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Ju/Mo and Shukra White Sapphire

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Dear Rafal Ji:




I appreciate your great help as I am learning Jaimini system of Jyotish. I

also have a white sapphire for Venus, which finger you think I should wear for

romance enhancement? Or I should not wear white sapphire at all?


I just started wearing yellow sapphire again as you suggested, on the right

hand finger with mantra chanting starting on next new moon. I have the gem for

about 4 years.


Again my DOB is July 19th 1982 12:50:45 PM Hong Kong, China






Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:

*hare rama krsna*


Dear Weesley , Namaskar


12 from DK is Shukra and Lagnesh. AK with Shani (2L from UL) in twelfth

will make You subconciously take the sannyasi mood.


Yellow Saphire/topaz on right hand/ring finger imbided with Guru Mantra

from Rgveda, along with Thursday fasting is the first step.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


wesley Ng napisa?(a):


> Dear Rafal Ji:


> Namaskar


> Happy year 2008. Thanks for your help in finding career remedies.


> My chart data ia July 19th 1982 12:50:45 Hong Kong, China.


> My lord of 7th house mars is afflicted in the 12th conjunct saturn. I

> have no luck in finding a girl. My 25 years never have a girlfriend.

> Is there any remedy for relationship and romance?


> I appreciate your help


> wesley






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