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help needed, consulted many astrologer 15/1

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ur post is misleading


one hand u say u earned a lot and other suffering


to make it simple give what u did from when to when and what was the closing

periods, what line did u deal in etc


as far as current periods is


U r running budha dasa ur 6th lord who is exalted so getting a OD or loan

facilities are pretty easy, have strong competitiors a good work force but is

not stable to help u move up


as u have been in sade saat as well since the past 5 years and though the peak

is peast the weakest in terms of Bindhus is now till 9/9/09 after this slowly

things will improve




during sade saat many relationships of know people would have suffered due to


ur mothr and her circles have sufferedfrom health and financial issues as well,

ur working hours are higher and returns far low esp realising the bills is a

huge job a lot of delays everywhere.


try the prayers said rest is going to improve in time to come esp after 25/12/08




best wishes


G B Prashant Kumar


Pl give personal data with verifable life event dates=jobs, marriage, family,

kids, high/low times. Picture or 2 for Lagna features check to my ID

pkgoteti, Services of this astrologer in the group only are FREE!

personal consultations ARE CHARGEABLE! Mobile 09840051861 Chennai, India Me

Shuba Vela!





rvj5599 <rvj5599

vedic astrology

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 7:08:51 PM

[vedic astrology] help needed, consulted many astrologer


pranam gurujan


my dob 2-9-1974, 8.59pm new delhi, suffering serius financial crisis.

met many astrologer, tried many remdial measures, as of now seems

nothing working. superficially looks many good combinations, but

sufferings are untolurable. practically havent earned significantly

from last 9 years, changed many buisness of different orgins


will be thankfull if gurujan have some replies











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