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Manoj : Your Year 2008 -Tithi Pravesha Analysis

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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Manoj Ji,


You have provided the following birth details, which I have used for my



October 7, 1969

Time: 20:04:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 81 E 44' 00 " , 21 N 54' 00 "

Sambalpur, India


Let me attempt to give your 2008 analysis using Tithi Pravesha(TP) Chakra



Pravesha means entry or return and Tithi Pravesha Chakra is the chart drawn for

the birth moment of Tithi return every year, so your calculated Tithi Pravesha

chakra for the year 2008 started as follows:-


October 7, 2007

Time: 10:38:23

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 81 E 44' 00 " , 21 N 54' 00 "

Sambalpur, India


1) The Vaara Lord is Surya who is a functional benefic. This Surya is 4th lord

and placed in 5th house in the natal Rasi chart. This Vaara Lord is 10th lord

and placed in 11th house in TP Rasi Chart, indicating the year 2008 is favorable

to the native.


2) The TP Rasi Lagna is Vrischika whick is in Kendra to the Natal Lagna of

Vrisabha. The TP Rasi Lagna lord is Kuja, who is also 6th lord and placed in 8th

house. Kuja is forming a Viparita Raja Yoga too. So TP Lagna lord placement will

bring some obstacles, challenges and disappointments during this year, even

though the TP Lagna is in Kendra to the Natal Lagna.


3) Hora Lord of TP is Shani, who is 3rd and 4th lord and placed in 10th house.

This is a good placement and so combining all the above, the native will

experience mixed results of benefits and challenges.


4) Chandra and Shani : Chandra and Shukra are forming two good Rajayogas in 10th

house in Annual TP Rasi chart.


Now let us focus on the native's question about the change of job and whether it

is beneficial or not. So let us move focus on Annual TP's Dasamsa Chart (D-10).


1) The Annual TP D-10's Lagna is Kumbha. Guru, the 2nd and 11th lord along with

5th and 8th lord Budha are Placed in it. Annual TP D-10 Lagna Lord Shani is

placed in 10th house with 7th lord Surya and Ketu. Hora Lord Shani, who is 1st

and 12th lords are placed in 10th with Surya and Ketu.


2) In this Annual TP D-10 chart the 10th house is strong in ashtakavarga with 32

rekhas. Shani and Surya has 5 rekhas each and placed in this 10th house.


3) Hora lord Shani and Vaara Lord Surya are forming a RajaYoga in 10th house in

Annual TP's D-10 chart, hence the year is likely to bring power and authority.


Now let us see the timing of this job change using the Tithi Ashottari Dasa.


Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi Pravesha



Maha Dasas:


Merc: 2007-09-22 (12:08:40) - 2007-11-17 (8:29:11)

Sat: 2007-11-17 (8:29:11) - 2007-12-19 (23:13:42)

Jup: 2007-12-19 (23:13:42) - 2008-02-19 (18:42:29)

Rah: 2008-02-19 (18:42:29) - 2008-03-31 (1:04:28)

Ven: 2008-03-31 (1:04:28) - 2008-06-06 (21:41:34)

Sun: 2008-06-06 (21:41:34) - 2008-06-27 (12:49:55)

Moon: 2008-06-27 (12:49:55) - 2008-08-15 (10:05:20)

Mars: 2008-08-15 (10:05:20) - 2008-09-10 (13:38:02)

Merc: 2008-09-10 (13:38:02) - 2008-11-05 (12:23:25)


Currently the native is running the Guru Maha Dasa. Guru is placed in Annual TP

D-10 Lagna which is Kumbha which has got 29 Ashtakavarga points. Next Dasa is

Rahu, which is not involved with any of the Vaara, Lagna and Hora lords, so

moving to the next Dasa which is Shukra, which is same as Rahu. So next Maha

Dasa is Surya which is the Vaara Lord. Here Surya has higher shadbala than

Shani, hence the following Dasa sequence of Surya (Vaara Lord) and Shani (Hora

Lord) will give the results to the native.


Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi Pravesha



Sun MD: 2008-06-06 (21:41:34) - 2008-06-27 (12:49:55)

Sat AD: 2008-06-14 (7:20:31) - 2008-06-16 (8:01:34)


So in summary: the native will move to a better job between Jun 14th 2008 and

June 16th 2008.



Raghunatha Rao



--- original message ---


vedic astrology/message/98834


Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:47 am


How 2008 will be


Respected Gurujis, Namaskar,


Wishes for new year 2008 to all.


Can u pl tell how will be year 2008 for me. Is there any better job changes in

2008.If yes, then when ?


DOB- 7th OCT 1969,

POB- Sambalpur(orissa),

TOB- 08.04 PM ( Tuesday)














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