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DKY and Dhimanta yoga for Tarus asc - Rafal Ji and others

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Dear learned members,


I have a taurus lagna and saturn is the lord of 9th & 10th placed in 12th.


Kindly,have a look to my chart & pl inform about the different yoga.


DOB-7th OCT 1969







saumya ray chaudhuri <saumya wrote:

Dear Rafal Ji and other members, Namaskar

I need clear my confusion about some issues regarding Tarus asc. In this case,

Saturn is 9-10th lord. In this case, by default Sat forms DKY. So any individual

who was born with Tarus asc will automatically have DKY or placement of Saturn

determines the developement/manifestation of yoga.


Similary, Ven 1st and 6th lord. Combination of 1st and 6th lord is known as

Dhimanta yoga. is it all tarus asc people have Dhimanta yoga by defalt?


I am not getting the true picture of these two yogas with respect to Tarus asc.


Kindly criticize me.


Thank you




Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036




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Hello, This is a very good position as it gives Dharma Karma in live, you can

say like a mission in live, you are born to do what you are doing.

In 12 house can mean outside your own country working like to travel foreigen

places also it can mean that you work in separation, and also behind the scenes.

As Aries is the sign of your 12 house there can be a hang to adventurous work or

technology or science and even independent work is there to do.


Did not take a deep look at you chart , this is a scan as i see it now and know

my profession as Vedic Astrologer since 2004 in Amsterdam aswell as i study it

since 1998, i some time respons on this forum, because to make a holl profile of

a persoon takes much more time to do.


Sure this can help you to see if you are on the right way in life, i think you

are as i write before Dharma Karma is for this lagna Taurs and that is good,

sure also depending on the rest of your chart and transits of planets now and

dasha period


Friendly Greethings from Freddy Wissink, Amsterdam-Holland

tef: ++31(20)6226020 and mail freddywissink


MANOJ KAR <manoj_kar7 wrote: Dear

learned members,


I have a taurus lagna and saturn is the lord of 9th & 10th placed in 12th.


Kindly,have a look to my chart & pl inform about the different yoga.


DOB-7th OCT 1969







saumya ray chaudhuri <saumya wrote:

Dear Rafal Ji and other members, Namaskar

I need clear my confusion about some issues regarding Tarus asc. In this case,

Saturn is 9-10th lord. In this case, by default Sat forms DKY. So any individual

who was born with Tarus asc will automatically have DKY or placement of Saturn

determines the developement/manifestation of yoga.


Similary, Ven 1st and 6th lord. Combination of 1st and 6th lord is known as

Dhimanta yoga. is it all tarus asc people have Dhimanta yoga by defalt?


I am not getting the true picture of these two yogas with respect to Tarus asc.


Kindly criticize me.


Thank you




Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036



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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Saunya , Namaskar


Yes, you can say that. But Saravali says that You should look at

mooltikrona sign to know which house

will be lorded MORE. Its also refers to support, if LL and 6L being the

same planet is with benefic or Surya then it will act more llike Lagnesh

than 6L and then 11L will act like Rogesh (6L). Also there are other

rules like oddity and houses aspected. Shani is yogakaraka for Taurus

and it will give Raja Yoga per se, especially if connected to tenth

bhava in d3, d9, d10.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



saumya ray chaudhuri napisa?(a):


> Dear Rafal Ji and other members, Namaskar

> I need clear my confusion about some issues regarding Tarus asc. In

> this case, Saturn is 9-10th lord. In this case, by default Sat forms

> DKY. So any individual who was born with Tarus asc will automatically

> have DKY or placement of Saturn determines the

> developement/manifestation of yoga.


> Similary, Ven 1st and 6th lord. Combination of 1st and 6th lord is

> known as Dhimanta yoga. is it all tarus asc people have Dhimanta yoga

> by defalt?


> I am not getting the true picture of these two yogas with respect to

> Tarus asc.


> Kindly criticize me.


> Thank you

> Pranam

> Saumya


> Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

> IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036

> 09417727654



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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Manoj , Namaskar


Its very good yoga and can give rajayoga. Look at d9 and d10 how big it

will be. Also for rajayoga Ghatika Lagna

is important. Impact on fame and finances should be studied by looking

at Arudhapada. So position of Shukra will be very crucial.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



MANOJ KAR napisa?(a):


> Dear learned members,


> I have a taurus lagna and saturn is the lord of 9th & 10th placed in 12th.


> Kindly,have a look to my chart & pl inform about the different yoga.


> DOB-7th OCT 1969

> POB-Sambalpur, orissa

> TOB-08.04 PM (TUESDAY)


> regards

> manoj


> saumya ray chaudhuri <saumya (AT) rocketmail (DOT) com

> <saumya%40rocketmail.com>> wrote:

> Dear Rafal Ji and other members, Namaskar

> I need clear my confusion about some issues regarding Tarus asc. In

> this case, Saturn is 9-10th lord. In this case, by default Sat forms

> DKY. So any individual who was born with Tarus asc will automatically

> have DKY or placement of Saturn determines the developement/

> manifestation of yoga.


> Similary, Ven 1st and 6th lord. Combination of 1st and 6th lord is

> known as Dhimanta yoga. is it all tarus asc people have Dhimanta yoga

> by defalt?


> I am not getting the true picture of these two yogas with respect to

> Tarus asc.


> Kindly criticize me.


> Thank you

> Pranam

> Saumya


> Saumya Ray Chaudhuri

> IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036

> 09417727654


> ------------ --------- --------- ---

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