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Rafalji - Interesting horoscope - Your thoughts on the analysis

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Hare ramakrishna.


dear kiran ji .




The above chart i feel she will hav problems in married life ,esp this

dasa of rahu -sani .Rahu can also give effect of sani and vice versa .




U can see sani is in 8th from karaka for marriage venus .




and rahu in maraka place for self and also in 8th from 7th house .




If she is not married already now from april onwards marriage is

possible .




Venus in 12th is not bad esp when its exalted ,but as 7th lord in 12th (

its as if hiding ) so quality of married life may be affected.




Even its possible husband may be living seperate because of job or some

thing and so the married life is affected .




Jup in 9th shud protect her marriage from any mishaps to husband .






pls negate or confirm .


regrds sunil nair .


om shreem mahalaxmai namah .





vedic astrology , " kiran.rama " <rkirana



> I have a very interesting chart of a girl - Want to check on her

> married life


> Date of birth: 14-Apr-1984

> Time of birth: 7-05 AM

> Place of birth: Brahmavar, Karnataka


> My analysis is as follows:


> Girl has Aries lagna, Virgo Rasi.

> * 7H is Libra - 7H Lord is in 12H in dustana (12 H is house of loss -

> can indicate separation/divorce - possibility - must be verified by

> further indications)

> * 7H Lord Venus (also natural significator for spouse) is in 12H and

> is exalted in 12H in Pisces (will it cancel out separation indicated

> by the 12H)

> * Natural Malefic Saturn is in his own house in the 7H (ceases to be

> malefic in this case as he is in his own house and will not harm it,

> further he is the lord of the 10th and 11th houses - both sustanas)

> * Natural Malefic Sun is aspecting the 7H by graha drishti. Ceases to

> be malefic as he is vargottama

> * Mercury is also aspecting the 7H by graha drishti. He is with Sun in

> lagna and Sun being vargottama and hence benefic is having benefic

> drishti on 7H.


> What should we overall tell for this horoscope?

> Rafalji, I need your help here - In my opinion, I feel the effect of

> 7H in 12 H(house of loss) is being evened out here. What is your



> Thanks in advance

> kiran







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Dear Kiran Ji,

Can you please give the co-ordicates of her place of birth ?


Ramesh Mishra


sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:



Hare ramakrishna.


dear kiran ji .


The above chart i feel she will hav problems in married life ,esp this

dasa of rahu -sani .Rahu can also give effect of sani and vice versa .


U can see sani is in 8th from karaka for marriage venus .


and rahu in maraka place for self and also in 8th from 7th house .


If she is not married already now from april onwards marriage is

possible .


Venus in 12th is not bad esp when its exalted ,but as 7th lord in 12th (

its as if hiding ) so quality of married life may be affected.


Even its possible husband may be living seperate because of job or some

thing and so the married life is affected .


Jup in 9th shud protect her marriage from any mishaps to husband .


pls negate or confirm .


regrds sunil nair .


om shreem mahalaxmai namah .


vedic astrology , " kiran.rama " <rkirana



> I have a very interesting chart of a girl - Want to check on her

> married life


> Date of birth: 14-Apr-1984

> Time of birth: 7-05 AM

> Place of birth: Brahmavar, Karnataka


> My analysis is as follows:


> Girl has Aries lagna, Virgo Rasi.

> * 7H is Libra - 7H Lord is in 12H in dustana (12 H is house of loss -

> can indicate separation/divorce - possibility - must be verified by

> further indications)

> * 7H Lord Venus (also natural significator for spouse) is in 12H and

> is exalted in 12H in Pisces (will it cancel out separation indicated

> by the 12H)

> * Natural Malefic Saturn is in his own house in the 7H (ceases to be

> malefic in this case as he is in his own house and will not harm it,

> further he is the lord of the 10th and 11th houses - both sustanas)

> * Natural Malefic Sun is aspecting the 7H by graha drishti. Ceases to

> be malefic as he is vargottama

> * Mercury is also aspecting the 7H by graha drishti. He is with Sun in

> lagna and Sun being vargottama and hence benefic is having benefic

> drishti on 7H.


> What should we overall tell for this horoscope?

> Rafalji, I need your help here - In my opinion, I feel the effect of

> 7H in 12 H(house of loss) is being evened out here. What is your



> Thanks in advance

> kiran




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*hare rama krsna*


Dear Kiran , Namaskar


I couldnt find the city, but based on Rasi positions:


1. 7L in twelfth doesnt bring seperation. It can give spouse from poor

background, but here Shukra is exalted and that will give also comforts

to Rasi and will remove daridra yoga. So getting spouse and marriage is

important from comforts and financial view. Guru is strong so spouse

will be healthy and native will be principled and moral, very respectful

to teacher and very inteligent, dynamic and courageous.

2. Shani will harm as its debilitated in Navamsa.

3. Sun is never bad for marriage - read Jaimini

4. Me-Sa Yoga is giving problems with fertility and can give homosexual



Now my analysis:


1. I think that Surya is in sankranti. So shani will give problem,

sitting in seventh bhava it will definitely give problems in marriage,

as Shukra is in MKS from that house.

2. Ke is cursed and that will cause breakages in maritial life due to

natives bad attitude.

3. Way out is Kali sadhana, Ganesha mantra, Trayambaka Jyotriling and

feeding people.

4. Look that Shukra and 7L are in sixth from Shani which is AK - thats

bad for marriage.


Rest is navamsa.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



kiran.rama napisa?(a):


> I have a very interesting chart of a girl - Want to check on her

> married life


> Date of birth: 14-Apr-1984

> Time of birth: 7-05 AM

> Place of birth: Brahmavar, Karnataka


> My analysis is as follows:


> Girl has Aries lagna, Virgo Rasi.

> * 7H is Libra - 7H Lord is in 12H in dustana (12 H is house of loss -

> can indicate separation/divorce - possibility - must be verified by

> further indications)

> * 7H Lord Venus (also natural significator for spouse) is in 12H and

> is exalted in 12H in Pisces (will it cancel out separation indicated

> by the 12H)

> * Natural Malefic Saturn is in his own house in the 7H (ceases to be

> malefic in this case as he is in his own house and will not harm it,

> further he is the lord of the 10th and 11th houses - both sustanas)

> * Natural Malefic Sun is aspecting the 7H by graha drishti. Ceases to

> be malefic as he is vargottama

> * Mercury is also aspecting the 7H by graha drishti. He is with Sun in

> lagna and Sun being vargottama and hence benefic is having benefic

> drishti on 7H.


> What should we overall tell for this horoscope?

> Rafalji, I need your help here - In my opinion, I feel the effect of

> 7H in 12 H(house of loss) is being evened out here. What is your analysis?


> Thanks in advance

> kiran






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Dear Rafal Gendarz

the town of BHRAVARAM is 10 km North of Udipi. The co-ordinates are 77E35,17 N


I hope this helps



alternate email is raichurar:Location Bombay India



Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 16 January, 2008 9:39:47 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Rafalji - Interesting horoscope - Your thoughts

on the analysis














*hare rama krsna*




Dear Kiran , Namaskar




I couldnt find the city, but based on Rasi positions:




1. 7L in twelfth doesnt bring seperation. It can give spouse from poor


background, but here Shukra is exalted and that will give also comforts


to Rasi and will remove daridra yoga. So getting spouse and marriage is


important from comforts and financial view. Guru is strong so spouse


will be healthy and native will be principled and moral, very respectful


to teacher and very inteligent, dynamic and courageous.


2. Shani will harm as its debilitated in Navamsa.


3. Sun is never bad for marriage - read Jaimini


4. Me-Sa Yoga is giving problems with fertility and can give homosexual






Now my analysis:




1. I think that Surya is in sankranti. So shani will give problem,


sitting in seventh bhava it will definitely give problems in marriage,


as Shukra is in MKS from that house.


2. Ke is cursed and that will cause breakages in maritial life due to


natives bad attitude.


3. Way out is Kali sadhana, Ganesha mantra, Trayambaka Jyotriling and


feeding people.


4. Look that Shukra and 7L are in sixth from Shani which is AK - thats


bad for marriage.




Rest is navamsa.






Rafal Gendarz


Sri Jagannath Center Guru


email: rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com


SkypeID: jyotraff1


Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa. com




kiran.rama napisa?(a):




> I have a very interesting chart of a girl - Want to check on her


> married life




> Date of birth: 14-Apr-1984


> Time of birth: 7-05 AM


> Place of birth: Brahmavar, Karnataka




> My analysis is as follows:




> Girl has Aries lagna, Virgo Rasi.


> * 7H is Libra - 7H Lord is in 12H in dustana (12 H is house of loss -


> can indicate separation/divorce - possibility - must be verified by


> further indications)


> * 7H Lord Venus (also natural significator for spouse) is in 12H and


> is exalted in 12H in Pisces (will it cancel out separation indicated


> by the 12H)


> * Natural Malefic Saturn is in his own house in the 7H (ceases to be


> malefic in this case as he is in his own house and will not harm it,


> further he is the lord of the 10th and 11th houses - both sustanas)


> * Natural Malefic Sun is aspecting the 7H by graha drishti. Ceases to


> be malefic as he is vargottama


> * Mercury is also aspecting the 7H by graha drishti. He is with Sun in


> lagna and Sun being vargottama and hence benefic is having benefic


> drishti on 7H.




> What should we overall tell for this horoscope?


> Rafalji, I need your help here - In my opinion, I feel the effect of


> 7H in 12 H(house of loss) is being evened out here. What is your analysis?




> Thanks in advance


> kiran









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