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help needed, consulted many astrologer

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pranam gurujan


my dob 2-9-1974, 8.59pm new delhi, suffering serius financial crisis.

met many astrologer, tried many remdial measures, as of now seems

nothing working. superficially looks many good combinations, but

sufferings are untolurable. practically havent earned significantly

from last 9 years, changed many buisness of different orgins


will be thankfull if gurujan have some replies




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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Ravi , Namaskar


Thats mistake which makes confusion. You should go to one astrologer.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


rvj5599 napisa?(a):


> pranam gurujan


> my dob 2-9-1974, 8.59pm new delhi, suffering serius financial crisis.

> met many astrologer, tried many remdial measures, as of now seems

> nothing working. superficially looks many good combinations, but

> sufferings are untolurable. practically havent earned significantly

> from last 9 years, changed many buisness of different orgins


> will be thankfull if gurujan have some replies


> regard

> ravi






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dear rafalji,


i agree we shud go to one astrologer, but nothings works,i met one

astrologer he said thinsg will be fine in 6 month when jupiter

change, but troubles kept on increasing, that made me to wander, if

things wud have changed, whu likes to go door to door for clarity.


anyway thnx for reply





-- In vedic astrology , Rafal Gendarz

<starsuponme wrote:


> *hare rama krsna*


> Dear Ravi , Namaskar


> Thats mistake which makes confusion. You should go to one



> Regards,

> Rafal Gendarz

> Sri Jagannath Center Guru

> email: rafal

> SkypeID: jyotraff1

> Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com


> rvj5599 napisa?(a):

> >

> > pranam gurujan

> >

> > my dob 2-9-1974, 8.59pm new delhi, suffering serius financial


> > met many astrologer, tried many remdial measures, as of now seems

> > nothing working. superficially looks many good combinations, but

> > sufferings are untolurable. practically havent earned


> > from last 9 years, changed many buisness of different orgins

> >

> > will be thankfull if gurujan have some replies

> >

> > regard

> > ravi

> >

> >




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Prima-facie, nothing seems to be seriously wrong. Earning sufficiently is a

subjective thing. Then, what is the source of your TOB ? See your lagna

itself can be wrong. First ascertain it correctly with the help of detailed

life trends. Yes, you are correct about how the astrologers (quakes ?)

behave. However, one should understand that astrology is a very difficult

subject and miraculous predictions are not possible. *But, *a sound

astrologer can definitely give you reasonably correct life trends even with

some time frame provided he gets correct TOB and finetune it with his

rectification skills.


Praveen Kumar


On Jan 15, 2008 7:08 PM, rvj5599 <rvj5599 wrote:


> pranam gurujan


> my dob 2-9-1974, 8.59pm new delhi, suffering serius financial crisis.

> met many astrologer, tried many remdial measures, as of now seems

> nothing working. superficially looks many good combinations, but

> sufferings are untolurable. practically havent earned significantly

> from last 9 years, changed many buisness of different orgins


> will be thankfull if gurujan have some replies


> regard

> ravi







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Hello Ravi,


If you are very sure of your time of birth, here are some of the

things in your horoscope which might be causing you trouble:


1. Jupiter is retrograde and its drishti to lagna is 45 degress which

is bad. Hence Jupiter Dasa and Antardasas are always quite bad for you.


2. Ketu in second house having 45 degrees drishti to Lagna, and Rahu in

8th house having 135 degrees drishti is quite bad. Hence Rahu/Ketu

Dasha and Antardashas are always quite bad for you.


3. Saturn is in 3rd house and also in Mercury's house, also his drishti

to lagna is around 76 degrees, which is good. But in Navamsha chart his

is debilitated in 12th house. Hence even though looking at your main

chart any astrologer might tell you that Saturn Dasha is very good for

you. But in fact Saturn is doing bad for you most of the time. Hence

his dasha from 1984 to 2003 was inherently not good for you even though

from an external point of view you might be leading a good life.


The other main reason why Saturn dasha was not good for you is that his

Upagrahas, Gulika and Mandi in 12th nad 1st houses respectively are not

quite good. Also, the subplanet Indrachapa is along with Saturn in

Gemini. In the dasha of the planet conjoining the subplanet, the

effects of the subplanet are seen. Hence the effects of Indrachapa in

3rd house might have been seen in Saturn Dasha, such as : Ill

reputation due to mistakes in job, devoid of friends and well-wishers,

convoluted in household matters.


Also Saturn doesnt give any major yogas in your chart, hence the

effects of other yogas (given by other planets) was not seen during

Saturn Dasha.


If I am right, the period between 1997 to 2001 was very bad for you,

because Saturn Dasha and Rahu Antardasha was running.


The period of 1990 to 1993 was quite good for you as Saturn Dasha and

Venus Antar dasha was running, and Venus is good in your chart (he is

also the Amatya karaka).


4. Now coming to the present dasha, Mercury:

Even though Mercury is exalted, he is exalted at just 0 degrees 36

minutes, also his drishti to lagna is almost 150 degrees, which is just

average. Hence the period between 2003 to 2020 might be good for you

but not very good. This period will definitely not be as bad as Saturn

Dasha, that is for sure. Also Mercury gives some good rajayogas in your

chart, hence you will acquire, fame, money, etc in this dasha.


Presently you are running Venus antardasha from 2006 May to 2009 March.

This period is excellent for you, especially with respect to job,

because Venus is not only the Amatyakaraka but also he is aspecting the

10th house. Also his drishti to Mercury the Lord of the Dasha, is 60

degrees which is very good.


You will achieve success and get fame even in Sun Antardasha in 2009,

but you might have some mental worries as Jupiter is in 1st house in

transit in 2009.


2007 was bad for you because Jupiter was in 10th house in transit for

you, and here Jupiter spoils one's career.

But Jupiter transited to Sagittarius (11th house for you) in November

2007, and 11th house is extremely good, hence you will get whatever you

wish for this year 2008, especially after February 2008 till May 2009.

This period is fantastic for you. You can take my word for it. Your

career life will be very good, you will get a good job if you try

during this period. You finacial situation will become very good. In

general all good things will happen to you during this period. It is

excellent period for you. Please work hard and you will definitely

achieve success and fame and finance during this period and also

throughout your life. All other things are good in your chart, there

are so many yogas in your chart, only thing is that because of Saturn

Dasha, you experienced bad things in life.


For remedy, please chant Navagraha Matras, and especially pray to Lord

Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman, and perform their pooja, because

they are the presiding deities for the planets Mercury, Jupiter and

Saturn respectively. GOD bless you and all the best.









vedic astrology , " rvj5599 " <rvj5599 wrote:


> pranam gurujan


> my dob 2-9-1974, 8.59pm new delhi, suffering serius financial crisis.

> met many astrologer, tried many remdial measures, as of now seems

> nothing working. superficially looks many good combinations, but

> sufferings are untolurable. practically havent earned significantly

> from last 9 years, changed many buisness of different orgins


> will be thankfull if gurujan have some replies


> regard

> ravi


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