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Mrs.Benazir Bhutto....Killed (Time of birth)

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she is the most beautiful,and intelligent lady. she lost many things in life

including family life i.e sexual life for long. her father was brutally


why not our so called astrologers could not fore tell and offer remidial


may her soul rest in peace

may her children be blessed with good future and prosperity.

s.eswara reddy


jyothi_b_lakshmi <jyothi_b_lakshmi wrote:

Respected Sir,


Not sure whether the time (June 21, 1953; 7:59 pm; Karachi, Pakistan)

is correct. The below site has got the time and other details:







vedic astrology , " nameisego " <nameisego



> Friends,



> A sad event in History of Pakistan.

> I understand that she was born on 21st June 1953 in Karachi.


> Does anyone have her exact birth timing?


> Is this handiwork of Pluto who is in uti with Jupiter in Mula

> Nakshatra ?


> Let us say a prayer for the departed soul.


> Tatvam-Asi








laugh out loud - it is good for heart




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Yes i think it's correct birth detail...i have crossed checked it to other two

more sources.




$ i SHVA r $ <dr_esreddy wrote:

she is the most beautiful,and intelligent lady. she lost many things

in life including family life i.e sexual life for long. her father was brutally


why not our so called astrologers could not fore tell and offer remidial


may her soul rest in peace

may her children be blessed with good future and prosperity.

s.eswara reddy


jyothi_b_lakshmi <jyothi_b_lakshmi wrote:

Respected Sir,


Not sure whether the time (June 21, 1953; 7:59 pm; Karachi, Pakistan)

is correct. The below site has got the time and other details:







vedic astrology , " nameisego " <nameisego



> Friends,



> A sad event in History of Pakistan.

> I understand that she was born on 21st June 1953 in Karachi.


> Does anyone have her exact birth timing?


> Is this handiwork of Pluto who is in uti with Jupiter in Mula

> Nakshatra ?


> Let us say a prayer for the departed soul.


> Tatvam-Asi



laugh out loud - it is good for heart



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Respected Gurujan,

I visited the site www.neptunecafe.com/pakistan.html and found that the birth

details of Ms Benazir Bhutto are 21 June 7:59:03 pm (IST) Karachi, Pakistan. Now

Indian Standard Time (IST) is GMTminus 5:30 Hrs and Pakistan Standard Time

(PST?) is GMT minus 5:00 Hrs.

Anyway I have taken it as IST and get a lagna of Saggitarius at 8 Degrees and 49

Minutes with Vimshottari Dasa Sat-Jup-Sat commencing from 27-10 -07.


My analysis is as follows:-


1. The Markesh in the horoscopes are Saturn and Mercury being lords of 2nd

and 7th houses respectively. Also planets in the 2nd and 7th as well as

associated with their lords are also likely to kill the native. So Rahu, Sun,

Mars, Moon & Ketu also have to be considered.

2. Of all these planets Saturn is a natural malefic, retrograde & Lord of 3rd

( & 7th) & associated with 8th lord ( from Lagna) Moon, in the rasi of Mercury

(7th Lord Markesh). Also in Navamsa Saturn is with Moon in the Rasi of Mercury.

If we check from the Moon sign then we get Saturn lord of the 6th ( & 5th)

associated with Moon ( 11th lord). This confirms that SATURN IS MOST LIKELY TO


3. Now Jupiter although Lagnesh is placed in the 6th house and in the Navamsa

of Mercury ( 7th lord) and in the Nakshktra of Moon 8th lord (Rohini). And has

thus achieved Maraka powers.

Thus Jup antardasa in Saturn mahadasa killed her.


Comments/ Discussions are welome...








$ i SHVA r $

vedic astrology

Thursday, December 27, 2007 9:38 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Mrs.Benazir Bhutto....Killed (Time of




she is the most beautiful,and intelligent lady. she lost many things in life

including family life i.e sexual life for long. her father was brutally


why not our so called astrologers could not fore tell and offer remidial


may her soul rest in peace

may her children be blessed with good future and prosperity.

s.eswara reddy


jyothi_b_lakshmi <jyothi_b_lakshmi wrote:

Respected Sir,


Not sure whether the time (June 21, 1953; 7:59 pm; Karachi, Pakistan)

is correct. The below site has got the time and other details:







vedic astrology , " nameisego " <nameisego



> Friends,



> A sad event in History of Pakistan.

> I understand that she was born on 21st June 1953 in Karachi.


> Does anyone have her exact birth timing?


> Is this handiwork of Pluto who is in uti with Jupiter in Mula

> Nakshatra ?


> Let us say a prayer for the departed soul.


> Tatvam-Asi



laugh out loud - it is good for heart


Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.


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