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From Surat Al-Rum - Holy Quran-moderator pl stop this intrusion 4/1

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Dear moderators,


please stop this non vedic and non vedic astro stuff from going on, I am sure

they have many sites where such medival, dark ages people live say afghanistan,

pak, and other sthan nation and west asian sites, let us be spared of this, we r

happy in whatever we don't get that they get.





mohamed_yahia71 <mohamed_yahia71

vedic astrology

Friday, January 4, 2008 3:51:17 AM

[vedic astrology] From Surat Al-Rum - Holy Quran



English (Yusuf Ali): (Recite)

<http://mediaserver. hadi.org: 8080/ramgen/ qurantts/ 30-40.rm? mode=compact>

30:40 It is Allah Who has created you: further, He has provided for your

sustenance; then He will cause you to die; and again He will give you

life. Are there any of your (false) " Partners " who can do any single one

of these things? Glory to Him! and high is He above the partners they

attribute (to him)!



30:40 Allah; sizi yaratti, sonra size rizik verdi, sonra sizi

öldürmekte, daha sonra sizi diriltmektedir. Ortaklarinizdan

bunlardan herhangi birini yapacak var mi? O, sirk kostuklarindan

münezzeh ve yücedir.


30:40 C'est Allah qui vous a créés et vous a nourris. Ensuite Il vous

fera mourir, puis Il vous redonnera vie. Y en a-t-il parmi vos

associés, qui fasse quoi que ce soit de tout cela? Gloire à Lui!

Il transcende ce qu'on Lui associe.


30:40 Allah ist es, Der euch erschaffen hat, und dann hat Er euch

versorgt; dann wird Er euch sterben lassen, und dann wird Er euch wieder

lebendig machen. Ist etwa unter euren Göttern einer, der etwas von

diesem vollbringen könnte? Gepriesen sei Er und hoch erhaben über

das, was sie anbeten!


30:40 Alá es Quien os ha creado y, luego proveído del sustento,

Quien os hará morir y, luego, volveros a la vida. ¿Hay alguno de

vuestros asociados que sea capaz de hacer algo de eso? ¡Gloria a

Él! ¡Está por encima de lo que Le asocian!


30:41 Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of (the meed) that

the hands of men have earned, that ((Allah)) may give them a taste of

some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from Evil).


30:43 But set thou thy face to the right Religion before there come from

Allah the Day which there is no chance of averting: on that Day shall

men be divided (in two).



30:43 Öyleyse sen, Allah'tan (bir takdir olarak) geri çevrilmesi

mümkün olmayan gün gelmeden önce, yüzünü dimdik

ayakta duran dine çevir. O gün parça parça



30:43 Dirige tout ton être vers la religion de droiture, avant que ne

vienne d'Allah un jour qu'on ne peut repousser. Ce jour-là [les gens]

seront divisés:


30:43 Richte dein Antlitz auf den beständigen Glauben, bevor der Tag

kommt, für den es keine Wehr gibt gegen Allah. An jenem Tage werden

sie gespalten sein.


30:43 Profesa la religión verdadera antes de que llegue un día que

Alá no evitará. Ese día serán separados:


http://www.islamici ty.com/MOSQUE/ ARABICSCRIPT/ AYAT/30/30_ 40.htm

<http://www.islamici ty.com/MOSQUE/ ARABICSCRIPT/ AYAT/30/30_ 40.htm>



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