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JAIMINI ASTROLOGY- intensive Lectures

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Calling the Attention of Serious Astrology Students, Practitioners and Scholars




During the next 8-10 weeks I will be conducting (in Kuala Lumpur/Petaling Jaya)

2-3 intensive lecture-sessions on JAIMINI Astrology and Integrated Astrological

Techniques postulated by the SJC School/Guru Sanjay Rath.


As you are probably aware, SJC is the MOST ADVANCED school of Vedic Astrology .

In these lectures, my focus will be towards creating a solid foundation in

JAMINI Astrology, as it is taught in the SJC school and by Guru Sanjay Rath –

undoubtedly, the most enviable cache of knowledge + intricate techniques within

the corpus of VEDIC JYOTISH.


My OBJECTIVE during these sessions would be towards preparing a SOLID FOUNDATION

in JAIMINI ASTROLOGY and Esoteric Techniques postulated by SJC.

It will enable those interested – to move onto increasingly more advanced

techniques and finite nuances - which are beyond the ken of any other

astrological school or coterie. I will be starting these “ADVANCED CLASSESâ€

in Singapore/Malaysia later in 2008.


Kindly confirm your interest (via email) latest by Monday 31 Dec 2007.


Depending on the number of interested students/attendees, I will confirm the

time, venue and course details. Will select a central location in KL/PJ for

these initial lectures. If there's adequate interest, I will also schedule a few

lectures in Johor/Malacca and Penang.


NB: I am currently spending 15-18 days every month in Kuala Lumpur in my

professional capacity as a Director-Consultant with 2 major newspaper

conglomerates. Can be reached via (a) Email and (b) my Malaysian h/p +60-12-205


My Singapore/Global access H/p is +65 9188-0621.


Meanwhile, wishing you all a very merry Christamas and a happy, prosperous 2008.




M.A., FCIM (UK), Jyotish Prabhakar (Gold Medallist), Jyotish Bhaskar, SJC Guru

Tel (S'pore): +65 9188-0621; Tel (Malaysia): +60-12 2050258;

Email: vedastra




----- Forwarded Message ----

Prashun Dutt <vedastra

dadbdad; vvictorng; henryltw;

merrymuze; safram1979; shaoern;


Cc: chyeyongseng; Frankie <celcem; Sarajit Poddar

<sarajitp; anthony pong <anthony-rohit; Caroline Chow

<carolechow; Jean Sim <jean; Gary

<garycpk; GarySJC <garychee; Hema Nathan

<phema71; Natarajan <nata

Saturday, 22 December, 2007 2:04:47 PM






During the next 6-8 weeks I will be conducting 2 intensive lecture-sessions on

JAIMINI Astrology – the most enviable cache of knowledge + intricate

techniques within the corpus of VEDIC JYOTISH.

Each of them will be 5 to 6 hour sessions held on a Sat/Sun or Public Holiday .


The objective is to prepare a SOLID FOUNDATION in JAIMINI ASTROLOGY. It will

enable those interested – to move onto increasingly more advanced techniques

which are beyond the ken of any other astrological school or coterie. I will be

starting these “ADVANCED CLASSES†in Singapore + Malaysia (and possibly also

Hong Kong) later in 2008.


I am thus inviting those who completed the (Feb-June 20007) BEGINNERS COURSE and

serious regular students who have been studying in my earlier SJC classes

(2004-2007) – to attend this initial INTENSIVE FOUNDATION Course.


Following directional guidelines, these classes will be conducted under the

aegis of my own registered company (independent of SJC-Singapore). To cover the

cost of material, venue, royalties etc the Combined Fee for the 2 intensive

sessions will be around S$150 – S$175.


Kindly confirm your participation-interest (via email) latest by Thurs 27 Dec.


Depending on the number of attendees, I will confirm the time, venue and course



NB: Gary Chee will function as my teaching-assistant.

Following his deep interest + commitment, I have been giving him a few teaching

sessions whenever possible despite my busy professional/travel schedules.

The older batch of SJC Singapore students might find it useful to obtain some

insights (from Gary), regarding the intensity and intricacy of the

concepts/techniques which I have been sharing since December 2006.

This is Vedic Astrology at an unprecedented level of conceptual sophistication

and technical accuracy.


And, following Guru Sanjay's instructions, I have not yet shared even one iota

of the new concepts/techniques which he has embarked on (with his core selected

group) in 2007 through to 2013.

With the blessings of Lord Jagannath, if we can complete even 50%-60% of the

defined goals over the remaining 6 years, the canvas of Astrology will be

redefined for the next 2 centuries.


Meanwhile, wishing you all a very merry Christamas and a happy, prosperous 2008.



M.A., FCIM (UK), Jyotish Prabhakar (Gold Medallist), Jyotish Bhaskar, SJC Guru

Tel (S'pore): +65 9188-0621; Tel (Malaysia): +60-12 2050258;

Email: vedastra







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