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Mrs.Benazir Bhutto....Killed

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Om Namah Shivaye..




May her soul rest in peace.. Our prayers are with her and her family,

especially her 2 children.. and with the pakistani nation.


As far as I know, Benazirji has a gemini ascendant, with sun and mars

in the first house.. her birth time should be around 7am.. This is

what I know, I might be mistaken..






vedic astrology , " nameisego " <nameisego



> Friends,



> A sad event in History of Pakistan.

> I understand that she was born on 21st June 1953 in Karachi.


> Does anyone have her exact birth timing?


> Is this handiwork of Pluto who is in uti with Jupiter in Mula

> Nakshatra ?


> Let us say a prayer for the departed soul.


> Tatvam-Asi


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Let us avoid post-mortem on this


Once an event has happened it is always possible to find a planetary

combination for the same.


Use of astrology is in predicting not in post-mortem


If you want to do post-mortem, do it on blind chart and showcase your



vedic astrology , " nameisego " <nameisego wrote:


> Friends,



> A sad event in History of Pakistan.

> I understand that she was born on 21st June 1953 in Karachi.


> Does anyone have her exact birth timing?


> Is this handiwork of Pluto who is in uti with Jupiter in Mula

> Nakshatra ?


> Let us say a prayer for the departed soul.


> Tatvam-Asi


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Dear Friends,


It is really very sad that her father, two brothers and herself

faced the unnatural ceath.


May her sound rest in peace.


TOB is provided in P.S. I & II and the prediction on Oct 16, 2007 in



Best regards,






P.S. I



Her birth details as per the books below are;


" June 21, 1953, 20:15 PM, Karachi, Pakistan "


Pre-Eminent Horoscopes by V.K. Agrawal, Nimal Publications, New

Delhi, 1998, page 3


Select Horoscopes by Rajeshwari Shankar, Editor, The Times of

Astrology, Nishkaam Peeth Prakashan Publications, New Delhi, page 36






----- Forwarded Message ----

" siha " <siha


Thursday, December 27, 2007 2:55:54 PM

Re: Benazir Bhutto killed


Hello dear Sateesh,


In her chart she is having the sub period of Rahu. (i) Transit Rahu


transit Mars are afflicting her natal Sun and Mars in the eighth

house (ii)

transit Mars and transit Ketu are afflicting transit Jupiter.


Born 21st June, 1953, 1733 Hrs. Karachi.


Best wishes.









l ,

Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia

Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:57 am, Message #2429

[logers] Re: [l] Will Benazire Bhutto



Tuesday October 16, 11:01 AM

Washington, Oct 16 (ANI): Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir

Bhutto has said she suspects that some retired military officers

have aligned to Islamic extremists who

could be plotting her assassination on her return to the country.

The Guardian reported that a Taliban commander, Baitullah Masood,

has threatened to deploy suicide bombers against her, but Benazir

said that the real threat came

from within the military establishment.

" I'm not worried about Baitullah Masood, I'm worried about the

threat within the government, " she said, adding, " People like

Baitullah Masood are just pawns. It is those

forces behind him that have presided over the rise of extremism and

militancy in my country. "

She singled out as her most potent enemy retired military

officers " who have fought the jihad " .

" They have a lot of supporters and sympathisers within the echelons

of administration and intelligence, " Christian Science Monitor

quoted her, as saying in the report.

Reacting to Benazir's allegation, a government minister called it

a " ridiculous claim. "

Meanwhile, elaborate security arrangements have been made for her

returns to Pakistan on Thursday. Thousands of security forces and

bulletproof cars will be used to

shield her. (ANI)


Horary No: 76/249

Question: Will assassination Aassassination?

date: 16/10/2007

Time: 1.20.43PM

Place: L.G.HospitalAhmedab ad 23 N oo 72 E 36


8th House is Infamy, accidental death,executions, Misery,

12th House: crimes,Assassinatio ns,Anxieties, Blackmail, Cheating,

Clandestiness Associates,Exiled persons,Misery, Misfortune, Moksha.

If 8 or 12th sublord signfies 8,12 one can Assassinated in the DBA

of 8,12.

In this horary:

8th Sublord is Mer. in the star of Rah and sub of Own.

Me(3, 3-12), in the star of Ra(7),Rah is in the sign of Sat Sa(1, 7-

8) , in the sub of Me(3, 3-12).

Mer signfies 12 and 8 and 7th maraka clearly.

12th Sublord is Mar. in th star of Rah and sub of mer.

Ma(11, 5-10), in the star of Ra(7), Rah is in the sign of Sat Sa(1,

7-8), in the sub of Me(3, 3-12).

Bhukti lord also signfies 11)Badhaka), 7(Marka) 8 and 12.

I think during this period shw will be Assassinated by Clandestiness


vedic astrology , " kiran.rama " <rkirana



> Let us avoid post-mortem on this


> Once an event has happened it is always possible to find a


> combination for the same.


> Use of astrology is in predicting not in post-mortem


> If you want to do post-mortem, do it on blind chart and showcase


> skills


> vedic astrology , " nameisego " <nameisego@>


> >

> > Friends,

> >

> >

> > A sad event in History of Pakistan.

> > I understand that she was born on 21st June 1953 in Karachi.

> >

> > Does anyone have her exact birth timing?

> >

> > Is this handiwork of Pluto who is in uti with Jupiter in Mula

> > Nakshatra ?

> >

> > Let us say a prayer for the departed soul.

> >

> > Tatvam-Asi

> >


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Dear Sir,


One Mr Khin Soe gives the following data


Date of birth (June 23, 1953), But many website and wikipedia say that June 21,


- Time of Birth 4:30 PM

- Karachi, Pakistan


Professor V.K.Chowdry takes June 21, 1953 and he has rectified the time to



for information please





vedic astrology

Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:19 PM

[vedic astrology] Mrs.Benazir Bhutto....Killed





A sad event in History of Pakistan.

I understand that she was born on 21st June 1953 in Karachi.


Does anyone have her exact birth timing?


Is this handiwork of Pluto who is in uti with Jupiter in Mula

Nakshatra ?


Let us say a prayer for the departed soul.












Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.17.8/1195 - Release 12/24/2007

11:19 AM




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