>


> >

> > Dear chi. Rafal,

> >

> > Thanks for posting one of the most interesting charts I have seen.

> > Guru , like any other planet, can be a malefic and his situation


> > 5th house, as per your info has lead to the jathaka's madness.

> >

> > Bhava Nasha Karo Jeeva....Guru in 5th bhava as per the above


> > proves that Guru has affected 5th bhava.

> > But I tend to take your arguement with a pinch of salt.

> >

> > This chart has the following troublesome combinations.

> >

> > Eight planets are in movable signs.

> > Guru in 5th is aspected by four planets from a moving sign.

> >

> > Moon is associated in Kataka with three other planets . Mars is

> > neecha .

> > I have seen that Moon along with Mercury tends to make a person


> > mercurial and sometimes off centre.

> > This combination is aspected by saturn who is in swati nakshatra


> > Rahu. from Tula rasi also a moving sign.

> >

> > Mars as the lord of 1st rasi rules head. Any affliction of Mars


> > moon is also afflicted has been seen by me leading to nervous

> > problems . Here all conditions are met.

> >

> > As per your info, this person became mad in Mars-Mars period. How

> > true!!

> >

> > If I orient this chart to R1 position to bring KL lagna, you will

> > notice that Rahu is in Mesha in the lagna and is fully aspected


> > Sani .

> > Sani also aspects moon and Mars from 7th house.

> > No need to mention that Sani is Badhakadhipathi in KL of this


> >

> > Thus there are multitude of factors responsible for this person's

> > chart and I tend to believe that Guru in this case is not so bad


> > he is a Badhakadhipathi but is neecha so he has probably saved


> > person going totally insane.

> >

> > This jathaka must be a brilliant/ very intelligent person but


> > over active brain.

> > It also tends to make a person resort to drugs or alcoholism.

> >

> > Since the person is too young, I think the problem lies in his


> > luck.

> >

> > Tatvam-Asi/

> >


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