Guest guest Posted January 6, 2008 Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 Namasteji vijay-ji, jai ganesh. Its so nice & i am so happy that you do belive as your family god is LORD NARASIMHA acually yes i know for sure that lord narasimhas birth day is vaishak sud tryodashi & it always comes around may month you can check in punchang, my aunt always tells me when i was young that you are born on lord narasimhas birth day you are like him meaning i always used to fight, & tell honest truth also i would tell on peoples face good/bad ?? You know i wanted to go to darshan to AHOBILUM MOUNTAINS where they have all 9 temples of LORD NARASIMHAS in differnet forms,do you know anything on this it is in andraprades Well also, pls you know i am in USA & where are you living, pls do you have just picture or any thing you can email me or even photos if possible or just even a contact info where your temple is built so can call & try to buy photo from stores near temple. Talking on different forums of lord narasimha i personally belive more LORD LAXMINARASIMHA because they more cool for darshan, if i have to dream lords picture in my mind i rather go for cool- happy giving us blessing ,the UGRA swaroop really makes us feeling like he is mad on us so you want to hurry up do darshan & go,but cool you can seat-pray relax even stair on his face be no problem, My personal family it was my mum-dads wishes that their is 700 years old temple next door at my village in gujarat they wontd to built whole new one it big one & i wanted to built lord ganeshas temple so unfortunatly my parents deseas,but we decided to built same as there wishes was & i added lord ganeshas murti with riddhi-siddhi so everyones wishes was fulfill, i just did pranprathisha of all gods last year, builting whole new temple, this was my biggest dream in my life which lord has given me that opportunity, i felt like lord has given me wealth which he guided me to use for good. I belive lord will only except good honest money & also only if he wonts your wealth. I know whenever some good astrologer reads my kundali they always tells me that i am religious, person & will built or use wealth for good purpose.anyway it is so nice to know you in person & that you ansered me, but please reply me ok sorry for this lengthy writings. thanks rashmikant Vijay <hpvijaynarasimha vedic astrology Sunday, January 6, 2008 11:56:55 AM [vedic astrology] Re: want to know rajyoga Hi Rashmi, Its nice to know that you are devoted to Lord Narasimha. I didnt know Lord Narasimha was born on that tithi, thanks for the information. I wasnt born on that day, but my Family GOD is Lord Narasimha. Our ancestors built a temple for Lord in a small village in the border area of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The story is that, long back, when some villagers were travelling through this place, they cooked rice and for that they used three stones laying there and cooked rice over these stones. The rice bowl turned into full blood. They were shocked and went to sleep, and in one person's dream, Lord Narasimha told that the three stones represents HIM and they should worship HIM, hence a temple was built and even today Lord's Images are there and we worship there every year. We have immense faith in Lord Narasimha (people worship Him in different forms): Ugra Narasimha, Yoga Narasimha, Lakshmi Narasimha, etc. Ugra form represents Him standing up against injustice and killing bad people like He killed the demon hiranyakashyapu. Yoga Narasimha means the form where he is in deep meditation and depicts His supreme prowess. Lakshmi Narasimha represents Him being in a bit shanta (peaceful) form along with Goddess Lakshmi and giving prosperity to those who worship Him. We worship Lakshmi Narasimha, meaning that the aim of our life is to not only fight against injustice and be brave and courageous, but also prosper with respect to wealth. Its very interesting that there are many families who worship His Yoga form and are very prosperous with respect to their great characters but they are themselves not quite interested in wealth and money. Worshipping Lord Narasimha means that you need to be utmost sincere, very brave, courageous in standing up against injustices and fight for justice. Only then you shall prosper. Hence Mars which is a planet of bravery and dynamism is ruled by Lord Narasimha, so that people who have weak Mars in their horoscope get more courage and become more brave by praying to Lord Narasimha. Cheers, Vijay. vedic astrology, rashmi patel <rashmihpatel@ ...> wrote: > > Dear vijay-ji, > i just wonted to ask you kind of little personal question, but not real personal if it is ok > pls answer me is your last name NARASIMHA the rason i said reading your email address > hpvijaynarasimha so pls tell me if you dont mind & let me tell why i am asking you is if you > belive in LORD NARASIMHA, i wonted to know more on this lord because i was born on this lords birthdate meaning i think is birthdate comes on vaishak sud trayodashi[teiras thithi in gujarati] & i am born same thithi, so i do from my heart have feelings in this lord so pls help me on this, as far i can see > you are very helpful person by giving your knowledge to people. thanks for your kindness. > > thank you > rashmikant > > > > deepak malhotra <deepak.malhotra31@ ...> > vedic astrology > Sunday, January 6, 2008 10:10:06 AM > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: want to know rajyoga > > Dear Vijay, > > Firstly, I am very greatful to you for such an explanatory assessment of my > chart. Since you have seen all my charts I just have a few specific > questions > regarding my near future: > > 1. How good/bad will my coming 7 yrs be (SUN MD)? > 2. Any upay (Mantras/Gemstone/ Vidhi) for Surya/ Guru (Sun/Jupter) ? > 3. Even after being a resource at work, my Seniors create unwanted problems > for me, wats the reason? > 4. Accident/ or problems if any from Apr2008- dec-2009? > 5. The most important thing, mental stress and tension about ma future. Any > upay?? > > Thanks and Best Regards > > Deepak > > On 1/6/08, Vijay <hpvijaynarasimha@ > wrote: > > > > Hi Deepak, I just saw your horoscope. Its very interesting. Since you > > have asked for a general interpretation of your chart, I shall touch > > only on the main points: > > > > First of all, your chart is excellent due to the following main points > > from your main chart: > > > > 1. There are 6 planets in two kendras, (kendras are the pillars of > > one's horoscope) which means your horoscope is very strong. > > > > 2. Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, are exalted in your horoscope. Saturn is > > especially very good in your horoscope. Even in Navamsha chart, Saturn > > is exalted in lagna. This means Saturn is always favourable for you in > > your entire life. You will invariably achieve success in your life, > > though it may be a bit slow (because Saturn gives results slowly). > > Also Saturn is aspecting lagna, which means an exlated planet is > > controlling your life, which is excellent. Rahu and ketu exalted makes > > you very strong. > > > > 3. Venus in 4th house that too libra makes you enjoy all material > > luxuries in life. Jupiter in kendra in 4th house also is very good. > > You will have luxuries in life. All these strong planets in 4th house > > makes your home very strong, i.e., your home life will be excellent. > > > > 4. In Ashtakavarga 2nd house has 42 points which is incredible. > > Anything above 30 points is very good. One in lakh people have such > > points. 2nd house which signifies, wealth, family, speech, etc, means > > that all these will be excellent for you in your life. > > > > Now let us see 2nd house and its divisional chart the Hora. The hora > > chart has similar positions, with Saturn exalted in 4th house, along > > with sun which is debilitated. Since Sun is the lord of 2nd house in > > main horoscope and is debilitated in Hora chart, but still placed with > > an exalted Saturn, this means that you might experience very slight > > problems with finance, else your financial life is very much above > > average. Nothing to worry at all. > > > > Your seventh house (house of partner) is very good, since its lord > > Saturn is exalted, and also Saturn is exalted in lagna in Navamsha > > chart (chart of spouse). Also your Upapada lord is agin Saturn and > > Rahu which are both exalted, hence your marriage is definitely going > > to be excellent. Your wife might be very pious, will come from a very > > good family, and your married life will be excellent. Your DaraPada is > > in mutual kendra from Arudha pada, signifying that you will love your > > wife and will never leave her. You are a person of very high morals, > > also is your spouse. > > > > Since you are running Sun dasha now from 2007 to 2013, and since sun > > is debilitated and slightly bad drishti to lagna, you will experience > > slight problems, but nothing to worry overall. Moon Dasha is going to > > be excellent for you from 2013 to 2023. You will definitely make > > foreign travel then. Also Moon is exalted in Dashamsha in 12th house > > signifying that you will get an excellent job and will prosper in > > that, but will slight spendings. (you might spend in travel, etc) > > > > Now, coming to the yogas formed in your chart, there are many of them: > > > > 1. Gajakesari yoga due to Jupiter and Moon aspecting each other, > > making you very famous and virtuous. > > 2. A very great leader, as Saturn and Venus are in 4th house, that too > > with excellent powers. > > 3. Aspect of 1st and 9th lords, Giving Lakshmi Yoga. > > 4. Aspect of Kendra and Kona Lords making you successful giving Raja yoga. > > 4. As 5 good planets are in kendra, you will become equivalent to a > > king even if you are born into an average family. > > 5. You will achieve success in life by hard work. > > > > Even though there are so many rajayogas in your chart you may > > sometimes find that you are not getting what you expect in life. This > > is because the drishtis of almost all planets to your lagna are > > average. Hence the fruitification of these yogas comes slowly and > > sometimes you will find it difficult to achieve success in life. But > > since Strong Saturn is aspecting your lagna, you will finally achieve > > success in life. Only thing is that you have to work patiently and > > hard. Also, since Saturn Dasha comes only in 2064, you may not > > experience a position of King till then. But whenever Saturn > > Antardasha comes in your life, you life will be equivalent to that of > > a king. Your Financial, and family life is excellent. Also your career > > is very good. Education is above average. Married life is excellent. > > Overall I would say that you have 0 things to worry about. You will > > enjoy your life to the fullest, achieve fame and reputation, you are a > > person of very high morals, you will enjoy family life to fullest, > > will have various luxuries in life. I have seen most of your > > divisional charts, and in almost all of them , Saturn is exalted, also > > venus and jupiter are placed good in all of them. So, this means that > > your life will be a very successful one, one in a lakh. But since > > there are some slight negative points such as drishtis to lagna, you > > might have to work hard to achieve all this. Regarding, bringing peace > > into your life, I would suggest you recite slokas of all Nine planets. > > > > This year (2008) is going to be excellent for you as Jupiter is in 9th > > house in sagittarius. > > > > Cheers, > > Vijay. > > > > vedic astrology <vedic astrology% 40. com>, > > " deepak malhotra " > > <deepak.malhotra31@ ...> wrote: > > > > > > Hello Vijay, > > > > > > Hope you are doing great. > > > Being a fan of your way of analaysing and commenting on charts, I would > > > request you to kindly analyse my chart as well. Kindly explain if > > there are > > > some good yogas and when will they be fruitful and on my CAREER [Foreign > > > trips], FINANCE and MARRIAGE. Please let me know if any UPAYAS are > > needed to > > > make things smooth in my life.My birth Details are as follows: > > > > > > Name: Deepak Malhotra > > > DOB: 31/10/1982 > > > TOB: 23:25 > > > Place: New Delhi, India > > > > > > Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks in advance. > > > > > > Best Regards > > > > > > Deepak > > > > > > > > -- > Deepak Malhotra > : midnight_hunk2003@ > Msn: Deepak.malhotra@ > Ph: +91 9310727277 > > The mind is a terrible thing to waste > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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